[Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/ simplify resulting site.py function

Gary Poster gary.poster at canonical.com
Thu Feb 11 20:48:30 EST 2010

Log message for revision 108945:
  simplify resulting site.py function

  U   zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.py
  U   zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.txt
  U   zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/tests.py
  U   zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/README.txt
  U   zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/tests.py

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.py
--- zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.py	2010-02-11 23:30:26 UTC (rev 108944)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.py	2010-02-12 01:48:30 UTC (rev 108945)
@@ -1390,69 +1390,66 @@
         rpsetup = '\n'.join(
             [(line and '    %s' % (line,) or line)
              for line in rpsetup.split('\n')])
-    real_site_path = _get_module_file(executable, 'site')
-    real_site = open(real_site_path, 'r')
-    site = open(site_path, 'w')
-    extra_path_snippet = add_site_packages_snippet[add_site_packages]
-    extra_path_snippet_followup = add_site_packages_snippet_followup[
-        add_site_packages]
+    namespace_setup = ''
+    addsitedir = addsitedir_snippet
     if add_site_packages:
         stdlib, site_paths = _get_system_paths(executable)
-        extra_path_snippet = extra_path_snippet % _format_paths(
-            (repr(p) for p in site_paths), 2)
+        path_string = ''.join([
+            path_string,
+            (",\n"
+             "        # These are the underlying Python's site-packages.\n"
+             "        "),
+            _format_paths((repr(p) for p in site_paths), 2)])
+        distribution = working_set.find(
+            pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools'))
+        if distribution is not None:
+            # We need to worry about namespace packages.
+            namespace_setup = namespace_add_site_packages_setup % (
+                distribution.location,)
+            addsitedir = addsitedir_namespace_add_site_packages_snippet
     addsitepackages_marker = 'def addsitepackages('
     enableusersite_marker = 'ENABLE_USER_SITE = '
     successful_rewrite = False
-    for line in real_site.readlines():
-        if line.startswith(enableusersite_marker):
-            site.write(enableusersite_marker)
-            site.write('False # buildout does not support user sites.\n')
-        elif line.startswith(addsitepackages_marker):
-            site.write(addsitepackages_script % (
-                extra_path_snippet, rpsetup, path_string,
-                extra_path_snippet_followup))
-            site.write(line[len(addsitepackages_marker):])
-            successful_rewrite = True
-        else:
-            site.write(line)
+    real_site_path = _get_module_file(executable, 'site')
+    real_site = open(real_site_path, 'r')
+    site = open(site_path, 'w')
+    try:
+        for line in real_site.readlines():
+            if line.startswith(enableusersite_marker):
+                site.write(enableusersite_marker)
+                site.write('False # buildout does not support user sites.\n')
+            elif line.startswith(addsitepackages_marker):
+                site.write(addsitepackages_script % (
+                    namespace_setup, rpsetup, path_string, addsitedir))
+                site.write(line[len(addsitepackages_marker):])
+                successful_rewrite = True
+            else:
+                site.write(line)
+    finally:
+        site.close()
+        real_site.close()
     if not successful_rewrite:
         raise RuntimeError('Buildout did not successfully rewrite site.py')
     return site_path
-add_site_packages_snippet = ['''
-    paths = []''', '''
-    paths = [ # These are the underlying Python's site-packages.
-        %s]
-    sys.path[0:0] = paths
-    known_paths.update([os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(p)) for p in paths])
-    try:
-        import pkg_resources
-    except ImportError:
-        # No namespace packages in sys.path; no fixup needed.
-        pkg_resources = None''']
+namespace_add_site_packages_setup = '''
+    setuptools_path = %r
+    sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+    known_paths.add(setuptools_path)
+    import pkg_resources'''
-add_site_packages_snippet_followup = ['', '''
-    if pkg_resources is not None:
-        # There may be namespace packages in sys.path.  This is much faster
-        # than importing pkg_resources after the sys.path has a large number
-        # of eggs.
-        for p in sys.path:
-            pkg_resources.fixup_namespace_packages(p)''']
+addsitedir_snippet = '''
+    for path in paths:
+        addsitedir(path, known_paths)'''
-addsitepackages_script = '''\
-def addsitepackages(known_paths):%s
-%s    paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
-        %s
-        ]
-    # Process all dirs.  Look for .pth files.  If they exist, defer
-    # processing "import" varieties.
+addsitedir_namespace_add_site_packages_snippet = '''
     dotpth = os.extsep + "pth"
-    deferred = []
-    for path in reversed(paths):
-        # Duplicating addsitedir.
+    for path in paths:
+        # This duplicates addsitedir except for adding the pkg_resources call.
         sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
         if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
-            sys.path.insert(0, sitedir)
+            sys.path.append(sitedir)
+            pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)
             names = os.listdir(sitedir)
@@ -1461,44 +1458,18 @@
         names = [name for name in names if name.endswith(dotpth)]
         for name in names:
-            # Duplicating addpackage.
-            fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name)
-            try:
-                f = open(fullname, "rU")
-            except IOError:
-                continue
-            try:
-                for line in f:
-                    if line.startswith("#"):
-                        continue
-                    if (line.startswith("import ") or
-                        line.startswith("import\t")):
-                        # This line is supposed to be executed.  It
-                        # might be a setuptools namespace package
-                        # installed with a system package manager.
-                        # Defer this so we can process egg namespace
-                        # packages first, or else the eggs with the same
-                        # namespace will be ignored.
-                        deferred.append((sitedir, name, fullname, line))
-                        continue
-                    line = line.rstrip()
-                    dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line)
-                    if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir):
-                        sys.path.append(dir)
-                        known_paths.add(dircase)
-            finally:
-                f.close()%s
-    # Process "import ..." .pth lines.
-    for sitedir, name, fullname, line in deferred:
-        # Note that some lines--such as the one setuptools writes for
-        # namespace packages--expect some or all of sitedir, name, and
-        # fullname to be present in the frame locals, as it is in
-        # ``addpackage``.
-        try:
-            exec line
-        except:
-            print "Error in %%s" %% (fullname,)
-            raise
+            addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths)'''
+addsitepackages_script = '''\
+def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+    """Add site packages.
+    This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+    below, for the original version."""%s
+%s    paths = [
+        # Eggs.
+        %s
+        ]%s
     global addsitepackages
     addsitepackages = original_addsitepackages
     return known_paths

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.txt
--- zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.txt	2010-02-11 23:30:26 UTC (rev 108944)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.txt	2010-02-12 01:48:30 UTC (rev 108945)
@@ -1020,66 +1020,17 @@
     def addsitepackages(known_paths):
-        paths = []
-        paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
+        """Add site packages.
+        This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+        below, for the original version."""
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
-        # Process all dirs.  Look for .pth files.  If they exist, defer
-        # processing "import" varieties.
-        dotpth = os.extsep + "pth"
-        deferred = []
-        for path in reversed(paths):
-            # Duplicating addsitedir.
-            sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
-            if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
-                sys.path.insert(0, sitedir)
-                known_paths.add(sitedircase)
-            try:
-                names = os.listdir(sitedir)
-            except os.error:
-                continue
-            names = [name for name in names if name.endswith(dotpth)]
-            names.sort()
-            for name in names:
-                # Duplicating addpackage.
-                fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name)
-                try:
-                    f = open(fullname, "rU")
-                except IOError:
-                    continue
-                try:
-                    for line in f:
-                        if line.startswith("#"):
-                            continue
-                        if (line.startswith("import ") or
-                            line.startswith("import ")):
-                            # This line is supposed to be executed.  It
-                            # might be a setuptools namespace package
-                            # installed with a system package manager.
-                            # Defer this so we can process egg namespace
-                            # packages first, or else the eggs with the same
-                            # namespace will be ignored.
-                            deferred.append((sitedir, name, fullname, line))
-                            continue
-                        line = line.rstrip()
-                        dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line)
-                        if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir):
-                            sys.path.append(dir)
-                            known_paths.add(dircase)
-                finally:
-                    f.close()
-        # Process "import ..." .pth lines.
-        for sitedir, name, fullname, line in deferred:
-            # Note that some lines--such as the one setuptools writes for
-            # namespace packages--expect some or all of sitedir, name, and
-            # fullname to be present in the frame locals, as it is in
-            # ``addpackage``.
-            try:
-                exec line
-            except:
-                print "Error in %s" % (fullname,)
-                raise
+        for path in paths:
+            addsitedir(path, known_paths)
         global addsitepackages
         addsitepackages = original_addsitepackages
         return known_paths
@@ -1088,12 +1039,6 @@
     def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
-As you can see, it manipulates the path to insert the eggs and then processes
-any .pth files.  The lines in the .pth files that use the "import" feature
-are deferred because it is a pattern we will need in a later example, when we
-show how we can add site packages, and handle competing namespace packages
-in both site packages and eggs.
 Here are some examples of the interpreter in use.
     >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "print 16+26")
@@ -1102,10 +1047,10 @@
     >>> res = call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
     >>> print res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
-     ...]
+     ...,
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg']
     >>> clean_paths = eval(res.strip()) # This is used later for comparison.
@@ -1167,15 +1112,19 @@
     >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     def addsitepackages(known_paths):
-        paths = []
+        """Add site packages.
+        This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+        below, for the original version."""
         import os
         join = os.path.join
         base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
         base = os.path.dirname(base)
         base = os.path.dirname(base)
-        paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
             join(base, 'eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg'),
             join(base, 'eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg')
@@ -1186,10 +1135,10 @@
     ...               "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)")
     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
-     ...]
+     ...,
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg']
 The ``extra_paths`` argument affects the path in site.py.  Notice that
@@ -1203,8 +1152,12 @@
     >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     def addsitepackages(known_paths):
-        paths = []
-        paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
+        """Add site packages.
+        This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+        below, for the original version."""
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
@@ -1214,11 +1167,11 @@
     ...               "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)")
     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+     '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+     ...,
-     '/interpreter/other',
-     '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
-     ...]
+     '/interpreter/other']
 The ``generate_scripts`` function: using site-packages
@@ -1249,10 +1202,8 @@
 instance, it is a system Python), you open yourself up to these
 possibilities.  Don't be unaware of the dangers.
-That explained, let's see how it works.  Unfortunately, because of how
-setuptools namespace packages are implemented differently for operating
-system packages (debs or rpms) and normal installation, there's a tricky
+That explained, let's see how it works.  If you don't use namespace packages,
+this is very straightforward.
     >>> reset_interpreter()
     >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.generate_scripts(
@@ -1262,28 +1213,88 @@
     def addsitepackages(known_paths):
-        paths = [ # These are the underlying Python's site-packages.
-            '...']
-        sys.path[0:0] = paths
-        known_paths.update([os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(p)) for p in paths])
-        try:
-            import pkg_resources
-        except ImportError:
-            # No namespace packages in sys.path; no fixup needed.
-            pkg_resources = None
-        paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
+        """Add site packages.
+        This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+        below, for the original version."""
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
-            '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg'
+            '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+            # These are the underlying Python's site-packages.
+            ...
+            ]...
+It simply adds the site-packages after the eggs.
+Here's an example of the new script in use.  Other documents and tests in
+this package give the feature a more thorough workout, but this should
+give you an idea of the feature.
+    >>> res = call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
+    >>> print res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    ['',
+     '/interpreter/parts/interpreter',
+     ...,
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
+     ...]
+The clean_paths gathered earlier is a subset of this full list of paths.
+    >>> full_paths = eval(res.strip())
+    >>> len(clean_paths) < len(full_paths)
+    True
+    >>> set(os.path.normpath(p) for p in clean_paths).issubset(
+    ...     os.path.normpath(p) for p in full_paths)
+    True
+Unfortunately, because of how setuptools namespace packages are implemented
+differently for operating system packages (debs or rpms) as opposed to
+standard setuptools installation, there's a slightly trickier dance if you
+use them.  To show this we'll needs some extra eggs that use namespaces.
+We'll use the ``tellmy.fortune`` package, which we'll need to make an initial
+call to another text fixture to create.
+    >>> from zc.buildout.tests import create_sample_namespace_eggs
+    >>> namespace_eggs = tmpdir('namespace_eggs')
+    >>> create_sample_namespace_eggs(namespace_eggs)
+    >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+    ...     ['demo', 'tellmy.fortune'], join(interpreter_dir, 'eggs'),
+    ...     links=[link_server, namespace_eggs], index=link_server+'index/')
+    >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.generate_scripts(
+    ...     interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
+    ...     interpreter='py', add_site_packages=True)
+    >>> sys.stdout.write('#\n'); cat(site_path)
+    #...
+    def addsitepackages(known_paths):
+        """Add site packages.
+        This function is written by buildout.  See original_addsitepackages,
+        below, for the original version."""
+        setuptools_path = '...setuptools...'
+        sys.path.append(setuptools_path)
+        known_paths.add(setuptools_path)
+        import pkg_resources
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
+            '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+            '/interpreter/eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg',
+            '...setuptools...',
+            '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
+            # These are the underlying Python's site-packages.
+            ...
-        # Process all dirs.  Look for .pth files.  If they exist, defer
-        # processing "import" varieties.
         dotpth = os.extsep + "pth"
-        deferred = []
-        for path in reversed(paths):
-            # Duplicating addsitedir.
+        for path in paths:
+            # This duplicates addsitedir except for adding the pkg_resources call.
             sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(path)
             if not sitedircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(sitedir):
-                sys.path.insert(0, sitedir)
+                sys.path.append(sitedir)
+                pkg_resources.working_set.add_entry(sitedir)
                 names = os.listdir(sitedir)
@@ -1292,50 +1303,7 @@
             names = [name for name in names if name.endswith(dotpth)]
             for name in names:
-                # Duplicating addpackage.
-                fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name)
-                try:
-                    f = open(fullname, "rU")
-                except IOError:
-                    continue
-                try:
-                    for line in f:
-                        if line.startswith("#"):
-                            continue
-                        if (line.startswith("import ") or
-                            line.startswith("import	")):
-                            # This line is supposed to be executed.  It
-                            # might be a setuptools namespace package
-                            # installed with a system package manager.
-                            # Defer this so we can process egg namespace
-                            # packages first, or else the eggs with the same
-                            # namespace will be ignored.
-                            deferred.append((sitedir, name, fullname, line))
-                            continue
-                        line = line.rstrip()
-                        dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line)
-                        if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir):
-                            sys.path.append(dir)
-                            known_paths.add(dircase)
-                finally:
-                    f.close()
-        if pkg_resources is not None:
-            # There may be namespace packages in sys.path.  This is much faster
-            # than importing pkg_resources after the sys.path has a large number
-            # of eggs.
-            for p in sys.path:
-                pkg_resources.fixup_namespace_packages(p)
-        # Process "import ..." .pth lines.
-        for sitedir, name, fullname, line in deferred:
-            # Note that some lines--such as the one setuptools writes for
-            # namespace packages--expect some or all of sitedir, name, and
-            # fullname to be present in the frame locals, as it is in
-            # ``addpackage``.
-            try:
-                exec line
-            except:
-                print "Error in %s" % (fullname,)
-                raise
+                addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths)
         global addsitepackages
         addsitepackages = original_addsitepackages
         return known_paths
@@ -1344,36 +1312,24 @@
     def original_addsitepackages(known_paths):...
-As you can see, the script now first tries to import pkg_resources.  If it
-exists, then we need to process egg files specially to look for namespace
-packages there *before* we process process lines in .pth files that use the
-"import" feature--lines that might be part of the setuptools namespace
-package implementation for system packages, as mentioned above, and that
-must come after processing egg namespaces.
-Here's an example of the new script in use.  Other documents and tests in
-this package give the feature a more thorough workout, but this should
-give you an idea of the feature.
-    >>> res = call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
-    >>> print res # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    >>> print call_py(interpreter_path, "import sys; print sys.path")
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-py2.4.egg',
-     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-py2.4.egg',
-     '...',
+     ...,
+     '...setuptools...',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demo-0.3-pyN.N.egg',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/tellmy.fortune-1.0-pyN.N.egg',
+     '/interpreter/eggs/demoneeded-1.1-pyN.N.egg',
-The clean_paths gathered earlier is a subset of this full list of paths.
+As you can see, the script now first imports pkg_resources.  Then we
+need to process egg files specially to look for namespace packages there
+*before* we process process lines in .pth files that use the "import"
+feature--lines that might be part of the setuptools namespace package
+implementation for system packages, as mentioned above, and that must
+come after processing egg namespaces.
-    >>> full_paths = eval(res.strip())
-    >>> len(clean_paths) < len(full_paths)
-    True
-    >>> set(os.path.normpath(p) for p in clean_paths).issubset(
-    ...     os.path.normpath(p) for p in full_paths)
-    True
 The ``exec_sitecustomize`` argument does the same thing for the
 sitecustomize module--it allows you to include the code from the
 sitecustomize module in the underlying Python if you set the argument to
@@ -1392,6 +1348,9 @@
 see a simple example.
     >>> reset_interpreter()
+    >>> ws = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(
+    ...     ['demo'], join(interpreter_dir, 'eggs'), links=[link_server],
+    ...     index=link_server+'index/')
     >>> generated = zc.buildout.easy_install.generate_scripts(
     ...     interpreter_bin_dir, ws, sys.executable, interpreter_parts_dir,
     ...     reqs=['demo'])

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/tests.py
--- zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/tests.py	2010-02-11 23:30:26 UTC (rev 108944)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/src/zc/buildout/tests.py	2010-02-12 01:48:30 UTC (rev 108945)
@@ -2890,8 +2890,12 @@
 def make_py_with_system_install(make_py, sample_eggs):
+    py_path, site_packages_path = make_py()
+    create_sample_namespace_eggs(sample_eggs, site_packages_path)
+    return py_path
+def create_sample_namespace_eggs(dest, site_packages_path=None):
     from zc.buildout.testing import write, mkdir
-    py_path, site_packages_path = make_py()
     for pkg, version in (('version', '1.0'), ('version', '1.1'),
                          ('fortune', '1.0')):
         tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
@@ -2918,14 +2922,13 @@
                 " author='bob', url='bob', author_email='bob')\n"
                 % locals()
-            zc.buildout.testing.sdist(tmp, sample_eggs)
-            if pkg == 'version' and version == '1.1':
+            zc.buildout.testing.sdist(tmp, dest)
+            if (site_packages_path and pkg == 'version' and version == '1.1'):
                 # We install the 1.1 version in site packages the way a
                 # system packaging system (debs, rpms) would do it.
                 zc.buildout.testing.sys_install(tmp, site_packages_path)
-    return py_path
 def create_sample_eggs(test, executable=sys.executable):
     write = test.globs['write']

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/README.txt
--- zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/README.txt	2010-02-11 23:30:26 UTC (rev 108944)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/README.txt	2010-02-12 01:48:30 UTC (rev 108945)
@@ -168,9 +168,8 @@
 Here's an example of using the generated interpreter.
     >>> print system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'py') +
-    ...              ' -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path[:3])"')
-    ['',
-     '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.2-pyN.N.egg',
+    ...              ' -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path[-2:])"')
+    ['/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.2-pyN.N.egg',
@@ -241,13 +240,12 @@
     ...              ''' -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)"''')
     ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+     '/sample-buildout/parts/py',
+     ...,
-     '/executable_buildout/eggs/setuptools-0.6c11-pyN.N.egg',
-     '/executable_buildout/site-packages',
-     '/sample-buildout/parts/py',
-     '/executable_buildout/parts/py',
-     ...]
+     '/executable_buildout/eggs/setuptools-X-pyN.N.egg',
+     '/executable_buildout/site-packages']
 Next we will use the exec-sitecustomize option.  It simply copies
@@ -327,9 +325,8 @@
     Generated interpreter '/sample-buildout/bin/python'.
     >>> print system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'python') +
-    ...              ' -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path[:3])"')
-    ['',
-     '/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.2-pyN.N.egg',
+    ...              ' -c "import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path[-2:])"')
+    ['/sample-buildout/eggs/demo-0.2-pyN.N.egg',
     >>> print system(join(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'python') +

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/tests.py
--- zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/tests.py	2010-02-11 23:30:26 UTC (rev 108944)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/gary-4/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/tests.py	2010-02-12 01:48:30 UTC (rev 108945)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
     def addsitepackages(known_paths):
-        paths = []
+        "..."
         import os
@@ -234,7 +234,8 @@
         base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
         base = os.path.dirname(base)
         base = os.path.dirname(base)
-        paths[0:0] = [ # eggs
+        paths = [
+            # Eggs.
             join(base, 'spam')

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