[Checkins] SVN: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/ new stage

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 21:03:08 EST 2010

Log message for revision 108864:
  new stage

  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/ticket.py
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py
  A   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/access.log
  D   bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/z3.log

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/setup.py	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-      version='0.1',
-      description='Ticket Collector',
-      long_description="""\
-A ticket collector application""",
-      # Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
-      classifiers=[], 
-      keywords='',
-      author='Baiju M',
-      author_email='baiju at muthukadan.net',
-      url='',
-      license='ZPL',
-      package_dir={'': 'src'},
-      packages=find_packages('src'),
-      namespace_packages=['tc',],
-      include_package_data=True,
-      zip_safe=False,
-      install_requires=['setuptools',
-                        'zope.app.twisted',
-                        'zope.securitypolicy',
-                        'zope.component',
-                        'zope.annotation',
-                        'zope.app.dependable',
-                        'zope.app.appsetup',
-                        'zope.app.content',
-                        'zope.publisher',
-                        'zope.app.broken',
-                        'zope.app.component',
-                        'zope.app.generations',
-                        'zope.app.error',
-                        'zope.app.interface',
-                        'zope.app.publisher',
-                        'zope.app.security',
-                        'zope.app.form',
-                        'zope.app.i18n',
-                        'zope.app.locales',
-                        'zope.app.zopeappgenerations',
-                        'zope.app.principalannotation',
-                        'zope.app.basicskin',
-                        'zope.app.rotterdam',
-                        'zope.app.folder',
-                        'zope.app.wsgi',
-                        'zope.formlib',
-                        'zope.i18n',
-                        'zope.app.pagetemplate',
-                        'zope.app.schema',
-                        'zope.app.container',
-                        'zope.app.debug',
-                        'z3c.testsetup',
-                        'zope.app.testing',
-                        'zope.testbrowser',
-                        'zope.login',
-                        'zope.app.zcmlfiles',
-                        'z3c.layer.minimal',
-                        ],
-      entry_points = """
-      [paste.app_factory]
-      main = tc.main.startup:application_factory
-      [paste.global_paster_command]
-      shell = tc.main.debug:Shell
-      """,
-      )

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py (from rev 108860, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/setup.py)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/setup.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+      version='0.1',
+      description='Ticket Collector',
+      long_description="""\
+A ticket collector application""",
+      # Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
+      classifiers=[], 
+      keywords='',
+      author='Baiju M',
+      author_email='baiju at muthukadan.net',
+      url='',
+      license='ZPL',
+      package_dir={'': 'src'},
+      packages=find_packages('src'),
+      namespace_packages=['tc',],
+      include_package_data=True,
+      zip_safe=False,
+      install_requires=['setuptools',
+                        'zope.app.twisted',
+                        'zope.securitypolicy',
+                        'zope.component',
+                        'zope.annotation',
+                        'zope.app.dependable',
+                        'zope.app.appsetup',
+                        'zope.app.content',
+                        'zope.publisher',
+                        'zope.app.broken',
+                        'zope.app.component',
+                        'zope.app.generations',
+                        'zope.app.error',
+                        'zope.app.interface',
+                        'zope.app.publisher',
+                        'zope.app.security',
+                        'zope.app.form',
+                        'zope.app.i18n',
+                        'zope.app.locales',
+                        'zope.app.zopeappgenerations',
+                        'zope.app.principalannotation',
+                        'zope.app.basicskin',
+                        'zope.app.rotterdam',
+                        'zope.app.folder',
+                        'zope.app.wsgi',
+                        'zope.formlib',
+                        'zope.i18n',
+                        'zope.app.pagetemplate',
+                        'zope.app.schema',
+                        'zope.app.container',
+                        'zope.app.debug',
+                        'z3c.testsetup',
+                        'zope.app.testing',
+                        'zope.testbrowser',
+                        'zope.login',
+                        'zope.app.zcmlfiles',
+                        ],
+      entry_points = """
+      [paste.app_factory]
+      main = tc.main.startup:application_factory
+      [paste.global_paster_command]
+      shell = tc.main.debug:Shell
+      """,
+      )

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<title>Welcome to ticket collector</title>
-Welcome to ticket collector

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt (from rev 108860, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<title>Welcome to ticket collector</title>
+<a href="@@add_ticket">Add Ticket</a>

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/configure.zcml	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-   i18n_domain="tc.main"
-   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-   xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
-  <!-- The following registration (page) is _not_ required for
-       functioning your application.  This registration is given to
-       provide a default page when you access root folder from web
-       like: http://localhost:8080/ -->
-  <browser:page
-     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
-     name="index"
-     permission="zope.Public"
-     class=".views.RootDefaultView"
-     layer="tc.skin.interfaces.IBlueWaves"
-     />
-  <interface 
-     interface=".interfaces.ICollector" 
-     type="zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
-     /> 
-  <class class=".ticketcollector.Collector">
-    <implements
-       interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
-       />
-    <implements
-       interface="zope.container.interfaces.IContentContainer" 
-       />
-    <require
-       permission="zope.ManageContent"
-       interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
-       />
-    <require
-       permission="zope.ManageContent"
-       set_schema=".interfaces.ICollector"
-       />
-  </class>
-  <browser:page
-     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
-     name="add_ticket_collector"
-     permission="zope.ManageContent"
-     class=".views.AddTicketCollector"
-     />
-  <browser:page
-     for=".interfaces.ICollector"
-     name="index"
-     permission="zope.ManageContent"
-     class=".views.TicketCollectorMainView"
-     template="collectormain.pt"
-     />

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml (from rev 108860, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/configure.zcml)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/configure.zcml	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+   i18n_domain="tc.main"
+   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+   xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+  <!-- The following registration (page) is _not_ required for
+       functioning your application.  This registration is given to
+       provide a default page when you access root folder from web
+       like: http://localhost:8080/ -->
+  <browser:page
+     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
+     name="index"
+     permission="zope.Public"
+     class=".views.RootDefaultView"
+     layer="tc.skin.interfaces.IBlueWaves"
+     />
+  <interface 
+     interface=".interfaces.ICollector" 
+     type="zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
+     /> 
+  <class class=".ticketcollector.Collector">
+    <implements
+       interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
+       />
+    <implements
+       interface="zope.container.interfaces.IContentContainer" 
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       set_schema=".interfaces.ICollector"
+       />
+  </class>
+  <interface 
+     interface=".interfaces.ITicket" 
+     type="zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
+     /> 
+  <class class=".ticket.Ticket">
+    <implements
+       interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       interface=".interfaces.ITicket"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       set_schema=".interfaces.ITicket"
+       />
+  </class>
+  <browser:page
+     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
+     name="add_ticket_collector"
+     permission="zope.ManageContent"
+     class=".views.AddTicketCollector"
+     />
+  <browser:page
+     for=".interfaces.ICollector"
+     name="index"
+     permission="zope.ManageContent"
+     class=".views.TicketCollectorMainView"
+     template="collectormain.pt"
+     />
+  <browser:page
+     for=".interfaces.ICollector"
+     name="add_ticket"
+     permission="zope.ManageContent"
+     class=".views.AddTicket"
+     />

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/interfaces.py	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer
-from zope.schema import TextLine
-from zope.schema import Text
-class ICollector(IContainer):
-    """The main application container."""
-    name = TextLine(
-        title=u"Name",
-        description=u"Name of application.",
-        default=u"",
-        required=True)
-    description = Text(
-        title=u"Description",
-        description=u"The name of application container.",
-        default=u"",
-        required=False)
-class ITicket(Interface):
-    """ """
-    name = TextLine(
-        title=u"Name",
-        description=u"Name of application.",
-        default=u"",
-        required=True)

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py (from rev 108863, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/interfaces.py)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/interfaces.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer
+from zope.container.interfaces import IContained
+from zope.app.container.constraints import ContainerTypesConstraint
+from zope.app.container.constraints import ItemTypePrecondition
+from zope.schema import TextLine
+from zope.schema import Text
+from zope.schema import Field
+class ITicket(Interface):
+    """Ticket - the main content object"""
+    number = TextLine(
+        title=u"Number",
+        description=u"Ticket number",
+        default=u"",
+        required=True)
+    summary = TextLine(
+        title=u"Summary",
+        description=u"Ticket summary",
+        default=u"",
+        required=True)
+class ICollector(IContainer):
+    """The main application container"""
+    name = TextLine(
+        title=u"Name",
+        description=u"Name of application container",
+        default=u"",
+        required=True)
+    description = Text(
+        title=u"Description",
+        description=u"Description of application container",
+        default=u"",
+        required=False)
+    def __setitem__(name, object):
+        """Add an ICollector object."""
+    __setitem__.precondition = ItemTypePrecondition(ITicket)
+class ITicketContained(IContained):
+    """Interface that specifies the type of objects that can contain
+    tickets.  So a ticket can only contain in a collector."""
+    __parent__ = Field(
+        constraint = ContainerTypesConstraint(ICollector))

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/ticket.py (from rev 108863, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/ticket.py)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/ticket.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/ticket.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from zope.interface import implements
+from tc.main.interfaces import ITicket
+from tc.main.interfaces import ITicketContained
+from zope.location.contained import Contained
+class Ticket(Contained):
+    implements(ITicket, ITicketContained)
+    number = u""
+    summary = u""

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/views.py	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
-from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
-from zope.formlib import form
-from interfaces import ICollector
-from ticketcollector import Collector
-class AddTicketCollector(form.AddForm):
-    form_fields = form.Fields(ICollector)
-    def createAndAdd(self, data):
-        name = data['name']
-        description = data.get('description')
-        namechooser = INameChooser(self.context)
-        collector = Collector()
-        collector.name = name
-        collector.description = description
-        name = namechooser.chooseName(name, collector)
-        self.context[name] = collector
-        self.request.response.redirect(name)
-class TicketCollectorMainView(BrowserView):
-    pass
-class RootDefaultView(BrowserView):
-    def __call__(self):
-        return """\
-<html><head><title>Welcome to BlueBream!</title></head><body>
-<h1>Welcome to BlueBream!</h1>
-<li><a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bluebream">PyPI page</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://packages.python.org/bluebream">Documentation</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://launchpad.net/bluebream">Issue Tracker</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://wiki.zope.org/bluebream">Wiki</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://twitter.com/bluebream">Twitter</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-users">Mailing list</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=bluebream">IRC Channel: #bluebream at irc.freenode.net</a></li>
-<a href="@@login.html">Login</a>
-<a href="@@add">Add Sample application</a>

Copied: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py (from rev 108860, bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/src/tc/main/views.py)
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/src/tc/main/views.py	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
+from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
+from zope.formlib import form
+from tc.main.interfaces import ICollector
+from tc.main.interfaces import ITicket
+from tc.main.ticketcollector import Collector
+from tc.main.ticket import Ticket
+class AddTicketCollector(form.AddForm):
+    form_fields = form.Fields(ICollector)
+    def createAndAdd(self, data):
+        name = data['name']
+        description = data.get('description')
+        namechooser = INameChooser(self.context)
+        collector = Collector()
+        collector.name = name
+        collector.description = description
+        name = namechooser.chooseName(name, collector)
+        self.context[name] = collector
+        self.request.response.redirect(name)
+class TicketCollectorMainView(BrowserView):
+    pass
+class AddTicket(form.AddForm):
+    form_fields = form.Fields(ITicket)
+    def createAndAdd(self, data):
+        number = data['number']
+        summary = data['summary']
+        ticket = Ticket()
+        self.context[number] = ticket
+        self.request.response.redirect('.')
+class RootDefaultView(BrowserView):
+    def __call__(self):
+        return """\
+<html><head><title>Welcome to BlueBream!</title></head><body>
+<h1>Welcome to BlueBream!</h1>
+<li><a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bluebream">PyPI page</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://packages.python.org/bluebream">Documentation</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://launchpad.net/bluebream">Issue Tracker</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://wiki.zope.org/bluebream">Wiki</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://twitter.com/bluebream">Twitter</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-users">Mailing list</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=bluebream">IRC Channel: #bluebream at irc.freenode.net</a></li>
+<a href="@@login.html">Login</a>
+<a href="@@add">Add Sample application</a>

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/access.log
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/log/access.log	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/access.log	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- - - [10/Jan/2010:21:01:39 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 667 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:21:53:33 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 667 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:20:57 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 667 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:20:59 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 667 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:41:43 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:42:09 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 667 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:42:13 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [10/Jan/2010:22:54:18 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:10:01:52 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:10:53:30 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:10:54:41 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:17:32:48 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:17:37:08 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 2992 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:18:57:52 +0600] "GET /%40%40/zope3.js HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:18:57:52 +0600] "GET /%40%40/zope3logo.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:18:57:52 +0600] "GET /%40%40singleBranchTree.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 283 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:19:00:01 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 8939 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:19:00:01 +0600] "GET /%40%40singleBranchTree.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 283 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [11/Jan/2010:21:46:45 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 8939 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:21:46:49 +0600] "POST /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 8939 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [11/Jan/2010:21:47:37 +0600] "GET /%40%40singleBranchTree.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 283 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [16/Jan/2010:09:04:56 +0600] "POST /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 303 3857 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [16/Jan/2010:09:16:48 +0600] "POST /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 303 3857 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
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- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:16:09 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 401 662 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:16:11 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 200 671 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:16:14 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 3857 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:16:25 +0600] "POST /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 303 3857 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:16:25 +0600] "GET /ok-7 HTTP/1.1" 200 12 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:43:34 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:43:51 +0600] "GET /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 200 3857 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:11:43:55 +0600] "POST /%40%40add_ticket_collector HTTP/1.1" 303 3857 "http://localhost:8080/@@add_ticket_collector" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:30:05 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:30:07 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 401 662 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:30:08 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 200 671 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:30:12 +0600] "GET /ok-8 HTTP/1.1" 200 12 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:30:21 +0600] "GET /ok-8/%40%40index HTTP/1.1" 200 12 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [19/Jan/2010:15:31:11 +0600] "GET /ok-8/%40%40index HTTP/1.1" 200 35 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.5"
- - - [26/Jan/2010:08:01:07 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [26/Jan/2010:08:01:13 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 401 662 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [26/Jan/2010:08:01:17 +0600] "GET /%40%40login.html HTTP/1.1" 200 671 "http://localhost:8080/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:00:37 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:00:58 +0600] "GET /%2B%2Bskin%2B%2BBlueWaves HTTP/1.1" 200 814 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:13:23 +0600] "GET /%2B%2Bskin%2B%2BBlueWaves HTTP/1.1" 200 814 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:13:28 +0600] "GET /%2B%2Bskin%2B%2BBasic HTTP/1.1" 200 810 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:13:32 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"
- - - [27/Jan/2010:06:21:47 +0600] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 749 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7"

Deleted: bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/z3.log
--- bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/log/z3.log	2010-01-28 03:08:44 UTC (rev 108588)
+++ bluebream/website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage5/var/log/z3.log	2010-02-08 02:03:07 UTC (rev 108864)
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-2010-01-10T21:01:32 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:01:32 INFO ZODB.blob (28130) Blob directory `/opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob` is used but has no layout marker set. Selected `lawn` layout. 
-2010-01-10T21:01:32 WARNING ZODB.blob (28130) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T21:01:32 WARNING ZODB.blob (28130) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T21:01:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:01:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:01:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:01:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:36:52 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:44:22 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:44:38 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:44:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:44:59 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:44:59 WARNING ZODB.FileStorage Ignoring index for /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/filestorage/Data.fs
-2010-01-10T21:44:59 WARNING ZODB.blob (28737) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T21:44:59 WARNING ZODB.blob (28737) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T21:45:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:45:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:45:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:45:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:53:23 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:53:24 WARNING ZODB.blob (28929) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T21:53:24 WARNING ZODB.blob (28929) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T21:55:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:55:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:55:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:55:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:55:03 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:55:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (28964) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T21:55:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (28964) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T21:59:09 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:59:09 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:59:09 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T21:59:09 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T21:59:11 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T21:59:12 WARNING ZODB.blob (28987) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T21:59:12 WARNING ZODB.blob (28987) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:14:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:14:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:14:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:14:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:16:08 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:16:09 WARNING ZODB.blob (29052) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:16:09 WARNING ZODB.blob (29052) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:34:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:34:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:34:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:34:13 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:35:43 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:35:44 WARNING ZODB.blob (29149) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:35:44 WARNING ZODB.blob (29149) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:35:58 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:35:58 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:35:58 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:35:58 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:36:23 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:36:24 WARNING ZODB.blob (29164) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:36:24 WARNING ZODB.blob (29164) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:39:48 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:39:48 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:39:48 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:39:48 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:41:18 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:41:38 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:41:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (29374) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:41:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (29374) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:42:16 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-10T22:46:25 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:46:25 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:46:25 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:46:25 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:46:27 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:46:28 WARNING ZODB.blob (29398) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:46:28 WARNING ZODB.blob (29398) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:46:35 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-10T22:46:45 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:46:45 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:46:45 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:46:45 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:48:19 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:54:13 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:54:15 WARNING ZODB.blob (29451) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:54:15 WARNING ZODB.blob (29451) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:54:20 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-10T22:55:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:55:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:55:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:55:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:55:12 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:55:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (29471) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:55:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (29471) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:55:15 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-10T22:55:24 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:55:24 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:55:24 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:55:24 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:56:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-10T22:56:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (29491) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-10T22:56:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (29491) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-10T22:56:51 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-10T22:58:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:58:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-10T22:58:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-10T22:58:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:01:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:01:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (2008) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:01:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (2008) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:01:58 ERROR SiteError Error while reporting an error to the Error Reporting utility
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.publication-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/zope/app/publication/zopepublication.py", line 263, in _logErrorWithErrorReportingUtility
-    errUtility = zope.component.getUtility(IErrorReportingUtility)
-  File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.component-3.8.0-py2.6.egg/zope/component/_api.py", line 171, in getUtility
-    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
-ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zope.error.interfaces.IErrorReportingUtility>, '')
-2010-01-11T10:03:03 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:03:03 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:03:03 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:03:03 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:03:45 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:03:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (2026) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:03:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (2026) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:04:11 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:04:11 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:04:11 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:04:11 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:45:21 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:45:22 WARNING ZODB.blob (2748) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:45:22 WARNING ZODB.blob (2748) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:45:54 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:45:54 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:45:54 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:45:54 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:48:17 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:49:03 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:49:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (2941) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:49:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (2941) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:50:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:50:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:50:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:50:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:50:32 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:50:33 WARNING ZODB.blob (2977) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:50:33 WARNING ZODB.blob (2977) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:52:36 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:52:36 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:52:36 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:52:36 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:53:09 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:53:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (3012) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:53:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (3012) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:53:21 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:53:21 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:53:21 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:53:21 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:53:24 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:53:25 WARNING ZODB.blob (3024) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:53:25 WARNING ZODB.blob (3024) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:54:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:54:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:54:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:54:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:54:35 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T10:54:36 WARNING ZODB.blob (3036) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T10:54:36 WARNING ZODB.blob (3036) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T10:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T10:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T10:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:32:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:32:48 WARNING ZODB.blob (27826) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:32:48 WARNING ZODB.blob (27826) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:34:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:34:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:34:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:34:01 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:34:03 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:34:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (27846) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:34:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (27846) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:35:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:35:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:35:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:35:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:35:39 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:35:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (27865) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:35:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (27865) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:36:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:36:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:36:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:36:28 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:36:30 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:36:31 WARNING ZODB.blob (27880) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:36:31 WARNING ZODB.blob (27880) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:36:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:36:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:36:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:36:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:36:59 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:37:00 WARNING ZODB.blob (27895) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:37:00 WARNING ZODB.blob (27895) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:37:41 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:37:41 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:37:41 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:37:41 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:37:43 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:37:52 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T17:37:53 WARNING ZODB.blob (27907) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T17:37:53 WARNING ZODB.blob (27907) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T17:38:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:38:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T17:38:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T17:38:05 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:01:55 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:01:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (28151) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:01:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (28151) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:04:46 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:04:46 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:04:46 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:04:46 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:37:10 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:47:36 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:50:21 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:50:23 WARNING ZODB.blob (12725) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:50:23 WARNING ZODB.blob (12725) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:50:23 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T18:50:23 INFO zope.app.generations main db/zope.app: running install generation
-2010-01-11T18:52:06 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:52:06 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:52:06 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:52:06 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:52:08 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:52:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (29963) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:52:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (29963) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:52:10 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T18:53:16 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:53:16 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:53:16 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:53:16 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:53:18 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:53:20 WARNING ZODB.blob (24722) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:53:20 WARNING ZODB.blob (24722) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:53:20 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T18:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:55:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:55:53 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:56:04 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:57:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:57:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (14971) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:57:47 WARNING ZODB.blob (14971) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:57:47 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T18:58:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:58:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:58:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T18:58:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T18:58:39 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:58:53 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:59:06 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:59:54 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T18:59:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (15181) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T18:59:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (15181) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T18:59:56 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T19:23:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T19:23:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T19:23:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T19:23:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T19:40:07 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T19:40:09 WARNING ZODB.blob (15651) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T19:40:09 WARNING ZODB.blob (15651) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T19:40:09 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T19:49:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T19:49:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T19:49:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T19:49:42 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T21:46:39 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T21:46:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (16586) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T21:46:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (16586) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T21:46:40 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T21:47:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T21:47:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T21:47:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T21:47:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T21:47:28 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-11T21:47:30 WARNING ZODB.blob (16609) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-11T21:47:30 WARNING ZODB.blob (16609) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-11T21:47:30 INFO zope.app.generations main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
-2010-01-11T21:47:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T21:47:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-11T21:47:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-11T21:47:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-13T10:39:55 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-13T10:39:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (8508) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-13T10:39:56 WARNING ZODB.blob (8508) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-13T10:40:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-13T10:40:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-13T10:40:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-13T10:40:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T08:51:16 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T08:52:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T08:53:58 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T08:56:11 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T08:56:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (12768) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T08:56:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (12768) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:00:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:00:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:00:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:00:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:00:31 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:00:33 WARNING ZODB.blob (12830) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:00:33 WARNING ZODB.blob (12830) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:04:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:04:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:04:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:04:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:04:29 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:04:30 WARNING ZODB.blob (12849) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:04:30 WARNING ZODB.blob (12849) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:05:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:05:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:05:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:05:37 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:05:39 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:05:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (12874) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:05:40 WARNING ZODB.blob (12874) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:06:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:06:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:06:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:06:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:06:12 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:06:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (12885) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:06:13 WARNING ZODB.blob (12885) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:06:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:06:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:06:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:06:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:06:35 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:06:36 WARNING ZODB.blob (12990) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:06:36 WARNING ZODB.blob (12990) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:07:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:07:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:07:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:07:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:07:59 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:10:39 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:10:41 WARNING ZODB.blob (13148) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:10:41 WARNING ZODB.blob (13148) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:15:29 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:15:29 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:15:29 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:15:29 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:15:31 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:15:55 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:16:03 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:16:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (13178) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:16:04 WARNING ZODB.blob (13178) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:16:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:16:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:16:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:16:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:16:25 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-16T09:16:26 WARNING ZODB.blob (13189) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-16T09:16:26 WARNING ZODB.blob (13189) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-16T09:20:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:20:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-16T09:20:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-16T09:20:53 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T11:14:10 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T11:14:14 WARNING ZODB.blob (4151) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T11:14:14 WARNING ZODB.blob (4151) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T11:15:52 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T11:15:53 WARNING ZODB.blob (4224) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T11:15:53 WARNING ZODB.blob (4224) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T11:16:38 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T11:16:38 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T11:16:38 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T11:16:38 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T11:27:53 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T11:27:54 WARNING ZODB.blob (4294) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T11:27:54 WARNING ZODB.blob (4294) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T11:43:28 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T11:43:29 WARNING ZODB.blob (4376) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T11:43:29 WARNING ZODB.blob (4376) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T11:52:18 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T11:52:18 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T11:52:18 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T11:52:18 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:29:10 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T15:29:44 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T15:29:45 WARNING ZODB.blob (7910) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T15:29:45 WARNING ZODB.blob (7910) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T15:30:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:30:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:30:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:30:23 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:30:40 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T15:30:41 WARNING ZODB.blob (7944) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T15:30:41 WARNING ZODB.blob (7944) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T15:30:43 ERROR root PageTemplateFile: Error in template /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt: Compilation failed
-<class 'zope.tal.htmltalparser.NestingError'>: 
-2010-01-19T15:30:43 ERROR root PageTemplateFile: Error in template /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt: Compilation failed
-<class 'zope.tal.htmltalparser.NestingError'>: 
-2010-01-19T15:30:43 ERROR root PageTemplateFile: Error in template /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt: Compilation failed
-<class 'zope.tal.htmltalparser.NestingError'>: 
-2010-01-19T15:30:43 ERROR root PageTemplateFile: Error in template /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/src/tc/main/collectormain.pt: Compilation failed
-<class 'zope.tal.htmltalparser.NestingError'>: 
-2010-01-19T15:30:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:30:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:30:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:30:52 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:31:09 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-19T15:31:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (7957) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-19T15:31:10 WARNING ZODB.blob (7957) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/ticketcollector/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-19T15:35:15 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:35:15 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-19T15:35:15 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-19T15:35:15 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T07:57:10 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T07:59:16 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T07:59:54 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:00:53 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:00:55 WARNING ZODB.blob (8230) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:00:55 WARNING ZODB.blob (8230) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-26T08:03:35 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:03:35 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:03:35 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:03:35 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:05:51 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:05:52 WARNING ZODB.FileStorage Ignoring index for /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/filestorage/Data.fs
-2010-01-26T08:05:52 WARNING ZODB.blob (8295) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:05:52 WARNING ZODB.blob (8295) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-26T08:07:11 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:07:12 WARNING ZODB.blob (8299) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:07:12 WARNING ZODB.blob (8299) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-26T08:08:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:08:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:08:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:08:10 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:10:07 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:10:08 WARNING ZODB.blob (8335) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:10:08 WARNING ZODB.blob (8335) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-26T08:10:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:10:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:10:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-26T08:10:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-26T08:10:45 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:10:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (8348) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:10:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (8348) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-26T08:13:53 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-26T08:13:54 WARNING ZODB.blob (8375) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-26T08:13:54 WARNING ZODB.blob (8375) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T05:52:03 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T05:52:06 WARNING ZODB.blob (20852) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-27T05:52:06 WARNING ZODB.blob (20852) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T06:05:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:05:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:05:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:05:50 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:05:52 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:06:04 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:12:32 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:13:00 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:13:12 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:13:16 WARNING ZODB.blob (21322) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-27T06:13:16 WARNING ZODB.blob (21322) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T06:15:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:15:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:15:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:15:33 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:15:45 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:15:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (21364) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-27T06:15:46 WARNING ZODB.blob (21364) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T06:16:44 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:16:44 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:16:44 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:16:44 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:16:46 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:16:48 WARNING ZODB.blob (21383) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-27T06:16:48 WARNING ZODB.blob (21383) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T06:21:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:21:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:21:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:21:39 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:21:41 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers. Developer mode can usually be turned off by setting the `devmode` option to `off` or by removing it from the instance configuration file completely.
-2010-01-27T06:21:42 WARNING ZODB.blob (21445) The `lawn` blob directory layout is deprecated due to scalability issues on some file systems, please consider migrating to the `bushy` layout.
-2010-01-27T06:21:42 WARNING ZODB.blob (21445) Blob dir /opt/baiju/wa/bluebream_website/examples/v1.0/tut/stage4/var/blob/ has insecure mode setting
-2010-01-27T06:26:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:26:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped
-2010-01-27T06:26:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Shutting down threadpool
-2010-01-27T06:26:26 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool All workers stopped

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