[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.traverser/trunk/src/grokcore/traverser/components.py copy to keep the histroy

Christian Klinger cklinger at novareto.de
Wed Dec 15 04:05:06 EST 2010

Log message for revision 118907:
  copy to keep the histroy

  A   grokcore.traverser/trunk/src/grokcore/traverser/components.py

Copied: grokcore.traverser/trunk/src/grokcore/traverser/components.py (from rev 118906, grok/trunk/src/grok/components.py)
--- grokcore.traverser/trunk/src/grokcore/traverser/components.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokcore.traverser/trunk/src/grokcore/traverser/components.py	2010-12-15 09:05:05 UTC (rev 118907)
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Base classes for Grok application components.
+When an application developer builds a Grok-based application, the
+classes they define each typically inherit from one of the base classes
+provided here.
+import simplejson
+import zope.location
+from zope import component
+from zope import interface
+from zope.securitypolicy.role import Role as securitypolicy_Role
+from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserPage
+from zope.publisher.interfaces import NotFound
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
+from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
+from zope.publisher.defaultview import getDefaultViewName
+from zope.container.interfaces import IReadContainer
+import grok
+import martian.util
+import grokcore.view
+import grokcore.site
+import grokcore.message
+from grok import interfaces, util
+# BBB this is for import backward compatibility.
+from grokcore.json import JSON
+from grokcore.content import Model, Container, OrderedContainer
+class Application(grokcore.site.Site):
+    """Mixin for creating Grok application objects.
+    When a `grok.Container` (or a `grok.Model`, though most developers
+    use containers) also inherits from `grok.Application`, it not only
+    gains the component registration abilities of a `grok.Site`, but
+    will also be listed in the Grok admin control panel as one of the
+    applications that the admin can install directly at the root of
+    their Zope database.
+    """
+    interface.implements(grokcore.site.interfaces.IApplication)
+class View(grokcore.view.View):
+    """The base class for views with templates in Grok applications.
+    Each class that inherits from `grok.View` is designed to "render" a
+    category of content objects by reducing them to a document (often an
+    HTML document).  Every view has a name, and is invoked when users
+    visit the URL of an eligible context object followed by the name of
+    the view itself::
+        http://example.com/app/folder/object/viewname
+    If the view name might conflict with actual content inside of the
+    context (in the above URL, the context might already contain an
+    attribute or item named ``viewname``), then the URL can be explicit
+    that it is asking for a view by preceding its name with ``@@``::
+        http://example.com/app/folder/object/@@viewname
+    Instead of returning a full document, views are sometimes used to
+    provide only a snippet of information for inclusion in some larger
+    document; the view can then be called from inside of another view's
+    page template::
+        <li tal:content="context/@@viewname">snippet goes here</li>
+    A view class can specify the category of objects that it can render
+    by calling the `grok.context()` directive with either a class or an
+    interface.  Otherwise, Grok will attempt to determine the context
+    automatically by searching the view's module for exactly one
+    `grok.Model` or `grok.Container` class (or some other class
+    providing the interface `IContext`) and using that class, if found.
+    Grok normally creates a view's name (the name used in URLs) by
+    downcasing the name of the view class itself.  The developer can
+    override this by supplying the `grok.name()` directive instead.
+    The view name ``index`` is special (this works whether the view
+    class itself is named ``Index``, or whether ``grok.name('index')``
+    is used instead).  A view named ``index`` is used to render an
+    object when the user visits its URL without appending a view name.
+    Each view needs to generate and return a document. There are two
+    ways of doing so: either the view can provide a `render()` method
+    that returns a document, or the view can be associated with a page
+    template that Grok will.  Page templates can be associated with a
+    view in three different ways:
+    * Grok will automatically associate a view with a page template
+      defined in an accompanying ``templates`` directory.  If a view
+      class ``MammothList`` occurs in a module ``<src>/animal.py``, for
+      example, then Grok will look for a page template with the name
+      ``<src>/animal_templates/mammothlist.pt``, where ``.pt`` can be
+      any page-template extension recognized by Grok.
+    * Grok will automatically associate a view with a page template
+      object in the same module whose name is the downcased name of the
+      view class itself.  For example, a view ``MammothList`` might be
+      defined in a module alongside an actual template instance named
+      ``mammothlist``.
+    * The developer can explicitly define the path to the page template
+      file by providing the ``grok.template()`` directive.
+    Before a page template is rendered, Grok will call the `update()`
+    method on the view, if one is supplied, which can pre-compute values
+    that the template will need to display.  Both `render()` methods and
+    `update()` methods will find the context for which the view is being
+    rendered under ``self.context``.
+    """
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokView)
+    def application_url(self, name=None, data=None):
+        """Return the URL of the nearest enclosing `grok.Application`."""
+        return util.application_url(self.request, self.context, name, data)
+    def flash(self, message, type='message'):
+        """Send a short message to the user."""
+        grokcore.message.send(message, type=type, name='session')
+class Form(grokcore.formlib.Form, View):
+    """The base class for forms in Grok applications.
+    A class that inherits from `grok.Form` is a `grok.View` whose
+    template will be given information about the fields in its context,
+    and use that information to render an HTML form for adding or
+    editing the form.  Generally developers use one of the subclasses:
+    * `grok.AddForm`
+    * `grok.DisplayForm`
+    * `grok.EditForm`
+    """
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+class AddForm(grokcore.formlib.AddForm, View):
+    """Base class for add forms in Grok applications."""
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+class DisplayForm(grokcore.formlib.DisplayForm, View):
+    """Base class for display forms in Grok applications."""
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+class EditForm(grokcore.formlib.EditForm, View):
+    """Base class for edit forms in Grok applications."""
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+class ViewishViewSupport(grokcore.view.ViewSupport):
+    def application_url(self, name=None, data=None):
+        return util.application_url(self.request, self.context, name, data)
+class XMLRPC(ViewishViewSupport):
+    """Base class for XML-RPC endpoints in Grok applications.
+    When an application creates a subclass of `grok.XMLRPC`, it is
+    creating an XML-RPC view.  Like other Grok views, each `grok.XMLRPC`
+    component can either use an explicit `grok.context()` directive to
+    specify the kind of object it wraps, or else Grok will look through
+    the same module for exactly one `grok.Model` or `grok.Container` (or
+    other `IGrokContext` implementor) and make that class its context
+    instead.
+    Every object that is an instance of the wrapped class or interface
+    becomes a legitimate XML-RPC server URL, offering as available
+    procedures whatever methods have been defined inside of that
+    `grok.XMLRPC` component.  When a method is called over XML-RPC, any
+    parameters are translated into normal Python data types and supplied
+    as normal positional arguments.  When the method returns a value or
+    raises an exception, the result is converted back into an XML-RPC
+    response for the client.  In both directions, values are marshalled
+    transparently to and from XML-RPC data structures.
+    During the execution of an XML-RPC method, the object whose URL was
+    used for the XML-RPC call is available as ``self.context``.
+    """
+class REST(zope.location.Location, ViewishViewSupport):
+    """Base class for REST views in Grok applications."""
+    interface.implements(interfaces.IREST)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = self.__parent__ = context
+        self.request = request
+class Traverser(object):
+    """Base class for traversers in Grok applications."""
+    interface.implements(IBrowserPublisher)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+        self.request = request
+    def browserDefault(self, request):
+        # if we have a RESTful request, we will handle
+        # GET, POST and HEAD differently (PUT and DELETE are handled already
+        # but not on the BrowserRequest layer but the HTTPRequest layer)
+        if interfaces.IRESTLayer.providedBy(request):
+            rest_view = component.getMultiAdapter(
+                (self.context, self.request), name=request.method)
+            return rest_view, ()
+        view_name = getDefaultViewName(self.context, request)
+        view_uri = "@@%s" % view_name
+        return self.context, (view_uri,)
+    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
+        subob = self.traverse(name)
+        if subob is not None:
+            return util.safely_locate_maybe(subob, self.context, name)
+        traversable_dict = grok.traversable.bind().get(self.context)
+        if traversable_dict:
+            if name in traversable_dict:
+                subob = getattr(self.context, traversable_dict[name])
+                if callable(subob):
+                    subob = subob()
+                return util.safely_locate_maybe(subob, self.context, name)
+        # XXX Special logic here to deal with containers.  It would be
+        # good if we wouldn't have to do this here. One solution is to
+        # rip this out and make you subclass ContainerTraverser if you
+        # wanted to override the traversal behaviour of containers.
+        if IReadContainer.providedBy(self.context):
+            item = self.context.get(name)
+            if item is not None:
+                return item
+        view = component.queryMultiAdapter((self.context, request), name=name)
+        if view is not None:
+            return view
+        raise NotFound(self.context, name, request)
+    def traverse(self, name):
+        # this will be overridden by subclasses
+        pass
+class ContextTraverser(Traverser):
+    """Base class for context traversers in Grok applications.
+    A context traverser is like a normal `grok.Traverser` but, instead
+    of supplying its own `traverse()` method, it directs Grok to go call
+    the ``traverse()`` method on the context itself in order to process
+    the next name in the URL.
+    """
+    component.adapts(interfaces.IContext, IHTTPRequest)
+    def traverse(self, name):
+        traverse = getattr(self.context, 'traverse', None)
+        if traverse:
+            return traverse(name)
+class ContainerTraverser(Traverser):
+    """Base class for container traversers in Grok applications.
+    A container traverser is like a normal `grok.Traverser` but, instead
+    of supplying its own ``traverse()`` method, Grok will either call
+    the ``traverse()`` method on the context itself, if any, else call
+    ``get()`` on the container (a getitem-style lookup) in order to
+    resolve the next name in the URL.
+    """
+    component.adapts(interfaces.IContainer, IHTTPRequest)
+    def traverse(self, name):
+        traverse = getattr(self.context, 'traverse', None)
+        if traverse:
+            result = traverse(name)
+            if result is not None:
+                return result
+        # try to get the item from the container
+        return self.context.get(name)
+class IndexesClass(object):
+    """Base class for index collections in a Grok application.
+    A `grok.Indexes` utility provides one or more Zope Database content
+    indexes for use in a `grok.Site` or `grok.Application`.  The site or
+    application that the indexes are intended for should be named with
+    the `grok.site()` directive, and the kind of object to index should
+    be named with a `grok.context()` directive.
+    Inside their class, the developer should specify one or more
+    `grok.index.Field` instances naming object attributes that should be
+    indexed (and therefore searchable)::
+        class ArticleIndex(grok.Indexes):
+            grok.site(Newspaper)
+            grok.context(Article)
+            author = index.Field()
+            title = index.Field()
+            body = index.Text()
+    See the `grok.index` module for more information on field types.
+    Note that indexes are persistent: they are stored in the Zope
+    database alongside the site or application that they index.  They
+    are created when the site or application is first created, and so an
+    already-created site will not change just because the definition of
+    one of its `grok.Indexes` changes; it will either have to be deleted
+    and re-created, or some other operation performed to bring its
+    indexes up to date.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None):
+        if attrs is None:
+            return
+        indexes = {}
+        for name, value in attrs.items():
+            # Ignore everything that's not an index definition object
+            # except for values set by directives
+            if '.' in name:
+                setattr(self, name, value)
+                continue
+            if not interfaces.IIndexDefinition.providedBy(value):
+                continue
+            indexes[name] = value
+        self.__grok_indexes__ = indexes
+        # __grok_module__ is needed to make defined_locally() return True for
+        # inline templates
+        self.__grok_module__ = martian.util.caller_module()
+Indexes = IndexesClass('Indexes')
+class Role(securitypolicy_Role):
+    """Base class for roles in Grok applications.
+    A role is a description of a class of users that gives them a
+    machine-readable name, a human-readable title, and a set of
+    permissions which users belong to that role should possess::
+        class Editor(grok.Role):
+            grok.name('news.Editor')
+            grok.title('Editor')
+            grok.permissions('news.EditArticle', 'news.PublishArticle')
+    """

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