[Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ remove remnants from the REST code that moved to grokcore.rest

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 08:17:35 EST 2011

Log message for revision 119532:
  remove remnants from the REST code that moved to grokcore.rest

  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/publication.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/rest.py

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/publication.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/publication.py	2011-01-12 12:21:32 UTC (rev 119531)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/publication.py	2011-01-12 13:17:35 UTC (rev 119532)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Grok publication factories and classes.
-These factories, and the publication classes they return, make Grok
-security different from the way that security normal operates during
-Zope publication.  Instead of security proxies being wrapped around
-every object generated during traversal, and then wrapped around the
-final object before it is viewed, only a single security check is done
-when Grok is in charge: a check to see whether the view selected at the
-end of the traversal process is, in fact, permitted to display the
-from grok.rest import GrokMethodNotAllowed
-from grokcore.view.publication import ZopePublicationSansProxy
-from zope import component
-from zope.security.checker import selectChecker
-from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPException
-from zope.app.publication.http import BaseHTTPPublication, HTTPPublication
-class GrokHTTPPublication(ZopePublicationSansProxy, HTTPPublication):
-    """Combines `HTTPPublication` with the Grok sans-proxy mixin.
-    Because `HTTPPublication` provides its own, special `callObject()`
-    implementation, this subclass does the same, providing what is
-    basically the same call (you can verify, in fact, that most of its
-    lines were copied directly from the superclass's version) but with a
-    few extra lines added so that - as with the simpler `callObject()`
-    method in `ZopePublicationSansProxy` - it quickly places a security
-    proxy around the object, makes sure that this HTTP method is
-    permitted, and finally passes the bare object to the view that will
-    render it.
-    """
-    def callObject(self, request, ob):
-        orig = ob
-        if not IHTTPException.providedBy(ob):
-            ob = component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, request),
-                                            name=request.method)
-            checker = selectChecker(ob)
-            if checker is not None:
-                checker.check(ob, '__call__')
-            ob = getattr(ob, request.method, None)
-            if ob is None:
-                raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(orig, request)
-        return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
-class GrokHTTPFactory(HTTPFactory):
-    """Returns the classes Grok uses for HTTP requests and publication.
-    When an instance of this class is called, it returns a 2-element
-    tuple containing:
-    - The request class that Grok uses for HTTP requests.
-    - The publication class that Grok uses to publish to HTTP.
-    """
-    def __call__(self):
-        request, publication = super(GrokHTTPFactory, self).__call__()
-        return request, GrokHTTPPublication

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/rest.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/rest.py	2011-01-12 12:21:32 UTC (rev 119531)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/rest.py	2011-01-12 13:17:35 UTC (rev 119532)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-"""Default REST view for Grok.
-The views provided by this module get invoked when an object receives an
-HTTP request in a REST skin for which no more-specific REST behavior has
-been defined.  These all return the HTTP response Method Not Allowed.
-import grok
-from grok.interfaces import IRESTSkinType
-from zope import component
-from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import TraversalError
-from zope.traversing.namespace import view
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
-from zope.app.publication.http import MethodNotAllowed
-from zope.publisher.browser import applySkin
-class GrokMethodNotAllowed(MethodNotAllowed):
-    """Exception indicating that an attempted REST method is not allowed."""
-class MethodNotAllowedView(grok.MultiAdapter):
-    """View rendering a REST GrokMethodNotAllowed exception over HTTP.
-    Not only does this view render the REST error as an HTTP status of
-    405 (Method Not Allowed) and a simple text message as the document
-    body, but also offers an ``Allow:`` HTTP header listing any methods
-    that can, in fact, succeed.  It constructs this list by testing the
-    current object to see which methods it supports; if none of the
-    standard methods succeed, then the ``Allow:`` header is still
-    provided, but its value will be empty.
-    """
-    grok.adapts(GrokMethodNotAllowed, IHTTPRequest)
-    grok.name('index.html')
-    grok.implements(Interface)
-    def __init__(self, error, request):
-        self.error = error
-        self.request = request
-        self.allow = self._getAllow()
-    def _getAllow(self):
-        allow = []
-        # List methods here in the same order that they should appear in
-        # the "Allow:" header.
-        for method in 'DELETE', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT':
-            view = component.queryMultiAdapter(
-                (self.error.object, self.error.request),
-                name=method)
-            if view is not None:
-                is_not_allowed = getattr(view, 'is_not_allowed', False)
-                if not is_not_allowed:
-                    allow.append(method)
-        return allow
-    def __call__(self):
-        self.request.response.setHeader('Allow', ', '.join(self.allow))
-        self.request.response.setStatus(405)
-        return 'Method Not Allowed'
-class rest_skin(view):
-    """A rest skin.
-    This used to be supported by zope.traversing but the change was
-    backed out.  We need it for our REST support.
-    """
-    def traverse(self, name, ignored):
-        self.request.shiftNameToApplication()
-        try:
-            skin = component.getUtility(IRESTSkinType, name)
-        except ComponentLookupError:
-            raise TraversalError("++rest++%s" % name)
-        applySkin(self.request, skin)
-        return self.context
-class NotAllowedREST(grok.REST):
-    """Default REST view, whose methods all raise Not Allowed errors.
-    By binding itself to ``Interface``, this becomes the most general
-    available REST view, and will be called into service for objects
-    that have not had more specific REST views registered.  This means
-    that such objects can at least return attractive refusals when
-    clients attempt to assail them with unwanted HTTP methods.
-    """
-    grok.layer(grok.IRESTLayer)
-    grok.context(Interface)
-    is_not_allowed = True
-    def GET(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def POST(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def PUT(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def DELETE(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)

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