[Checkins] SVN: bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst updated to reflect new changes in beta 1

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 23:01:32 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 111473:
  updated to reflect new changes in beta 1

  U   bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst

Modified: bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst
--- bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst	2010-04-27 02:47:57 UTC (rev 111472)
+++ bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst	2010-04-27 03:01:32 UTC (rev 111473)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
   $ paster create -t bluebream
   Selected and implied templates:
     bluebream#bluebream  A BlueBream project, base template
@@ -67,75 +68,26 @@
     egg:      ticketcollector
     package:  ticketcollector
     project:  ticketcollector
-  Enter namespace_package (Namespace package name) ['ticketcollector']: tc
-  Enter main_package (Main package name (under the namespace)) ['main']:
-  Enter interpreter (Name of custom Python interpreter) ['breampy']:
-  Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['0.1']:
+  Enter python_package (Main Python package (with namespace, if any)) ['ticketcollector']: tc.main
+  Enter interpreter (Name of custom Python interpreter) ['breampy']: 
+  Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['0.1']: 
   Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: Ticket Collector
   Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']: An issue tracking application
-  Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']:
+  Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']: 
   Enter author (Author name) ['']: Baiju M
   Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: baiju at example.com
-  Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']:
+  Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']: 
   Enter license_name (License name) ['']: ZPL
-  Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]:
+  Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]: 
   Creating template bluebream
   Creating directory ./ticketcollector
-    Copying bootstrap.py to ./ticketcollector/bootstrap.py
-    Copying buildout.cfg_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/buildout.cfg
-    Copying debug.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/debug.ini
-    Copying deploy.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/deploy.ini
-    Recursing into etc
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/etc/
-      Copying site.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/etc/site.zcml
-    Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/setup.py
-    Recursing into src
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/src/
-      Recursing into +namespace_package+
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/
-        Recursing into +main_package+
-          Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/
-          Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/__init__.py
-          Copying configure.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
-          Copying debug.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/debug.py
-          Copying securitypolicy.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/securitypolicy.zcml
-          Copying startup.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/startup.py
-          Recursing into tests
-            Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests/
-            Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests/__init__.py
-            Copying ftesting.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests/ftesting.zcml
-            Copying tests.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests/tests.py
-          Recursing into welcome
-            Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/
-            Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/__init__.py
-            Copying app.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/app.py
-            Copying configure.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/configure.zcml
-            Copying ftests.txt_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/ftests.txt
-            Copying index.pt to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/index.pt
-            Copying interfaces.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/interfaces.py
-            Recursing into static
-              Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/static/
-              Copying logo.png to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/static/logo.png
-              Copying style.css to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/static/style.css
-            Copying views.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/welcome/views.py
-        Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/__init__.py
-      Recursing into +package+.egg-info
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/
-        Copying PKG-INFO to ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/PKG-INFO
-    Recursing into templates
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/templates/
-      Copying zope_conf.in to ./ticketcollector/templates/zope_conf.in
-    Recursing into var
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/var/
-      Recursing into filestorage
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/
-        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/README.txt
-      Recursing into log
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/log/
-        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/log/README.txt
-    Copying versions.cfg to ./ticketcollector/versions.cfg
-  Running /usr/bin/python setup.py egg_info
+  Your project has been created! Now, you want to:
+  1) put the generated files under version control
+  2) run: python boostrap.py
+  3) run: ./bin/buildout
 As you can see above we have provided most of the project details.
 The values you provided here may be changed later, however changing
 the package name or the namespace package name may not be as easy as
@@ -149,8 +101,8 @@
 directories and files::
   jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ ls -CF
-  bootstrap.py  debug.ini   etc/      src/        var/
-  buildout.cfg  deploy.ini  setup.py  templates/  versions.cfg
+  bootstrap.py  debug.ini   etc/      src/  versions.cfg
+  buildout.cfg  deploy.ini  setup.py  var/
 Once the project directory layout is ready you can add it to your
 version control system.  You **should not** add
@@ -231,17 +183,10 @@
 build the application, but before doing this let's have a look at the
 content of ``buildout.cfg``::
-  [config]
-  site_zcml = etc/site.zcml
-  blob = var/blob
-  filestorage = var/filestorage
-  log = var/log
   develop = .
   extends = versions.cfg
   parts = app
-          zope_conf
@@ -253,56 +198,23 @@
   interpreter = breampy
-  [zope_conf]
-  recipe = collective.recipe.template
-  input = templates/zope_conf.in
-  output = etc/zope.conf
   recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
   eggs = ticketcollector
 The buildout configuration file is divided into multiple sections
 called *parts*.  The main part is called ``[buildout]``, and that is
-given as the second part in the above configuration file.  We have
-added a part named ``[config]`` for convenience which includes some
-common options referred to from other places.  Each part will be
+given as the first part in the above configuration file.  Each part will be
 handled by the Buildout plugin mechanism called recipes except for
-``[buildout]`` and ``[config]``.  ``[buildout]`` is handled specially
-by Buildout as it contains general settings and ``[config]`` only
-contains options used for other parts.
+``[buildout]``.  ``[buildout]`` is handled specially
+by Buildout as it contains general settings.
-We will look at each part here.  Let's start with ``[config]``::
-  [config]
-  site_zcml = etc/site.zcml
-  blob = var/blob
-  filestorage = var/filestorage
-  log = var/log
-The ``[config]`` is kind of abstract part which exists for
-convenience to hold options used by other parts and is an idiom in
-many projects using Buildout.  In this configuration the options
-provided are _not_ used by other parts directly, but all are used in
-one template given in the ``[zope_conf]`` part.  Here is details
-about each options:
-- ``site_zcml`` -- this is the location where final ``site.zcml``
-  file is residing.
-- ``blob`` -- location where ZODB blob files are stored.
-- ``filestorage`` -- ZODB data files are stored here.
-- ``log`` -- All log files goes here.
 Let's look at the main ``[buildout]`` part::
   develop = .
   extends = versions.cfg
   parts = app
-          zope_conf
 The first option (``develop``) tells buildout that, the current
@@ -323,9 +235,7 @@
 include multiple configuration files.
 The ``parts`` option list all the parts to be built by Buildout.
-Buildout expects a recipe for each parts listed here.  Which means
-that you cannot include ``config`` part here as it doesn't have any
-recipe associated with it.
+Buildout expects a recipe for each parts listed here.
 Now let's look at the ``app`` part::
@@ -349,62 +259,6 @@
 created by this part.  The custom interpreter contains the paths to
 all eggs listed here and its dependencies.
-The ``[zope_conf]`` part creates the ``zope.conf`` from a template::
-  [zope_conf]
-  recipe = collective.recipe.template
-  input = templates/zope_conf.in
-  output = etc/zope.conf
-This part is fairly self explanatory, it creates a ``zope.conf`` file
-from the template file ``templates/zope_conf.in``.  This
-`collective.recipe.template recipe
-<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.recipe.template>`_ is very
-popular among Buildout users.  Here is the template file
-  # Identify the component configuration used to define the site:
-  site-definition ${config:site_zcml}
-  <zodb>
-      <filestorage>
-        path ${config:filestorage}/Data.fs
-        blob-dir ${config:blob}
-      </filestorage>
-  # Uncomment this if you want to connect to a ZEO server instead:
-  #  <zeoclient>
-  #    server localhost:8100
-  #    storage 1
-  #    # ZEO client cache, in bytes
-  #    cache-size 20MB
-  #    # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
-  #    #client zeo1
-  #  </zeoclient>
-  </zodb>
-  <eventlog>
-    # This sets up logging to both a file and to standard output (STDOUT).
-    # The "path" setting can be a relative or absolute filesystem path or
-    # the tokens STDOUT or STDERR.
-    <logfile>
-      path ${config:log}/z3.log
-      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
-    </logfile>
-    <logfile>
-      path STDOUT
-      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
-    </logfile>
-  </eventlog>
-  # Comment this line to disable developer mode.  This should be done in
-  # production
-  devmode on
 The last part creates the test runner::

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