[Checkins] SVN: z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/ move miscellaneous

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha at bubblenet.be
Wed Jul 7 09:58:33 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 114287:
  move miscellaneous

  U   z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/README.txt
  A   z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/miscellaneous.txt
  U   z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/tests.py

Modified: z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/README.txt
--- z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/README.txt	2010-07-07 13:34:36 UTC (rev 114286)
+++ z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/README.txt	2010-07-07 13:58:33 UTC (rev 114287)
@@ -638,103 +638,3 @@
-Make coverage report happy and test different things.
-Test if the getWeight method returns 0 (zero) on AttributeError:
-  >>> from z3c.table.table import getWeight
-  >>> getWeight(None)
-  0
-Try to call a simple table and call renderBatch which should return an empty
-  >>> simpleTable = table.Table(container, request)
-  >>> simpleTable.renderBatch()
-  u''
-Try to render an empty table adapting an empty mapping:
-  >>> simpleTable = table.Table({}, request)
-  >>> simpleTable.render()
-  u''
-Since we have registered 3 adapters for IColumn on None (IOW on an empty mapping),
-initializing rows definitions for the empty table will initiliaze the columns attribute list
-  >>> simpleTable.columns
-  >>> simpleTable.initColumns()
-  >>> simpleTable.columns
-  [<CorrectColspanColumn u'colspanColumn'>, <NameColumn u'secondColumn'>, <TitleColumn u'firstColumn'>]
-Rendering the empty table now return the string:
-  >>> print simpleTable.render()
-  <table>
-    <thead>
-      <tr>
-        <th>Colspan</th>
-        <th><a href="?table-sortOrder=ascending&table-sortOn=table-secondColumn-1" title="Sort">Name</a></th>
-        <th><a href="?table-sortOrder=ascending&table-sortOn=table-firstColumn-2" title="Sort">Title</a></th>
-      </tr>
-    </thead>
-    <tbody>
-    </tbody>
-  </table>
-Let's see if the addColumn raises a ValueError if there is no Column class:
-  >>> column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'dummy')
-  <Column u'dummy'>
-  >>> column.addColumn(simpleTable, None, u'dummy')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  ValueError: class_ None must implement IColumn.
-Test if we can set additional kws in addColumn:
-  >>> simpleColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'dummy',
-  ...     foo='foo value', bar=u'something else', counter=99)
-  >>> simpleColumn.foo
-  'foo value'
-  >>> simpleColumn.bar
-  u'something else'
-  >>> simpleColumn.counter
-  99
-The NoneCell class provides some methods which never get. But this methods must
-be there because the interfaces defines them. Let's test the default values
-and make coverage report happy.
-Let's get an container item first:
-  >>> firstItem = container[u'first']
-  >>> noneCellColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.NoneCell, u'none')
-  >>> noneCellColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
-  u''
-  >>> noneCellColumn.getColspan(firstItem)
-  0
-  >>> noneCellColumn.renderHeadCell()
-  u''
-  >>> noneCellColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
-  u''
-The default ``Column`` implementation raises an NotImplementedError if we
-do not override the renderCell method:
-  >>> defaultColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'default')
-  >>> defaultColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  NotImplementedError: Subclass must implement renderCell

Added: z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/miscellaneous.txt
--- z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/miscellaneous.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/miscellaneous.txt	2010-07-07 13:58:33 UTC (rev 114287)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Make coverage report happy and test different things.
+Test if the getWeight method returns 0 (zero) on AttributeError:
+  >>> from z3c.table.table import getWeight
+  >>> getWeight(None)
+  0
+Create a container:
+  >>> from z3c.table.testing import Container
+  >>> container = Container()
+Try to call a simple table and call renderBatch which should return an empty
+  >>> from z3c.table import table
+  >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
+  >>> request = TestRequest()
+  >>> simpleTable = table.Table(container, request)
+  >>> simpleTable.renderBatch()
+  u''
+Try to render an empty table adapting an empty mapping:
+  >>> simpleTable = table.Table({}, request)
+  >>> simpleTable.render()
+  u''
+Since we register an adapter for IColumn on None (IOW on an empty mapping).
+  >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
+  >>> from z3c.table import column
+  >>> from z3c.table import interfaces
+  >>> provideAdapter(column.NameColumn,
+  ...     (None, None, interfaces.ITable), provides=interfaces.IColumn,
+  ...      name='secondColumn')
+Initializing rows definitions for the empty table initializes the columns
+attribute list.
+  >>> simpleTable.columns
+  >>> simpleTable.initColumns()
+  >>> simpleTable.columns
+  [<NameColumn u'secondColumn'>]
+Rendering the empty table now return the string:
+  >>> print simpleTable.render()
+  <table>
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Name</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+Let's see if the addColumn raises a ValueError if there is no Column class:
+  >>> column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'dummy')
+  <Column u'dummy'>
+  >>> column.addColumn(simpleTable, None, u'dummy')
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+  ...
+  ValueError: class_ None must implement IColumn.
+Test if we can set additional kws in addColumn:
+  >>> simpleColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'dummy',
+  ...     foo='foo value', bar=u'something else', counter=99)
+  >>> simpleColumn.foo
+  'foo value'
+  >>> simpleColumn.bar
+  u'something else'
+  >>> simpleColumn.counter
+  99
+The NoneCell class provides some methods which never get called. But these 
+are defined in the interface. Let's test the default values
+and make coverage report happy.
+Let's get an container item first:
+  >>> from z3c.table.testing import Content
+  >>> firstItem = Content('First', 1)
+  >>> noneCellColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.NoneCell, u'none')
+  >>> noneCellColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
+  u''
+  >>> noneCellColumn.getColspan(firstItem)
+  0
+  >>> noneCellColumn.renderHeadCell()
+  u''
+  >>> noneCellColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
+  u''
+The default ``Column`` implementation raises an NotImplementedError if we
+do not override the renderCell method:
+  >>> defaultColumn = column.addColumn(simpleTable, column.Column, u'default')
+  >>> defaultColumn.renderCell(firstItem)
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+  ...
+  NotImplementedError: Subclass must implement renderCell

Modified: z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/tests.py
--- z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/tests.py	2010-07-07 13:34:36 UTC (rev 114286)
+++ z3c.table/branches/lazyvalues/src/z3c/table/tests.py	2010-07-07 13:58:33 UTC (rev 114287)
@@ -165,6 +165,10 @@
             setUp=testing.setUp, tearDown=testing.tearDown,
+        doctest.DocFileSuite('miscellaneous.txt',
+            setUp=testing.setUp, tearDown=testing.tearDown,
+            optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS,
+            ),
             setUp=testing.setUp, tearDown=testing.tearDown,

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