[Checkins] SVN: www.zope.org_buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg added

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Wed Jun 16 05:12:34 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 113508:

  A   www.zope.org_buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg

Added: www.zope.org_buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- www.zope.org_buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ www.zope.org_buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg	2010-06-16 09:12:34 UTC (rev 113508)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+parts =
+    zope2
+    productdistros
+    instance
+prefer-final = true
+# Change the number here to change the version of Plone being used
+extends = 
+    http://dist.plone.org/release/3.3.5/versions.cfg
+    http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/collective.dancing/buildout-extends/0.8.7.cfg
+versions = versions
+eggs-directory = eggs
+extensions = mr.developer
+sources = sources
+auto-checkout = 
+    dzug.theme 
+# Add additional egg download sources here. dist.plone.org contains archives
+# of Plone packages.
+find-links =
+    http://dist.plone.org/release/3.3.5
+    http://dist.plone.org/thirdparty
+# Add additional eggs here
+eggs =
+    PILwoTK
+    Products.TinyMCE
+    Products.PloneArticle
+    Products.PloneFormGen
+    Products.DataGridField<= 1.6.999
+    dzug.theme
+    dzug.reference
+    collective.editskinswitcher
+# Reference any eggs you are developing here, one per line
+# e.g.: develop = src/my.package
+develop =
+# Version pins for new style products go here
+plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.6
+dzug.theme = svn https://code.gocept.com/svn/dzug/dzug.theme/trunk
+# For more information on this step and configuration options see:
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.zope2install
+recipe = plone.recipe.zope2install
+fake-zope-eggs = true
+url = ${versions:zope2-url}
+# Use this section to download additional old-style products.
+# List any number of URLs for product tarballs under URLs (separate
+# with whitespace, or break over several lines, with subsequent lines
+# indented). If any archives contain several products inside a top-level
+# directory, list the archive file name (i.e. the last part of the URL,
+# normally with a .tar.gz suffix or similar) under 'nested-packages'.
+# If any archives extract to a product directory with a version suffix, list
+# the archive name under 'version-suffix-packages'.
+# For more information on this step and configuration options see:
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.distros
+recipe = plone.recipe.distros
+urls =
+nested-packages =
+version-suffix-packages =
+# For more information on this step and configuration options see:
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.zope2instance
+recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
+zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
+user = admin:123
+http-address = dzugev00.gocept.net:9082
+#debug-mode = on
+#verbose-security = on
+# If you want Zope to know about any additional eggs, list them here.
+# This should include any development eggs you listed in develop-eggs above,
+# e.g. eggs = Plone my.package
+eggs =
+    Plone
+    ${buildout:eggs}
+# If you want to register ZCML slugs for any packages, list them here.
+# e.g. zcml = my.package my.other.package
+zcml = dzug.theme
+    collective.editskinswitcher
+products =
+    ${buildout:directory}/products
+    ${productdistros:location}

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