[Checkins] SVN: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/ Renamed some doctest files to .test to emphsize their testiness.

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Jul 6 06:52:38 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 114231:
  Renamed some doctest files to .test to emphsize their testiness.

  D   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/README.txt
  A   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.test
  D   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.txt
  A   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.test
  D   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.txt
  A   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.test
  D   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.txt
  A   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.test
  D   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.txt
  A   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/old.test
  U   zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/tests.py

Deleted: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/README.txt
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/README.txt	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/README.txt	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-Much of the information here is a bit out of date, especially wrt the
-testing APIs.  Testing is now much simpler than it used to be.
-See doc/index.txt.
-Network Gateway Interface
-Network programs are typically difficult to test because they require
-setting up network connections, clients, and servers.  In addition,
-application code gets mixed up with networking code.
-The Network Gateway Interface (NGI) seeks to improve this situation by
-separating application code from network code.  This allows
-application and network code to be tested independently and provides
-greater separation of concerns.
-There are several interfaces defined by the NGI:
-    APIs for implementing and connecting to TCP servers and for
-    implemented and sending messages to UDP servers.
-    Network connection implementation.  This is the core interface that
-    applications interact with,
-    Application component that handles TCP network input.
-    Application callback that handles successful or failed outgoing
-    TCP connections.
-    Application callback to handle incoming connections.
-    Application callback to handle incoming UDP messages.
-The interfaces are split between "implementation" and "application"
-interfaces.  An implementation of the NGI provides IImplementation,
-IConnection, IListener, and IUDPListener. An application provides
-IConnectionHandler and one or more of IClientConnectHandler,
-IServer, or IUDPHandler.
-For more information, see interfaces.py.
-Testing Implementation
-These interface can have a number of implementations.  The simplest
-implementation is the testing implementation, which is used to test
-application code.
-    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
-The testing module provides IConnection, IConnector, and IListener
-implementations. We'll use this below to illustrate how application code
-is written.
-Implementing Network Clients
-Network clients make connections to and then use these connections to
-communicate with servers.  To do so, a client must be provided with an
-IConnector implementation.  How this happens is outside the scope of
-the NGI.  An IConnector implementation could, for example, be provided
-via the Zope component architecture, or via pkg_resources entry
-Let's create a simple client that calls an echo server and verifies
-that the server properly echoes data sent do it.
-    >>> class EchoClient:
-    ...
-    ...     def __init__(self, connect):
-    ...         self.connect = connect
-    ...
-    ...     def check(self, addr, strings):
-    ...         self.strings = strings
-    ...         self.connect(addr, self)
-    ...
-    ...     def connected(self, connection):
-    ...         for s in self.strings:
-    ...             connection.write(s + '\n')
-    ...         self.input = ''
-    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
-    ...
-    ...     def failed_connect(self, reason):
-    ...         print 'failed connect:', reason
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
-    ...         print 'got input:', repr(data)
-    ...         self.input += data
-    ...         while '\n' in self.input:
-    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
-    ...             if self.strings:
-    ...                expected = self.strings.pop(0)
-    ...                if data == expected:
-    ...                    print 'matched:', data
-    ...                else:
-    ...                    print 'unmatched:', data
-    ...                if not self.strings:
-    ...                    connection.close()
-    ...             else:
-    ...                print 'Unexpected input', data
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
-    ...         print 'closed:', reason
-    ...         if self.strings:
-    ...             print 'closed prematurely'
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_exception(self, connection, exception):
-    ...         print 'exception:', exception.__class__.__name__, exception
-The client implements the IClientConnectHandler and IConnectionHandler
-interfaces.  More complex clients might implement these interfaces with
-separate classes.
-We'll instantiate our client using the testing connect:
-    >>> client = EchoClient(zc.ngi.testing.connect)
-Now we'll try to check a non-existent server:
-    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
-    failed connect: no such server
-Our client simply prints a message (and gives up) if a connection
-fails. More complex applications might retry, waiting between attempts,
-and so on.
-The testing connect always fails unless given a test connection
-ahead of time.  We'll create a testing connection and register it so a
-connection can succeed:
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.connectable(('localhost', 42), connection)
-We can register multiple connections with the same address:
-    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.connectable(('localhost', 42), connection2)
-The connections will be used in order.
-Now, our client should be able to connect to the first connection we
-    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
-    -> 'hello\n'
-    -> 'world\n'
-    -> 'how are you?\n'
-The test connection echoes data written to it, preceded by "-> ".
-Active connections are true:
-    >>> bool(connection2)
-    True
-Test connections provide methods generating test input and flow closing
-connections.  We can use these to simulate network events.  Let's
-generate some input for our client:
-    >>> connection.test_input('hello')
-    got input: 'hello'
-    >>> connection.test_input('\nbob\n')
-    got input: '\nbob\n'
-    matched: hello
-    unmatched: bob
-    >>> connection.test_close('done')
-    closed: done
-    closed prematurely
-    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello'])
-    -> 'hello\n'
-    >>> connection2.test_input('hello\n')
-    got input: 'hello\n'
-    matched: hello
-    -> CLOSE
-    >>> bool(connection2)
-    False
-Passing iterables to connections
-The writelines method of IConnection accepts iterables of strings.
-    >>> def greet():
-    ...     yield 'hello\n'
-    ...     yield 'world\n'
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.Connection().writelines(greet())
-    -> 'hello\n'
-    -> 'world\n'
-If there is an error in your iterator, or if the iterator returns
-a non-string value, an exception will be reported using
-    >>> def bad():
-    ...     yield 2
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> connection.setHandler(zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(connection))
-    >>> connection.writelines(bad())
-    -> EXCEPTION TypeError Got a non-string result from iterable
-Implementing network servers
-Implementing network servers is very similar to implementing clients,
-except that a listener, rather than a connect is used.  Let's
-implement a simple echo server:
-    >>> class EchoServer:
-    ...
-    ...     def __init__(self, connection):
-    ...         print 'server connected'
-    ...         self.input = ''
-    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
-    ...         print 'server got input:', repr(data)
-    ...         self.input += data
-    ...         if '\n' in self.input:
-    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
-    ...             connection.write(data + '\n')
-    ...             if data == 'Q':
-    ...                 connection.close()
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
-    ...         print 'server closed:', reason
-Our EchoServer *class* provides IServer and implements IInputHandler.
-To use a server, we need a listener.  We'll use the use the testing
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
-To simulate a client connection, we create a testing connection and
-call the listener's connect method:
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection)
-    server connected
-    >>> connection.test_input('hello\n')
-    server got input: 'hello\n'
-    -> 'hello\n'
-    >>> connection.test_close('done')
-    server closed: done
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection)
-    server connected
-    >>> connection.test_input('hello\n')
-    server got input: 'hello\n'
-    -> 'hello\n'
-    >>> connection.test_input('Q\n')
-    server got input: 'Q\n'
-    -> 'Q\n'
-    -> CLOSE
-Note that it is an error to write to a closed connection:
-    >>> connection.write('Hello')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: Connection closed
-Server Control
-The object returned from a listener is an IServerControl.  It provides
-access to the active connections:
-    >>> list(listener.connections())
-    []
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection)
-    server connected
-    >>> list(listener.connections()) == [connection]
-    True
-    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection2)
-    server connected
-    >>> len(list(listener.connections()))
-    2
-    >>> connection in list(listener.connections())
-    True
-    >>> connection2 in list(listener.connections())
-    True
-Server connections have a control attribute that is the connection's
-server control:
-    >>> connection.control is listener
-    True
-Server control objects provide a close method that allows a server to
-be shut down.  If the close method is called without arguments, then
-then all server connections are closed immediately and no more
-connections are accepted:
-    >>> listener.close()
-    server closed: stopped
-    server closed: stopped
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: Listener closed
-If a handler function is passed, then connections aren't closed
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection)
-    server connected
-    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection2)
-    server connected
-    >>> def handler(control):
-    ...     if control is listener:
-    ...        print 'All connections closed'
-    >>> listener.close(handler)
-But no more connections are accepted:
-    >>> connection3 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> listener.connect(connection3)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: Listener closed
-And the handler will be called when all of the listener's connections
-are closed:
-    >>> connection.close()
-    -> CLOSE
-    >>> connection2.close()
-    -> CLOSE
-    All connections closed
-Long output
-Test requests output data written to them.  If output exceeds 50
-characters in length, it is wrapped by simply breaking the repr into
-50-characters parts:
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> connection.write('hello ' * 50)
-    -> 'hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello h
-    .> ello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hel
-    .> lo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
-    .>  hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello h
-    .> ello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hel
-    .> lo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
-    .>  '
-Text output
-If the output from an application consists of short lines of text, a
-TextConnection can be used.  A TextConnection simply outputs its data
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection()
-    >>> connection.write('hello\nworld\n')
-    hello
-    world
-Closing a connection closes it immediately, without sending any
-pending data.  An alternate way to close a connection is to write
-zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA. The connection will be automatically closed when
-zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA is encountered in the output stream.
-    >>> connection.write(zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA)
-    -> CLOSE
-    >>> connection.write('Hello')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: Connection closed
-Connecting servers and clients
-It is sometimes useful to connect a client handler and a server
-handler.  Listeners created with the zc.ngi.testing.listener class have a
-connect method that can be used to create connections to a server.
-Let's connect our echo server and client. First, we'll create our
-server using the listener constructor:
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
-Then we'll use the connect method on the listener:
-    >>> client = EchoClient(listener.connect)
-    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
-    server connected
-    server got input: 'hello\n'
-    server got input: 'world\n'
-    server got input: 'how are you?\n'
-    got input: 'hello\nworld\nhow are you?\n'
-    matched: hello
-    matched: world
-    matched: how are you?
-    server closed: closed
-.. Peer connectors
-  Below is an older API for connecting servers and clients in a
-  testing environment.  The mechanisms defined above are preferred.
-  The zc.ngi.testing.peer function can be used to create a
-  connection to a peer handler. To illustrate, we'll set up an echo
-  client that connects to our echo server:
-    >>> client = EchoClient(zc.ngi.testing.peer(('localhost', 42), EchoServer))
-    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
-    server connected
-    server got input: 'hello\n'
-    server got input: 'world\n'
-    server got input: 'how are you?\n'
-    got input: 'hello\nworld\nhow are you?\n'
-    matched: hello
-    matched: world
-    matched: how are you?
-    server closed: closed
-UDP Support
-To send a UDP message, just use an implementation's udp method:
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
-If there isn't a server listening, the call will effectively be
-ignored. This is UDP. :)
-    >>> def my_udp_handler(addr, data):
-    ...     print 'from %r got %r' % (addr, data)
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.udp_listener(('', 42), my_udp_handler)
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
-    from '<test>' got 'hello'
-    >>> listener.close()
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
-A default handler is used if you don't pass a handler:
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.udp_listener(('', 43))
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 43), "hello")
-    udp from '<test>' to ('', 43):
-      'hello'
-    >>> listener.close()
-    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 43), "hello")

Copied: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.test (from rev 114228, zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.txt)
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.test	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+NGI Adapters
+The NGI is a fairly low-level event-based framework.  Adapters can be
+used to build higher-level semantics.  In this document, we'll describe
+some sample adapters that provide more examples of using the NGI and
+useful building blocks for other applications. The source for these
+adapters can be found in the zc.ngi.adapters module.
+The first adapter we'll look at collects input into lines. To
+illustrate this, we'll use a handler from zc.ngi.testing that simply
+prints its input:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(connection)
+This handler is used by default as the peer
+of testing connections:
+    >>> connection.test_input('x' * 80)
+    -> 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+    .> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+    >>> connection.test_close('test')
+    -> CLOSE test
+Now, we'll use the lines adapter to break input into lines, separated
+by newlines.  We apply the adapter to a connection:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.adapters
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> adapter = zc.ngi.adapters.Lines(connection)
+    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(adapter)
+Now, when we provide input, it won't appear until lines are complete:
+    >>> connection.test_input('Hello world!')
+    >>> connection.test_input('\n')
+    -> 'Hello world!'
+    >>> connection.test_input('Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you')
+    -> 'Hello'
+    -> 'World!'
+Only input handling is affected.  Other methods of the adapter behave
+as would the underlying connection:
+    >>> adapter.write('foo')
+    -> 'foo'
+    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
+    -> '0\n'
+    -> '1\n'
+    -> '2\n'
+.. again with feeling
+    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
+    -> '0\n'
+    -> '1\n'
+    -> '2\n'
+    >>> connection.test_close('test')
+    -> CLOSE test
+The original connection is available in the connection attribute:
+    >>> adapter.connection is connection
+    True
+Sized Messages
+The second adapter we'll look at will handle binary data organized
+into sized messages.  Each message has two parts, a length, and a
+payload.  Of course, the length gives the length of the payload.
+To see this, we'll use the adapter to adapt a testing connection:
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> adapter = zc.ngi.adapters.Sized(connection)
+    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(adapter)
+Now, we'll generate some input. We do so by providing (big-endian) sizes by
+calling struct pack:
+    >>> import struct
+    >>> message1 = 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
+    >>> message2 = 'This is message 2'
+    >>> connection.test_input(struct.pack(">I", len(message1)))
+    >>> connection.test_input(message1[:10])
+    >>> connection.test_input(message1[10:]+ struct.pack(">I", len(message2)))
+    -> 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
+    >>> connection.test_input(message2)
+    -> 'This is message 2'
+Here we saw that our handler got the two messages individually.
+If we write a message, we can see that the message is preceded by the
+message size:
+    >>> adapter.write(message1)
+    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x19'
+    -> 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
+We can give multiple messages using writelines:
+    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
+    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
+    -> '0\n'
+    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
+    -> '1\n'
+    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
+    -> '2\n'
+Null messages
+It can be useful to send Null messages to make sure that a client is
+still connected.  The sized adapter supports such messages.  Calling
+write with None, sends a null message, which is a message with a
+length of 1 << 32 - 1 and no message data:
+    >>> adapter.write(None)
+    -> '\xff\xff\xff\xff'
+On input, Null messages are ignored by the sized adapter and are not
+sent to the application:
+    >>> connection.test_input('\xff\xff\xff\xff')
+Closing works too.
+    >>> connection.test_close('test')
+    -> CLOSE test

Deleted: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.txt
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.txt	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/adapters.txt	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-NGI Adapters
-The NGI is a fairly low-level event-based framework.  Adapters can be
-used to build higher-level semantics.  In this document, we'll describe
-some sample adapters that provide more examples of using the NGI and
-useful building blocks for other applications. The source for these
-adapters can be found in the zc.ngi.adapters module.
-The first adapter we'll look at collects input into lines. To
-illustrate this, we'll use a handler from zc.ngi.testing that simply
-prints its input:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(connection)
-This handler is used by default as the peer
-of testing connections:
-    >>> connection.test_input('x' * 80)
-    -> 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-    .> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
-    >>> connection.test_close('test')
-    -> CLOSE test
-Now, we'll use the lines adapter to break input into lines, separated
-by newlines.  We apply the adapter to a connection:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.adapters
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> adapter = zc.ngi.adapters.Lines(connection)
-    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(adapter)
-Now, when we provide input, it won't appear until lines are complete:
-    >>> connection.test_input('Hello world!')
-    >>> connection.test_input('\n')
-    -> 'Hello world!'
-    >>> connection.test_input('Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you')
-    -> 'Hello'
-    -> 'World!'
-Only input handling is affected.  Other methods of the adapter behave
-as would the underlying connection:
-    >>> adapter.write('foo')
-    -> 'foo'
-    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
-    -> '0\n'
-    -> '1\n'
-    -> '2\n'
-.. again with feeling
-    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
-    -> '0\n'
-    -> '1\n'
-    -> '2\n'
-    >>> connection.test_close('test')
-    -> CLOSE test
-The original connection is available in the connection attribute:
-    >>> adapter.connection is connection
-    True
-Sized Messages
-The second adapter we'll look at will handle binary data organized
-into sized messages.  Each message has two parts, a length, and a
-payload.  Of course, the length gives the length of the payload.
-To see this, we'll use the adapter to adapt a testing connection:
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
-    >>> adapter = zc.ngi.adapters.Sized(connection)
-    >>> handler = zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(adapter)
-Now, we'll generate some input. We do so by providing (big-endian) sizes by
-calling struct pack:
-    >>> import struct
-    >>> message1 = 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
-    >>> message2 = 'This is message 2'
-    >>> connection.test_input(struct.pack(">I", len(message1)))
-    >>> connection.test_input(message1[:10])
-    >>> connection.test_input(message1[10:]+ struct.pack(">I", len(message2)))
-    -> 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
-    >>> connection.test_input(message2)
-    -> 'This is message 2'
-Here we saw that our handler got the two messages individually.
-If we write a message, we can see that the message is preceded by the
-message size:
-    >>> adapter.write(message1)
-    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x19'
-    -> 'Hello\nWorld!\nHow are you?'
-We can give multiple messages using writelines:
-    >>> adapter.writelines("%s\n" % foo for foo in range(3))
-    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
-    -> '0\n'
-    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
-    -> '1\n'
-    -> '\x00\x00\x00\x02'
-    -> '2\n'
-Null messages
-It can be useful to send Null messages to make sure that a client is
-still connected.  The sized adapter supports such messages.  Calling
-write with None, sends a null message, which is a message with a
-length of 1 << 32 - 1 and no message data:
-    >>> adapter.write(None)
-    -> '\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-On input, Null messages are ignored by the sized adapter and are not
-sent to the application:
-    >>> connection.test_input('\xff\xff\xff\xff')
-Closing works too.
-    >>> connection.test_close('test')
-    -> CLOSE test

Copied: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.test (from rev 114228, zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.txt)
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.test	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+asyncore-based NGI implementation
+The async module provides an NGI implementation based on the Python
+standard asyncore framework.  It provides 2 objects to be invoked
+directly by applications:
+   an implementation of the NGI IConnector interface
+   an implementation of the NGI IListener interface
+The implementation creates a dedicated thread to run an asyncore main
+loop on import.
+There's nothing else to say about the implementation from a usage
+point of view.  The remainder of this document provides a
+demonstration (test) of using the implementation to create a simple
+word-count server and client.
+Demonstration: wordcount
+The wordcount module has a simple word-count server and client
+implementation.  We'll run these using the async implementation.
+Let's start the wordcount server:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.wordcount
+    >>> import zc.ngi.async
+    >>> port = zc.ngi.wordcount.start_server_process(zc.ngi.async.listener)
+We passed the listener to be used.
+Now, we'll start a number of threads that connect to the server and
+check word counts of some sample documents.  If all goes well, we
+shouldn't get any output.
+    >>> import threading
+    >>> addr = 'localhost', port
+    >>> threads = [threading.Thread(target=zc.ngi.wordcount.client_thread,
+    ...                             args=(zc.ngi.async.connect, addr))
+    ...            for i in range(200)]
+    >>> _ = [thread.start() for thread in threads]
+    >>> _ = [thread.join() for thread in threads]
+Iterable input
+We can pass data to the server using an iterator.  To illustrate this,
+we'll use the blocking interface:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.blocking
+    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(addr, zc.ngi.async.connect,
+    ...                                      timeout=1.0)
+    >>> def hello(name):
+    ...     yield "hello\n"
+    ...     yield name
+    ...     yield "\0"
+    >>> output.writelines(hello('world'), timeout=1.0)
+    >>> input.readline(timeout=1.0)
+    '1 2 11\n'
+.. Error handling:
+   If we pass a non-iterable to writelines, we'll get an immediate
+   error.  To demonstrate this we'll violate our output file and
+   access its _connection attribute so that we can bypass the check
+   in the blocking writelines method:
+    >>> output._connection.writelines(2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: ...
+    >>> output._connection.writelines('foo')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    AssertionError: writelines does not accept strings
+   If we pass an iterable that returns a non-string, we'll get a type
+   error when we try to read because handle_exception is called in
+   the input handler.
+    >>> output.writelines([2], timeout=0.1)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    Timeout
+    >>> input.readline()
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: ('writelines iterator must return strings', 2)
+  If there is an error, then the connection is closed:
+    >>> input.read()
+    ''
+    >>> output.write('hello')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    IOError: I/O operation on closed file
+  Handler errors cause connections to be closed.  To see this, we'll
+  send the server an error message, which forces an error:
+    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(addr, zc.ngi.async.connect,
+    ...                                      timeout=1.0)
+    >>> output.write('E\0')
+    >>> input.read()
+    ''
+  Let's create some lame clients:
+    >>> import zope.testing.loggingsupport, logging
+    >>> loghandler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler(
+    ...                  None, level=logging.ERROR)
+    >>> event = threading.Event()
+    >>> class LameClientConnectionHandler:
+    ...     def connected(self, connection):
+    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
+    ...         raise ValueError('Broken connector')
+    ...     def handle_close(self, conection, reason):
+    ...         self.closed = reason
+    ...         event.set()
+    >>> handler = LameClientConnectionHandler()
+    >>> zc.ngi.async.connect(addr, handler)
+    >>> _ = event.wait(1)
+    >>> print loghandler
+    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
+      connection handler failed
+    >>> handler.closed
+    'connection handler failed'
+    >>> loghandler.clear()
+    >>> event.clear()
+    >>> class LameClientConnectionHandler:
+    ...     def connected(self, connection):
+    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
+    ...         connection.write('foo\0')
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_input(self, data):
+    ...         raise ValueError()
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_close(self, conection, reason):
+    ...         self.closed = reason
+    ...         event.set()
+    >>> handler = LameClientConnectionHandler()
+    >>> zc.ngi.async.connect(addr, handler)
+    >>> _ = event.wait(1)
+    >>> print loghandler
+    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
+      handle_input failed
+    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
+      handle_error
+    >>> handler.closed
+    TypeError('handle_input() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)',)
+    >>> loghandler.uninstall()
+.. stop the server
+    >>> zc.ngi.wordcount.stop_server_process(zc.ngi.async.connect, addr)
+    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    handle_input failed
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ValueError: E
+   The server log was printed. Note that we see the Error that we
+   requested above.
+Check logging
+    >>> import sys
+    >>> import time
+    >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    ...     addr = ''
+    ... else:
+    ...     addr = ''
+    >>> addrText = repr((addr, 9644))
+    >>> def handler(addr, message):
+    ...     print message
+    >>> loghandler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler(
+    ...                  None, level=logging.INFO)
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener((addr, 9644), handler)
+    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
+    >>> logcontent = str(loghandler)
+    >>> print logcontent # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    zc.ngi.async.server INFO
+      listening on ('...', 9644)
+    >>> addrText in logcontent
+    True
+    >>> listener.close()
+    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
+Trying to rebind to a port in use:
+    >>> loghandler.clear()
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener(('', 9645), handler)
+    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
+    >>> listener2 = zc.ngi.async.listener(('', 9645), handler)
+    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    error:...Address already in use...
+    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
+    >>> logcontent = str(loghandler)
+    >>> print logcontent # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    zc.ngi.async.server INFO
+      listening on ('', 9645)
+    zc.ngi.async.server WARNING
+      unable to listen on ('', 9645)
+    >>> listener.close()
+    >>> zc.ngi.async.cleanup_map()
+    >>> zc.ngi.async.wait(1)
+    >>> loghandler.uninstall()
+.. cleanup

Deleted: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.txt
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.txt	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/async.txt	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-asyncore-based NGI implementation
-The async module provides an NGI implementation based on the Python
-standard asyncore framework.  It provides 2 objects to be invoked
-directly by applications:
-   an implementation of the NGI IConnector interface
-   an implementation of the NGI IListener interface
-The implementation creates a dedicated thread to run an asyncore main
-loop on import.
-There's nothing else to say about the implementation from a usage
-point of view.  The remainder of this document provides a
-demonstration (test) of using the implementation to create a simple
-word-count server and client.
-Demonstration: wordcount
-The wordcount module has a simple word-count server and client
-implementation.  We'll run these using the async implementation.
-Let's start the wordcount server:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.wordcount
-    >>> import zc.ngi.async
-    >>> port = zc.ngi.wordcount.start_server_process(zc.ngi.async.listener)
-We passed the listener to be used.
-Now, we'll start a number of threads that connect to the server and
-check word counts of some sample documents.  If all goes well, we
-shouldn't get any output.
-    >>> import threading
-    >>> addr = 'localhost', port
-    >>> threads = [threading.Thread(target=zc.ngi.wordcount.client_thread,
-    ...                             args=(zc.ngi.async.connect, addr))
-    ...            for i in range(200)]
-    >>> _ = [thread.start() for thread in threads]
-    >>> _ = [thread.join() for thread in threads]
-Iterable input
-We can pass data to the server using an iterator.  To illustrate this,
-we'll use the blocking interface:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.blocking
-    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(addr, zc.ngi.async.connect,
-    ...                                      timeout=1.0)
-    >>> def hello(name):
-    ...     yield "hello\n"
-    ...     yield name
-    ...     yield "\0"
-    >>> output.writelines(hello('world'), timeout=1.0)
-    >>> input.readline(timeout=1.0)
-    '1 2 11\n'
-.. Error handling:
-   If we pass a non-iterable to writelines, we'll get an immediate
-   error.  To demonstrate this we'll violate our output file and
-   access its _connection attribute so that we can bypass the check
-   in the blocking writelines method:
-    >>> output._connection.writelines(2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: ...
-    >>> output._connection.writelines('foo')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    AssertionError: writelines does not accept strings
-   If we pass an iterable that returns a non-string, we'll get a type
-   error when we try to read because handle_exception is called in
-   the input handler.
-    >>> output.writelines([2], timeout=0.1)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Timeout
-    >>> input.readline()
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    TypeError: ('writelines iterator must return strings', 2)
-  If there is an error, then the connection is closed:
-    >>> input.read()
-    ''
-    >>> output.write('hello')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    IOError: I/O operation on closed file
-  Handler errors cause connections to be closed.  To see this, we'll
-  send the server an error message, which forces an error:
-    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(addr, zc.ngi.async.connect,
-    ...                                      timeout=1.0)
-    >>> output.write('E\0')
-    >>> input.read()
-    ''
-  Let's create some lame clients:
-    >>> import zope.testing.loggingsupport, logging
-    >>> loghandler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler(
-    ...                  None, level=logging.ERROR)
-    >>> event = threading.Event()
-    >>> class LameClientConnectionHandler:
-    ...     def connected(self, connection):
-    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
-    ...         raise ValueError('Broken connector')
-    ...     def handle_close(self, conection, reason):
-    ...         self.closed = reason
-    ...         event.set()
-    >>> handler = LameClientConnectionHandler()
-    >>> zc.ngi.async.connect(addr, handler)
-    >>> _ = event.wait(1)
-    >>> print loghandler
-    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
-      connection handler failed
-    >>> handler.closed
-    'connection handler failed'
-    >>> loghandler.clear()
-    >>> event.clear()
-    >>> class LameClientConnectionHandler:
-    ...     def connected(self, connection):
-    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
-    ...         connection.write('foo\0')
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_input(self, data):
-    ...         raise ValueError()
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_close(self, conection, reason):
-    ...         self.closed = reason
-    ...         event.set()
-    >>> handler = LameClientConnectionHandler()
-    >>> zc.ngi.async.connect(addr, handler)
-    >>> _ = event.wait(1)
-    >>> print loghandler
-    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
-      handle_input failed
-    zc.ngi.async.client ERROR
-      handle_error
-    >>> handler.closed
-    TypeError('handle_input() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)',)
-    >>> loghandler.uninstall()
-.. stop the server
-    >>> zc.ngi.wordcount.stop_server_process(zc.ngi.async.connect, addr)
-    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    handle_input failed
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ValueError: E
-   The server log was printed. Note that we see the Error that we
-   requested above.
-Check logging
-    >>> import sys
-    >>> import time
-    >>> if sys.platform == 'win32':
-    ...     addr = ''
-    ... else:
-    ...     addr = ''
-    >>> addrText = repr((addr, 9644))
-    >>> def handler(addr, message):
-    ...     print message
-    >>> loghandler = zope.testing.loggingsupport.InstalledHandler(
-    ...                  None, level=logging.INFO)
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener((addr, 9644), handler)
-    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
-    >>> logcontent = str(loghandler)
-    >>> print logcontent # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    zc.ngi.async.server INFO
-      listening on ('...', 9644)
-    >>> addrText in logcontent
-    True
-    >>> listener.close()
-    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
-Trying to rebind to a port in use:
-    >>> loghandler.clear()
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener(('', 9645), handler)
-    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
-    >>> listener2 = zc.ngi.async.listener(('', 9645), handler)
-    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    error:...Address already in use...
-    >>> time.sleep(0.1)
-    >>> logcontent = str(loghandler)
-    >>> print logcontent # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    zc.ngi.async.server INFO
-      listening on ('', 9645)
-    zc.ngi.async.server WARNING
-      unable to listen on ('', 9645)
-    >>> listener.close()
-    >>> zc.ngi.async.cleanup_map()
-    >>> zc.ngi.async.wait(1)
-    >>> loghandler.uninstall()
-.. cleanup

Copied: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.test (from rev 114228, zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.txt)
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.test	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+The blocking module is deprecated.
+Blocking network access
+The NGI normally uses an event-based networking model in which
+application code reacts to incoming data.  That model works well for
+some applications, especially server applications, but can be a bit of
+a bother for simpler applications, especially client applications.
+The zc.ngi.blocking module provides a simple blocking network model.
+The open function can be used to create a pair of file-like objects
+that can be used for writing output and reading input.  To illustrate
+this, we'll use the wordcount server.  We'll use the peer function to
+create a testing connector that connects to the server directory
+without using a network:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.wordcount
+    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
+    >>> connector = zc.ngi.testing.peer(('localhost', 42),
+    ...                                 zc.ngi.wordcount.Server)
+The open function is called with an address and a connect callable:
+    >>> import zc.ngi.blocking
+    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(('localhost', 42), connector)
+The output file lets us send output to the server:
+    >>> output.write("Hello\n")
+    >>> output.write("world\n")
+    >>> output.write("\0")
+The wordcount server accepts a sequence of text from the
+client. Delimited by null characters.  For each input text, it
+generates a line of summary statistics:
+    >>> input.readline()
+    '2 2 12\n'
+We can use the writelines method to send data using an iterator:
+    >>> def hello(name):
+    ...     yield "hello\n"
+    ...     yield name
+    ...     yield "\0"
+    >>> output.writelines(hello("everyone"))
+    >>> output.writelines(hello("bob"))
+To close the connection to the server, we'll send a close command,
+which is a documenty consisting of the letter "C":
+    >>> output.write("C\0")
+This causes the server to close the connection after it has sent its
+We can use the read function to read either a fixed number of bytes
+from the server:
+    >>> input.read(5)
+    '1 2 1'
+Or to read the remaining data:
+    >>> input.read()
+    '4\n1 2 9\n'
+If read is called without a size, it won't return until the server has
+closed the connection.
+In this example, we've been careful to only read as much data as the
+server produces.  For example, we called read without passing a length
+only after sending a quit command to the server.  When using the
+blocking library, care is needed to avoid a deadlock, in which both
+sides of a connection are waiting for input.
+The blocking open and input methods accept an optional timeout
+argument.  The timeout argument accepts a floating-point time-out
+value, in seconds.  If a connection or input operation times out, a
+Timeout exception is raised:
+    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(('localhost', 42), connector)
+    >>> import time
+    >>> then = time.time()
+    >>> input.read(5, timeout=0.5)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    Timeout
+    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
+    True
+The readline and readlines functions accept a timeout as well:
+    >>> then = time.time()
+    >>> input.readline(timeout=0.5)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    Timeout
+    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
+    True
+    >>> then = time.time()
+    >>> input.readlines(timeout=0.5)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    Timeout
+    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
+    True
+Timeouts can also be specified when connecting. To illustrate this,
+we'll pass a do-nothing connector:
+    >>> then = time.time()
+    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.open(None, (lambda *args: None), timeout=0.5)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ConnectionTimeout
+    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
+    True
+Low-level connection management
+When we used open above, we passed an address and a connect callable, and the
+open function created a connection and created file-like objects for
+output and input.  The connect function can be used to create a
+connection without a file-like object:
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.blocking.connect(('localhost', 42), connector)
+The if the open function is called without a connect callable, the the first
+object must be a connection object and output and input objects for
+that connection will be returned:
+    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(connection)
+    >>> output.write("Hello\n")
+    >>> output.write("world\n")
+    >>> output.write("\0")
+    >>> input.readline()
+    '2 2 12\n'
+Like the open function, the connect function accepts a timeout:
+    >>> then = time.time()
+    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.connect(None, (lambda *args: None), timeout=0.5)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ConnectionTimeout
+    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
+    True
+Blocking Client Requests
+    >>> import zc.ngi.generator
+    >>> @zc.ngi.generator.handler
+    ... def server(c):
+    ...     while 1:
+    ...         c.write((yield).upper())
+    >>> import zc.ngi.adapters
+    >>> @zc.ngi.adapters.Lines.handler
+    ... def client(c):
+    ...     c.write('ho world\n')
+    ...     print (yield)
+    >>> import zc.ngi.async
+    >>> address = 'ngiexample.zope.com', 9000
+    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.request(zc.ngi.async.connect, address, client)
+    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ConnectionFailed: ...
+The connection above failed because there wasn't a listener.
+Let's try after starting a listener:
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener(None, server)
+    >>> address = listener.address
+    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.request(zc.ngi.async.connect, address, client)
+    >>> listener.close()
+    >>> zc.ngi.async.wait(1)

Deleted: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.txt
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.txt	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/blocking.txt	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-The blocking module is deprecated.
-Blocking network access
-The NGI normally uses an event-based networking model in which
-application code reacts to incoming data.  That model works well for
-some applications, especially server applications, but can be a bit of
-a bother for simpler applications, especially client applications.
-The zc.ngi.blocking module provides a simple blocking network model.
-The open function can be used to create a pair of file-like objects
-that can be used for writing output and reading input.  To illustrate
-this, we'll use the wordcount server.  We'll use the peer function to
-create a testing connector that connects to the server directory
-without using a network:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.wordcount
-    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
-    >>> connector = zc.ngi.testing.peer(('localhost', 42),
-    ...                                 zc.ngi.wordcount.Server)
-The open function is called with an address and a connect callable:
-    >>> import zc.ngi.blocking
-    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(('localhost', 42), connector)
-The output file lets us send output to the server:
-    >>> output.write("Hello\n")
-    >>> output.write("world\n")
-    >>> output.write("\0")
-The wordcount server accepts a sequence of text from the
-client. Delimited by null characters.  For each input text, it
-generates a line of summary statistics:
-    >>> input.readline()
-    '2 2 12\n'
-We can use the writelines method to send data using an iterator:
-    >>> def hello(name):
-    ...     yield "hello\n"
-    ...     yield name
-    ...     yield "\0"
-    >>> output.writelines(hello("everyone"))
-    >>> output.writelines(hello("bob"))
-To close the connection to the server, we'll send a close command,
-which is a documenty consisting of the letter "C":
-    >>> output.write("C\0")
-This causes the server to close the connection after it has sent its
-We can use the read function to read either a fixed number of bytes
-from the server:
-    >>> input.read(5)
-    '1 2 1'
-Or to read the remaining data:
-    >>> input.read()
-    '4\n1 2 9\n'
-If read is called without a size, it won't return until the server has
-closed the connection.
-In this example, we've been careful to only read as much data as the
-server produces.  For example, we called read without passing a length
-only after sending a quit command to the server.  When using the
-blocking library, care is needed to avoid a deadlock, in which both
-sides of a connection are waiting for input.
-The blocking open and input methods accept an optional timeout
-argument.  The timeout argument accepts a floating-point time-out
-value, in seconds.  If a connection or input operation times out, a
-Timeout exception is raised:
-    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(('localhost', 42), connector)
-    >>> import time
-    >>> then = time.time()
-    >>> input.read(5, timeout=0.5)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Timeout
-    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
-    True
-The readline and readlines functions accept a timeout as well:
-    >>> then = time.time()
-    >>> input.readline(timeout=0.5)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Timeout
-    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
-    True
-    >>> then = time.time()
-    >>> input.readlines(timeout=0.5)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    Timeout
-    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
-    True
-Timeouts can also be specified when connecting. To illustrate this,
-we'll pass a do-nothing connector:
-    >>> then = time.time()
-    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.open(None, (lambda *args: None), timeout=0.5)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ConnectionTimeout
-    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
-    True
-Low-level connection management
-When we used open above, we passed an address and a connect callable, and the
-open function created a connection and created file-like objects for
-output and input.  The connect function can be used to create a
-connection without a file-like object:
-    >>> connection = zc.ngi.blocking.connect(('localhost', 42), connector)
-The if the open function is called without a connect callable, the the first
-object must be a connection object and output and input objects for
-that connection will be returned:
-    >>> output, input = zc.ngi.blocking.open(connection)
-    >>> output.write("Hello\n")
-    >>> output.write("world\n")
-    >>> output.write("\0")
-    >>> input.readline()
-    '2 2 12\n'
-Like the open function, the connect function accepts a timeout:
-    >>> then = time.time()
-    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.connect(None, (lambda *args: None), timeout=0.5)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ConnectionTimeout
-    >>> 0.5 <= (time.time() - then) < 1
-    True
-Blocking Client Requests
-    >>> import zc.ngi.generator
-    >>> @zc.ngi.generator.handler
-    ... def server(c):
-    ...     while 1:
-    ...         c.write((yield).upper())
-    >>> import zc.ngi.adapters
-    >>> @zc.ngi.adapters.Lines.handler
-    ... def client(c):
-    ...     c.write('ho world\n')
-    ...     print (yield)
-    >>> import zc.ngi.async
-    >>> address = 'ngiexample.zope.com', 9000
-    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.request(zc.ngi.async.connect, address, client)
-    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ConnectionFailed: ...
-The connection above failed because there wasn't a listener.
-Let's try after starting a listener:
-    >>> listener = zc.ngi.async.listener(None, server)
-    >>> address = listener.address
-    >>> zc.ngi.blocking.request(zc.ngi.async.connect, address, client)
-    >>> listener.close()
-    >>> zc.ngi.async.wait(1)

Copied: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.test (from rev 114228, zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.txt)
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.test	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Message Client
+The message client is a simple NGI client that sends a single message
+and waits for a response. To illustrate, we'll use a simple echo
+    >>> class EchoServer:
+    ...
+    ...     def __init__(self, connection):
+    ...         self.input = ''
+    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
+    ...         self.input += data
+    ...         if '\n' in self.input:
+    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
+    ...             connection.write(data.upper() + '\n')
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
+    ...         pass
+    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
+    >>> connect = zc.ngi.testing.peer('foo', EchoServer)
+and we'll use the message client to send it a message and get a
+    >>> import zc.ngi.message
+    >>> import re
+    >>> expected = re.compile('\n').search
+    >>> zc.ngi.message.message(connect, 'foo', 'hello world!\n', expected)
+    'HELLO WORLD!\n'
+If we give an invalid address, we'll get an exception:
+    >>> zc.ngi.message.message(connect, 'bar', 'hello world!\n', expected)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    CouldNotConnect: connection refused

Deleted: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.txt
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.txt	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/message.txt	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Message Client
-The message client is a simple NGI client that sends a single message
-and waits for a response. To illustrate, we'll use a simple echo
-    >>> class EchoServer:
-    ...
-    ...     def __init__(self, connection):
-    ...         self.input = ''
-    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
-    ...         self.input += data
-    ...         if '\n' in self.input:
-    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
-    ...             connection.write(data.upper() + '\n')
-    ...
-    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
-    ...         pass
-    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
-    >>> connect = zc.ngi.testing.peer('foo', EchoServer)
-and we'll use the message client to send it a message and get a
-    >>> import zc.ngi.message
-    >>> import re
-    >>> expected = re.compile('\n').search
-    >>> zc.ngi.message.message(connect, 'foo', 'hello world!\n', expected)
-    'HELLO WORLD!\n'
-If we give an invalid address, we'll get an exception:
-    >>> zc.ngi.message.message(connect, 'bar', 'hello world!\n', expected)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    CouldNotConnect: connection refused

Copied: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/old.test (from rev 114228, zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/README.txt)
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/old.test	                        (rev 0)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/old.test	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+Much of the information here is a bit out of date, especially wrt the
+testing APIs.  Testing is now much simpler than it used to be.
+See doc/index.txt.
+Network Gateway Interface
+Network programs are typically difficult to test because they require
+setting up network connections, clients, and servers.  In addition,
+application code gets mixed up with networking code.
+The Network Gateway Interface (NGI) seeks to improve this situation by
+separating application code from network code.  This allows
+application and network code to be tested independently and provides
+greater separation of concerns.
+There are several interfaces defined by the NGI:
+    APIs for implementing and connecting to TCP servers and for
+    implemented and sending messages to UDP servers.
+    Network connection implementation.  This is the core interface that
+    applications interact with,
+    Application component that handles TCP network input.
+    Application callback that handles successful or failed outgoing
+    TCP connections.
+    Application callback to handle incoming connections.
+    Application callback to handle incoming UDP messages.
+The interfaces are split between "implementation" and "application"
+interfaces.  An implementation of the NGI provides IImplementation,
+IConnection, IListener, and IUDPListener. An application provides
+IConnectionHandler and one or more of IClientConnectHandler,
+IServer, or IUDPHandler.
+For more information, see interfaces.py.
+Testing Implementation
+These interface can have a number of implementations.  The simplest
+implementation is the testing implementation, which is used to test
+application code.
+    >>> import zc.ngi.testing
+The testing module provides IConnection, IConnector, and IListener
+implementations. We'll use this below to illustrate how application code
+is written.
+Implementing Network Clients
+Network clients make connections to and then use these connections to
+communicate with servers.  To do so, a client must be provided with an
+IConnector implementation.  How this happens is outside the scope of
+the NGI.  An IConnector implementation could, for example, be provided
+via the Zope component architecture, or via pkg_resources entry
+Let's create a simple client that calls an echo server and verifies
+that the server properly echoes data sent do it.
+    >>> class EchoClient:
+    ...
+    ...     def __init__(self, connect):
+    ...         self.connect = connect
+    ...
+    ...     def check(self, addr, strings):
+    ...         self.strings = strings
+    ...         self.connect(addr, self)
+    ...
+    ...     def connected(self, connection):
+    ...         for s in self.strings:
+    ...             connection.write(s + '\n')
+    ...         self.input = ''
+    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
+    ...
+    ...     def failed_connect(self, reason):
+    ...         print 'failed connect:', reason
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
+    ...         print 'got input:', repr(data)
+    ...         self.input += data
+    ...         while '\n' in self.input:
+    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
+    ...             if self.strings:
+    ...                expected = self.strings.pop(0)
+    ...                if data == expected:
+    ...                    print 'matched:', data
+    ...                else:
+    ...                    print 'unmatched:', data
+    ...                if not self.strings:
+    ...                    connection.close()
+    ...             else:
+    ...                print 'Unexpected input', data
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
+    ...         print 'closed:', reason
+    ...         if self.strings:
+    ...             print 'closed prematurely'
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_exception(self, connection, exception):
+    ...         print 'exception:', exception.__class__.__name__, exception
+The client implements the IClientConnectHandler and IConnectionHandler
+interfaces.  More complex clients might implement these interfaces with
+separate classes.
+We'll instantiate our client using the testing connect:
+    >>> client = EchoClient(zc.ngi.testing.connect)
+Now we'll try to check a non-existent server:
+    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
+    failed connect: no such server
+Our client simply prints a message (and gives up) if a connection
+fails. More complex applications might retry, waiting between attempts,
+and so on.
+The testing connect always fails unless given a test connection
+ahead of time.  We'll create a testing connection and register it so a
+connection can succeed:
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.connectable(('localhost', 42), connection)
+We can register multiple connections with the same address:
+    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.connectable(('localhost', 42), connection2)
+The connections will be used in order.
+Now, our client should be able to connect to the first connection we
+    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
+    -> 'hello\n'
+    -> 'world\n'
+    -> 'how are you?\n'
+The test connection echoes data written to it, preceded by "-> ".
+Active connections are true:
+    >>> bool(connection2)
+    True
+Test connections provide methods generating test input and flow closing
+connections.  We can use these to simulate network events.  Let's
+generate some input for our client:
+    >>> connection.test_input('hello')
+    got input: 'hello'
+    >>> connection.test_input('\nbob\n')
+    got input: '\nbob\n'
+    matched: hello
+    unmatched: bob
+    >>> connection.test_close('done')
+    closed: done
+    closed prematurely
+    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello'])
+    -> 'hello\n'
+    >>> connection2.test_input('hello\n')
+    got input: 'hello\n'
+    matched: hello
+    -> CLOSE
+    >>> bool(connection2)
+    False
+Passing iterables to connections
+The writelines method of IConnection accepts iterables of strings.
+    >>> def greet():
+    ...     yield 'hello\n'
+    ...     yield 'world\n'
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.Connection().writelines(greet())
+    -> 'hello\n'
+    -> 'world\n'
+If there is an error in your iterator, or if the iterator returns
+a non-string value, an exception will be reported using
+    >>> def bad():
+    ...     yield 2
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> connection.setHandler(zc.ngi.testing.PrintingHandler(connection))
+    >>> connection.writelines(bad())
+    -> EXCEPTION TypeError Got a non-string result from iterable
+Implementing network servers
+Implementing network servers is very similar to implementing clients,
+except that a listener, rather than a connect is used.  Let's
+implement a simple echo server:
+    >>> class EchoServer:
+    ...
+    ...     def __init__(self, connection):
+    ...         print 'server connected'
+    ...         self.input = ''
+    ...         connection.setHandler(self)
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_input(self, connection, data):
+    ...         print 'server got input:', repr(data)
+    ...         self.input += data
+    ...         if '\n' in self.input:
+    ...             data, self.input = self.input.split('\n', 1)
+    ...             connection.write(data + '\n')
+    ...             if data == 'Q':
+    ...                 connection.close()
+    ...
+    ...     def handle_close(self, connection, reason):
+    ...         print 'server closed:', reason
+Our EchoServer *class* provides IServer and implements IInputHandler.
+To use a server, we need a listener.  We'll use the use the testing
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
+To simulate a client connection, we create a testing connection and
+call the listener's connect method:
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection)
+    server connected
+    >>> connection.test_input('hello\n')
+    server got input: 'hello\n'
+    -> 'hello\n'
+    >>> connection.test_close('done')
+    server closed: done
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection)
+    server connected
+    >>> connection.test_input('hello\n')
+    server got input: 'hello\n'
+    -> 'hello\n'
+    >>> connection.test_input('Q\n')
+    server got input: 'Q\n'
+    -> 'Q\n'
+    -> CLOSE
+Note that it is an error to write to a closed connection:
+    >>> connection.write('Hello')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Connection closed
+Server Control
+The object returned from a listener is an IServerControl.  It provides
+access to the active connections:
+    >>> list(listener.connections())
+    []
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection)
+    server connected
+    >>> list(listener.connections()) == [connection]
+    True
+    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection2)
+    server connected
+    >>> len(list(listener.connections()))
+    2
+    >>> connection in list(listener.connections())
+    True
+    >>> connection2 in list(listener.connections())
+    True
+Server connections have a control attribute that is the connection's
+server control:
+    >>> connection.control is listener
+    True
+Server control objects provide a close method that allows a server to
+be shut down.  If the close method is called without arguments, then
+then all server connections are closed immediately and no more
+connections are accepted:
+    >>> listener.close()
+    server closed: stopped
+    server closed: stopped
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Listener closed
+If a handler function is passed, then connections aren't closed
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection)
+    server connected
+    >>> connection2 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection2)
+    server connected
+    >>> def handler(control):
+    ...     if control is listener:
+    ...        print 'All connections closed'
+    >>> listener.close(handler)
+But no more connections are accepted:
+    >>> connection3 = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> listener.connect(connection3)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Listener closed
+And the handler will be called when all of the listener's connections
+are closed:
+    >>> connection.close()
+    -> CLOSE
+    >>> connection2.close()
+    -> CLOSE
+    All connections closed
+Long output
+Test requests output data written to them.  If output exceeds 50
+characters in length, it is wrapped by simply breaking the repr into
+50-characters parts:
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.Connection()
+    >>> connection.write('hello ' * 50)
+    -> 'hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello h
+    .> ello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hel
+    .> lo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
+    .>  hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello h
+    .> ello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hel
+    .> lo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
+    .>  '
+Text output
+If the output from an application consists of short lines of text, a
+TextConnection can be used.  A TextConnection simply outputs its data
+    >>> connection = zc.ngi.testing.TextConnection()
+    >>> connection.write('hello\nworld\n')
+    hello
+    world
+Closing a connection closes it immediately, without sending any
+pending data.  An alternate way to close a connection is to write
+zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA. The connection will be automatically closed when
+zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA is encountered in the output stream.
+    >>> connection.write(zc.ngi.END_OF_DATA)
+    -> CLOSE
+    >>> connection.write('Hello')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Connection closed
+Connecting servers and clients
+It is sometimes useful to connect a client handler and a server
+handler.  Listeners created with the zc.ngi.testing.listener class have a
+connect method that can be used to create connections to a server.
+Let's connect our echo server and client. First, we'll create our
+server using the listener constructor:
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.listener(EchoServer)
+Then we'll use the connect method on the listener:
+    >>> client = EchoClient(listener.connect)
+    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
+    server connected
+    server got input: 'hello\n'
+    server got input: 'world\n'
+    server got input: 'how are you?\n'
+    got input: 'hello\nworld\nhow are you?\n'
+    matched: hello
+    matched: world
+    matched: how are you?
+    server closed: closed
+.. Peer connectors
+  Below is an older API for connecting servers and clients in a
+  testing environment.  The mechanisms defined above are preferred.
+  The zc.ngi.testing.peer function can be used to create a
+  connection to a peer handler. To illustrate, we'll set up an echo
+  client that connects to our echo server:
+    >>> client = EchoClient(zc.ngi.testing.peer(('localhost', 42), EchoServer))
+    >>> client.check(('localhost', 42), ['hello', 'world', 'how are you?'])
+    server connected
+    server got input: 'hello\n'
+    server got input: 'world\n'
+    server got input: 'how are you?\n'
+    got input: 'hello\nworld\nhow are you?\n'
+    matched: hello
+    matched: world
+    matched: how are you?
+    server closed: closed
+UDP Support
+To send a UDP message, just use an implementation's udp method:
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
+If there isn't a server listening, the call will effectively be
+ignored. This is UDP. :)
+    >>> def my_udp_handler(addr, data):
+    ...     print 'from %r got %r' % (addr, data)
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.udp_listener(('', 42), my_udp_handler)
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
+    from '<test>' got 'hello'
+    >>> listener.close()
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 42), "hello")
+A default handler is used if you don't pass a handler:
+    >>> listener = zc.ngi.testing.udp_listener(('', 43))
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 43), "hello")
+    udp from '<test>' to ('', 43):
+      'hello'
+    >>> listener.close()
+    >>> zc.ngi.testing.udp(('', 43), "hello")

Modified: zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/tests.py
--- zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/tests.py	2010-07-06 10:46:19 UTC (rev 114230)
+++ zc.ngi/trunk/src/zc/ngi/tests.py	2010-07-06 10:52:37 UTC (rev 114231)
@@ -418,15 +418,15 @@
-            'README.txt',
+            'old.test',
-            'message.txt',
-            'adapters.txt',
-            'blocking.txt',
+            'message.test',
+            'adapters.test',
+            'blocking.test',
-            'async.txt',
+            'async.test',
             setUp=async_evil_setup, tearDown=cleanup_async,
         doctest.DocTestSuite(setUp=cleanup_async, tearDown=cleanup_async),

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