[Checkins] SVN: manuel/trunk/ this work has been moved to branches/sphinx

Benji York benji at zope.com
Sun Jan 3 23:22:00 EST 2010

Log message for revision 107610:
  this work has been moved to branches/sphinx

  U   manuel/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg
  U   manuel/trunk/setup.py
  D   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.py
  D   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.txt
  U   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py

Modified: manuel/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- manuel/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
 - fix a small doc thinko
-- Added simple support for Sphinx-style testsetup/testcode/testresult blocks.
 1.0.2 (2009-12-07)

Modified: manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -55,4 +55,3 @@
 zc.recipe.testrunner = 1.2.0
 zope.interface = 3.5.1
 zope.testing = 3.7.5
-distribute = 0.6.10
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: manuel/trunk/setup.py
--- manuel/trunk/setup.py	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/setup.py	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
 import os
-import doctest
 long_description = (
     + '\n\n'

Deleted: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.py	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.py	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import re
-import manuel
-import textwrap
-doctest = __import__('doctest')
-import manuel.doctest
-BLOCK_START = re.compile(r'^\.\. test(setup|code|output)::(.*?)\n\s*\n',
-                         re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
-BLOCK_END = re.compile(r'(\n\Z|\n(?=\S))')
-# TODO: We need to handle groups, which we don't, and we need to handle that
-# for doctests as well, which we don't. And we might want to make sure that we
-# are compatible with how sphinx handles different cases, like groups and the
-# '*' group and setup and globals, etc.
-class TestBase(object):
-    def __init__(self, code, group, options):
-        self.code = code
-        self.group = group
-        self.options = options
-class TestSetup(TestBase):
-    pass
-class TestCode(TestBase):
-    pass
-class TestOutput(TestBase):
-    pass
-class TestCase(object):
-    def __init__(self, setup, code, output):
-        if setup:
-            self.code = setup.code
-            if setup.code[-1] != '\n':
-                self.code += '\n' 
-            self.code += code.code
-        else:
-            self.code = code.code
-        if output:
-            self.output = output.code
-            self.options = output.options
-        else:
-            self.output = ''
-            self.options = code.options
-        # When we start handling groups, we want to get the group of the
-        # test here, so we can put that in the test report, I think:
-        self.group = ''
-def parse(document):
-    groups = {}
-    previous_type = ''
-    for region in document.find_regions(BLOCK_START, BLOCK_END):
-        source = document.source[region.start_match.end():region.end_match.start()]
-        source = textwrap.dedent(source).strip()
-        document.claim_region(region)
-        type_, extras = region.start_match.groups()
-        group = ''
-        options = None
-        if extras:
-            group = extras.splitlines()[0].strip()
-            for option in extras.splitlines()[1:]:
-                if ':options:' in option:
-                    options = option.split(':options:')[1].strip()
-                    break
-        if type_ == 'setup':
-            region.parsed = TestSetup(source, group, options)
-        elif type_ == 'code':
-            region.parsed = TestCode(source, group, options)
-        elif type_ == 'output':
-            region.parsed = TestOutput(source, group, options)
-    # Now go through the document and make all groups of regions into testcases.
-    #iterator = iter(document)
-    setup_region = None
-    code_region = None
-    for region in document:
-        if isinstance(region.parsed, TestSetup):
-            # This is a new block, finish the old:
-            if code_region:
-                code_region.parsed = TestCase(setup_region.parsed,
-                                              code_region.parsed,
-                                              None)
-                code_region = None
-            setup_region = region
-        elif isinstance(region.parsed, TestCode):
-            if code_region:
-                # This is a new block, yield the old:
-                code_region.parsed = TestCase(setup_region.parsed,
-                                              code_region.parsed,
-                                              None)
-                setup_region = None
-            code_region = region
-        elif isinstance(region.parsed, TestOutput):
-            # This is the end of a block
-            code_region.parsed = TestCase(setup_region.parsed,
-                                          code_region.parsed,
-                                          region.parsed)
-            setup_region, code_region = None, None
-def monkey_compile(code, name, type, flags, dont_inherit):
-    return compile(code, name, 'exec', flags, dont_inherit)
-def evaluate(region, document, globs):
-    if not isinstance(region.parsed, TestCase):
-        return
-    try:
-        old_compile = doctest.compile
-    except AttributeError:
-        old_compile = compile
-    doctest.compile = monkey_compile
-    result = manuel.doctest.DocTestResult()
-    if region.parsed.group:
-        test_name = region.parsed.group
-    else:
-        test_name = os.path.split(document.location)[1]
-    exc_msg = None
-    output = region.parsed.output
-    if output:
-        match = doctest.DocTestParser._EXCEPTION_RE.match(output)
-        if match:
-            exc_msg = match.group('msg')
-    test_options = {doctest.ELLIPSIS: True,
-                    doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL: True,
-                    doctest.DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1: True,
-                    }        
-    options = region.parsed.options
-    if options:
-        for x in options.split(','):
-            x = x.strip()
-            sign = x[0]
-            value = eval('doctest.' + x[1:])
-            test_options[value] = sign == '+'        
-    example = doctest.Example(region.parsed.code, output, exc_msg=exc_msg,
-                              lineno=region.lineno, options=test_options)
-    test = doctest.DocTest([example], globs, test_name, document.location,
-                           region.lineno-1, None)
-    runner = doctest.DocTestRunner()
-    runner.DIVIDER = '' # disable unwanted result formatting
-    runner.run(test, clear_globs=False)
-    region.evaluated = result
-    doctest.compile = old_compile
-class Manuel(manuel.Manuel):
-    def __init__(self):
-        manuel.Manuel.__init__(self, [parse], [evaluate])

Deleted: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.txt
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.txt	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/sphinx.txt	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-Sphinx Testing
-Sphinx [http://sphinx.pocoo.org/] is a popular system to render Restructure
-text documents into various forms, including HTML and PDF. It has it's own
-syntax to run tests, more advanced that the Manuel syntax. It includes
-setup blocks, and expected output blocks. The code will be assumed to be
-Code blocks for testing start with ``.. testcode ::``::
-    >>> source = """\
-    ... Code blocks for testing start with ``.. testcode ::``::
-    ... 
-    ... .. testcode::
-    ...
-    ...     print "Heybaberiba"
-    ...
-    ... """
-Now we can parse this document with manuel and the sphinx extension::
-    >>> import manuel
-    >>> import manuel.sphinx
-    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
-    >>> manuel.sphinx.parse(document)
-    >>> for region in document:
-    ...     print region.parsed
-    None
-    <manuel.sphinx.TestCode object at ...>
-The benefit over Sphinx "code-block" is that you can have setup blocks and
-output test blocks.
-    >>> source = """\
-    ... Code blocks for testing start with ``.. testcode ::``::
-    ... 
-    ... .. testsetup::
-    ...
-    ...     lyrics = "Da doo ron ron"
-    ... 
-    ... .. testcode::
-    ...
-    ...     print lyrics
-    ...
-    ... .. testoutput::
-    ...     :hide:
-    ...    
-    ...     Da doo ron ron
-    ...
-    ... """
-    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
-    >>> manuel.sphinx.parse(document)
-    >>> for region in document:
-    ...     print region.parsed
-    None
-    <manuel.sphinx.TestSetup object at ...>
-    <manuel.sphinx.TestCase object at ...>
-    <manuel.sphinx.TestOutput object at ...>
-The evaluate method will run the code in the TesCase blocks, and compare the
-output with the output in the TestCase blocks. The TestSetup and TestOutput
-blocks are only used as intermediates during parsing,  and ignored during
-    >>> for region in document:
-    ...     manuel.sphinx.evaluate(region, document, {})
-Sphinx also allows for options to the code block in the form of ``:something:``
-flags under the ``.. testxxxx::`` statement. The ``:options:`` contains 
-doctest flags, and should be handled. All others should be ignored.
-    >>> source = """\
-    ... Code blocks for testing start with ``.. testcode ::``::
-    ... 
-    ... .. testsetup::
-    ...
-    ...     lyrics = "Da doo ron ron"
-    ... 
-    ... .. testcode::
-    ...    :hide:
-    ...
-    ...     print lyrics
-    ...
-    ... .. testoutput::
-    ...    :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-    ...    :hide:
-    ...
-    ...     Da  doo  ron  ron
-    ...
-    ... """
-    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
-    >>> manuel.sphinx.parse(document)
-    >>> for region in document:
-    ...     manuel.sphinx.evaluate(region, document, {})

Modified: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py	2010-01-04 04:13:32 UTC (rev 107609)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py	2010-01-04 04:22:00 UTC (rev 107610)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     tests = ['../index.txt', 'table-example.txt', 'README.txt', 'bugs.txt',
-        'capture.txt', 'sphinx.txt']
+        'capture.txt']
     m = manuel.ignore.Manuel()
     m += manuel.doctest.Manuel(optionflags=optionflags, checker=checker)

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