[Checkins] SVN: zope.pluggableauth/trunk/src/zope/pluggableauth/factories.py Will use the principalfolder from zope.app.authentication as a base for this, to retrain history.

Souheil CHELFOUH souheil at chelfouh.com
Sun Jan 24 13:34:17 EST 2010

Log message for revision 108440:
  Will use the principalfolder from zope.app.authentication as a base for this, to retrain history.

  D   zope.pluggableauth/trunk/src/zope/pluggableauth/factories.py

Deleted: zope.pluggableauth/trunk/src/zope/pluggableauth/factories.py
--- zope.pluggableauth/trunk/src/zope/pluggableauth/factories.py	2010-01-24 18:34:12 UTC (rev 108439)
+++ zope.pluggableauth/trunk/src/zope/pluggableauth/factories.py	2010-01-24 18:34:17 UTC (rev 108440)
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.component import adapts
-from zope.event import notify
-from zope.pluggableauth import interfaces
-from zope.publisher.interfaces import IRequest
-from zope.security.interfaces import IGroupClosureAwarePrincipal as IPrincipal
-class Principal(object):
-    """A group-aware implementation of zope.security.interfaces.IPrincipal.
-    A principal is created with an ID:
-      >>> p = Principal(1)
-      >>> p
-      Principal(1)
-      >>> p.id
-      1
-    title and description may also be provided:
-      >>> p = Principal('george', 'George', 'A site member.')
-      >>> p
-      Principal('george')
-      >>> p.id
-      'george'
-      >>> p.title
-      'George'
-      >>> p.description
-      'A site member.'
-    The `groups` is a simple list, filled in by plugins.
-      >>> p.groups
-      []
-    The `allGroups` attribute is a readonly iterable of the full closure of the
-    groups in the `groups` attribute--that is, if the principal is a direct
-    member of the 'Administrators' group, and the 'Administrators' group is
-    a member of the 'Reviewers' group, then p.groups would be 
-    ['Administrators'] and list(p.allGroups) would be
-    ['Administrators', 'Reviewers'].
-    To illustrate this, we'll need to set up a dummy authentication utility,
-    and a few principals.  Our main principal will also gain some groups, as if
-    plugins had added the groups to the list.  This is all setup--skip to the
-    next block to actually see `allGroups` in action.
-      >>> p.groups.extend(
-      ...     ['content_administrators', 'zope_3_project',
-      ...      'list_administrators', 'zpug'])
-      >>> editor = Principal('editors', 'Content Editors')
-      >>> creator = Principal('creators', 'Content Creators')
-      >>> reviewer = Principal('reviewers', 'Content Reviewers')
-      >>> reviewer.groups.extend(['editors', 'creators'])
-      >>> usermanager = Principal('user_managers', 'User Managers')
-      >>> contentAdmin = Principal(
-      ...     'content_administrators', 'Content Administrators')
-      >>> contentAdmin.groups.extend(['reviewers', 'user_managers'])
-      >>> zope3Dev = Principal('zope_3_project', 'Zope 3 Developer')
-      >>> zope3ListAdmin = Principal(
-      ...     'zope_3_list_admin', 'Zope 3 List Administrators')
-      >>> zope3ListAdmin.groups.append('zope_3_project') # duplicate, but
-      ... # should only appear in allGroups once
-      >>> listAdmin = Principal('list_administrators', 'List Administrators')
-      >>> listAdmin.groups.append('zope_3_list_admin')
-      >>> zpugMember = Principal('zpug', 'ZPUG Member')
-      >>> martians = Principal('martians', 'Martians') # not in p's allGroups
-      >>> group_data = dict((p.id, p) for p in (
-      ...     editor, creator, reviewer, usermanager, contentAdmin,
-      ...     zope3Dev, zope3ListAdmin, listAdmin, zpugMember, martians))
-      >>> class DemoAuth(object):
-      ...     interface.implements(IAuthentication)
-      ...     def getPrincipal(self, id):
-      ...         return group_data[id]
-      ...
-      >>> demoAuth = DemoAuth()
-      >>> component.provideUtility(demoAuth)
-    Now, we have a user with the following groups (lowest level are p's direct
-    groups, and lines show membership):
-      editors  creators
-         \------/
-             |                                     zope_3_project (duplicate)
-          reviewers  user_managers                          |
-               \---------/                           zope_3_list_admin
-                    |                                       |
-          content_administrators   zope_3_project   list_administrators   zpug
-    The allGroups value includes all of the shown groups, and with
-    'zope_3_project' only appearing once.
-      >>> p.groups # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-      ['content_administrators', 'zope_3_project', 'list_administrators',
-       'zpug']
-      >>> list(p.allGroups) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-      ['content_administrators', 'reviewers', 'editors', 'creators',
-       'user_managers', 'zope_3_project', 'list_administrators',
-       'zope_3_list_admin', 'zpug']
-    """
-    implements(IPrincipal)
-    def __init__(self, id, title=u'', description=u''):
-        self.id = id
-        self.title = title
-        self.description = description
-        self.groups = []
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Principal(%r)' % self.id
-    @property
-    def allGroups(self):
-        if self.groups:
-            seen = set()
-            principals = component.getUtility(IAuthentication)
-            stack = [iter(self.groups)]
-            while stack:
-                try:
-                    group_id = stack[-1].next()
-                except StopIteration:
-                    stack.pop()
-                else:
-                    if group_id not in seen:
-                        yield group_id
-                        seen.add(group_id)
-                        group = principals.getPrincipal(group_id)
-                        stack.append(iter(group.groups))
-class AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory(object):
-    """Creates 'authenticated' principals.
-    An authenticated principal is created as a result of an authentication
-    operation.
-    To use the factory, create it with the info (interfaces.IPrincipalInfo) of
-    the principal to create and a request:
-      >>> info = PrincipalInfo('users.mary', 'mary', 'Mary', 'The site admin.')
-      >>> from zope.publisher.base import TestRequest
-      >>> request = TestRequest('/')
-      >>> factory = AuthenticatedPrincipalFactory(info, request)
-    The factory must be called with a pluggable-authentication object:
-      >>> class Auth:
-      ...     prefix = 'auth.'
-      >>> auth = Auth()
-      >>> principal = factory(auth)
-    The factory uses the pluggable authentication and the info to
-    create a principal with the same ID, title, and description:
-      >>> principal.id
-      'auth.users.mary'
-      >>> principal.title
-      'Mary'
-      >>> principal.description
-      'The site admin.'
-    It also fires an AuthenticatedPrincipalCreatedEvent:
-      >>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents
-      >>> [event] = getEvents(interfaces.IAuthenticatedPrincipalCreated)
-      >>> event.principal is principal, event.authentication is auth
-      (True, True)
-      >>> event.info
-      PrincipalInfo('users.mary')
-      >>> event.request is request
-      True
-    Listeners can subscribe to this event to perform additional operations
-    when the authenticated principal is created.
-    For information on how factories are used in the authentication process,
-    see README.txt.
-    """
-    adapts(interfaces.IPrincipalInfo, IRequest)
-    implements(interfaces.IAuthenticatedPrincipalFactory)
-    def __init__(self, info, request):
-        self.info = info
-        self.request = request
-    def __call__(self, authentication):
-        principal = Principal(authentication.prefix + self.info.id,
-                              self.info.title,
-                              self.info.description)
-        notify(interfaces.AuthenticatedPrincipalCreated(
-            authentication, principal, self.info, self.request))
-        return principal

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