[Checkins] SVN: Products.CMFCore/trunk/Products/CMFCore/interfaces/_tools.py Whitespace cleaned up and svn slug removed.

Charlie Clark charlie at begeistert.org
Mon Oct 4 11:43:19 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 117216:
  Whitespace cleaned up and svn slug removed.

  U   Products.CMFCore/trunk/Products/CMFCore/interfaces/_tools.py

Modified: Products.CMFCore/trunk/Products/CMFCore/interfaces/_tools.py
--- Products.CMFCore/trunk/Products/CMFCore/interfaces/_tools.py	2010-10-04 15:40:57 UTC (rev 117215)
+++ Products.CMFCore/trunk/Products/CMFCore/interfaces/_tools.py	2010-10-04 15:43:19 UTC (rev 117216)
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 """ CMFCore tool interfaces.
 from zope.interface import Interface
@@ -25,171 +23,171 @@
 #   Action subsystem interfaces
 class IActionsTool(Interface):
     """ Generate the list of "actions" which the user is allowed to perform.
     o Synthesize this list from the actions managed by a set of "action
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_actions"
     def listActionProviders():
         """ Return a sequence of names of all IActionProvider utilities
             registered with this tool.
         o The returned list of names will be a subset of the set available
           via 'zapi.getUtilitiesFor(IActionProvider)' (which returns
           '(name, value)' tuples).
         o Deprecated: In the future, expect to use 'getUtilitiesFor' instead
           (presuming either that ordering either doesn't matter or that
           ordering is supported by the utility registry).
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def addActionProvider(provider_name):
         """ Register an IActionProvider to the set queried by this tool.
         o 'provider_name' is appended to the set of names already registered
           with the tool.
         o Raise ComponentLookupError if no utility of that name is registered
           for IActionProvider.
         o Deprecated: In the future, expect to use 'getUtilitiesFor' instead
           (presuming either that ordering either doesn't matter or that
           ordering is supported by the utility registry).
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def deleteActionProvider(provider_name):
         """ Remove an IActionProvider from the set queried by this tool.
         o Return silently if 'provider_name' is not already registered with
           the tool.
         o Deprecated: In the future, expect to use 'getUtilitiesFor' instead
           (presuming either that ordering either doesn't matter or that
           ordering is supported by the utility registry).
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def listFilteredActionsFor(object=None):
         """ Map actions available to the user by category.
         o Returned mapping will have category IDs as keys, and sequences
           of IActionInfo objects as the corresponding values for each
         o Categories may be arbitrarily extended.
         o Permission:  Public
 class IActionProvider(Interface):
     """ Objects that can be queried for actions.
     def listActions(info=None, object=None):
         """ List known actions.
         o Return a sequence of action objects.
         o Both the 'object' and the 'info' arguments are deprecated and
           ignored (use 'listActionInfos' to filter actions by context).
     def listActionInfos(action_chain=None, object=None, check_visibility=True,
                         check_permissions=True, check_condition=True, max=None):
         """ Return a sequence of IActionInfo objects matching given criteria.
         o 'action_chain' is a sequence of one or more action paths
           (e.g. 'object/view');  each path is formatted as
           'category_id/action_id'.  If specified, only matching actions will
           be returned, and in the given order (paths with no matches are
           ignored silently).
         o If 'object' is specified, only actions specific to that object
           are included.
         o If 'check_visibility' is True, return only actions whos "visible"
           flag is set.
         o If 'check_permissions' is True, return only actions for whose
           permissions the current user is authorized.
         o If 'check_condition' is True, return only actions whose condition
           expression evaluates True.
         o If 'max' is specified, return only the first 'max' Actions.
         o Permission:  Public (but not URL-publishable)
     def getActionInfo(action_chain, object=None, check_visibility=False,
         """ Return the first IActionInfo object matching the given criteria.
         o If no action is found matching the criteria, raise ValueError.
         o 'action_chain' is a sequence of one or more action paths
           (e.g. 'object/view');  each path is formatted as
           'category_id/action_id'.  If specified, only matching actions will
           be returned, and in the given order (paths with no matches are
           ignored silently).
         o If 'check_visibility' is True, return only actions whos "visible"
           flag is set.
         o If 'check_condition' is True, return only actions whose condition
           expression evaluates True.
         o Permission:  Public
 class IActionCategory(Interface):
     """ Group of IAction objects and child categories.
     def listActions():
         """ Return a sequence of IAction objects defined by this category.
         o Include actions defined by subcategories.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class IAction(Interface):
     """ Specification for an action.
     def getInfoData():
         """ Return a lazy mapping of the data needed to create an
             IActionInfo object.
         o Returned value is actually a tuple, '(lazy_map, lazy_keys)'.
         o Default keys are: 'id', 'category', 'title', 'description', 'url',
           'icon', 'available', 'permissions' and 'visible'.
         o Instead of computed values callable expression objects or methods
           are returned. For performance reasons, these objects are called
           later and only if the values are actually needed. The keys for all
@@ -198,24 +196,24 @@
 class IActionInfo(Interface):
     """ A lazy dictionary for Action infos.
     o Each ActionInfo object has the following keys:
       - id (string): not unique identifier
       - title (string)
       - url (string): URL to access the action
       - category (string): one of "user", "folder", "object", "global",
         "workflow" or a custom category
       - visible (boolean)
       - available (boolean): the result of checking the condition
       - allowed (boolean): the result of checking permissions;
         The user must have at least one of the listed permissions to access
         the action. If the list is empty, the user is allowed.
@@ -226,115 +224,115 @@
 #   Caching policy tool interfaces
 class ICachingPolicy(Interface):
     def getPolicyId():
     def getPredicate():
     def getMTimeFunc():
     def getMaxAgeSecs():
     def getSMaxAgeSecs():
     def getNoCache():
     def getNoStore():
     def getMustRevalidate():
     def getProxyRevalidate():
     def getPublic():
     def getPrivate():
     def getNoTransform():
     def getVary():
     def getETagFunc():
     def getEnable304s():
     def getLastModified():
         """Should we set the last modified header?
     def getPreCheck():
     def getPostCheck():
     def testPredicate(expr_context):
         """Does this request match our predicate?
     def getHeaders(expr_context):
         """Does this request match our predicate?
         If so, return a sequence of caching headers as (key, value) tuples.
         Otherwise, return an empty sequence.
 class ICachingPolicyManager(Interface):
     """ Compute HTTP cache headers for skin methods.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'caching_policy_manager'.
     def getHTTPCachingHeaders(content, view_method, keywords, time=None):
         """ Update HTTP caching headers in REQUEST
         o 'content' is the content object being published.
         o 'view_method' is the name of the view being published
         o 'keywords' is a set of extra keywords modifying the view.
         o If 'time' is supplied, use it instead of the current time
           (for reliable testing).
@@ -344,70 +342,70 @@
 #   Catalog tool interfaces
 class ICatalogTool(Interface):
     """Wrap the "stock" ZCatalog with custom behavior for the CMF.
     id = Attribute('id', 'Must be set to "portal_catalog"')
     # searchResults inherits security assertions from ZCatalog.
     def searchResults(REQUEST=None, **kw):
         """ Decorate ZCatalog.searchResults() with extra arguments
         o The extra arguments that the results to what the user would be
           allowed to see.
     # __call__ inherits security assertions from ZCatalog.
     def __call__(REQUEST=None, **kw):
         """Alias for searchResults().
     def unrestrictedSearchResults(REQUEST=None, **kw):
         """Calls ZCatalog.searchResults() without any CMF-specific processing.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def indexObject(object):
         """ Add 'object' to the catalog.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def unindexObject(object):
         """ Remove 'object' from the catalog.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def reindexObject(object, idxs=[], update_metadata=True):
         """ Update 'object' in catalog.
         o 'idxs', if passed, is a list of specific indexes to update
           (by default, all indexes are updated).
         o If 'update_metadata' is True, then update the metadata record
           in the catalog as well.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class IIndexableObjectWrapper(Interface):
     """ Wrapper for catalogued objects, for indexing "virtual" attributes.
     def allowedRolesAndUsers():
         """ Return a sequence roles and users with View permission.
         o PortalCatalog indexes this sequence to allow filtering out items
           a user is not allowed to see.
 class IIndexableObject(Interface):
     """ Marker interface for objects that can be indexed in
         the portal catalog
@@ -416,25 +414,25 @@
 #   PUT factory handler interfaces
 class IContentTypeRegistryPredicate(Interface):
     """ Match a given name/typ/body to a portal type.
     The registry will call the predictate's 'edit' method, passing the fields
     of the record.
     def __call__(name, typ, body):
         """ Return true if the rule matches, else false. """
     def getTypeLabel():
         """ Return a human-readable label for the predicate type. """
     def predicateWidget():
         """ Return a snippet of HTML suitable for editing the predicate.
         o This method may be defined via DTMLFile or PageTemplateFile
           (the tool will call it appropriately, if it is DTML).
         o The snippet should arrange for values to be marshalled by
           ZPublisher as a ':record', with the ID of the predicate as the
           name of the record.
@@ -442,21 +440,21 @@
 class IContentTypeRegistry(Interface):
     """ Apply policy mapping PUT arguments to a CMF portal type.
     def findTypeName(name, typ, body):
         """ Return the the portal type (an ID) for a PUT request.
         o 'name' is the filename supplied as the end of the path of the
           PUT request.
         o 'typ' is the MIME type for the request (which may have been guessed
           already from the extension or the body).
         o 'body' is the actual payload of the PUT request.
         o Return None if no match found.
@@ -465,54 +463,54 @@
 #   Discussion tool interfaces.
 class IOldstyleDiscussionTool(Interface):
     """ Links content to discussions.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The tool's ID.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'portal_discussion'.
     def getDiscussionFor(content):
         """ Return an IDiscussionItemContainer for 'content'.
         o Create the IDC if necessary.
         o Raise ValueError if discussion is not allowed on 'content'.
         o Permission:  Public
     def isDiscussionAllowedFor(content):
         """ Return True discussion is allowed for 'content', else False.
         o Result may be looked up from an object-specific value, or by place,
           or from a site-wide policy.
         o Permission:  Public
 class IDiscussionTool(IOldstyleDiscussionTool):
     """ Links content to discussions.
     def overrideDiscussionFor(content, allowDiscussion):
         """ Override discussability for the given object or clear the setting.
         o 'allowDiscussion' may be True, False, or None.
         o If 'allowDiscussion' is None, then clear any overridden setting for
           discussability, letting the site's default policy apply.
         o Otherwise, set the override to match 'allowDiscussion'.
         o Permission:  PUblic XXX?  Should be ManageContent, or something.
@@ -521,107 +519,107 @@
 #   MemberData tool interfaces
 class IMemberDataTool(Interface):
     """ Decorate user objects with site-local data.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The tool's ID.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'portal_memberdata'
     def wrapUser(user):
         """Returns an IMemberData instance for the given user object.
         o Permission:  Private (Python-only)
     def getMemberDataContents():
         """ Returns a list containing a dictionary with information
         about the _members BTree contents
         o The key 'member_count' is the total number of member instances
           stored in the memberdata-tool
         o The key 'orphan_count' is the number of member instances
           that for are no longer in the underlying acl_users user folder.
         o The result is designed to be iterated over in a dtml-in
         o XXX:  why a sequence?
         o Permission:  Private (Python-only)
     def pruneMemberDataContents():
         """ Delete member data of all members not findable in acl_users.
         o Compare the user IDs stored in the member data tool with the
           list in the actual underlying acl_users and delete any records whose
           user cannot be found.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def searchMemberData(search_param, search_term, attributes=()):
         """ Return a sequence of mappings of memberdata for the given criteria.
         o 'search_param' is the property ID to be searched.
         o 'search_term' is the property value to be searched.
         o 'attributes', if passed, controls the keys in the returned mappings;
           by default the returned keys are 'username' and 'email'.
         o XXX:  that default is silly;  if it is truly needed, then it should
           be the default value of the 'attributes' argument.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def registerMemberData(m, id):
         """ Add the given member data to the _members btree.
         o 'm' is an object whose attributes are the memberdata for the member.
         o 'id' is the userid of the member.
         o Add the record late as possible to avoid side effect transactions
           and to reduce the necessary number of entries.
         o XXX: these argument names are silly;  can we use more sensible
           ones (i.e., does anyone actually depend on them)?
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def deleteMemberData(member_id):
         """ Delete member data of specified member.
         o Return True if a record was deleted, else False.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class IMemberData(Interface):
     """ MemberData interface.
     def setProperties(properties=None, **kw):
         """ Allow the authenticated member to update his/her member data.
         o 'properties', if passed, is a mapping of the IDs and values of
           the properties to be changed.
         o The method may also be invoked via keyword arguments (in this
           case, do *not* pass 'properties').
         o Permission:  Set own properties
@@ -630,262 +628,262 @@
 #   Membership tool interfaces
 class IMembershipTool(Interface):
     """ Manage policy of how and where to store and retrieve members and
         their member folders.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The tool's ID.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'portal_membership'.
     def setPassword(password, domains=None):
         """ Allow the authenticated member to set his/her own password.
         Permission:  Set own password
     def getAuthenticatedMember():
         """ Return the currently authenticated member object
         o If no valid credentials are passed in the request, return
           the Anonymous User.
         o Permission:  Public
     def isAnonymousUser():
         """ Return True if no valid credentials are passed in the requeset.
         o Permission:  Public
     def checkPermission(permissionName, object, subobjectName=None):
         """ Return True if the current user has the given permission on
             the given object or subobject.
         o 'permissionName' is the string identifying the permission.
         o 'object' is the object being checked.
         o 'subobjectName', if passed, is the attribute name to be checked;
           if None, test the main object itself.
         o Permission:  Public
     def credentialsChanged(password, REQUEST=None):
         """ Notify the authentication mechanism that this user has
             changed passwords.
         o The authentication mechanism can use this notification to update
           the authentication cookie.
         o Note that this call should *not* cause any change at all to user
         o XXX:  should be an event.
         o XXX:  should this be in scope for this tool?  Or should it be
                 done by the view class for the password update view?
         Permission:  Public # XXX?
     def getMembersFolder():
         """ Return the folderish object which contains membmer folders.
         o Return None if no members folder is set or if the specified
           folder doesn't exist.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getHomeFolder(id=None, verifyPermission=False):
         """ Return a member's home folder object or None.
         o 'id', if passed, is the ID of the member whose folder should be
           returned;  if not passed, use the currently-authenticated member.
         o If 'verifyPermission' is True, return None when the user
           doesn't have the View permission on the folder.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getHomeUrl(id=None, verifyPermission=0):
         """ Return the URL to a member's home folder or None.
         o 'id', if passed, is the ID of the member whose folder should be
           returned;  if not passed, use the currently-authenticated member.
         o If 'verifyPermission' is True, return None when the user
           doesn't have the View permission on the folder.
         Permission:  Public
     def getMemberById(id):
         """ Returns the IMemberData instance corresponding to the given id.
         o Permission:  Manage users
     def listMemberIds():
         """ Return a sequence of ids of all members.
         o This may eventually be replaced with a set of methods for querying
           pieces of the list rather than the entire list at once.
         o Permission:  Manage users
     def listMembers():
         """ Return a sequence of all IMemberData instances.
         o This may eventually be replaced with a set of methods for querying
           pieces of the list rather than the entire list at once.
         o Permission:  Manage users
     def getCandidateLocalRoles(obj):
         """ Return a sequence local roles assignable by the current user for
             a given object.
         o 'obj' is the object to which role assignments may be made.
         o Permission:  Public # XXX?
     def setLocalRoles(obj, member_ids, member_role, reindex=True):
         """ Assign a local role on an item to one or more members.
         o 'obj' is the object on which to assign the role.
         o 'member_ids' is a sequence of user IDs to which to assign the role.
         o 'member_role' is the name of the role to assign.
         o If 'reindex' is True, then reindex the security-related attributes
           of the object and all subobjects.
         o Raise Unauthorized if the currently-authenticated member cannot
           assign 'member_role' on 'obj'.
         o Permission:  Public # XXX?
     def deleteLocalRoles(obj, member_ids, reindex=True, recursive=False):
         """ Remove local roles of specified members from an object.
         o 'obj' is the object on which to remove the role.
         o 'member_ids' is a sequence of user IDs from which to remove the role.
         o If 'reindex' is True, then reindex the security-related attributes
           of the object and all subobjects.
         o if 'recursive' is True, recurse over all subobjects of 'object'.
         o Raise Unauthorized if the currently-authenticated member cannot
           assign 'member_role' on 'obj'.
         Permission:  Public
     def addMember(id, password, roles, domains):
         """ Adds a new member to the user folder.
         o Security checks will have already been performed. Called by
           the registration tool.
         Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def deleteMembers(member_ids, delete_memberareas=1, delete_localroles=1):
         """ Remove specified members from the site.
         o Returns a sequence of member_ids of members actually deleted.
         o Remove the members from the user folder.
         o 'member_ids' is a sequence of one or more user IDs to remove.
         o Remove corresponding member data in the memberdata tool.
         o If 'delete_memberareas' is True, delete members' home folders
           including all content items.
         o If 'delete_localroles' is true, recursively delete members' local
           roles, starting from the site root.
         o Permission:  Manage users
     def getPortalRoles():
         """ Return a sequence of role names defined by the portal itself.
         o Returned role names are those understood by the portal object.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def setRoleMapping(portal_role, userfolder_role):
         """ Register a mapping of a role defined by the portal to a role
             coming from outside user sources.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def getMappedRole(portal_role):
         """ Returns a mapped role name corresponding to 'portal_role', or
             the empty string if no mapping exists.
         o Mappings are defined via 'setRoleMapping'.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def getMemberareaCreationFlag():
         """ Return True if the membership tool will create a member area for
             a user at login.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def setMemberareaCreationFlag():
         """ Toggle the policy flag for create a member areas at login.
         o XXX:  Toggle is a weak semantic here;  shouldn't we be passing
                 the value we want the flag to have?
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def createMemberArea(member_id=''):
         """ Return a member area for the given member, creating if necessary.
         o If member area creation is disabled, return None.
         o 'member_id', if passed, is the ID of the member whose folder is
           to be created;  if not passed, default to the authenticated member.
         o Permission:  Public # XXX?
     def deleteMemberArea(member_id):
         """ Delete member area of specified member
         o Return True if a member area previously existed for the member.
         o 'member_id' identifies the member whose member is to be removed.
         o Permission:  Manage users
@@ -894,78 +892,78 @@
 #   Metadata tool interface
 class IMetadataTool(Interface):
     """ CMF metadata policies interface.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The tool's ID.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'portal_metadata'.
     id = Attribute('id', 'Must be set to "portal_metadata"')
     #   Site-wide queries, specific to Dublin Core metadata.
     def getFullName(userid):
         """ Convert an internal userid to a "formal" name.
         o Convert only if possible, perhaps using the 'portal_membership'
           tool;  otherwise, return 'userid'.
         o Used to map userid's for Creator, Contributor DCMI queries.
     def getPublisher():
         """ Return the "formal" name of the publisher of the site.
     #   Content-specific queries, for Dublin Core metadata.
     def listAllowedSubjects(content=None, content_type=None):
         """ List the allowed values of the 'Subject' DCMI element.
         o 'Subject' elements should be keywords categorizing their resource.
         o Return only values appropriate for content's type, or all values if
           both 'content' and 'content_type' are None.
     def listAllowedFormats(content=None, content_type=None):
         """ List the allowed values of the 'Format' DCMI element.
         o These items should be usable as HTTP 'Content-type' values.
         o Return only values appropriate for content's type, or all values if
           both 'content' and 'content_type' are None.
     def listAllowedLanguages(content=None, content_type=None):
         """ List the allowed values of the 'Language' DCMI element.
         o 'Language' element values should be suitable for generating
           HTTP headers.
         o Return only values appropriate for content's type, or all values if
           both 'content' and 'content_type' are None.
     def listAllowedRights(content=None, content_type=None):
         """ List the allowed values of the 'Rights' DCMI element.
         o The 'Rights' element describes copyright or other IP declarations
           pertaining to a resource.
         o Return only values appropriate for content's type, or all values if
           both 'content' and 'content_type' are None.
     #   Content-specific queries, for generic metadata.
@@ -975,45 +973,45 @@
                              , content_type=None
         """ List allowed values for a given schema element and content object.
         o List possible keywords if both 'content' and 'content_type' are None.
     #   Schema manipulation
     def listSchemas():
         """ Return a list of (id, schema) tuples enumerating our schema.
     def addSchema( schema_id ):
         """ Create a new schema with the given ID.
         o Return the newly-created schema object.
         o Raise KeyError if such a schema already exists.
     def removeSchema( schema_id ):
         """ Remove an existing schema with the given ID.
         o Raise KeyError if no such schema exists.
     #   Validation policy hooks.
     def setInitialMetadata(content):
         """ Set initial values for content metatdata.
         o Supply any site-specific defaults.
     def validateMetadata(content):
         """ Enforce portal-wide policies about metadata.
         o E.g., policies may require non-empty title/description, etc.
         o This method may be called by view / workflow code at "appropriate"
           times, such as immediately before saving changes to the metadata of
           an object.
@@ -1024,31 +1022,31 @@
 #   Site Properties tool interface
 class IPropertiesTool(Interface):
     """ Manage properties of the site as a whole.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The tool's ID.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to 'portal_properties'.
     def editProperties(props):
         """ Change portal settings.
         o 'props' is a mapping of values to be updates.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def title():
         """ Return the site's title.
     def smtp_server():
         """ Return the configured SMTP server for the site.
@@ -1058,106 +1056,106 @@
 #   Registration tool interface
 class IRegistrationTool(Interface):
     """ Manage policies for member registration.
     o Depends on IMembershipTool component.
     o Is not aware of membership storage details.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_registration"
     def isRegistrationAllowed(REQUEST):
         """ Return True if the current user is allowed to add a member to
             the site, else False.
         o Permission:  Public
     def testPasswordValidity(password, confirm=None):
         """ Return None if the password is valid;  otherwise return a string
             explaining why not.
         o 'password' is the candidate password string.
         o If 'confirm' is passed, XXX?
         o Permission:  Public
     def testPropertiesValidity(new_properties, member=None):
         """ Return None if the supplied properties are valid;  otherwise
             return a string explaining why not.
         o 'new_properties' is a mapping containing the properties to test.
         o 'member', if passed, is the ID of the member for whome the
           properties are being set;  if not passed, use the currently-
           authenticated member.
         o Permission:  Public
     def generatePassword():
         """ Return a generated password which is complies with the site's
             password policy.
         o Permission:  Public
     def addMember(id, password, roles=('Member',), domains='',
         """ Creates and return a new member.
         o 'id' is the user ID of the member to be created;  raise ValueError
           if there already exists a member with the given 'id'.
         o 'password' is the user's password;  raise ValueError if the
           supplied 'password' does not comply with the site's password policy.
         o 'roles' is a list of roles to grant the new member;  raise
           Unauthorized if the currently-authenticated user is not
           allowed to grant one of the roles listed
           - "Member" is a special role that can always be granted
         o 'properties', if passed,  is a mapping with additional member
           properties;  raise ValueError if one or more properties do not
           comply with the site's policies.
         o Permission:  Add portal member
     def isMemberIdAllowed(id):
         """ Return True if 'id' is not in use as a member ID and is not
             reserved, else False.
         o Permission:  Add portal member
     def afterAdd(member, id, password, properties):
         """ Notification called by portal_registration.addMember() after a
             member has been added successfully.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def mailPassword(forgotten_userid, REQUEST):
         """ Email a forgotten password to a member.
         o Raise ValueError if user ID is not found.
         o XXX: should probably *not* raise, in order to prevent cracking.
         o Permission:  Mail forgotten password
@@ -1166,76 +1164,76 @@
 #   Skins tool interfaces
 class IDirectoryView(Interface):
     """ Directory views mount filesystem directories.
 class ISkinsContainer(Interface):
     """ An object that provides skins.
     def getSkinPath(name):
         """ Convert a skin name to a skin path.
         o Permission:  Access contents information
     def getDefaultSkin():
         """ Return the default skin name.
         o Permission:  Access contents information
     def getRequestVarname():
         """ Return the variable name to look for in the REQUEST.
         o Permission:  Access contents information
     def getSkinByPath(path, raise_exc=0):
         """ Return a skin at the given path.
         o XXX:  what are we doing here?
         o A skin path is a search path of layers of the format:
           'some/path, some/other/path, ...'.
         o Attributes are looked up in the layers in the named order.
         o A skin is a specially wrapped object that looks through the layers
           in the correct order.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def getSkinByName(name):
         """ Get the named skin.
         Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class ISkinsTool(ISkinsContainer):
     """ An object that provides skins to a portal object.
     O XXX:  This shouldn't derive from ISkinsContainer?
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_skind"
     def getSkinSelections():
         """ Get the sorted list of available skin names.
         o Permission:  Public
@@ -1243,131 +1241,131 @@
 # Syndication tool interface
 class ISyndicationTool(Interface):
     """ An object that provides content syndication facilities
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_syndication"
     def enableSyndication(obj):
         """ Enable syndication for the passed-in object
         o raises 'Syndication is Disabled' if syndication is now allowed
         o raises 'Syndication Information Exists' if used repeatedly
     def disableSyndication(obj):
         """ Disable syndication for the passed-in object
         o raises 'This object does not have Syndication Information' if
           syndication has already been disabled
     def getSyndicatableContent(obj):
         """ Retrieve all syndicatable content from the passed-in object
         o will call the hool "synContentValues" if it exists to allow
           individual customization
         o falls back to calling contentValues
     def isSiteSyndicationAllowed():
         """ Return the site-wide syndication flag
     def isSyndicationAllowed(obj=None):
         """ Return the syndication flag for the passed-in object
         o falls back to retrieving the site-wide syndication flag
     def getUpdatePeriod(obj=None):
         """ Return the update period for the syndicated feed
         o falls back to the site-wide value if no object is passed in
         o raises 'Syndication is not Allowed' if the site-wide policy
           does not allow syndication
     def getUpdateFrequency(obj=None):
         """ Return the syndicated feed update frequency
         o falls back to the site-wide value if no object is passed in
         o raises 'Syndication is not Allowed' if the site-wide policy
           does not allow syndication
     def getUpdateBase(obj=None):
         """ Return the syndication feed base date for the publishing schedule
         o falls back to the site-wide value if no object is passed in
         o raises 'Syndication is not Allowed' if the site-wide policy
           does not allow syndication
     def getHTML4UpdateBase(obj=None):
         """ return the HTML-formatted feed publishing base date
         o falls back to the site-wide value if no object is passed in
         o raises 'Syndication is not Allowed' if the site-wide policy
           does not allow syndication
     def getMaxItems(obj=None):
         """ Return the number of items published at any one time in the feed
         o falls back to the site-wide value if no object is passed in
         o raises 'Syndication is not Allowed' if the site-wide policy
           does not allow syndication
 class ISyndicationInfo(Interface):
     """ Provides syndication about a particular object"""
     def get_info():
         Return the syndication information from the object if available
         or from the site settings if not.
         Syndication information is a dictionary
     def set_info(period, frequency, base, max_items):
         """ Set syndication for an object."""
     enabled = Attribute(
         Boolean as to whether syndication is available for the object or not.
         For this to be true both site syndication and object syndication must
         be enabled.
         Objects that can be syndicated provide the ISyndicatable interface
     def revert():
         Remove any folderish specific syndication settings.
     def enable():
         """ Enable syndication for an object """
     def disable():
         """ Disable syndication for an object """
@@ -1376,154 +1374,154 @@
 #   Types tool interfaces
 class ITypeInformation(Interface):
     """ Type definition interface.
     def Metatype():
         """ Return the Zope 'meta_type' for this content object.
         o Deprecated (not all objects of a given type may even share
           the same meta_type).
     def Title():
         """ Return the "human readable" type name
         o Note that it may not map exactly to the 'meta_type', e.g.,
           for l10n/i18n or where a single content class is being
           used twice, under different names.
     def Description():
         """ Return a textual description of the type
         o This descriptoin is used for display in a "constructor list".
     def isConstructionAllowed(container):
         """ Return True if the current user is allowed to construct an
             instance of this type in 'container, else False.
     def allowType(contentType):
         """ Can objects of 'contentType' be added to containers of our type?
     def constructInstance(container, id):
         """ Build a "bare" instance of the appropriate type in 'container'.
         o Give the new instance an ID of 'id'.
         o Return the newly-created instance, seated in 'container'.
     def allowDiscussion():
         """ Return True if objects of this type are allowed to support
             discussion, else False.
         o Individual objects may still disable discussion.
     def getIconExprObject():
         """ Get the expression object representing the icon for this type.
     def getMethodAliases():
         """ Return a mapping of method aliases for this type.
         o XXX:  define keys and values of the mapping.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def setMethodAliases(aliases):
         """ Assign method aliases for this type.
         o Return True if the operation changed any aliases, else False.
         o 'aliases' is the mapping of aliases to be assigned.
         o XXX:  define keys and values of the mapping.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def queryMethodID(alias, default=None, context=None):
         """ Return the method ID for a given alias.
         o 'context', if passed, points to the object calling this method.
            It may be used to return dynamic values based on the caller.
            XXX:  this is unclear
         o 'default' is returned if no such alias is defined.
         o Permission:  Public
         Returns:  Method ID or default value
 class ITypesTool(Interface):
     """ Register content types for the site.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_types"
     def getTypeInfo(contentType):
         """ Return an ITypeInformation for the given type name / object.
         o If 'contentType' is actually an object, rather than a string,
           attempt to look up the appropriate type info using its 'portal_type'.
         o Permission:  Public
     def listTypeInfo(container=None):
         """ Return a sequence of ITypeInformations registered for the
         o If 'container' is passed, filter the list according to the user's
           permissions to add content in that place.
         o Permission:  Public
     def listContentTypes(container=None, by_metatype=0):
         """ Return a sequence of IDs of ITypeInformations registered
             for the site.
         o If 'by_metatype' is True, return meta_types instead (this variant
           is deprecated).
         o If 'container' is passed, filter the list according to the user's
           permissions to add content in that place.
         o Permission:  Public
     def constructContent(contentType, container, id, RESPONSE=None,
                          *args, **kw):
         """ Build an instance of the appropriate type in 'container'
         o 'contentType' is the name of the ITypeInformation to be
         o Assign the instance the given 'id', if possible.
         o If 'RESPONSE' is passed, redirect to the new object's
           "initial view";  otherwise return the new object's 'id' (which
           may have morphed during construction).
         o Raise Unauthorized if the current user is not allowed to construct
           items of the given type in 'container'.
@@ -1533,37 +1531,37 @@
 #   Undo tool interface
 class IUndoTool(Interface):
     """ Provide access to Zope undo functions.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_undo"
     def listUndoableTransactionsFor(object,
         """ List all transaction IDs the user is allowed to undo on 'object'.
         o Return a list of "transaction info" objects, using the given
           parameters to batch the results.
         o XXX:  this needs documentation / testing.
         o Permission:  Undo changes
     def undo(object, transaction_info):
         """Performs an undo operation.
         o Permission:  Undo changes
@@ -1572,84 +1570,84 @@
 #   URL tool interface
 class IURLTool(Interface):
     """ CMF URL Tool interface.
     This interface provides a common mechanism for finding the 'root'
     object of a CMFSite, and for computing paths to objects relative to
     that root.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_url"
     def __call__(relative=0, *args, **kw):
         """ Return URL of the site, as a string.
         o If 'relative' is True, return only the "path" portion of the site
           object's URL; otherwise, return the absolute URL
         o In either case, the returned path respects virtual hosting.
         o The site is the parent of the tool.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getPortalObject():
         """ Return the site object itself.
         o The site is the parent of the tool.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getRelativeContentPath(content):
         """ Return the site-relative path for 'content'
         o The site is the parent of the tool.
         o Return a sequence of path elements.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getRelativeContentURL(content):
         """ Return the site-relative URL for 'content', as a string.
         o The site is the parent of the tool.
         o This is helpful for virtual hosting situations.
         o Same method as 'getRelativeURL()'
         o Permission:  Public
     def getRelativeUrl(content):
         """ Return the site-relative URL for 'content', as a string.
         o The site is the parent of the tool.
         o This is helpful for virtual hosting situations.
         o Same method as 'getRelativeContentURL()'
         o Permission:  Public
     def getPortalPath():
         """ Return the portal object's URL without the server URL component.
         o Return a slash-delimited string.
         o Permission:  Public
@@ -1658,400 +1656,399 @@
 #   Workflow tool interfaces
 class IWorkflowTool(Interface):
     """This tool accesses and changes the workflow state of content.
     id = Attribute('id',
             """ The ID of the tool.
             o BBB:  for use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer
             o Must be set to "portal_workflow"
     def getCatalogVariablesFor(ob):
         """ Get a mapping of "workflow-relevant" attributes.
         o Invoked by 'portal_catalog' when indexing content.
         o Allows workflows to add variables to the catalog based on workflow
           status, making it possible to implement queues.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def doActionFor(ob, action, wf_id=None, *args, **kw):
         """ Perform the given workflow action on 'ob'.
         o 'ob' is the target object.
         o 'action' is the ID of the action to perform.
         o 'wf_id', if passed, is the ID of the workflow supplying the action.
         o 'args' and 'kw', if passed, are applied to the invoked action.
         o Invoked by user interface code, allowing the user to request a
           workflow action.
         o The workflow object must perform its own security checks.
         o Permission:  Public
     def getInfoFor(ob, name, default=_marker, wf_id=None):
         """ Get the given bit of workflow information for the object.
         o 'ob' is the target object.
         o 'name' is the name of the information requested.
         o 'default', if passed, will be returned if 'name' is not found;
           if 'default' is not passed, then raise ValueError.
         o 'wf_id', if passed, is the ID of the workflow supplying the action.
         o Invoked by user interface code, allowing the user to request
           information provided by the workflow.
         o The workflow object must perform its own security checks.
         o Permission:  Public
     def notifyCreated(ob):
         """ Notify all applicable workflows that an object has been created.
         o 'ob' is the newly-created object;  it will already be "seated"
           in its new place.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifyBefore(ob, action):
         """ Notify all applicable workflows of an action before it happens.
         o 'ob' is the content object which is the target of the action.
         o 'action' usually corresponds to a method name.
         o Participating workflows may veto the action by raising
         o Unless vetoed, the tool will later call either a 'notifySuccess' or
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifySuccess(ob, action, result=None):
         """ Notify all applicable workflows that an action has taken place.
         o 'ob' is the content object which is the target of the action.
         o 'action' usually corresponds to a method name.
         o 'result' is the value returned from the action.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifyException(ob, action, exc):
         """ Notify all applicable workflows that an action failed.
         o 'ob' is the content object which is the target of the action.
         o 'action' usually corresponds to a method name.
         o 'exc' is the 'sys.exec_info' triple for the exception.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def getHistoryOf(wf_id, ob):
         """ Get the history of an object for a given workflow.
         o 'wf_id' is the id of the selected workflow.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o Invoked by workflow definitions.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def getStatusOf(wf_id, ob):
         """ Get the last element of a workflow history for a given workflow.
         o 'wf_id' is the id of the selected workflow.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o Invoked by workflow definitions.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def setStatusOf(wf_id, ob, status):
         """ Append a record to the workflow history of a given workflow.
         o 'wf_id' is the id of the selected workflow.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o 'status' is a mapping defining the history item to append.
         o Invoked by workflow definitions.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class IConfigurableWorkflowTool(IWorkflowTool):
     """ Manage workflow tool settings.
     def setDefaultChain(default_chain):
         """ Set the default chain for this tool.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def setChainForPortalTypes(pt_names, chain, verify=True):
         """ Set a chain for specific portal types.
         o If chain is None, set the chain for the portal types to be the
           default chain.
         o Permission:  Manage portal
     def getDefaultChain():
         """ Get the default chain for this tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def listChainOverrides():
         """ List portal type specific chain overrides.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def getChainFor(ob):
         """ Get the chain that applies to the given object.
         o If 'ob' is a string, it is used as portal type name.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class IWorkflowDefinition(Interface):
     """Plugin interface for workflow definitions managed by IWorkflowTool.
     def getCatalogVariablesFor(ob):
         """ Return a mapping of attributes relevant to this workflow.
         o Invoked by the workflow tool.
         o Allows workflows to add variables to the catalog based on workflow
           status, making it possible to implement queues.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def updateRoleMappingsFor(ob):
         """ Update the object permissions according to the current workflow
             state of 'ob'.
         o Note that having the same permission(s) controlled by more than one
           workflow defintiion for an object results in undefined behavior.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def listObjectActions(info):
         """ Return a sequence of workflow action objects.
         o 'info' is an OAI (ObjectActionInformation ?) structure.
         o Returned actions are relevant to 'info.content' (this method is
           called only when this workflow is applicable to 'info.content').
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def listGlobalActions(info):
         """ Return a sequence of workflow action objects.
         o 'info' is an OAI (ObjectActionInformation ?) structure.
         o Returned actions are "global", i.e. relevant to the user and  the
           site, rather than to any particular content object (this method is
           generally called on every request!)
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def isActionSupported(ob, action, **kw):
         """ Return True if the given workflow action is supported by this
             workfow for a content object, else False.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o 'action' is the ID of the requested workflow action.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def doActionFor(ob, action, comment=''):
         """ Perform the requested workflow action on a content object.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o 'action' is the ID of the requested workflow action.
         o 'comment' is passed to the method corresponding to 'action'.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Allows the user to request a workflow action.
         o This method must perform its own security checks.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def isInfoSupported(ob, name):
         """ Return True if the given info name is supported by this workflow
             for a given content object, else False.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o 'name' is the name of the requested workflow information.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def getInfoFor(ob, name, default):
         """ Return the requested workflow information for a content object.
         o 'ob' is the content object.
         o 'name' is the name of the requested workflow information.
         o 'default' is returned if 'name' is not found.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o This method must perform its own security checks.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifyCreated(ob):
         """ Notification that an object has been created and put in its place.
         o 'ob' is the newly-created object.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o The workflow may set initial workflow state, etc. for the new
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifyBefore(ob, action):
         """ Notification of a workflow action before it happens.
         o 'ob' is the target object of the action.
         o 'action' is a string identifying the impending action;
           usually it corresponds to a method name.
         o This workflow may veto by raising WorkflowException.
         o Unless some workflow raises WorkflowException is thrown,
           the workflow tool will emit either 'notifySuccess' or
           'notifyException' after the action.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifySuccess(ob, action, result):
         """ Notification that a workflow action has taken place.
         o 'ob' is the target object of the action.
         o 'action' is a string identifying the succesful action;
           usually it corresponds to a method name.
         o 'result' is the return value from the method called.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def notifyException(ob, action, exc):
         """ Notifies this workflow that an action failed.
         o 'ob' is the target object of the action.
         o 'action' is a string identifying the failed action;
           usually it corresponds to a method name.
         o 'exc' is the 'sys.exc_info' triple for the exception.
         o Invoked by the portal_workflow tool.
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
 class ILinebreakNormalizer(Interface):
     """ Interface for a utility to normalize line breaks in plain text
     Implementations of this utility may adjust line breaks to conform to
     any desired type, such as LF or CRLF.
     def normalizeIncoming(ob, text):
         """ Normalize line breaks in text pushed into the system
         o ob is the content object receiving the text value
         o text is the text value submitted by the user
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)
     def normalizeOutgoing(ob, text):
         """ Normalize line breaks in text emitted by the system
         o ob is the content object rendering the text value
         o text is the text value to be rendered
         o Permission:  Private (Python only)

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