[Checkins] SVN: bluebream/trunk/docs/source/faq.rst Added FAQ

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 12:18:32 EST 2010

Log message for revision 107946:
  Added FAQ

  U   bluebream/trunk/docs/source/faq.rst

Modified: bluebream/trunk/docs/source/faq.rst
--- bluebream/trunk/docs/source/faq.rst	2010-01-09 17:16:07 UTC (rev 107945)
+++ bluebream/trunk/docs/source/faq.rst	2010-01-09 17:18:32 UTC (rev 107946)
@@ -1,2 +1,1491 @@
+This FAQ is originated from: http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/FAQ
+What is Zope 3?
+Zope 3 is a **production ready** free/open source web application
+framework written in the Python programming language.  Zope 3 provides
+a component architecture, transactional object database, tightly
+integrated security model and many other features.
+Zope 3 is coming from the Zope community which is started around 1998.
+Initially Zope's core technologies were designed by Zope Corporation.
+The development of Zope 3 started in late 2001.  In November 2004,
+Zope 3 was released.  Zope 3 is a complete rewrite that only preserves
+the original ZODB object database.  The design of Zope 3 is driven by
+the needs of large companies.  It is directly intended for enterprise
+web application development using the newest development paradigms.
+Extreme programming development process has a real influence in Zope 3
+development.  Automated testing is a major strength of Zope 3.
+Sprints_ were introduced to help accelerate Zope 3 development.  In
+2006 `Zope foundation`_ was formed to help organize and formalize the
+relationships with the Zope community.
+.. _Sprints: http://www.zopemag.com/Guides/miniGuide_ZopeSprinting.html
+.. _Zope foundation: http://www.zope.org/foundation
+.. _subversion: http://svn.zope.org/
+Why Zope 3?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-August/004205.html
+Zope 3 has:
+  - WSGI-compatible object publisher (zope.publisher)
+  - WSGI-enabled web server (zope.server) and twisted.web2 for server
+    backend
+  - Object database (ZODB) for transparently persisting objects; comes
+    with load-balancing support (ZEO).
+  - Component Architecture for making things pluggable very easily
+    (zope.component)
+  - XML-configuration language for registering components
+    (zope.configuration), not mandatory but pretty much standard
+  - Flexible security architecture with pluggable security policies
+    (zope.security)
+  - Good unit, integration and functional testing frameworks
+    (zope.testing, zope.testbrowser)
+  - XHTML-compliant templating language (zope.pagetemplate)
+  - Schema engine and automatic form generation machinery
+    (zope.formlib)
+  - many more core and third-party packages that may already solve
+    some of your problems. See http://svn.zope.org, for instance.
+Zope 3 is:
+  - ZPL (BSD-ish license)
+  - soon to be owned by Zope Foundation
+  - written mostly by contributors, not just Zope Corporation.
+  - usable in pieces or in whole
+What is the Zope Foundation?
+From http://foundation.zope.org:
+  The Zope Foundation has the goal to promote, maintain, and develop
+  the Zope platform. It does this by supporting the Zope
+  community. Our community includes the open source community of
+  contributors to the Zope software, contributors to the documentation
+  and web infrastructure, as well as the community of businesses and
+  organizations that use Zope.
+  The Zope Foundation is the copyright holder of the Zope software and
+  many extensions and associated software. The Zope Foundation also
+  manages the zope.org website, and manages the infrastructure for
+  open source collaboration.
+For more details: http://foundation.zope.org/about.html
+How can I help?
+If you're interested in helping and you have time, educate yourself on
+the component architecture and Zope 3 then volunteer to assist in your
+particular area of expertise.  See HowToContribute for details.
+What is the license of Zope 3?
+Zope 3 is licensed under Zope Public License, Version 2.1 (ZPL).
+Since we also use some contributions from other projects, some parts
+of Zope 3 will have other licenses. See `LICENSES.txt`_ for more
+.. _LICENSES.txt:
+  http://svn.zope.org/\*checkout\*/Zope3/branches/3.3/LICENSES.txt
+Is Zope 3 stable enough to be used in production environment?
+Zope 3 is used in several larger production sites already.  Public
+applications include `Launchpad`_, `SchoolTool`_, `Tiks`_ and `SIP`_.
+Several custom solutions have been written too.  But the
+development of Zope 3 will probably never be done, it will continue
+until all our needs are met :)
+.. _Launchpad: http://www.launchpad.net
+.. _SchoolTool: http://www.schooltool.org
+.. _Tiks: http://www.tiks.org/
+.. _SIP: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sampleinventory
+Which Python version is required?
+Zope 3.4 can be run using Python 2.4 or 2.5.
+What is the KGS (Known Good Set)?
+Starting from version 3.4, Zope has been split into many packages called "eggs", that are released independently. The KGS is a set of python eggs, that are known to work together, and that are listed in a separate Python Package Index (to be used with setuptools/easy_install and zc.buildout).
+ * The KGS package index for zope 3.4 is : http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/
+ * Some explanations about using the KGS : http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/intro.html
+The KGS is used to define what a major release of Zope is. The KGS for Zope 3.4 is here: http://svn.zope.org/zope.release/tags/
+The generic code that is used to build and maintain any KGS is here: http://svn.zope.org/zope.kgs/
+How do I start a new Zope3 project?
+You currently have a choice between:
+ * the old and discouraged way of using the monolithic distribution of Zope, that you can download here: http://zope.org/Products/Zope3
+ * learn zc.buildout, and build your own setup for zope.
+   - buildout documentation: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/1.0.0
+   - buildout tutorial: http://grok.zope.org/documentation/tutorial/introduction-to-zc.buildout
+   You can start with a very simple buildout, then add some useful 'recipes' you can find in http://pypi.python.org or in http://svn.zope.org
+ * Use zopeproject: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zopeproject/
+zopeproject will automatically create a buildout for you, and you will be able to start your new zope application in a few seconds. The buildout does not contain every zope component by default, you will want to modify the setup.py to add the eggs that will be eventually used by your application.
+zopeproject 0.4.1 will use all the latest eggs by default, so that the setup may fail. You should instead use the KGS of zope 3.4, by replacing::
+  find-links = http://download.zope.org/distribution/
+  extends = http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/versions.cfg
+  versions = versions
+What is the component architecture?
+It's similar to other component architectures in that it lets you fit
+small pieces of functionality together.  While Zope 2 has many parts
+welded together with inheritance, Zope 3 will let you take things
+apart and put them together like LEGO bricks(TM).  See the
+[Vision Statement], [Components], [Interfaces], and the [Glossary].
+Where can I find pointers to resources?
+ 1. This wiki
+ 2. http://apidoc.zope.org/++apidoc++/
+ 3. Zope 3 Base : http://codespeak.net/z3/
+ 4. IRC : #zope3-dev at irc.freenode.net , logs at : http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs
+ 5. Users list (for development with Zope 3): zope3-users at zope.org, archives at : http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/
+ 6. Developers list (for development of Zope 3 itself) : zope3-dev at zope.org, archives at : http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/
+ 7. Zope 3 book by Philipp von Weitershausen : http://worldcookery.com/
+ 8. Planet :  http://planetzope.org/
+ 9. News letter : http://blog.planetzope.org/
+ 10. Zope Cookbook : http://zope-cookbook.org/
+ 11. http://del.icio.us/tag/zope3
+ 12. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LearningZope3
+ 13. ZopeGuide
+What's the deal with the '/@@' syntax?
+@@ is a shortcut for ++view++.
+(Mnemonically, it kinda looks like a pair of goggle-eyes)
+To specify that you want to traverse to a view named "bar" of content 
+object "foo", you could (compactly) say .../foo/@@bar instead of
+Note that even the '@@' is not necessary if container "foo" has no
+element named "bar" - it only serves to disambiguate between views of
+an object and things contained within the object.
+How do dotted package names (like "dotted.name") work?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004538.html
+  Q. In /zopeinstance/lib/python, is the package actually in
+     /zopeinstance/lib/python/dotted.name, or is it in
+     /zopeinstance/lib/python/dotted/name?
+    The latter.
+  Q. What is the purpose of using the dotted name?
+    Short answer: package namespaces.
+    Long answer: Say you're creating a widget library. You could call
+    your package simply "widget". But then if I create a widget
+    library and called it "widget", too, we'd have a conflict and
+    couldn't use them at the same time. That's why you call your
+    package "george.widget" and I'll call my package
+    "philikon.widget".
+Are !ContainerTypesConstraint & !ItemTypePrecondition deprecated?
+These two are not deprecated, but ``contains`` and ``containers``
+functions are recommended.
+What's the difference between service and utility?
+Mainly, Services have been deprecated and no longer exist ;-) Existing
+services have been rewritten as Utilities.
+For historical information, see
+DifferencesBetweenServicesAndUtilities.  Originally, a utility was
+thought of a one-off thing, while a service was something that's
+carefully designed into the infrastructure.  As an analogy, "mapping",
+"sequence" and "file-like object" are generic interfaces in Python,
+and could be considered somewhat like Zope services, while other
+things (e.g. frame objects, mmap objects, curses screen objects etc.)
+are one-off types/classes, similar to Zope utilities.
+How do I configure several classes with the same permissions?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2007-June/006291.html
+Use `like_class` attribute of `require` tag, Here are some examples::
+  <class class=".MyImage">
+    <implements interface=".interfaces.IGalleryItemContained" />
+    <require like_class="zope.app.file.interfaces.IImage />
+  </class>
+  <class class=".MySite">
+    <require like_class="zope.app.folder.Folder" />
+  </class>
+How can I determine (in code) if a principal has the right permissions?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-August/004201.html
+The question is: how do I know if the current principal has permission
+for a specific view? Something like::
+  def canEdit(self):
+      ppal = self.request.principal
+      return canView('edit', INewsItem, ppal)
+Use zope.security.canAccess and/or zope.security.canWrite
+To check for a specific permission on an object, you can do something like::
+   from zope.security.management import checkPermission
+   has_permission = checkPermission('zope.ModifyContent', self.context)
+I've registered a PAU in the site-root; now I cannot log in as zope.Manager. What gives?
+Start zopedebug then unregister the utility. This will then let you
+log in as a user defined in principals.zcml.
+Example (execute the following with zopedebug)::
+  import transaction
+  from zope.component import getSiteManager
+  from zope.app.security.interfaces import IAuthentication
+  lsm = getSiteManager(root)
+  lsm.unregisterUtility(lsm.getUtility(IAuthentication), IAuthentication)
+  transaction.commit()
+When you exit zopedebug and start the server, you should be able to
+log in again using the user defined in principals.zcml.  This should
+have the zope.Manager permission.
+To avoid this happening, either assign a role to a user defined in the
+PAU or set up a folder beneath the root, make it a site and add and
+register the PAU there. Then you will still be able to log in to the
+root of the site and have full permissions.
+How do I setup authentication (using a PAU)?
+Via the ZMI:
+ * go to the site manager (in the root, or in your folder/site)
+ * add a Pluggable Authentication Utility (name as you want, prefix empty)
+ * enter it and activate "no challenge if auth" and "session credentials" in this order
+ * add a Principal Folder (name and prefix as you want)
+ * return back to the PAU, and activate your Principal Folder
+ * Now, register both the PAU and the Principal Folder 
+ * Then you can add users in your Principal Folder (aka Principals)
+Via the API::
+  site = getSite()
+  sm = site.getSiteManager()
+  pau = PluggableAuthentication()
+  sm['authentication'] = pau
+  sm.registerUtility(pau, IAuthentication)
+  users = PrincipalFolder()
+  sm['authentication']['Users'] = users
+  sm.registerUtility(users, IAuthenticatorPlugin, name="Users")
+  pau.authenticatorPlugins = (users.__name__, )
+  pau.credentialsPlugins = ( "No Challenge if Authenticated", "Session Credentials" ) 
+How do I setup authentication (via ldap)?
+Install ldapadapter and ldappas.
+Via the ZMI:
+ * go to the site manager (in the root, or in your folder/site)
+ * add a ldapadapter and configure it for your ldapserver, test it
+ * Now, register it with some custom name (example, ldapadapter.interfaces.ILDAPAdapter utility named 'myldap')
+ * add a Pluggable Authentication Utility (name as you want, prefix empty)
+ * enter it and activate "no challenge if auth" and "session credentials" in this order
+ * add a LDAP Authentication plugin
+ * return back to the PAU, and activate your ldap plugin
+ * Now, register both the PAU and the ldap plugin
+ * Then you can see your ldap-users in Grant action
+How do I logout from Zope 3 Management Interface (ZMI) ?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2005-October/001112.html
+Ref: http://svn.zope.org/\*checkout\*/Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/security/browser/loginlogout.txt
+Logout is available from 3.3 onwards, but it is disabled by default.
+To enable add this line to ``$instance/etc/overrides.zcml``::
+  <adapter factory="zope.app.security.LogoutSupported" />
+User Interface
+How do I create a !ZServer instance (instead of the default twisted instance) ?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2007-February/021678.html
+>>> Is there a non-twisted main.py or does zope.app.twisted.main get used
+>>> for all Zope 3 instances?
+>> zope.app.server.main
+> How do you switch between the two?
+  mkzopeinstance creates a twisted instance (default)
+  mkzopeinstance --zserver creates a zope.server instance
+How do I disable the url selection of the skin?
+FIXME: override the  ++skin++ namespace traversal?
+How do I set up z3c.traverser and zope.contentprovider?
+z3c.traverser and zope.contentprovider are helpful packages with good
+and clear doctests. It takes not too much time to get up and running
+with them.  However the packages do not include an example of how to
+configure your new useful code into your project. It is clear from the
+doctests (and from your own doctests writen while making and testing
+your own code) **what** needs to be configured. But if you are like me
+and it all isn't yet quite second-nature, it isn't clear **how** it
+can be configured. So, for z3c.traverser::
+  <!-- register traverser for app -->
+  <view
+    for=".IMallApplication"
+    type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPublisher"
+    factory="z3c.traverser.browser.PluggableBrowserTraverser"
+    permission="zope.Public"
+    />
+  <!-- register traverser plugins -->
+  <!-- my own plugin -->
+  <subscriber
+    for=".IMallApplication
+         zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="z3c.traverser.interfaces.ITraverserPlugin"
+    factory=".traverser.MallTraverserPlugin"
+  />
+  <!-- and traverser package container traverser -->
+  <subscriber
+    for=".IMallApplication
+         zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="z3c.traverser.interfaces.ITraverserPlugin"
+    factory="z3c.traverser.traverser.ContainerTraverserPlugin"
+  />
+And for zope.contentprovider::
+  <!-- register named adapter for menu provider -->
+  <adapter
+    provides="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider"
+    factory="tfws.menu.provider.MenuProvider"
+    name="tfws.menu"
+    />
+  <!-- this does the directlyProvides -->
+  <interface
+    interface="tfws.menu.provider.IMenu"
+    type="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.ITALNamespaceData"
+    />
+How do I declare global constants in ZCML?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004381.html
+You could just use the <utility> directive, and group your constants into
+logical chunks.
+  class IDatabaseLoginOptions(Interface):
+       username = Attribute()
+       password = Attribute()
+  class DatabaseLoginOptions(object):
+       implements(IDatabaseLoginOptions)
+       username = 'foo'
+       password = 'bar'
+  <utility factory=".config.DatabaseLoginOptions" />
+  opts = getUtility(IDatabaseLoginOptions)
+Obviously, this is a bit more work than just declaring some constants
+in ZCML, but global constants suffer the same problems whether they're
+defined in Python or XML.  Parts of your application are making
+assumptions that they are there, with very specific names, which are
+not type checked.
+How can I register a content provider without using viewlet managers?
+You need to create and register simple adapter for object, request and view that implements the IContentProvider interface::
+  class LatestNews(object):
+      implements(IContentProvider)
+      adapts(Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, Interface)
+      def __init__(self, context, request, view):
+          self.context = context
+          self.request = request
+          self.__parent__ = view
+      def update(self):
+          pass
+      def render(self):
+          return 'Latest news'
+In the ZCML::
+  <adapter name="latestNews"
+           for="* zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer *"
+           provides="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider"
+           factory=".LatestNews" />
+Then you can use it in your TAL templates just like this::
+  <div tal:content="provider latestNews" />
+Also, you may want to pass some parameters via TAL. For info on how to do this, read documentation in the zope.contentprovider. If you want to bind some content provider to some skin, change IDefaultBrowserLayer to your skin interface.
+How do I use the Zope 3 WSGI application object?
+Ref: http://blog.d2m.at/2006/09/23/zope3-and-wsgi-integration/
+for an example of integrating the Zope3 WSGI application with a standard WSGI
+How do I serve out static content in zope3?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2006-10-02.log.html
+See the ZCML directives <resource> and <resourceDirectory> they let
+you publish static files through Zope
+Is webdav source server available in Zope 3?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004648.html
+Yes, see this: http://svn.zope.org/zope.webdav/trunk
+How does one use ZCML overrides in buildout in site.zcml for zc.zope3recipes:app recipe ?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2007-April/006106.html
+  <includeOverrides package="myapp" file="overrides.zcml" />
+How write custom traversal in Zope 3 ?
+See this blog entry by Marius Gedminas : http://mg.pov.lt/blog/zope3-custom-traversal.html
+Is there a tutorial?
+ - http://www.benjiyork.com/quick_start/
+ - [Zope 3 in 30 Minutes]
+ - ProgrammerTutorial (out dated)
+Is API documentation available online?
+The Zope3 documentation infrastructure is powerful in that the html
+content is generated on the fly. This makes it somewhat slow while
+browsing on older machines.
+A cached (and therefore fast) version of the docs are available online at:
+How do I check out a project/package from Zope subversion repository?
+Ref: SettingUpAZope3Sandbox
+You can browse available projects here: http://svn.zope.org (in the
+package names, "zc" stands for "Zope Corporation", "z3c" stands for
+"Zope 3 Community")
+Then, to check out Zope3 trunk anonymously::
+  svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope3/trunk Zope3
+Stable branches are available from :
+http://svn.zope.org/Zope3/branches (online) .  And release tags from:
+http://svn.zope.org/Zope3/tags (online)
+To check out Zope 3.3 stable branch::
+  svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope3/branches/3.3 Zope33
+How do I upgrade from one minor release to another?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-August/004025.html
+You can have more than one Zope 3 installed, e.g. you can install Zope
+3.2.1 in parallel to 3.2.0 and switch your instance over to 3.2.1 (by
+editing the start scripts in $INSTANCE/bin). You can also install Zope
+3.2.1 into the place where 3.2.0 was installed; your instance should
+continue to work. Such a thing isn't recommended when upgrading
+between major versions, though (3.2 to 3.3).
+Note: this is even easier if you use an egg based infrastructure. However,
+learning how to use eggs in a realistic way, is a significant leap.
+Must I always restart the  zope server, when I modify my code? 
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004531.html
+  - Yes, you have to restart the server, though we recommend writing unit
+    tests that take a lot less time than starting Zope)
+  - This probably isn't going to be implemented (it's very much non-trivial)
+  - Significantly, you don't have to restart for changes in resources or Page Templates.
+In the beginning, this seems like a huge annoyance - however, getting in the 
+habit of writing unit and functional tests as you develop code will greatly 
+alleviate this issue.
+How do I automatically create some needed object at application startup?
+Do it by subscribing to IDatabaseOpenedWithRootEvent (from zope.app.appsetup)
+Example code::
+  from zope.app.appsetup.interfaces import IDatabaseOpenedWithRootEvent
+  from zope.app.appsetup.bootstrap import getInformationFromEvent
+  import transaction
+  @adapter(IDatabaseOpenedWithRootEvent)
+  def create_my_container(event):
+      db, connection, root, root_folder = getInformationFromEvent(event)
+      if 'mycontainer' not in root_folder:
+          root_folder['mycontainer'] = MyContainer()
+      transaction.commit()
+      connection.close()
+Then register this subscriber in your configure.zcml::
+  <subscriber handler="myapp.create_my_container" />
+How do I validate two or more fields simultaneously?
+Consider a simple example: there is a `person` object.  A person
+object has `name`, `email` and `phone` attributes.  How do we
+implement a validation rule that says either email or phone have to
+exist, but not necessarily both.
+First we have to make a callable object - either a simple function or
+callable instance of a class::
+  >>> def contacts_invariant(obj):
+  ...     if not (obj.email or obj.phone):
+  ...         raise Exception("At least one contact info is required")
+Then, we define the `person` object's interface like this.  Use the
+`interface.invariant` function to set the invariant::
+  >>> class IPerson(interface.Interface):
+  ...
+  ...     name = interface.Attribute("Name")
+  ...     email = interface.Attribute("Email Address")
+  ...     phone = interface.Attribute("Phone Number")
+  ...
+  ...     interface.invariant(contacts_invariant)
+Now use `validateInvariants` method of the interface to validate::
+  >>> class Person(object):
+  ...     interface.implements(IPerson)
+  ...
+  ...     name = None
+  ...     email = None
+  ...     phone = None
+  >>> jack = Person()
+  >>> jack.email = u"jack at some.address.com"
+  >>> IPerson.validateInvariants(jack)
+  >>> jill = Person()
+  >>> IPerson.validateInvariants(jill)
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+  ...
+  Exception: At least one contact info is rquired
+How do I get the parent of location?
+To get the parent of an object use
+zope.traversing.api.getParent(obj). To get a list of the parents above
+an object use zope.traversing.api.getParents(obj).
+How do I set content type header for a HTTP request?
+From IRC (http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2006-06-20.log.html)::
+  Is there any way using the browser:page directive, that I can
+  specify that the Type of a page rendered is not "text/html" but
+  rather "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"?
+Use request.response.setHeader('content-type', ...)
+How do I give unique names to objects added to a container?
+  from zope.app.container.interfaces import INameChooser
+Name will be assigned from 'create' or 'createAndAdd' methods, here is
+an eg::
+  def create(self, data):
+      mycontainer = MyObject()
+      mycontainer.value1 = data['value1']
+      anotherobj = AnotherObject()
+      anotherobj.anothervalue1 = data['anothervalue1']
+      namechooser = INameChooser(mycontainer)
+      name = chooser.chooseName('AnotherObj', anotherobj)
+      mycontainer[name] = anotherobj
+      return mycontainer
+How do I add a catalog programmatically?
+Ref: http://zopetic.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/browser/collectorform.py
+see this eg::
+  from zopetic.interfaces import ITicket
+  from zopetic.interfaces import ICollector
+  from zopetic.ticketcollector import Collector
+  from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
+  from zope.app.intid import IntIds
+  from zope.component import getSiteManager
+  from zope.app.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
+  from zope.app.catalog.catalog import Catalog
+  from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
+  from zope.app.catalog.text import TextIndex
+  ...
+      def create(self, data):
+          collector = Collector()
+          collector.description = data['description']
+          return collector
+      def add(self, object):
+          ob = self.context.add(object)
+          sm = getSiteManager(ob)
+          rootfolder = ob.__parent__
+          cat = Catalog()
+          rootfolder['cat'] = cat
+          if sm.queryUtility(IIntIds) is None:
+              uid = IntIds()
+              rootfolder['uid'] = uid
+              sm.registerUtility(removeSecurityProxy(uid), IIntIds, '')
+              pass
+          sm.registerUtility(removeSecurityProxy(cat), ICatalog, 'cat')
+          cat['description'] = TextIndex('description', ITicket)
+          self._finished_add = True
+          return ob
+Is there a function with which I can get the url of a zope object?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2006-09-25.log.html
+  zope.component.getMultiAdapter((the_object, the_request),
+                                  name='absolute_url')
+  zope.traversing.browser.absoluteURL
+How do I sort !BTreeContainer objects?
+:Q: Is there a way to sort the objects returned by values() from a
+    zope.app.container.btree.!BTreeContainer instance?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2006-09-25.log.html
+Use ``sorted`` builtin function (available from Python 2.4 onwards) ::
+  sorted(my_btree.values())
+How do I extract request parameters in a view method?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-July/003876.html
+  class MyPageView(BrowserView):
+     def __call__(self):
+        if 'myOperation' in self.request.form:
+           param1 = self.request.form['param1']
+           param2 = self.request.form['param2']
+           do_something(param1, param2)
+MyPageView has to be either the default view associated to the 'mypage' object
+or a view called 'mypage' associated to the RootFolder object.
+Alternately, you could use::
+  class MyPageView(BrowserView):
+     def __call__(self, param1, param2="DEFAULT"):
+        if 'myOperation' in self.request.form:
+           do_something(param1, param2)
+How do I use Reportlab threadsafely?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004583.html
+Use a mutex (a recursive lock makes things easier too)::
+  lock = threading.RLock()
+  lock.acquire()
+  try:
+     ...
+  finally:
+     lock.release()
+Why isn't my object getting added to the catalog?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-May/003392.html
+Is it adaptable to IKeyReference?  If you're using the ZODB, deriving
+from Persistent is enough.
+How do I add custom interfaces to pre-existing components/classes?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-November/004918.html
+You can do so with a little zcml::
+    <class class="zope.app.file.Image">
+        <implements interface=".interfaces.IBloggable" />
+    </class>
+How do I get !IRequest object in event handler ?
+:Q: How I can get !IRequest in my event handler (I have only context)? 
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2007-April/006051.html
+  import zope.security.management
+  import zope.security.interfaces
+  import zope.publisher.interfaces
+  def getRequest():
+      i = zope.security.management.getInteraction() # raises NoInteraction
+      for p in i.participations:
+          if zope.publisher.interfaces.IRequest.providedBy(p):
+              return p
+      raise RuntimeError('Could not find current request.')
+How do I create RSS feeds?
+Refer http://kpug.zwiki.org/ZopeCreatingRSS (Taken from old zope-cookbook.org)
+Where to get zope.conf syntax details ?
+Refer: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2008-04-01.log.html
+Look at schema.xml inside zope.app.appsetup egg
+And this xml file can point you to rest of the syntax.
+for details about <zodb> look for component.xml in ZOBD egg
+How do I register a browser resource in a test?
+First create a fileresource factory (or imageresourcefactory, or another one)::
+    from zope.app.publisher.browser.fileresource import FileResourceFactory
+    from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic
+    path = 'path/to/file.png'
+    registration_name = 'file.png'
+    factory = FileResourceFactory(path, CheckerPublic, name)
+Then register it for your layer::
+    from zope.component import provideAdapter
+    provideAdapter(factory, (IYourLayer,), Interface, name)
+How do I get a registered browser resource in a test?
+A resource is just an adapter on the request. It can be seen as a view without any context.
+you can retrieve the FileResource or DirectoryResource like this:::
+    getAdapter(request, name='file.png')
+If this is a directory resource, you can access the files in it:::
+    getAdapter(request, name='img_dir')['foobar.png']
+then get the content of the file with the GET method (although this is not part of any interface)::
+    getAdapter(request, name='img_dir')['foobar.png'].GET()
+How do I write a custom 404 error page?
+Register a view for zope.publisher.interfaces.INotFound in your layer.
+The default corresponding view is zope.app.exception.browser.notfound.NotFound
+An equivalent exists for pagelets : z3c.layer.pagelet.browser.NotFoundPagelet
+How do I delete an entire tree of objects?
+You can't control the order of deletion. The problem is that
+certain objects get deleted too soon, and other items may need
+them around, particularly if you have specified IObjectRemoved
+You basically have to manually create a deletion dependency tree,
+and force the deletion order yourself.  This is one of the
+problems with events, ie: their order is not well defined.
+Configuration and Setup
+How do I create a !ZServer instance (instead of the default twisted instance) ?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2007-February/021678.html
+>>> Is there a non-twisted main.py or does zope.app.twisted.main get used
+>>> for all Zope 3 instances?
+>> zope.app.server.main
+> How do you switch between the two?
+  mkzopeinstance creates a twisted instance (default)
+  mkzopeinstance --zserver creates a zope.server instance
+How do I disable the url selection of the skin?
+FIXME: override the  ++skin++ namespace traversal?
+How do I set up z3c.traverser and zope.contentprovider?
+z3c.traverser and zope.contentprovider are helpful packages with good
+and clear doctests. It takes not too much time to get up and running
+with them.  However the packages do not include an example of how to
+configure your new useful code into your project. It is clear from the
+doctests (and from your own doctests writen while making and testing
+your own code) **what** needs to be configured. But if you are like me
+and it all isn't yet quite second-nature, it isn't clear **how** it
+can be configured. So, for z3c.traverser::
+  <!-- register traverser for app -->
+  <view
+    for=".IMallApplication"
+    type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserPublisher"
+    factory="z3c.traverser.browser.PluggableBrowserTraverser"
+    permission="zope.Public"
+    />
+  <!-- register traverser plugins -->
+  <!-- my own plugin -->
+  <subscriber
+    for=".IMallApplication
+         zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="z3c.traverser.interfaces.ITraverserPlugin"
+    factory=".traverser.MallTraverserPlugin"
+  />
+  <!-- and traverser package container traverser -->
+  <subscriber
+    for=".IMallApplication
+         zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+    provides="z3c.traverser.interfaces.ITraverserPlugin"
+    factory="z3c.traverser.traverser.ContainerTraverserPlugin"
+  />
+And for zope.contentprovider::
+  <!-- register named adapter for menu provider -->
+  <adapter
+    provides="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider"
+    factory="tfws.menu.provider.MenuProvider"
+    name="tfws.menu"
+    />
+  <!-- this does the directlyProvides -->
+  <interface
+    interface="tfws.menu.provider.IMenu"
+    type="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.ITALNamespaceData"
+    />
+How do I declare global constants in ZCML?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004381.html
+You could just use the <utility> directive, and group your constants into
+logical chunks.
+  class IDatabaseLoginOptions(Interface):
+       username = Attribute()
+       password = Attribute()
+  class DatabaseLoginOptions(object):
+       implements(IDatabaseLoginOptions)
+       username = 'foo'
+       password = 'bar'
+  <utility factory=".config.DatabaseLoginOptions" />
+  opts = getUtility(IDatabaseLoginOptions)
+Obviously, this is a bit more work than just declaring some constants
+in ZCML, but global constants suffer the same problems whether they're
+defined in Python or XML.  Parts of your application are making
+assumptions that they are there, with very specific names, which are
+not type checked.
+How can I register a content provider without using viewlet managers?
+You need to create and register simple adapter for object, request and view that implements the IContentProvider interface::
+  class LatestNews(object):
+      implements(IContentProvider)
+      adapts(Interface, IDefaultBrowserLayer, Interface)
+      def __init__(self, context, request, view):
+          self.context = context
+          self.request = request
+          self.__parent__ = view
+      def update(self):
+          pass
+      def render(self):
+          return 'Latest news'
+In the ZCML::
+  <adapter name="latestNews"
+           for="* zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer *"
+           provides="zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider"
+           factory=".LatestNews" />
+Then you can use it in your TAL templates just like this::
+  <div tal:content="provider latestNews" />
+Also, you may want to pass some parameters via TAL. For info on how to do this, read documentation in the zope.contentprovider. If you want to bind some content provider to some skin, change IDefaultBrowserLayer to your skin interface.
+How do I use the Zope 3 WSGI application object?
+Ref: http://blog.d2m.at/2006/09/23/zope3-and-wsgi-integration/
+for an example of integrating the Zope3 WSGI application with a standard WSGI
+How do I serve out static content in zope3?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2006-10-02.log.html
+See the ZCML directives <resource> and <resourceDirectory> they let
+you publish static files through Zope
+Is webdav source server available in Zope 3?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004648.html
+Yes, see this: http://svn.zope.org/zope.webdav/trunk
+How does one use ZCML overrides in buildout in site.zcml for zc.zope3recipes:app recipe ?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2007-April/006106.html
+  <includeOverrides package="myapp" file="overrides.zcml" />
+How write custom traversal in Zope 3 ?
+See this blog entry by Marius Gedminas : http://mg.pov.lt/blog/zope3-custom-traversal.html
+How do I make my project (or a third party project) appear in the APIDOC?
+Add the following in your apidoc.zcml or configure.zcml:
+  <apidoc:rootModule module="myproject" />
+If it does not show up, add the following:
+  <apidoc:moduleImport allow="true" />
+How can I determine (in code) if the instance is running in devmode or not?
+ from zope.app.appsetup.appsetup import getConfigContext
+    def is_devmode_enabled():
+        """Is devmode enabled in zope.conf?"""
+        config_context = getConfigContext()
+        return config_context.hasFeature('devmode')
+How do I run a particular test from a package?
+Go to your $ZOPE3INSTANCE/etc, then::
+  $ cd $HOME/myzope/etc
+  $ ../bin/test.py -vpu --dir package/tests test_this_module
+Here I assumed $HOME/myzope is your Zope3 instance directory.  Replace
+'package' with your package name.
+How do I record a session?
+You will need to download Shane Hathaways' excellent (and minimal)
+tcpwatch package. This will log ALL data flowing between client
+and server for you, and you can use this in developing tests.
+To record a session::
+  $ mkdir record
+  $ tcpwatch.py -L8081:8080 -r record
+  # Note: use the "-s" option if you don't need a GUI (Tk).
+How do I test file upload using zope.testbrowser?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-July/003830.html
+  >>> import StringIO
+  >>> myPhoto = StringIO.StringIO('my photo')
+  >>> control = user.getControl(name='photoForm.photo')
+  >>> fileControl = control.mech_control
+  >>> fileControl.add_file(myPhoto, filename='myPhoto.gif')
+  >>> user.getControl(name='photoForm.actions.add').click()
+  >>> imgTag =
+  'src="http://localhost/++skin++Application/000001/0001/1/photo"'
+  >>> imgTag in user.contents
+  True
+Why do I see !ForbiddenAttribute exceptions/errors?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-August/004027.html
+ForbiddenAttribute are always (ALWAYS!!!) an sign of missing security
+declarations, or of code accessing stuff it shouldn't. If you're accessing
+a known method, you're most definitely lacking a
+security declaration for it.
+Zope, by default, is set to deny access for attributes and methods that don't
+have explicit declarations.
+"order" attribute not in browser:menuItem directive:
+  Q. I want to add a new view tab in the ZMI to be able to edit object
+  attributes of some objects. So I'm adding a new menuItem in the
+  zmi_views menu via ZCML with::
+    <browser:menuItem
+        action="properties.html"
+        for=".mymodule.IMyClass"
+        title="properties"
+        menu="zmi_views"
+        permission="zope.ManageContent"
+        order="2" />
+  (MyClass is just a derived Folder with custom attributes) The
+  problem is: the new tab always appear in the first place. I would
+  like to put it just after the "content" tab, not before. The "order"
+  directive does not work for that. How can I reorder the tabs so that
+  my new tab appears in the 2nd position?
+The default implementation of menus sorts by interface first, and this
+item is most specific. See zope.app.publisher.browser.menu. If you do
+not like this behavior, you have to implement your own menu code.
+utf-8 error in i18nfile
+  Q. Why do I always get an error when I try to add some utf-8 text
+  into an i18nfile? I just add an i18nfile in the ZMI, then I chose a
+  name and I set the contentType to "text/plain;charset=utf-8". If I
+  enter some text with accents like "éà îî", I get a system error
+  which says : UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte
+  0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128). I don't get any error
+  with a simple File object.
+Okay, I18n file is a demo that is probably not well-developed. Don't
+use it. I will propose to not distribute it anymore. Noone is using
+it, so you are on your own finding the problem and providing a patch.
+When running $instance/bin/runzope zlib import error appears?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2004-November/154739.html
+When you compile Python, make sure you have installed zlib development
+library.  In Debian 3.1 (Sarge) it is `zlib1g-dev`.
+I get a Server Error page when doing something that should work. How do I debug this?
+Here's a nicely formatted IRC log detailing how Steve Alexander found
+a particular bug; it gives lots of good advice on tracking bugs:
+http://dev.zope.org/Members/spascoe/HowOneZope3BugWasFixed (Scott Pascoe)
+Ken Manheimer wrote up an in-depth account of interactive Zope
+debugging using the python prompt - it was written for Zope 2, but
+many of the principles and some of the actual techniques should
+translate to Zope 3.  It's at:
+Here is 'Using the Zope Debugger' from the Zope3 docs:
+I cannot see source when debugging eggified code
+When you try to step into eggified code (libraries), you find that the source file
+referenced is invalid. Closer inspection reveals that the source path referenced
+has an invalid member like 'tmpXXXXX'.
+The fix is easy, but first the reason why this happens:
+When you install eggs with easy_install, it creates a temp directory,
+and byte compiles the python code. Hence, the .pyc files that are generated
+reference this (working, but temporary) path. Easy_install then copies the
+entire package into the right place, and so the .pyc files are stuck with 
+invalid references to source files.
+To solve this, simply remove all the ".pyc" files from any .egg paths that you
+have. On Unix, something like::
+ find . -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm
+should do the trick.
+How do I get more details about system errors, in the browser itself?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-November/004881.html
+Use the Debug skin via ++skin++Debug or via ++debug++errors (the
+latter is better if you still want to see your own skin).
+How can I get a postmortem debugger prompt when a request raises an exception?
+Edit your zope.conf and change the server type from HTTP (or whatever it
+is) to PostmortemDebuggingHTTP or WSGI-PostmortemDebuggingHTTP.::
+    <server>
+      address 8080
+      type PostmortemDebuggingHTTP
+    </server>
+Restart the server in the foreground (you need an attached console to interact
+with the debugger).::
+    path/to/instance/control/script stop
+    path/to/instance/control/script fg
+Now, when a request raises an exception, you'll be dropped into a post-mortem
+debugger at the point of the exception.
+What version of ZODB does Zope 3 use?
+Right now Zope 3 is using ZODB 3.  Zope 3.4 is using ZODB 3.8 .
+ZODB 4 development has halted indefinitely because of lack of
+resources to support both versions. However, many ZODB 4 features
+have been back-ported to ZODB 3.
+How do I use ZODB blob ?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2007-11-18.log.html
+Create a directory under `INSTANCE/var` for storing blobs::
+  $ mkdir var/blobs
+Then in your `zope.conf` change `<zodb>` definition like this::
+  <zodb>
+    <blobstorage>
+      <filestorage>
+        path $DATADIR/Data.fs
+      </filestorage>
+      blob-dir $DATADIR/blobs
+    </blobstorage>
+  </zodb>
+The `blob-dir` specifies where you want to store blobs.  You may use
+``z3c.blobfile`` implementation for storing images and other normal
+The next time you run your app, new .pyc files with correct references will be 
+created, and presto - you're ok!
+Do you have an example of CRUD (create/read/update/delete)?
+Ref: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-users/2006-September/004248.html
+The Zope Object DataBase (ZODB), available by default to your application,
+makes CRUD very simple::
+  Create:
+     >>> from recipe import MyFolder, Recipe
+     >>> folder = MyFolder()
+     >>> recipe = Recipe()
+     >>> folder['dead_chicken'] = recipe
+  Read:
+     >>> folder['dead_chicken']
+     <worldcookery.recipe.Recipe object at XXX>
+  Update:
+     >>> recipe = folder['dead_chicken']
+     >>> recipe.title = u'Dead chicken'
+     >>> recipe.description = u'Beat it to death'
+  Delete:
+     >>> del recipe['dead_chicken']
+Is there any tool to monitor ZODB activity ?
+Ref: http://zope3.pov.lt/irclogs/%23zope3-dev.2007-05-15.log.html
+There are some packages under development:
+ - http://svn.zope.org/zc.z3monitor
+ - http://svn.zope.org/zc.zservertracelog
+ - http://svn.zope.org/zc.zodbactivitylog
+Should I use __docformat___ = 'restructuredtext' in Zope3?
+Yes, if you are using ReStructuredText in docstrings, the default is
+still structured text.
+Which psycopg works with Zope3?
+Zope 3.1 and 3.2 works with Psycopg v1.0.
+FIXME: What about Psycopg v2.0 support in 3.3?
+Where is zope.app.workflow?
+It has never been released with Zope 3, just as an add-on
+package. People are now encouraged to use zope.wfmc and zope.app.wfmc.
+There is also a z3lab extension specifically for document workflows.
+Note: also check out the PyPI site for egg versions.
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