[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.rest/trunk/src/grokcore/rest/meta.py copying for getting the history

Christian Klinger cklinger at novareto.de
Mon Nov 8 04:59:16 EST 2010

Log message for revision 118278:
  copying for getting the history

  A   grokcore.rest/trunk/src/grokcore/rest/meta.py

Copied: grokcore.rest/trunk/src/grokcore/rest/meta.py (from rev 118277, grok/trunk/src/grok/meta.py)
--- grokcore.rest/trunk/src/grokcore/rest/meta.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokcore.rest/trunk/src/grokcore/rest/meta.py	2010-11-08 09:59:16 UTC (rev 118278)
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Grokkers for Grok-configured components.
+This `meta` module contains the actual grokker mechanisms for which the
+Grok web framework is named.  A directive in the adjacent `meta.zcml`
+file directs the `martian` library to scan this file, where it discovers
+and registers the grokkers you see below.  The grokkers are then active
+and available as `martian` recursively examines the packages and modules
+of a Grok-based web application.
+import zope.component.interface
+from zope import interface, component
+from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.xmlrpc import IXMLRPCRequest
+from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IRole
+from zope.securitypolicy.rolepermission import rolePermissionManager
+from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
+from zope.intid import IntIds
+from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
+from zope.catalog.catalog import Catalog
+from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
+from zope.location import Location
+from zope.exceptions.interfaces import DuplicationError
+from zope.publisher.xmlrpc import XMLRPCView
+import martian
+from martian.error import GrokError
+import grok
+from grok import components
+from grok.interfaces import IRESTSkinType
+import grokcore.site.interfaces
+from grokcore.security.meta import PermissionGrokker
+from grokcore.view import make_checker
+class MethodPublisher(XMLRPCView, Location):
+    """Copied from zope.app.publisher.xmlrpc to get rid of that dependency.
+    """
+    def __getParent(self):
+        return hasattr(self, '_parent') and self._parent or self.context
+    def __setParent(self, parent):
+        self._parent = parent
+    __parent__ = property(__getParent, __setParent)
+class XMLRPCGrokker(martian.MethodGrokker):
+    """Grokker for methods of a `grok.XMLRPC` subclass.
+    When an application defines a `grok.XMLRPC` view, we do not actually
+    register the view with the Component Architecture.  Instead, we grok
+    each of its methods separately, placing them each inside of a new
+    class that we create on-the-fly by calling `type()`.  We make each
+    method the `__call__()` method of its new class, since that is how
+    Zope always invokes views.  And it is this new class that is then
+    made the object of the two configuration actions that we schedule:
+    one to activate it as an XML-RPC adapter for the context, and the
+    other to prepare a security check for the adapter.
+    """
+    martian.component(grok.XMLRPC)
+    martian.directive(grok.context)
+    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
+    def execute(self, factory, method, config, context, permission, **kw):
+        name = method.__name__
+        # Make sure that the class inherits MethodPublisher, so that the
+        # views have a location
+        method_view = type(
+            factory.__name__, (factory, MethodPublisher),
+            {'__call__': method})
+        adapts = (context, IXMLRPCRequest)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
+            callable=component.provideAdapter,
+            args=(method_view, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
+            )
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('protectName', method_view, '__call__'),
+            callable=make_checker,
+            args=(factory, method_view, permission),
+            )
+        return True
+class RESTGrokker(martian.MethodGrokker):
+    """Grokker for methods of a `grok.REST` subclass.
+    When an application defines a `grok.REST` view, we do not actually
+    register the view with the Component Architecture.  Instead, we grok
+    each of its methods separately, placing them each inside of a new
+    class that we create on-the-fly by calling `type()`.  We make each
+    method the `__call__()` method of its new class, since that is how
+    Zope always invokes views.  And it is this new class that is then
+    made the object of the two configuration actions that we schedule:
+    one to activate it as a REST adapter for the context, and the other
+    to prepare a security check for the adapter.
+    This results in several registered views, typically with names like
+    `GET`, `PUT`, and `POST` - one for each method that the `grok.REST`
+    subclass defines.
+    """
+    martian.component(grok.REST)
+    martian.directive(grok.context)
+    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=grok.IRESTLayer)
+    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
+    def execute(self, factory, method, config, permission, context,
+                layer, **kw):
+        name = method.__name__
+        method_view = type(
+            factory.__name__, (factory,),
+            {'__call__': method})
+        adapts = (context, layer)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
+            callable=component.provideAdapter,
+            args=(method_view, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
+            )
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('protectName', method_view, '__call__'),
+            callable=make_checker,
+            args=(factory, method_view, permission),
+            )
+        return True
+_restskin_not_used = object()
+class RestskinInterfaceDirectiveGrokker(martian.InstanceGrokker):
+    """Grokker for interfaces providing the `grok.restskin()` directive.
+    Applications create REST skins by subclassing `grok.IRESTLayer`
+    and providing the subclass with a `grok.restskin()` directive giving
+    the prefix string which distinguishes that REST layers from others.
+    This grokker registers those skins.
+    """
+    martian.component(InterfaceClass)
+    def grok(self, name, interface, module_info, config, **kw):
+        # This `InstanceGrokker` will be called for every instance of
+        # `InterfaceClass` - that is, for every interface defined in an
+        # application module!  So we have to do our own filtering, by
+        # checking whether each interface includes the `grok.restskin()`
+        # directive, and skipping those that do not.
+        restskin = grok.restskin.bind(default=_restskin_not_used
+                                      ).get(interface)
+        if restskin is _restskin_not_used:
+            # The restskin directive is not actually used on the found
+            # interface.
+            return False
+        if not interface.extends(grok.IRESTLayer):
+            # For REST layers it is required to extend IRESTLayer.
+            raise GrokError(
+                "The grok.restskin() directive is used on interface %r. "
+                "However, %r does not extend IRESTLayer which is "
+                "required for interfaces that are used as layers and are to "
+                "be registered as a restskin."
+                % (interface.__identifier__, interface.__identifier__),
+                interface)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('restprotocol', restskin),
+            callable=zope.component.interface.provideInterface,
+            args=(restskin, interface, IRESTSkinType))
+        return True
+class TraverserGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
+    """Grokker for subclasses of `grok.Traverser`."""
+    martian.component(grok.Traverser)
+    martian.directive(grok.context)
+    def execute(self, factory, config, context, **kw):
+        adapts = (context, IHTTPRequest)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, IBrowserPublisher, ''),
+            callable=component.provideAdapter,
+            args=(factory, adapts, IBrowserPublisher),
+            )
+        return True
+def default_fallback_to_name(factory, module, name, **data):
+    return name
+class RoleGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
+    """Grokker for components subclassed from `grok.Role`.
+    Each role is registered as a global utility providing the service
+    `IRole` under its own particular name, and then granted every
+    permission named in its `grok.permission()` directive.
+    """
+    martian.component(grok.Role)
+    martian.priority(martian.priority.bind().get(PermissionGrokker()) - 1)
+    martian.directive(grok.name)
+    martian.directive(grok.title, get_default=default_fallback_to_name)
+    martian.directive(grok.description)
+    martian.directive(grok.permissions)
+    def execute(self, factory, config, name, title, description,
+                permissions, **kw):
+        if not name:
+            raise GrokError(
+                "A role needs to have a dotted name for its id. Use "
+                "grok.name to specify one.", factory)
+        # We can safely convert to unicode, since the directives makes sure
+        # it is either unicode already or ASCII.
+        if not isinstance(title, Message):
+            title = unicode(title)
+        if not isinstance(description, Message):
+            description = unicode(description)
+        role = factory(unicode(name), title, description)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('utility', IRole, name),
+            callable=component.provideUtility,
+            args=(role, IRole, name),
+            )
+        for permission in permissions:
+            config.action(
+                discriminator=('grantPermissionToRole', permission, name),
+                callable=rolePermissionManager.grantPermissionToRole,
+                args=(permission, name),
+                )
+        return True
+class ApplicationGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
+    """Grokker for Grok application classes."""
+    martian.component(grok.Application)
+    martian.priority(500)
+    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, config, **kw):
+        # XXX fail loudly if the same application name is used twice.
+        provides = grok.interfaces.IApplication
+        name = '%s.%s' % (module_info.dotted_name, name)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=('utility', provides, name),
+            callable=component.provideUtility,
+            args=(factory, provides, name),
+            )
+        return True
+class IndexesGrokker(martian.InstanceGrokker):
+    """Grokker for Grok index bundles."""
+    martian.component(components.IndexesClass)
+    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, config, **kw):
+        site = grok.site.bind().get(factory)
+        context = grok.context.bind().get(factory, module_info.getModule())
+        catalog_name = grok.name.bind().get(factory)
+        if site is None:
+            raise GrokError("No site specified for grok.Indexes "
+                            "subclass in module %r. "
+                            "Use grok.site() to specify."
+                            % module_info.getModule(),
+                            factory)
+        indexes = getattr(factory, '__grok_indexes__', None)
+        if indexes is None:
+            return False
+        subscriber = IndexesSetupSubscriber(catalog_name, indexes,
+                                            context, module_info)
+        subscribed = (site, grok.IObjectAddedEvent)
+        config.action(
+            discriminator=None,
+            callable=component.provideHandler,
+            args=(subscriber, subscribed),
+            )
+        return True
+class IndexesSetupSubscriber(object):
+    """Helper that sets up indexes when their Grok site is created.
+    Each `grok.Indexes` class serves as an assertion that, whenever an
+    instance of its `grok.site()` is created, the given list of indexes
+    should be generated as well.  But a long period of time could elapse
+    between when the application starts (and its indexes are grokked),
+    and the moment, maybe days or weeks later, when a new instance of
+    that `grok.Site` is created.  Hence this `IndexesSetupSubscriber`:
+    it can be instantiated at grokking time with the index information,
+    and then registered with the Component Architecture as an event that
+    should be fired later, whenever the right kind of `grok.Site` is
+    instantiated.  At that point its `__call__` method is kicked off and
+    it makes sure the index catalogs get created properly.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, catalog_name, indexes, context, module_info):
+        self.catalog_name = catalog_name
+        self.indexes = indexes
+        self.context = context
+        self.module_info = module_info
+    def __call__(self, site, event):
+        # make sure we have an intids
+        self._createIntIds(site)
+        # get the catalog
+        catalog = self._createCatalog(site)
+        # now install indexes
+        for name, index in self.indexes.items():
+            try:
+                index.setup(catalog, name, self.context, self.module_info)
+            except DuplicationError:
+                raise GrokError(
+                    "grok.Indexes in module %r causes "
+                    "creation of catalog index %r in catalog %r, "
+                    "but an index with that name is already present." %
+                    (self.module_info.getModule(), name, self.catalog_name),
+                    None)
+    def _createCatalog(self, site):
+        """Create the catalog if needed and return it.
+        If the catalog already exists, return that.
+        """
+        catalog = zope.component.queryUtility(
+            ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name, context=site, default=None)
+        if catalog is not None:
+            return catalog
+        catalog = Catalog()
+        setupUtility = component.getUtility(
+            grokcore.site.interfaces.IUtilityInstaller)
+        setupUtility(site, catalog, ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name)
+        return catalog
+    def _createIntIds(self, site):
+        """Create intids if needed, and return it.
+        """
+        intids = zope.component.queryUtility(
+            IIntIds, context=site, default=None)
+        if intids is not None:
+            return intids
+        intids = IntIds()
+        setupUtility = component.getUtility(
+            grokcore.site.interfaces.IUtilityInstaller)
+        setupUtility(site, intids, IIntIds)
+        return intids

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