[Checkins] SVN: bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial rename tutorial

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 02:50:59 EST 2010

Log message for revision 108187:
  rename tutorial

  D   bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial.rst
  A   bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst

Deleted: bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial.rst
--- bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial.rst	2010-01-17 06:59:08 UTC (rev 108186)
+++ bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial.rst	2010-01-17 07:50:59 UTC (rev 108187)
@@ -1,752 +0,0 @@
-.. _tut-tutorial:
-.. _tut-introduction:
-In the :ref:`started-getting` chapter you learned how to install
-BlueBream and create a new project using the ``bluebream`` project
-template.  In this chapter, we will explore creating a simple ticket
-collector application.  This will help you to familiarize more
-concepts in BlueBream.
-Before proceeding, we will see the user stories:
-1. Individual small ticket collector for each project.  Many
-   collectors can be added to one running BlueBream.
-2. Any number of tickets can be added to one collector.
-3. Each ticket will be added with a description and one initial
-   comment.
-4. Additional comments can be added to tickets.
-.. _tut-new-project:
-Starting new project
-Using project template
-In this section, we will create the directory layout for ticket
-collector application.  I assume you have already installed
-``bluebream`` using ``easy_install bluebream`` command as mentioned
-in the :ref:`started-getting`.  We are going to use the project name
-as ``ticketcollector`` and namespace package as ``tc``. Let's create
-the project directory layout for ``ticketcollector``::
-  $ paster create -t bluebream
-  Selected and implied templates:
-    bluebream#bluebream  A Zope project
-  Enter project name: ticketcollector
-  Variables:
-    egg:      ticketcollector
-    package:  ticketcollector
-    project:  ticketcollector
-  Enter namespace_package (Namespace package name) ['ticketcollector']: tc
-  Enter main_package (Main package name (under the namespace)) ['main']:
-  Enter interpreter (Name of custom Python interpreter) ['breampy']:
-  Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['0.1']:
-  Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: Ticket Collector
-  Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']: A ticket collector application
-  Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']:
-  Enter author (Author name) ['']: Baiju M
-  Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: baiju at muthukadan.net
-  Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']:
-  Enter license_name (License name) ['']: ZPL
-  Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]:
-  Creating template bluebream
-  Creating directory ./ticketcollector
-    Copying bootstrap.py to ./ticketcollector/bootstrap.py
-    Copying buildout.cfg_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/buildout.cfg
-    Copying debug.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/debug.ini
-    Copying deploy.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/deploy.ini
-    Recursing into etc
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/etc/
-      Copying site.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/etc/site.zcml
-    Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/setup.py
-    Recursing into src
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/src/
-      Recursing into +namespace_package+
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/
-        Recursing into +main_package+
-          Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/
-          Copying README.txt_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/README.txt
-          Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/__init__.py
-          Copying app.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/app.py
-          Copying application.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/application.zcml
-          Copying configure.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
-          Copying debug.py to ./sample/src/test_name/test_main/debug.py
-          Copying ftesting.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/ftesting.zcml
-          Copying interfaces.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/interfaces.py
-          Copying securitypolicy.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/securitypolicy.zcml
-          Copying startup.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/startup.py
-          Copying tests.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests.py
-          Copying views.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/views.py
-        Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/__init__.py
-      Recursing into +package+.egg-info
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/
-        Copying PKG-INFO to ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/PKG-INFO
-    Recursing into templates
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/templates/
-      Copying zope_conf.in to ./ticketcollector/templates/zope_conf.in
-    Recursing into var
-      Creating ./ticketcollector/var/
-      Recursing into blob
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/blob/
-        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/blob/README.txt
-        Recursing into tmp
-          Creating ./ticketcollector/var/blob/tmp/
-      Recursing into filestorage
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/
-        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/README.txt
-      Recursing into log
-        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/log/
-        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/log/README.txt
-    Copying versions.cfg to ./ticketcollector/versions.cfg
-  Running /opt/baiju/py26/bin/python2.6 setup.py egg_info
-As you can see above, we have provided most of the project details
-and some are skipped.  If you want, it is possible to change the
-values provided here later.  But changing the package name or
-namespace package name may not be easy as changing the description.
-The reason is that, the name and namespace package might be referred
-from many places.
-Fresh package
-If you change directory to ``ticketcollector``, you can see few
-directories and files::
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ ls -CF
-  bootstrap.py  debug.ini   etc/      src/        var/
-  buildout.cfg  deploy.ini  setup.py  templates/  versions.cfg
-Once the project directory layout is ready, you can add it to your
-version controlling system.  You need **not** to add
-``src/ticketcollector.egg-info`` directory as it is generated by
-setuptools.  Here is an example using `bzr
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ rm -fr src/ticketcollector.egg-info/
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr init
-  Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr add *
-  adding bootstrap.py
-  adding buildout.cfg
-  adding debug.ini
-  ...
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr ci -m "Initial import"
-  Committing to: /projects/ticketcollector/
-  added bootstrap.py
-  added buildout.cfg
-  ...
-  Committed revision 1.
-Adding source code to version controlling system is an optional step,
-but it is recommended even for experiments.  Now you have, a ready to
-use, stand alone source code.  You need not to have the ``bluebream``
-distribution installed anymore to function any task.  The source code
-contains mechanism to install dependencies and setup other things
-required.  The only necessary things you need to have is a pure
-Python installation and Internet access to PyPI.  We will see how
-this is becoming possible in the upcoming sections.
-The next step is building the application using Buildout.  The
-purpose of Buildout is to automate all the process involved in
-building an Python application/package from scratch.  The only basic
-requirement for Buildout is a Python installation.  Buildout provides
-a bootstrapping script to initialize Buildout.  This bootstrap
-script named ``bootstrap.py`` will do these things:
-- Download and install ``setuptools`` package from PyPI
-- Download and install ``zc.buildout`` package from PyPI
-- Create directory structure eg:- bin/ eggs/ parts/ develop-eggs/
-- Create a script inside ``bin`` directory named ``buildout``
-When you run the ``bootstrap.py``, you can see that it creates few
-directories and the ``bin/buildout`` script as mentioned earlier::
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ python2.6 bootstrap.py
-  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/bin'.
-  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/parts'.
-  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/develop-eggs'.
-  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/eggs'.
-  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/buildout'.
-- The ``bin`` directory is where buildout install all the executable
-  scripts.
-- The ``eggs`` directory is where buildout install Python eggs
-- The ``parts`` is where Buildout save all output generated by buildout.
-  Buildout expects you to not change anything inside parts directory
-  as it is auto generated by Buildout.
-- The ``develop-eggs`` directory is where buildout save links to all
-  locally developing Python eggs.
-Buildout configuration
-After bootstrapping the Buildout, you can perform the real building
-of your application.  All the steps you have done so far is not
-required to be repeated.  But the build step will be required to
-repeat whenever you make changed to the buildout configuration.  Now
-you are ready to run the ``bin/buildout`` to build the application.
-Before running the buildout, let's see the content of
-  [config]
-  site_zcml = ${buildout:directory}/etc/site.zcml
-  blob = ${buildout:directory}/var/blob
-  filestorage = ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage
-  log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
-  [buildout]
-  develop = .
-  extends = versions.cfg
-  parts = app
-          zope_conf
-          test
-  [app]
-  recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-  eggs = ticketcollector
-         z3c.evalexception>=2.0
-         Paste
-         PasteScript
-         PasteDeploy
-  interpreter = breampy
-  [zope_conf]
-  recipe = collective.recipe.template
-  input = templates/zope_conf.in
-  output = etc/zope.conf
-  [test]
-  recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-  eggs = ticketcollector
-The buildout configuration file is divided into multiple sections
-called parts.  The main part is called ``[buildout]``, and that is
-given as the second part in the above configuration file.  We have
-added a part named ``[config]`` for convenience which includes some
-common options referred from other places.  Each part will be handled
-by the Buildout plugin mechanism called recipes, with few exceptions.
-However, the main part ``[buildout]`` need not to have any recipe,
-this part will be handled by Buildout itself.  As you can see above
-``[config]`` part also doesn't have any recipe.  So, the ``[config]``
-part itself will not be performing any actions.
-We will look at each part here.  Let's start with ``[config]``::
-  [config]
-  site_zcml = ${buildout:directory}/etc/site.zcml
-  blob = ${buildout:directory}/var/blob
-  filestorage = ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage
-  log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
-The ``[config]`` is kind of meta part which is created for
-convenience to hold some common options used by other parts and
-templates.  Using ``[config]`` part is a good Buildout pattern used
-by many users.  In the above given configuration, the options
-provided are _not_ used by other parts directly, but all are used in
-one template given in the ``[zope_conf]`` part.  Here is details
-about each options:
-- ``site_zcml`` -- this is the location where final ``site.zcml``
-  file will be residing.  The value of ``${buildout:directory}`` will
-  be the absolute path to the directory where you are running
-  buildout.  In the above example, the value will be:
-  ``/projects/ticketcollector``.  So, the value of ``site_zcml`` will
-  be: ``/projects/ticketcollector/etc/site.zcml``
-- ``blob`` -- location where ZODB blob files are stored.
-- ``filestorage`` -- ZODB data files are stored here.
-- ``log`` -- All log files goes here.
-Let's look at the main ``[buildout]`` part details now::
-  [buildout]
-  develop = .
-  extends = versions.cfg
-  parts = app
-          zope_conf
-          test
-The second option ``develop`` says to buildout that, the current
-directory is a Python distribution source, i.e., there is a
-``setup.py`` file.  Buildout will inspect the ``setup.py`` and add
-create develop egg link inside ``develop-eggs`` directory.  The link
-file should contain path to location where the Python package is
-residing.  So, buildout will make sure that the packages is always
-importable.  The value of ``develop`` option could be a relative
-path, as given above or absolute path to some directory.  You can
-also add multiple lines to ``develop`` option with different paths.
-The ``extends`` option says buildout to include the full content of
-``versions.cfg`` file as part the configuration.  The
-``versions.cfg`` is another Buildout configuration file which
-contains the release numbers of different dependencies.  You can add
-multiple lines to ``extends`` option to include multiple
-configuration files.
-The ``parts`` option list all the parts to be built by Buildout.
-Buildout expects a recipe for each parts listed here.  So, you cannot
-include ``config`` part here as it doesn't have any recipe.
-Now let's look at the ``app`` part::
-  [app]
-  recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-  eggs = ticketcollector
-         z3c.evalexception>=2.0
-         Paste
-         PasteScript
-         PasteDeploy
-  interpreter = breampy
-This part takes care of all the eggs required for the application to
-function.  The `zc.recipe.egg
-<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.recipe.egg>`_ is an advanced Buildout
-recipe with many features to deal with egg.  Majority of the
-dependencies will come as part of the main application egg.  The
-option ``eggs`` list all the eggs.  The first egg,
-``ticketcollector`` is the main locally developing egg.  The last
-option, ``interpreter`` specify the name of custom interpreter create
-by this part.  The custom interpreter contains path to all eggs
-listed here.
-The ``zope_conf]`` part creates the ``zope.conf`` from a template::
-  [zope_conf]
-  recipe = collective.recipe.template
-  input = templates/zope_conf.in
-  output = etc/zope.conf
-This part must be very self explanatory, it simply creates a
-``zope.conf`` file from a template.  This template recipe is very
-common among Buildout users.  Here is the template file
-  # Identify the component configuration used to define the site:
-  site-definition ${config:site_zcml}
-  <zodb>
-    # Wrap standard FileStorage with BlobStorage proxy to get ZODB blobs
-    # support.
-    # This won't be needed with ZODB 3.9, as its FileStorage supports
-    # blobs by itself. If you use ZODB 3.9, remove the proxy and specify
-    # the blob-dir parameter right in in filestorage, just after path.
-    <blobstorage>
-      blob-dir ${config:blob}
-      <filestorage>
-        path ${config:filestorage}/Data.fs
-      </filestorage>
-    </blobstorage>
-  # Uncomment this if you want to connect to a ZEO server instead:
-  #  <zeoclient>
-  #    server localhost:8100
-  #    storage 1
-  #    # ZEO client cache, in bytes
-  #    cache-size 20MB
-  #    # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
-  #    #client zeo1
-  #  </zeoclient>
-  </zodb>
-  <eventlog>
-    # This sets up logging to both a file and to standard output (STDOUT).
-    # The "path" setting can be a relative or absolute filesystem path or
-    # the tokens STDOUT or STDERR.
-    <logfile>
-      path ${config:log}/z3.log
-      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
-    </logfile>
-    <logfile>
-      path STDOUT
-      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
-    </logfile>
-  </eventlog>
-  # Comment this line to disable developer mode.  This should be done in
-  # production
-  devmode on
-The last part creates a test runner::
-  [test]
-  recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-  eggs = ticketcollector
-The testrunner recipe creates a test runner using ``zope.testing``
-module.  The only mandatory option is ``eggs`` where you can specify
-the eggs.
-Running Buildout
-Now you can the ``bin/buildout`` command.  This will take some time
-to download packages from PyPI.  When you run buildout, it will show
-something like this::
-  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ ./bin/buildout
-  Develop: '/projects/ticketcollector/.'
-  Installing app.
-  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/paster'.
-  Generated interpreter '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/breampy'.
-  Installing zope_conf.
-  Installing test.
-  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/test'.
-In the above example, all eggs are already available in the eggs
-folder, otherwise it will download and install eggs.  The buildout
-also created three more scripts inside ``bin`` directory.
-- The ``paster`` command can be used to run web server.
-- The ``breampy`` command provides a custom Python interpreter with
-  all eggs included in path.
-- The ``test`` command can be used to run the test runner.
-Now we have a project source where we can continue developing this
-application.  Now onwards, you need to do the remaining things
-The site definition
-BlueBream use ZCML for application specific configuration.  ZCML is
-an XML based declarative configuration language.  As you have seen
-already in ``zope.conf`` the main configuration is located at
-``etc/site.zcml``.  Here is the default listing::
-  <configure
-     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
-    <include package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.security" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.publisher" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.i18n" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.browserresource" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.browsermenu" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.browserpage" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.principalregistry" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.app.publication" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.app.form.browser" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.app.container.browser" file="meta.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.publisher" />
-    <include package="zope.component" />
-    <include package="zope.traversing" />
-    <include package="zope.site" />
-    <include package="zope.annotation" />
-    <include package="zope.container" />
-    <include package="zope.componentvocabulary" />
-    <include package="zope.formlib" />
-    <include package="zope.app.appsetup" />
-    <include package="zope.app.security" />
-    <include package="zope.app.publication" />
-    <include package="zope.app.form.browser" />
-    <include package="zope.app.basicskin" />
-    <include package="zope.browsermenu" />
-    <include package="zope.principalregistry" />
-    <include package="zope.authentication" />
-    <include package="zope.securitypolicy" />
-    <include package="zope.login" />
-    <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" file="menus.zcml" />
-    <include package="zope.app.authentication" />
-    <include package="zope.app.security.browser" />
-    <include package="tc.main" file="securitypolicy.zcml" />
-    <include package="tc.main" file="application.zcml" />
-  </configure>
-The main configuration, ``site.zcml`` include other configuration
-files specific to packages.  The ZCML has some directives like
-`include``, ``page``, ``defaultView`` etc. available at various XML
-namespaces.  In the ``site.zcml`` the default XML namespace is
-``http://namespaces.zope.org/zope``.  If you look at top of
-site.zcml, you can see the namespace defined like this::
-  <configure
-   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
-The ``include`` directive is available in
-``http://namespaces.zope.org/zope`` namespace.  If you look at other
-configuration files, you can see some other namespaces like
-``http://namespaces.zope.org/browser`` used.
-At the end of ``site.zcml``, two application specific configuration
-files are included like this::
-  <include package="tc.main" file="securitypolicy.zcml" />
-  <include package="tc.main" file="application.zcml" />
-The ``securitypolicy.zcml`` is where you can define the security
-policies.  The ``application.zcml`` is a generic configuration file
-where you can include other application specific configuration files.
-Also you can define common configuration for your entire application.
-By default, it will look like this::
-  <configure
-     i18n_domain="tc.main"
-     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-     xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
-    <!-- The following registration (defaultView) register 'index' as
-         the default view for a container.  The name of default view
-         can be changed to a different value, for example, 'index.html'.
-         More details about defaultView registration is available here:
-         http://bluebream.zope.org/doc/1.0/howto/defaultview.html
-         -->
-    <browser:defaultView
-       name="index"
-       for="zope.container.interfaces.IContainer"
-       />
-    <include package="tc.main" />
-  </configure>
-As you can see in the ``application.zcml``, it includes ``tc.main``.
-By default, if you include a package without mentioning the
-configuration file, it will include ``configure.zcml``.
-.. _tut-app-object:
-Creating the application object
-Container objects
-In this section, we will create ticketcollector main application
-container object.  BlueBream use the object database know as ZODB to
-store your data (object).  An object data base, you can think of as a
-container which contains objects, the inside object may be another
-container which contains objects.
-So, the object hierarchy will look like this::
-  +-------------------+
-  |                   |
-  |   +---------+     |
-  |   |         |     |
-  |   |  +--+   |     |
-  |   |  +--+   |     |
-  |   +---------+     |
-  |                   |
-  +-------------------+
-BlueBream will take care of the persistence of the objects.  You only
-need to provide some hints in the form of interfaces and inheriting
-from some special classes.  You will see more details about how to do
-it in the upcoming sections.
-Declaring Interface
-As the first step for creating the main application container object
-which is going to hold all other objects, you need to create an
-interface.  You can name the main container interface as
-``ICollector``, the easiest way to create a container is to inherit
-from ``zope.container.interfaces.IContainer`` interface.  You can
-modify the file named ``src/tc/main/interfaces.py`` to add new
-interfaces like this::
-  from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer
-  from zope.schema import TextLine
-  from zope.schema import Text
-  class ICollector(IContainer):
-      """The main application container."""
-      name = TextLine(
-          title=u"Name",
-          description=u"Name of application.",
-          default=u"",
-          required=True)
-      description = Text(
-          title=u"Description",
-          description=u"The name of application container.",
-          default=u"",
-          required=False)
-The interface defined is your schema for the object.  There are two
-fields defined in the schema.  The first one is ``name`` and the
-second one is ``description``.  The schema is used for
-auto-generating web forms.
-Implementing Interface
-Next, you need to implement this interface.  To implement
-``IContainer``, it is recommended to inherit from
-``zope.container.btree.BTreeContainer``.  You can create the
-implementation in ``src/tc/main/ticketcollector.py``::
-  from zope.interface import implements
-  from zope.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-  from tc.main.interfaces import ICollector
-  class Collector(BTreeContainer):
-      """A simple implementation of a collector using B-Tree
-      Container."""
-      implements(ICollector)
-      name = u""
-      description = u""
-To declare a class is implementing a particular interface, you can
-use ``implements`` function.
-Registering components
-  <interface
-     interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
-     type="zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
-     />
-  <class class=".ticketcollector.Collector">
-    <implements
-       interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
-       />
-    <implements
-       interface="zope.container.interfaces.IContentContainer"
-       />
-    <require
-       permission="zope.ManageContent"
-       interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
-       />
-    <require
-       permission="zope.ManageContent"
-       set_schema=".interfaces.ICollector"
-       />
-  </class>
-The ``zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType`` represents a content
-type.  If an **interface** provides ``IContentType`` interface type,
-then all objects providing the **interface** are considered content
-A view for adding collector
-  from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
-  from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
-  from zope.formlib import form
-  from interfaces import ICollector
-  from ticketcollector import Collector
-  class AddTicketCollector(form.AddForm):
-      form_fields = form.Fields(ICollector)
-      def createAndAdd(self, data):
-          name = data['name']
-          description = data.get('description')
-          namechooser = INameChooser(self.context)
-          collector = Collector()
-          collector.name = name
-          collector.description = description
-          name = namechooser.chooseName(name, collector)
-          self.context[name] = collector
-          self.request.response.redirect(name)
-  <browser:page
-     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
-     name="add_ticket_collector"
-     permission="zope.ManageContent"
-     class=".views.AddTicketCollector"
-     />
-A default view for collector
-  class TicketCollectorMainView(BrowserView):
-      def __call__(self):
-          return "Helloo tttt "
-  <browser:page
-     for=".interfaces.ICollector"
-     name="index"
-     permission="zope.ManageContent"
-     class=".views.TicketCollectorMainView"
-     />
-In the next section, you will see more details about the main page.
-Also we are ging to learn a brief overview of Zope Page Template.
-.. _tut-main-page:
-Creating the main page
-Browser Page
-Zope Page Template
-Implementing view
-Registering view
-.. _tut-conclusion:
-.. raw:: html
-  <div id="disqus_thread"></div><script type="text/javascript"
-  src="http://disqus.com/forums/bluebream/embed.js"></script><noscript><a
-  href="http://disqus.com/forums/bluebream/?url=ref">View the
-  discussion thread.</a></noscript><a href="http://disqus.com"
-  class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span
-  class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>

Copied: bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst (from rev 108186, bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial.rst)
--- bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ bluebream/website/docs/v1.0/tutorial1.rst	2010-01-17 07:50:59 UTC (rev 108187)
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+.. _tut-tutorial:
+Tutorial Part 1
+.. _tut-introduction:
+In the :ref:`started-getting` chapter you learned how to install
+BlueBream and create a new project using the ``bluebream`` project
+template.  In this chapter, we will explore creating a simple ticket
+collector application.  This will help you to familiarize more
+concepts in BlueBream.
+Before proceeding, we will see the user stories:
+1. Individual small ticket collector for each project.  Many
+   collectors can be added to one running BlueBream.
+2. Any number of tickets can be added to one collector.
+3. Each ticket will be added with a description and one initial
+   comment.
+4. Additional comments can be added to tickets.
+.. _tut-new-project:
+Starting new project
+Using project template
+In this section, we will create the directory layout for ticket
+collector application.  I assume you have already installed
+``bluebream`` using ``easy_install bluebream`` command as mentioned
+in the :ref:`started-getting`.  We are going to use the project name
+as ``ticketcollector`` and namespace package as ``tc``. Let's create
+the project directory layout for ``ticketcollector``::
+  $ paster create -t bluebream
+  Selected and implied templates:
+    bluebream#bluebream  A Zope project
+  Enter project name: ticketcollector
+  Variables:
+    egg:      ticketcollector
+    package:  ticketcollector
+    project:  ticketcollector
+  Enter namespace_package (Namespace package name) ['ticketcollector']: tc
+  Enter main_package (Main package name (under the namespace)) ['main']:
+  Enter interpreter (Name of custom Python interpreter) ['breampy']:
+  Enter version (Version (like 0.1)) ['0.1']:
+  Enter description (One-line description of the package) ['']: Ticket Collector
+  Enter long_description (Multi-line description (in reST)) ['']: A ticket collector application
+  Enter keywords (Space-separated keywords/tags) ['']:
+  Enter author (Author name) ['']: Baiju M
+  Enter author_email (Author email) ['']: baiju at muthukadan.net
+  Enter url (URL of homepage) ['']:
+  Enter license_name (License name) ['']: ZPL
+  Enter zip_safe (True/False: if the package can be distributed as a .zip file) [False]:
+  Creating template bluebream
+  Creating directory ./ticketcollector
+    Copying bootstrap.py to ./ticketcollector/bootstrap.py
+    Copying buildout.cfg_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/buildout.cfg
+    Copying debug.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/debug.ini
+    Copying deploy.ini_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/deploy.ini
+    Recursing into etc
+      Creating ./ticketcollector/etc/
+      Copying site.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/etc/site.zcml
+    Copying setup.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/setup.py
+    Recursing into src
+      Creating ./ticketcollector/src/
+      Recursing into +namespace_package+
+        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/
+        Recursing into +main_package+
+          Creating ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/
+          Copying README.txt_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/README.txt
+          Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/__init__.py
+          Copying app.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/app.py
+          Copying application.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/application.zcml
+          Copying configure.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/configure.zcml
+          Copying debug.py to ./sample/src/test_name/test_main/debug.py
+          Copying ftesting.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/ftesting.zcml
+          Copying interfaces.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/interfaces.py
+          Copying securitypolicy.zcml_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/securitypolicy.zcml
+          Copying startup.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/startup.py
+          Copying tests.py_tmpl to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/tests.py
+          Copying views.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/main/views.py
+        Copying __init__.py to ./ticketcollector/src/tc/__init__.py
+      Recursing into +package+.egg-info
+        Creating ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/
+        Copying PKG-INFO to ./ticketcollector/src/ticketcollector.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+    Recursing into templates
+      Creating ./ticketcollector/templates/
+      Copying zope_conf.in to ./ticketcollector/templates/zope_conf.in
+    Recursing into var
+      Creating ./ticketcollector/var/
+      Recursing into blob
+        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/blob/
+        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/blob/README.txt
+        Recursing into tmp
+          Creating ./ticketcollector/var/blob/tmp/
+      Recursing into filestorage
+        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/
+        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/filestorage/README.txt
+      Recursing into log
+        Creating ./ticketcollector/var/log/
+        Copying README.txt to ./ticketcollector/var/log/README.txt
+    Copying versions.cfg to ./ticketcollector/versions.cfg
+  Running /opt/baiju/py26/bin/python2.6 setup.py egg_info
+As you can see above, we have provided most of the project details
+and some are skipped.  If you want, it is possible to change the
+values provided here later.  But changing the package name or
+namespace package name may not be easy as changing the description.
+The reason is that, the name and namespace package might be referred
+from many places.
+Fresh package
+If you change directory to ``ticketcollector``, you can see few
+directories and files::
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ ls -CF
+  bootstrap.py  debug.ini   etc/      src/        var/
+  buildout.cfg  deploy.ini  setup.py  templates/  versions.cfg
+Once the project directory layout is ready, you can add it to your
+version controlling system.  You need **not** to add
+``src/ticketcollector.egg-info`` directory as it is generated by
+setuptools.  Here is an example using `bzr
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ rm -fr src/ticketcollector.egg-info/
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr init
+  Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr add *
+  adding bootstrap.py
+  adding buildout.cfg
+  adding debug.ini
+  ...
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ bzr ci -m "Initial import"
+  Committing to: /projects/ticketcollector/
+  added bootstrap.py
+  added buildout.cfg
+  ...
+  Committed revision 1.
+Adding source code to version controlling system is an optional step,
+but it is recommended even for experiments.  Now you have, a ready to
+use, stand alone source code.  You need not to have the ``bluebream``
+distribution installed anymore to function any task.  The source code
+contains mechanism to install dependencies and setup other things
+required.  The only necessary things you need to have is a pure
+Python installation and Internet access to PyPI.  We will see how
+this is becoming possible in the upcoming sections.
+The next step is building the application using Buildout.  The
+purpose of Buildout is to automate all the process involved in
+building an Python application/package from scratch.  The only basic
+requirement for Buildout is a Python installation.  Buildout provides
+a bootstrapping script to initialize Buildout.  This bootstrap
+script named ``bootstrap.py`` will do these things:
+- Download and install ``setuptools`` package from PyPI
+- Download and install ``zc.buildout`` package from PyPI
+- Create directory structure eg:- bin/ eggs/ parts/ develop-eggs/
+- Create a script inside ``bin`` directory named ``buildout``
+When you run the ``bootstrap.py``, you can see that it creates few
+directories and the ``bin/buildout`` script as mentioned earlier::
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ python2.6 bootstrap.py
+  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/bin'.
+  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/parts'.
+  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/develop-eggs'.
+  Creating directory '/projects/ticketcollector/eggs'.
+  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/buildout'.
+- The ``bin`` directory is where buildout install all the executable
+  scripts.
+- The ``eggs`` directory is where buildout install Python eggs
+- The ``parts`` is where Buildout save all output generated by buildout.
+  Buildout expects you to not change anything inside parts directory
+  as it is auto generated by Buildout.
+- The ``develop-eggs`` directory is where buildout save links to all
+  locally developing Python eggs.
+Buildout configuration
+After bootstrapping the Buildout, you can perform the real building
+of your application.  All the steps you have done so far is not
+required to be repeated.  But the build step will be required to
+repeat whenever you make changed to the buildout configuration.  Now
+you are ready to run the ``bin/buildout`` to build the application.
+Before running the buildout, let's see the content of
+  [config]
+  site_zcml = ${buildout:directory}/etc/site.zcml
+  blob = ${buildout:directory}/var/blob
+  filestorage = ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage
+  log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
+  [buildout]
+  develop = .
+  extends = versions.cfg
+  parts = app
+          zope_conf
+          test
+  [app]
+  recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+  eggs = ticketcollector
+         z3c.evalexception>=2.0
+         Paste
+         PasteScript
+         PasteDeploy
+  interpreter = breampy
+  [zope_conf]
+  recipe = collective.recipe.template
+  input = templates/zope_conf.in
+  output = etc/zope.conf
+  [test]
+  recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+  eggs = ticketcollector
+The buildout configuration file is divided into multiple sections
+called parts.  The main part is called ``[buildout]``, and that is
+given as the second part in the above configuration file.  We have
+added a part named ``[config]`` for convenience which includes some
+common options referred from other places.  Each part will be handled
+by the Buildout plugin mechanism called recipes, with few exceptions.
+However, the main part ``[buildout]`` need not to have any recipe,
+this part will be handled by Buildout itself.  As you can see above
+``[config]`` part also doesn't have any recipe.  So, the ``[config]``
+part itself will not be performing any actions.
+We will look at each part here.  Let's start with ``[config]``::
+  [config]
+  site_zcml = ${buildout:directory}/etc/site.zcml
+  blob = ${buildout:directory}/var/blob
+  filestorage = ${buildout:directory}/var/filestorage
+  log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
+The ``[config]`` is kind of meta part which is created for
+convenience to hold some common options used by other parts and
+templates.  Using ``[config]`` part is a good Buildout pattern used
+by many users.  In the above given configuration, the options
+provided are _not_ used by other parts directly, but all are used in
+one template given in the ``[zope_conf]`` part.  Here is details
+about each options:
+- ``site_zcml`` -- this is the location where final ``site.zcml``
+  file will be residing.  The value of ``${buildout:directory}`` will
+  be the absolute path to the directory where you are running
+  buildout.  In the above example, the value will be:
+  ``/projects/ticketcollector``.  So, the value of ``site_zcml`` will
+  be: ``/projects/ticketcollector/etc/site.zcml``
+- ``blob`` -- location where ZODB blob files are stored.
+- ``filestorage`` -- ZODB data files are stored here.
+- ``log`` -- All log files goes here.
+Let's look at the main ``[buildout]`` part details now::
+  [buildout]
+  develop = .
+  extends = versions.cfg
+  parts = app
+          zope_conf
+          test
+The second option ``develop`` says to buildout that, the current
+directory is a Python distribution source, i.e., there is a
+``setup.py`` file.  Buildout will inspect the ``setup.py`` and add
+create develop egg link inside ``develop-eggs`` directory.  The link
+file should contain path to location where the Python package is
+residing.  So, buildout will make sure that the packages is always
+importable.  The value of ``develop`` option could be a relative
+path, as given above or absolute path to some directory.  You can
+also add multiple lines to ``develop`` option with different paths.
+The ``extends`` option says buildout to include the full content of
+``versions.cfg`` file as part the configuration.  The
+``versions.cfg`` is another Buildout configuration file which
+contains the release numbers of different dependencies.  You can add
+multiple lines to ``extends`` option to include multiple
+configuration files.
+The ``parts`` option list all the parts to be built by Buildout.
+Buildout expects a recipe for each parts listed here.  So, you cannot
+include ``config`` part here as it doesn't have any recipe.
+Now let's look at the ``app`` part::
+  [app]
+  recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+  eggs = ticketcollector
+         z3c.evalexception>=2.0
+         Paste
+         PasteScript
+         PasteDeploy
+  interpreter = breampy
+This part takes care of all the eggs required for the application to
+function.  The `zc.recipe.egg
+<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.recipe.egg>`_ is an advanced Buildout
+recipe with many features to deal with egg.  Majority of the
+dependencies will come as part of the main application egg.  The
+option ``eggs`` list all the eggs.  The first egg,
+``ticketcollector`` is the main locally developing egg.  The last
+option, ``interpreter`` specify the name of custom interpreter create
+by this part.  The custom interpreter contains path to all eggs
+listed here.
+The ``zope_conf]`` part creates the ``zope.conf`` from a template::
+  [zope_conf]
+  recipe = collective.recipe.template
+  input = templates/zope_conf.in
+  output = etc/zope.conf
+This part must be very self explanatory, it simply creates a
+``zope.conf`` file from a template.  This template recipe is very
+common among Buildout users.  Here is the template file
+  # Identify the component configuration used to define the site:
+  site-definition ${config:site_zcml}
+  <zodb>
+    # Wrap standard FileStorage with BlobStorage proxy to get ZODB blobs
+    # support.
+    # This won't be needed with ZODB 3.9, as its FileStorage supports
+    # blobs by itself. If you use ZODB 3.9, remove the proxy and specify
+    # the blob-dir parameter right in in filestorage, just after path.
+    <blobstorage>
+      blob-dir ${config:blob}
+      <filestorage>
+        path ${config:filestorage}/Data.fs
+      </filestorage>
+    </blobstorage>
+  # Uncomment this if you want to connect to a ZEO server instead:
+  #  <zeoclient>
+  #    server localhost:8100
+  #    storage 1
+  #    # ZEO client cache, in bytes
+  #    cache-size 20MB
+  #    # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
+  #    #client zeo1
+  #  </zeoclient>
+  </zodb>
+  <eventlog>
+    # This sets up logging to both a file and to standard output (STDOUT).
+    # The "path" setting can be a relative or absolute filesystem path or
+    # the tokens STDOUT or STDERR.
+    <logfile>
+      path ${config:log}/z3.log
+      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
+    </logfile>
+    <logfile>
+      path STDOUT
+      formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
+    </logfile>
+  </eventlog>
+  # Comment this line to disable developer mode.  This should be done in
+  # production
+  devmode on
+The last part creates a test runner::
+  [test]
+  recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+  eggs = ticketcollector
+The testrunner recipe creates a test runner using ``zope.testing``
+module.  The only mandatory option is ``eggs`` where you can specify
+the eggs.
+Running Buildout
+Now you can the ``bin/buildout`` command.  This will take some time
+to download packages from PyPI.  When you run buildout, it will show
+something like this::
+  jack at computer:/projects/ticketcollector$ ./bin/buildout
+  Develop: '/projects/ticketcollector/.'
+  Installing app.
+  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/paster'.
+  Generated interpreter '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/breampy'.
+  Installing zope_conf.
+  Installing test.
+  Generated script '/projects/ticketcollector/bin/test'.
+In the above example, all eggs are already available in the eggs
+folder, otherwise it will download and install eggs.  The buildout
+also created three more scripts inside ``bin`` directory.
+- The ``paster`` command can be used to run web server.
+- The ``breampy`` command provides a custom Python interpreter with
+  all eggs included in path.
+- The ``test`` command can be used to run the test runner.
+Now we have a project source where we can continue developing this
+application.  Now onwards, you need to do the remaining things
+The site definition
+BlueBream use ZCML for application specific configuration.  ZCML is
+an XML based declarative configuration language.  As you have seen
+already in ``zope.conf`` the main configuration is located at
+``etc/site.zcml``.  Here is the default listing::
+  <configure
+     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
+    <include package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.security" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.publisher" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.i18n" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.browserresource" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.browsermenu" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.browserpage" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.principalregistry" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.app.publication" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.app.form.browser" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.app.container.browser" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.publisher" />
+    <include package="zope.component" />
+    <include package="zope.traversing" />
+    <include package="zope.site" />
+    <include package="zope.annotation" />
+    <include package="zope.container" />
+    <include package="zope.componentvocabulary" />
+    <include package="zope.formlib" />
+    <include package="zope.app.appsetup" />
+    <include package="zope.app.security" />
+    <include package="zope.app.publication" />
+    <include package="zope.app.form.browser" />
+    <include package="zope.app.basicskin" />
+    <include package="zope.browsermenu" />
+    <include package="zope.principalregistry" />
+    <include package="zope.authentication" />
+    <include package="zope.securitypolicy" />
+    <include package="zope.login" />
+    <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" file="menus.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.app.authentication" />
+    <include package="zope.app.security.browser" />
+    <include package="tc.main" file="securitypolicy.zcml" />
+    <include package="tc.main" file="application.zcml" />
+  </configure>
+The main configuration, ``site.zcml`` include other configuration
+files specific to packages.  The ZCML has some directives like
+`include``, ``page``, ``defaultView`` etc. available at various XML
+namespaces.  In the ``site.zcml`` the default XML namespace is
+``http://namespaces.zope.org/zope``.  If you look at top of
+site.zcml, you can see the namespace defined like this::
+  <configure
+   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
+The ``include`` directive is available in
+``http://namespaces.zope.org/zope`` namespace.  If you look at other
+configuration files, you can see some other namespaces like
+``http://namespaces.zope.org/browser`` used.
+At the end of ``site.zcml``, two application specific configuration
+files are included like this::
+  <include package="tc.main" file="securitypolicy.zcml" />
+  <include package="tc.main" file="application.zcml" />
+The ``securitypolicy.zcml`` is where you can define the security
+policies.  The ``application.zcml`` is a generic configuration file
+where you can include other application specific configuration files.
+Also you can define common configuration for your entire application.
+By default, it will look like this::
+  <configure
+     i18n_domain="tc.main"
+     xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+     xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+    <!-- The following registration (defaultView) register 'index' as
+         the default view for a container.  The name of default view
+         can be changed to a different value, for example, 'index.html'.
+         More details about defaultView registration is available here:
+         http://bluebream.zope.org/doc/1.0/howto/defaultview.html
+         -->
+    <browser:defaultView
+       name="index"
+       for="zope.container.interfaces.IContainer"
+       />
+    <include package="tc.main" />
+  </configure>
+As you can see in the ``application.zcml``, it includes ``tc.main``.
+By default, if you include a package without mentioning the
+configuration file, it will include ``configure.zcml``.
+.. _tut-app-object:
+Creating the application object
+Container objects
+In this section, we will create ticketcollector main application
+container object.  BlueBream use the object database know as ZODB to
+store your data (object).  An object data base, you can think of as a
+container which contains objects, the inside object may be another
+container which contains objects.
+So, the object hierarchy will look like this::
+  +-------------------+
+  |                   |
+  |   +---------+     |
+  |   |         |     |
+  |   |  +--+   |     |
+  |   |  +--+   |     |
+  |   +---------+     |
+  |                   |
+  +-------------------+
+BlueBream will take care of the persistence of the objects.  You only
+need to provide some hints in the form of interfaces and inheriting
+from some special classes.  You will see more details about how to do
+it in the upcoming sections.
+Declaring Interface
+As the first step for creating the main application container object
+which is going to hold all other objects, you need to create an
+interface.  You can name the main container interface as
+``ICollector``, the easiest way to create a container is to inherit
+from ``zope.container.interfaces.IContainer`` interface.  You can
+modify the file named ``src/tc/main/interfaces.py`` to add new
+interfaces like this::
+  from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer
+  from zope.schema import TextLine
+  from zope.schema import Text
+  class ICollector(IContainer):
+      """The main application container."""
+      name = TextLine(
+          title=u"Name",
+          description=u"Name of application.",
+          default=u"",
+          required=True)
+      description = Text(
+          title=u"Description",
+          description=u"The name of application container.",
+          default=u"",
+          required=False)
+The interface defined is your schema for the object.  There are two
+fields defined in the schema.  The first one is ``name`` and the
+second one is ``description``.  The schema is used for
+auto-generating web forms.
+Implementing Interface
+Next, you need to implement this interface.  To implement
+``IContainer``, it is recommended to inherit from
+``zope.container.btree.BTreeContainer``.  You can create the
+implementation in ``src/tc/main/ticketcollector.py``::
+  from zope.interface import implements
+  from zope.container.btree import BTreeContainer
+  from tc.main.interfaces import ICollector
+  class Collector(BTreeContainer):
+      """A simple implementation of a collector using B-Tree
+      Container."""
+      implements(ICollector)
+      name = u""
+      description = u""
+To declare a class is implementing a particular interface, you can
+use ``implements`` function.
+Registering components
+  <interface
+     interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
+     type="zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType"
+     />
+  <class class=".ticketcollector.Collector">
+    <implements
+       interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
+       />
+    <implements
+       interface="zope.container.interfaces.IContentContainer"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       interface=".interfaces.ICollector"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       set_schema=".interfaces.ICollector"
+       />
+  </class>
+The ``zope.app.content.interfaces.IContentType`` represents a content
+type.  If an **interface** provides ``IContentType`` interface type,
+then all objects providing the **interface** are considered content
+A view for adding collector
+  from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
+  from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
+  from zope.formlib import form
+  from interfaces import ICollector
+  from ticketcollector import Collector
+  class AddTicketCollector(form.AddForm):
+      form_fields = form.Fields(ICollector)
+      def createAndAdd(self, data):
+          name = data['name']
+          description = data.get('description')
+          namechooser = INameChooser(self.context)
+          collector = Collector()
+          collector.name = name
+          collector.description = description
+          name = namechooser.chooseName(name, collector)
+          self.context[name] = collector
+          self.request.response.redirect(name)
+  <browser:page
+     for="zope.site.interfaces.IRootFolder"
+     name="add_ticket_collector"
+     permission="zope.ManageContent"
+     class=".views.AddTicketCollector"
+     />
+A default view for collector
+  class TicketCollectorMainView(BrowserView):
+      def __call__(self):
+          return "Helloo tttt "
+  <browser:page
+     for=".interfaces.ICollector"
+     name="index"
+     permission="zope.ManageContent"
+     class=".views.TicketCollectorMainView"
+     />
+In the next section, you will see more details about the main page.
+Also we are ging to learn a brief overview of Zope Page Template.
+.. _tut-main-page:
+Creating the main page
+Browser Page
+Zope Page Template
+Implementing view
+Registering view
+.. _tut-conclusion:
+.. raw:: html
+  <div id="disqus_thread"></div><script type="text/javascript"
+  src="http://disqus.com/forums/bluebream/embed.js"></script><noscript><a
+  href="http://disqus.com/forums/bluebream/?url=ref">View the
+  discussion thread.</a></noscript><a href="http://disqus.com"
+  class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span
+  class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>

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