[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/gotcha/z3c.taskqueue_ui/trunk/src/z3c/taskqueue_ui/browser/README.txt should have kept the test

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha at bubblenet.be
Mon Oct 11 08:10:17 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 117449:
  should have kept the test

  A   Sandbox/gotcha/z3c.taskqueue_ui/trunk/src/z3c/taskqueue_ui/browser/README.txt

Copied: Sandbox/gotcha/z3c.taskqueue_ui/trunk/src/z3c/taskqueue_ui/browser/README.txt (from rev 117448, lovely.remotetask/trunk/src/lovely/remotetask/browser/README.txt)
--- Sandbox/gotcha/z3c.taskqueue_ui/trunk/src/z3c/taskqueue_ui/browser/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/gotcha/z3c.taskqueue_ui/trunk/src/z3c/taskqueue_ui/browser/README.txt	2010-10-11 12:10:16 UTC (rev 117449)
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+Task Service Browser Management UI
+Let's start a browser:
+  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
+  >>> browser = Browser()
+  >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization','Basic mgr:mgrpw')
+  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
+Now we add a task service:
+  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/manage')
+  >>> browser.getLink('Remote Task Service').click()
+  >>> browser.getControl(name='new_value').value = 'tasks'
+  >>> browser.getControl('Apply').click()
+Now let's have a look at the job's table:
+  >>> browser.getLink('tasks').click()
+You can see the available tasks:
+  >>> 'Available Tasks' in browser.contents
+  True
+By default there is an "echo" task:
+  >>> '<div>echo</div>' in browser.contents
+  True
+Below you see a table of all the jobs. Initially we have no jobs, so let's add
+one via XML-RPC:
+  >>> print http(r"""
+  ... POST /tasks/ HTTP/1.0
+  ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw
+  ... Content-Type: text/xml
+  ...
+  ... <?xml version='1.0'?>
+  ... <methodCall>
+  ... <methodName>add</methodName>
+  ... <params>
+  ... <value><string>echo</string></value>
+  ... <value><struct>
+  ... <key><string>foo</string></key>
+  ... <value><string>bar</string></value>
+  ... </struct></value>
+  ... </params>
+  ... </methodCall>
+  ... """)
+  HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
+  ...
+If we now refresh the screen, we will see the new job:
+  >>> browser.reload()
+  >>> print browser.contents
+  <!DOCTYPE ...
+  <tbody>
+  <tr class="odd">
+    <td class="">
+      <input type="checkbox" name="jobs:list" value="1506179619">
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableId">
+      1506179619
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableTask">
+      echo
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableStatus">
+      <span class="status-queued">queued</span>
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableDetail">
+      No input detail available
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableCreated">
+      ...
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableStart">
+      [not set]
+    </td>
+    <td class="tableEnd">
+      [not set]
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  </tbody>
+  ...
+It is possible to provide custom views for the details. Note the name of the
+view "echo_detail", it consists of the task name and "_detail". This allows us
+to use different detail views on the same job classes. if no such view is
+found a view with name 'detail' is searched.
+  >>> from zope import interface
+  >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserView
+  >>> class EchoDetailView(object):
+  ...     interface.implements(IBrowserView)
+  ...     def __init__(self, context, request):
+  ...         self.context = context
+  ...         self.request = request
+  ...     def __call__(self):
+  ...         return u'echo: foo=%s'% self.context.input['foo']
+  >>> from lovely.remotetask.interfaces import IJob
+  >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
+  >>> from zope import component
+  >>> component.provideAdapter(EchoDetailView,
+  ...                          (IJob, IDefaultBrowserLayer),
+  ...                          name='echo_detail')
+  >>> browser.reload()
+  >>> print browser.contents
+  ...
+  <td class="tableDetail">
+    echo: foo=bar
+  ...
+You can cancel scheduled jobs:
+  >>> browser.getControl('Cancel', index=0).click()
+  >>> 'No jobs were selected.' in browser.contents
+  True
+  >>> browser.getControl(name='jobs:list').getControl(
+  ...     value='1506179619').click()
+  >>> browser.getControl('Cancel', index=0).click()
+  >>> 'Jobs were successfully cancelled.' in browser.contents
+  True
+It is also possible cancel all jobs::
+  >>> browser.getControl('Cancel all', index=0).click()
+  >>> 'All jobs cancelled' in browser.contents
+  True
+You can also clean attic jobs:
+  >>> browser.getControl('Remove all').click()
+  >>> 'Cleaned 1 Jobs' in  browser.contents
+  True
+Thread Exception Reporting
+If a job raises an exception the task service repeats the job 3 times. On
+every exception a traceback is written to the log.
+We modify the python logger to get the log output.
+  >>> import logging
+  >>> logger = logging.getLogger("lovely.remotetask")
+  >>> logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+  >>> import StringIO
+  >>> io = StringIO.StringIO()
+  >>> ch = logging.StreamHandler(io)
+  >>> ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+  >>> logger.addHandler(ch)
+  >>> from time import sleep
+  >>> from zope import component
+  >>> from lovely.remotetask.interfaces import ITaskService
+  >>> service = getRootFolder()['tasks']
+We add a job for a task which raises a ZeroDivisionError every time it is
+  >>> jobid = service.add(u'exception')
+  >>> service.getStatus(jobid)
+  'queued'
+  >>> import transaction
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+  >>> service.startProcessing()
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+  >>> import time
+  >>> time.sleep(1.5)
+Note that the processing thread is daemonic, that way it won't keep the process
+alive unnecessarily.
+  >>> import threading
+  >>> for thread in threading.enumerate():
+  ...     if thread.getName().startswith('remotetasks.'):
+  ...         print thread.isDaemon()
+  True
+  >>> service.stopProcessing()
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+We got log entries with the tracebacks of the division error.
+  >>> logvalue = io.getvalue()
+  >>> print logvalue
+  Caught a generic exception, preventing thread from crashing
+  integer division or modulo by zero
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+  ...
+  ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
+We had 3 retries, but every error is reported twice, once by the processor and
+once from by the task service.
+  >>> logvalue.count('ZeroDivisionError')
+  6
+The job status is set to 'error'.
+  >>> service.getStatus(jobid)
+  'error'
+We do the same again to see if the same thing happens again. This test is
+necessary to see if the internal runCount in the task service is reset.
+  >>> io.seek(0)
+  >>> jobid = service.add(u'exception')
+  >>> service.getStatus(jobid)
+  'queued'
+  >>> import transaction
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+  >>> service.startProcessing()
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+  >>> sleep(1.5)
+  >>> service.stopProcessing()
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+We got log entries with the tracebacks of the division error.
+  >>> logvalue = io.getvalue()
+  >>> print logvalue
+  Caught a generic exception, preventing thread from crashing
+  integer division or modulo by zero
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+  ...
+  ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
+We had 3 retries, but every error is reported twice, once by the processor and
+once from by the task service.
+  >>> logvalue.count('ZeroDivisionError')
+  6
+The job status is set to 'error'.
+  >>> service.getStatus(jobid)
+  'error'
+Allow the threads to exit:
+  >>> sleep(0.2)

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