[Checkins] SVN: developer_docs/trunk/source/ Add docs on development culture, coding style, conventions.

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Wed Apr 21 17:33:52 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 111241:
  Add docs on development culture, coding style, conventions.

  A   developer_docs/trunk/source/development-culture.rst
  U   developer_docs/trunk/source/index.rst

Added: developer_docs/trunk/source/development-culture.rst
--- developer_docs/trunk/source/development-culture.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ developer_docs/trunk/source/development-culture.rst	2010-04-21 21:33:52 UTC (rev 111241)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Zope Development Culture
+.. _coding-standards:
+Coding Standards
+As a general rule, projects in the ``Zope`` repository abide by the
+following standards:
+- Code in Zope-related projects should generally conform to `PEP 8 coding
+  style <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/>`_. In
+  particular, *Python code should never exceed 80 columns*.  Existing
+  code should be updated to this standard only conservatively, to ease
+  integration of patches made against older releases.
+- Project trunks should be kept in "ready-to-release" state:  all unit
+  tests pass, changelogs are kept updated, etc.
+- We prefer that each project's unit tests be runnable using the default
+  :mod:`setuptools` testrunner:
+  .. code-block: sh
+     $ /path/to/python setup.py test
+- Integation or functional tests may require a more elaborate test runner,
+  such as the one provoided by :mod:`zope.testrunner`.  Most projects have
+  built-in support for setting up this testrunner using :mod:`zc.buildout`.
+  (see :ref:`using-buildout`).
+- All features and APIs should be fully documented using Sphinx.
+- Solid release management, including releases to PyPI corresponding to
+  "pristine" tags, detailed change logs, etc.
+While some older projects may not be completely in line with this
+culture, we are committed to moving them all closer with any change.
+As a corollary:  if you are suubmitting a patch to a project in this
+repository, and you want expedite its acceptance, ensure that your patch
+maintains or improves the target project's conformance to these goals.
+See these other resources on coding style in Zope projects:
+- `Zope3 Coding Standards <http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/CodingStyle>`_
+- `Zope Toolkit Coding Style <http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit/codingstyle/index.html>`_
+.. _layout-conventions:
+Layout and Conventions
+Each project should consist of a single, top-level project folder in
+Subverion, containing three conventional folders:  ``trunk``, where the
+majority of development work occurs, ``tags``, containing the "pristine"
+tags made when releasing the project, and ``branches``, containing both
+"maintenance" branches where bug fixes to a released version might be
+made, and "development" branches, for work which would otherwise de-
+stabilize the trunk.
+Because we are mostly working on Python code here, the trunk and folders
+under the ``tags`` or ``branches`` folders are normally arranged as a
+:mod:`distutils` project, e.g.::
+  <directory>
+  - setup.py
+  - README.txt
+  - CHANGES.txt
+  + docs/
+    - Makefile
+    - conf.py
+    - index.rst
+    - api.rst
+    + .static/
+    + .build/
+    + .templates/
+  + package/
+    - __init__.py
+    + subpacakge/
+      - __init__.py
+      - module.py
+      + tests/
+        - __init__.py
+        - test_module.py
+      + templates/
+        - template.pt
+Many packages place the first-level ``package`` directory in a ``src``
+subdirectory inside the checkout.
+.. _using-buildout:
+Running Tests using :mod:`zc.buildout`
+Most projects in the Zope repository are already configured to support
+building in-place and running tests using :mod:`zc.buildout`.
+.. code-block:: sh
+   $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zope.event/trunk event-trunk
+   $ cd event-trunk
+   $ /opt/Python-2.6.5/bin/python bootstrap.py
+   ...
+   Generated script '/tmp/event-trunk/bin/buildout'.
+   $ bin/buidout
+   Develop: '/tmp/event-trunk/.'
+   ...
+   Generated script '/tmp/event-trunk/bin/test'.
+   $ bin/test --all
+   Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
+     Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
+     Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.006 seconds.
+   Tearing down left over layers:
+     Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.

Modified: developer_docs/trunk/source/index.rst
--- developer_docs/trunk/source/index.rst	2010-04-21 21:33:51 UTC (rev 111240)
+++ developer_docs/trunk/source/index.rst	2010-04-21 21:33:52 UTC (rev 111241)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+   development-culture
 Zope Subversion Repository

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