[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/ Add test summarizer code as send to me by Stefan Holek.

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Tue Aug 24 02:24:29 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 115903:
  Add test summarizer code as send to me by Stefan Holek.

  A   Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/
  A   Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/summarizer.py

Added: Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/summarizer.py
--- Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/summarizer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/summarizer.py	2010-08-24 06:24:28 UTC (rev 115903)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Script to check pipermail archive for recent messages, and post a summary.
+$Id: list_summarizer.py,v 1.3 2009-07-16 17:41:33 stefan Exp $
+import sys
+import getopt
+import urllib2
+import re
+import datetime
+import pprint
+import StringIO
+import rfc822
+import smtplib
+from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
+from email.Utils import parseaddr
+from config import *
+__metaclass__ = type
+# Settings used by the script. You'll want to customize some of these.
+archive_url = 'http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/'
+archive_user = 'fred'
+archive_pass = 'secret'
+mailfrom = 'Zope tests summarizer <zopetests at z3u.com>'
+mailto = 'Zope-dev list <zope-dev at zope.org>'
+smtpserver = 'mail.z3u.com'
+# used when debugging
+print_not_email = True
+months = ("January February March April May June July August September "
+          "October November December").split()
+def create_subject_regex():
+    """Create a regex that parses subjects like these:
+    OK -- anything at all -- Description
+    FAIL -- anything -- Descrcription
+    FAIL (failures=1) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (errors=10) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (errors=23, failures=3) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (failures=3, errors=2) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (errors=23 failures=3) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (failures=3 errors=2) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (errors:23, failures:3) -- anything -- description
+    FAIL (failures:3, errors:2) -- anything -- description
+    FAILED (errors=1): Test ZODB MVCC / Python 2.3 / Linux
+    OK: Test Zope 2.7 / Python 2.3 / Linux
+    TODO: Write these examples as a DocTest.
+    """
+    ok_or_fail = r"(?P<success>OK|FAIL(ED)?)"
+    failures_errors = (r"failures[=:](?P<failures1>\d+)"
+                       r"(,?\s*errors[=:](?P<errors1>\d+))?")
+    errors_failures = (r"errors[=:](?P<errors2>\d+)"
+                       r"(,?\s*failures[=:](?P<failures2>\d+))?")
+    success = (r"%(ok_or_fail)s"
+               r"(\s*[(]"
+               r"(%(failures_errors)s|%(errors_failures)s)"
+               r"[)])?"
+               ) % vars()
+    anything = r"(?P<anything>.*?)"
+    description = r"(?P<description1>.*?)"
+    full_regex = (r"^%(success)s"
+                  r":?\s+(?P<description2>.*)|"
+                  r"\s+--\s+"
+                  r"%(anything)s"
+                  r"\s+--\s+"
+                  r"%(description)s$"
+                  ) % vars()
+    return re.compile(full_regex)
+subject_regex = create_subject_regex()
+def get_archive(year, month):
+    """Returns a list of the URLs archived for the given year and month.
+    If there is nothing at the appropriate URL for that year and month,
+    returns an empty list.
+    """
+    if not (1 <= month <= 12):
+        raise ValueError, month
+    stem = archive_url + ('%s-%s' % (year, months[month-1]))
+    url = '%s/date.html' % stem
+    try:
+        f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    except urllib2.HTTPError, eee:
+        if eee.code == 404:
+            return []
+        else:
+            raise
+    data = f.read()
+    results = re.compile(r'(\d{6}.html)', re.M).findall(data)
+    return ['%s/%s' % (stem, result) for result in results]
+class Message:
+    """Represents a single message, scraped from the mail archive."""
+    def __init__(self, url, datetext, subject, fromaddr):
+        self.url = url
+        self.datetext = datetext
+        self.date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
+            rfc822.mktime_tz(rfc822.parsedate_tz(self.datetext))
+            )
+        self.fromaddr = fromaddr
+        self.subject = ' '.join(subject.split())
+        subject_search = subject_regex.search(self.subject)
+        self.subjectparsed = bool(subject_search)
+        if subject_search:
+            groups = subject_search.groupdict()
+            self.failed = groups['success'] != 'OK'
+            self.description = (groups['description1'] or
+                                groups['description2'])
+            self.anything = groups['anything']
+            self.failures = int(groups['failures1'] or
+                                groups['failures2'] or 0)
+            self.errors = int(groups['errors1'] or groups['errors2'] or 0)
+    def printToStream(self, stream):
+        print >>stream, "Subject: %s" % self.subject
+        print >>stream, "From: %s" % self.fromaddr
+        print >>stream, "Date: %s" % self.datetext
+        print >>stream, "URL: %s" % self.url
+def get_message(url):
+    """Returns a Message object from the message archived at the given URL."""
+    f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    data = f.read()
+    # Although the data on the web has lower-case tag names, for some reason
+    # these become upper-cased when retrieved using urllib2.
+    # There should be only one date, between <I> tags.
+    dates = re.compile(r'<I>([^<]*)</I>', re.M|re.I).findall(data)
+    if len(dates) != 1:
+        print "ERROR", dates
+        if not dates:
+            raise RuntimeError('Cannot find date')
+    datetext = dates[0]
+    # The subject and from-address should look like this:
+    #   <H1>[Zope-tests] subject line</H1>  <B>from address</B>
+    subjects = re.compile(r'<H1>\[%s\] ([^<]*)</H1>\s*'
+                           '<B>([^>]*)</B>' % list_name,
+                          re.M|re.I).findall(data)
+    if len(subjects) != 1:
+        print "ERROR", subjects
+        if subjects:
+            subject, fromaddr = subjects[0]
+        else:
+            subject, fromaddr = ['ERROR IN TEST AGGREGATOR'] * 2
+    else:
+        subject, fromaddr = subjects[0]
+    return Message(url, datetext, subject, fromaddr)
+def monthMinusOne(year, month):
+    """Takes a year and a 1-based month.
+    Returns as a two-tuple (year, month) the year and 1-based month of
+    the previous month.
+    """
+    if not (1 <= month <= 12):
+        raise ValueError, month
+    months = year * 12 + month - 1
+    y, m = divmod(months - 1, 12)
+    return y, m + 1
+def err_exit(msg, rc=1):
+    """Bails out."""
+    print >>sys.stderr, msg
+    sys.exit(rc)
+def main(argv):
+    """Do the work!
+    Get the list of URLs, get the appropriate messages, compose an email,
+    send it to the mailing list.
+    """
+    usage = 'Usage: list_summarizer.py -C zope|cmf|plone [-T isodate] [-D]'
+    selected_config = ''
+    selected_date = ''
+    debug_mode = 0
+    try:
+        options, arg = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hC:T:D')
+    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+        err_exit('%s\n%s' % (e.msg, usage))
+    for name, value in options:
+        if name == '-C':
+            selected_config = value.strip()+'_summarizer'
+        elif name == '-T':
+            selected_date = value.strip()
+        elif name == '-D':
+            debug_mode = 1
+        elif name == '-h':
+            err_exit(usage, 0)
+        else:
+            err_exit(usage)
+    if not configs.has_key(selected_config):
+        err_exit(usage)
+    config = configs[selected_config]
+    globals().update(config)
+    if debug_mode:
+        global mailto
+        mailto = debug_mailto
+    # All dates used are naive dates (no explicit tz).
+    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    now = now.replace(second=0)
+    if selected_date:
+        date = selected_date.replace('-', '')
+        y = int(date[0:4])
+        m = int(date[4:6])
+        d = int(date[6:8])
+        now = now.replace(year=y, month=m, day=d)
+    this_month_urls = get_archive(now.year, now.month)
+    last_month_year, last_month = monthMinusOne(now.year, now.month)
+    last_month_urls = get_archive(last_month_year, last_month)
+    # urls is a list of urls for this month an last month, most recent first.
+    urls = last_month_urls + this_month_urls
+    urls.reverse()
+    yesterday = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    # Get messages starting at the most recent message, and stopping when
+    # we run out of messages or when we get a message that was posted more
+    # than one day ago.
+    messages = []
+    for url in urls:
+        message = get_message(url)
+        if message.date >= tomorrow:
+            continue
+        if message.date < yesterday:
+            break
+        messages.append(message)
+    out = StringIO.StringIO()
+    print >>out, "Summary of messages to the %s list." % list_name
+    print >>out, "Period %s UTC to %s UTC." % (yesterday.ctime(), now.ctime())
+    # Nicely format the number of messages, and a summary of whom they are
+    # from.
+    if len(messages) == 0:
+        print >>out, "There were no messages."
+    elif len(messages) == 1:
+        print >>out, "There was 1 message, from %s" % messages[0].fromaddr
+    else:
+        print >>out, "There were %s messages:" % len(messages),
+        msgcount = {}
+        for message in messages:
+            addr = message.fromaddr
+            msgcount[addr] = msgcount.get(addr, 0) + 1
+        fromaddrs = msgcount.keys()
+        fromaddrs.sort()
+        print >>out, ', '.join(
+            ['%s from %s' % (msgcount[addr], addr) for addr in fromaddrs])+'.'
+    print >>out
+    # We want the messages to be oldest first, so reverse them.
+    messages.reverse()
+    fail_messages = []
+    ok_messages = []
+    unknown_messages = []
+    for message in messages:
+        if message.subjectparsed:
+            if message.failed:
+                fail_messages.append(message)
+            else:
+                ok_messages.append(message)
+        else:
+            unknown_messages.append(message)
+    def print_messages(title, message_list):
+        if message_list:
+            print >>out
+            print >>out, title
+            print >>out, '-' * len(title)
+            print >>out
+            for message in message_list:
+                message.printToStream(out)
+                print >>out
+    print_messages('Test failures', fail_messages)
+    print_messages('Unknown', unknown_messages)
+    print_messages('Tests passed OK', ok_messages)
+    subject_info = ['%s %s' % (val, txt)
+                    for val, txt in (len(ok_messages), 'OK'),
+                                    (len(fail_messages), 'Failed'),
+                                    (len(unknown_messages), 'Unknown')
+                    if val
+                    ]
+    if not subject_info:
+        subject_info = ['No messages']
+    subject = '%s%s' % (subject_prefix, ', '.join(subject_info))
+    if print_not_email:
+        print "Not sending this email."
+        print
+        print "Subject:", subject
+        print "From:", mailfrom
+        print "To:", mailto
+        print
+        print out.getvalue()
+    else:
+        body = "From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s" % (mailfrom, mailto, subject, out.getvalue())
+        fromname, fromaddr = parseaddr(mailfrom)
+        toname, toaddr = parseaddr(mailto)
+        s = smtplib.SMTP(mailhost, mailport)
+        s.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, body)
+        s.quit()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv[1:])

Property changes on: Sandbox/ctheune/testsummarizer/summarizer.py
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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