[Checkins] SVN: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/ removed the "check out packages from subversion" feature.

Wolfgang Schnerring wosc at wosc.de
Wed Sep 30 03:15:49 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 104635:
  removed the "check out packages from subversion" feature.

  U   z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/setup.py
  U   z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/README.txt
  U   z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/recipe.py
  U   z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/testing.py

Modified: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-09-30 06:44:35 UTC (rev 104634)
+++ z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-09-30 07:15:49 UTC (rev 104635)
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
 0.11 (unreleased)
-- Nothing changed yet.
+- Removed the "check out packages from subversion" feature.
+  If you require such functionality, mr.developer
+  <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mr.developer> provides this much more
+  comprehensively (and for multiple version control systems, too) .
 0.10 (2009-09-28)
@@ -28,7 +30,6 @@
 - Changed the default master script name to the part name. (Don't add
   a "test-" prefix any more.)
 0.7 (2009-08-13)

Modified: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/setup.py
--- z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/setup.py	2009-09-30 06:44:35 UTC (rev 104634)
+++ z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/setup.py	2009-09-30 07:15:49 UTC (rev 104635)
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
     package_dir = {'': 'src'},
     namespace_packages=['z3c', 'z3c.recipe'],
-        'infrae.subversion>=1.4.5',

Modified: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/README.txt
--- z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/README.txt	2009-09-30 06:44:35 UTC (rev 104634)
+++ z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/README.txt	2009-09-30 07:15:49 UTC (rev 104635)
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
   (default: empty)
 - ``script``: the name of the runner script (defaults to the part name)
-- ``svn_url``: SVN repository to search for packages instead of using releases
-  (see below)
-- ``svn_directory``: directory to place checkouts in (default: parts/<partname>)
 >>> cd(sample_buildout)
 >>> write('buildout.cfg', """
 ... [buildout]
@@ -60,56 +56,7 @@
-Using SVN checkouts
-When you set an ``svn_url``, the test runners will not refer to released
-eggs, but rather use development-egg links to SVN checkouts of the trunks of
-each package (the checkouts are placed in ``svn_directory``).
-Note: Even though the generated testrunners will use development-egg links, this
-does not change the develop-eggs for your buildout itself. We check that before
-the installation of the recipe, there's just the single develop-egg link of the
-package we're working on:
->>> ls('develop-eggs')
-- z3c.recipe.compattest.egg-link
->>> write('buildout.cfg', """
-... [buildout]
-... parts = compattest-trunk
-... [kgs]
-... packages = z3c.recipe.compattest zope.dottedname
-... [compattest-trunk]
-... recipe = z3c.recipe.compattest
-... include = ${kgs:packages}
-... svn_url = svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/
-... """)
->>> ignore = system(buildout)
-The checkouts are placed in the ``parts/`` folder by default, but you can
-override this by setting ``svn_directory`` -- so you can share checkouts
-between several buildouts, for example.
-Note that for packages that already exist as develop eggs (in our example,
-z3c.recipe.compattest), no checkout is performed.
->>> ls('parts/compattest-trunk')
-d zope.dottedname
-The testrunner uses the checked out version of zope.dottedname:
->>> cat('bin', 'compattest-trunk-zope.dottedname')
-But no additional develop-egg links are present:
->>> ls('develop-eggs')
-- z3c.recipe.compattest.egg-link
 Passing options to the test runners

Modified: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/recipe.py
--- z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/recipe.py	2009-09-30 06:44:35 UTC (rev 104634)
+++ z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/recipe.py	2009-09-30 07:15:49 UTC (rev 104635)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import infrae.subversion
 import os
 import pkg_resources
 import re
@@ -31,13 +30,6 @@
         self.script = self.options.get('script', self.name)
-        self.svn_url = self.options.get('svn_url', None)
-        if self.svn_url and self.svn_url[-1] != '/':
-            self.svn_url += '/'
-        self.svn_directory = self.options.get(
-            'svn_directory', os.path.join(
-            self.buildout['buildout']['parts-directory'], self.name))
         # gather options to be passed to the underlying testrunner
         self.testrunner_options = {}
         for opt in self.options:
@@ -46,42 +38,20 @@
                 self.testrunner_options[runner_opt] = self.options[opt]
     def install(self):
-        if self.svn_url:
-            if not os.path.exists(self.svn_directory):
-                os.mkdir(self.svn_directory)
         return self.update()
     def update(self):
         installed = []
-        if self.svn_url:
-            zc.buildout.easy_install.distribution_cache = {}
-            self._install_checkouts()
-        if self.svn_url:
-            self._remove_develop_eggs()
-            zc.buildout.easy_install.distribution_cache = {}
         return installed
     def _install_testrunners(self):
         installed = []
         for package in self.wanted_packages:
-            try:
-                ws = self._working_set(package)
-                package_ = ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package))
-                extras = '[' + ','.join(package_.extras) + ']'
-            except zc.buildout.easy_install.MissingDistribution, e:
-                if e.data[0].project_name == package and not self.svn_url:
-                    # This package has a project in subversion but no
-                    # release (yet). We'll ignore it for now.
-                    print "No release found for %s. Ignoring." % package
-                    self.wanted_packages.remove(package)
-                    continue
-                raise
+            ws = self._working_set(package)
+            package_ = ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package))
+            extras = '[' + ','.join(package_.extras) + ']'
             options = self.testrunner_options.copy()
             options['eggs'] = package + extras
@@ -117,35 +87,3 @@
         eggs = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(self.buildout, self.name, dict(eggs=package))
         _, ws = eggs.working_set()
         return ws
-    def _install_checkouts(self):
-        self.develop_eggs = []
-        eggdir = self.buildout['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']
-        egg_links = os.listdir(eggdir)
-        installed_develop_eggs = [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in egg_links]
-        checkout_list = []
-        for package in self.wanted_packages:
-            if package in installed_develop_eggs:
-                continue
-            working_copy = os.path.join(self.svn_directory, package)
-            checkout_list.append('%s%s/trunk %s' % (self.svn_url, package,
-                                                  package))
-            self.develop_eggs.append(package)
-        recipe = infrae.subversion.Recipe(self.buildout, self.name, dict(
-            urls='\n'.join(checkout_list),
-            location=self.svn_directory,
-            as_eggs='true',
-            no_warnings='true',
-            ))
-        recipe.newest = True
-        recipe.update()
-    def _remove_develop_eggs(self):
-        eggdir = self.buildout['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']
-        for egg_link in os.listdir(eggdir):
-            egg, _ = os.path.splitext(egg_link)
-            if egg in self.develop_eggs:
-                os.unlink(os.path.join(eggdir, egg_link))

Modified: z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/testing.py
--- z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/testing.py	2009-09-30 06:44:35 UTC (rev 104634)
+++ z3c.recipe.compattest/trunk/src/z3c/recipe/compattest/testing.py	2009-09-30 07:15:49 UTC (rev 104635)
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
         zc.buildout.testing.install('zope.testing', test)
         zc.buildout.testing.install('zope.interface', test)
         zc.buildout.testing.install('zope.exceptions', test)
-        zc.buildout.testing.install('infrae.subversion', test)
-        zc.buildout.testing.install('py', test)
         zc.buildout.testing.install('zope.dottedname', test)
     def tearDown(test):

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