[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/ Cleaned up package and imports

Souheil Chelfouh cvs-admin at zope.org
Fri Apr 27 16:14:35 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 125349:
  Cleaned up package and imports

  U   grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/__init__.py
  U   grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/components.py
  U   grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/index.py
  A   grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/interfaces.py

Modified: grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/__init__.py
--- grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/__init__.py	2012-04-27 15:11:35 UTC (rev 125348)
+++ grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/__init__.py	2012-04-27 16:14:31 UTC (rev 125349)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from grokcore.catalog.interfaces import IIndexDefinition
+from grokcore.catalog.index import IndexDefinition, Field, Text, Set, Value

Modified: grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/components.py
--- grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/components.py	2012-04-27 15:11:35 UTC (rev 125348)
+++ grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/components.py	2012-04-27 16:14:31 UTC (rev 125349)
@@ -11,311 +11,30 @@
-"""Base classes for Grok application components.
-When an application developer builds a Grok-based application, the
-classes they define each typically inherit from one of the base classes
-provided here.
-import simplejson
-import zope.location
-from zope.container.interfaces import IReadContainer
-import zope.errorview.browser
-from zope import component
-from zope import interface
-from zope.interface.common.interfaces import IException
-from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserPage
-from zope.publisher.defaultview import getDefaultViewName
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
-from zope.publisher.interfaces import INotFound
-from zope.publisher.interfaces import NotFound
-from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
-from zope.security.interfaces import IUnauthorized
-from zope.securitypolicy.role import Role as securitypolicy_Role
-import grok
 import martian.util
+from grokcore.catalog.interfaces.IIndexDefinition
-import grokcore.view
-import grokcore.site
-import grokcore.message
-import grokcore.layout
-from grok import interfaces, util
-# BBB this is for import backward compatibility.
-from grokcore.xmlrpc import XMLRPC
-from grokcore.rest import REST
-from grokcore.json import JSON
-from grokcore.content import Model, Container, OrderedContainer
-class Application(grokcore.site.Site):
-    """Mixin for creating Grok application objects.
-    When a :class:`grok.Container` (or a :class:`grok.Model`, though
-    most developers use containers) also inherits from
-    :class:`grok.Application`, it not only gains the component
-    registration abilities of a :class:`grok.Site`, but will also be
-    listed in the Grok admin control panel as one of the applications
-    that the admin can install directly at the root of their Zope
-    database.
-    """
-    interface.implements(grokcore.site.interfaces.IApplication)
-class ViewSupportMixin(object):
-    def application_url(self, name=None, data=None):
-        """Return the URL of the closest :class:`grok.Application` object in
-        the hierarchy or the URL of a named object (``name``
-        parameter) relative to the closest application object.
-        """
-        return util.application_url(self.request, self.context, name, data)
-    def flash(self, message, type='message'):
-        """Send a short message to the user."""
-        grokcore.message.send(message, type=type, name='session')
-class View(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.view.View):
-    """The base class for views with templates in Grok applications.
-    Implements the :class:`grokcore.view.interfaces.IGrokView`
-    interface.
-    Each class that inherits from `grok.View` is designed to "render" a
-    category of content objects by reducing them to a document (often an
-    HTML document).  Every view has a name, and is invoked when users
-    visit the URL of an eligible context object followed by the name of
-    the view itself::
-        http://example.com/app/folder/object/viewname
-    If the view name might conflict with actual content inside of the
-    context (in the above URL, the context might already contain an
-    attribute or item named ``viewname``), then the URL can be explicit
-    that it is asking for a view by preceding its name with ``@@``::
-        http://example.com/app/folder/object/@@viewname
-    Instead of returning a full document, views are sometimes used to
-    provide only a snippet of information for inclusion in some larger
-    document; the view can then be called from inside of another view's
-    page template::
-        <li tal:content="context/@@viewname">snippet goes here</li>
-    A view class can specify the category of objects that it can render
-    by calling the `grok.context()` directive with either a class or an
-    interface.  Otherwise, Grok will attempt to determine the context
-    automatically by searching the view's module for exactly one
-    `grok.Model` or `grok.Container` class (or some other class
-    providing the interface `IContext`) and using that class, if found.
-    Grok normally creates a view's name (the name used in URLs) by
-    downcasing the name of the view class itself.  The developer can
-    override this by supplying the `grok.name()` directive instead.
-    The view name ``index`` is special (this works whether the view
-    class itself is named ``Index``, or whether ``grok.name('index')``
-    is used instead).  A view named ``index`` is used to render an
-    object when the user visits its URL without appending a view name.
-    Each view needs to generate and return a document. There are two
-    ways of doing so: either the view can provide a `render()` method
-    that returns a document, or the view can be associated with a page
-    template that Grok will.  Page templates can be associated with a
-    view in three different ways:
-    * Grok will automatically associate a view with a page template
-      defined in an accompanying ``templates`` directory.  If a view
-      class ``MammothList`` occurs in a module ``<src>/animal.py``, for
-      example, then Grok will look for a page template with the name
-      ``<src>/animal_templates/mammothlist.pt``, where ``.pt`` can be
-      any page-template extension recognized by Grok.
-    * Grok will automatically associate a view with a page template
-      object in the same module whose name is the downcased name of the
-      view class itself.  For example, a view ``MammothList`` might be
-      defined in a module alongside an actual template instance named
-      ``mammothlist``.
-    * The developer can explicitly define the path to the page template
-      file by providing the ``grok.template()`` directive.
-    Before a page template is rendered, Grok will call the `update()`
-    method on the view, if one is supplied, which can pre-compute values
-    that the template will need to display.  Both `render()` methods and
-    `update()` methods will find the context for which the view is being
-    rendered under ``self.context``.
-    """
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokView)
-    def application_url(self, name=None, data=None):
-        """Return the URL of the closest :class:`grok.Application` object in
-        the hierarchy or the URL of a named object (``name``
-        parameter) relative to the closest application object.
-        """
-        return util.application_url(self.request, self.context, name, data)
-    def flash(self, message, type='message'):
-        """Send a short message to the user."""
-        grokcore.message.send(message, type=type, name='session')
-class ExceptionView(View, zope.errorview.browser.ExceptionView):
-    """Base class for rendering views for uncaught exceptions that occur during
-    the application run-time and are not otherwise rendered.
-    Note that when this class in not subclassed, the default error view from
-    zope.errorview is being rendered.
-    """
-    grok.baseclass()
-    grok.context(IException)
-    grok.name('index')
-    def update(self):
-        return zope.errorview.browser.ExceptionView.update(self)
-    def render(self):
-        """An error view can either be rendered by an associated template, or
-        it can implement this method to render itself from Python. This is
-        useful if the view's output isn't XML/HTML but something computed in
-        Python (plain text, PDF, etc.)
-        Contrary to regular views, render() does *not* accept any parameters.
-        """
-        return zope.errorview.browser.ExceptionView.render(self)
-    render.base_method = True
-class NotFoundView(View, zope.errorview.browser.NotFoundView):
-    """Base class for rendering views for INotFound exceptions.
-    Note that when this class in not subclassed, the default error view from
-    zope.errorview is being rendered.
-    """
-    grok.baseclass()
-    grok.context(INotFound)
-    grok.name('index')
-    def update(self):
-        return zope.errorview.browser.NotFoundView.update(self)
-    def render(self):
-        """An error view can either be rendered by an associated template, or
-        it can implement this method to render itself from Python. This is
-        useful if the view's output isn't XML/HTML but something computed in
-        Python (plain text, PDF, etc.)
-        Contrary to regular views, render() does *not* accept any parameters.
-        """
-        return zope.errorview.browser.NotFoundView.render(self)
-    render.base_method = True
-class UnauthorizedView(View, zope.errorview.browser.UnauthorizedView):
-    """Base class for rendering views for IUnauthorized exceptions.
-    Note that when this class in not subclassed, the default error view from
-    zope.errorview is being rendered.
-    """
-    grok.baseclass()
-    grok.context(IUnauthorized)
-    grok.name('index')
-    def update(self):
-        return zope.errorview.browser.UnauthorizedView.update(self)
-    def render(self):
-        """An error view can either be rendered by an associated template, or
-        it can implement this method to render itself from Python. This is
-        useful if the view's output isn't XML/HTML but something computed in
-        Python (plain text, PDF, etc.)
-        Contrary to regular views, render() does *not* accept any parameters.
-        """
-        return zope.errorview.browser.UnauthorizedView.render(self)
-    render.base_method = True
-class Form(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.formlib.Form):
-    """The base class for forms in Grok applications.
-    A class that inherits from :class:`grok.Form` is a
-    :class:`grok.View` whose template will be given information about
-    the fields in its context, and use that information to render an
-    HTML form for adding or editing the form.  Generally developers
-    use one of the subclasses:
-    * :class:`grok.AddForm`
-    * :class:`grok.DisplayForm`
-    * :class:`grok.EditForm`
-    """
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
-class AddForm(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.formlib.AddForm):
-    """Base class for add forms in Grok applications."""
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
-class DisplayForm(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.formlib.DisplayForm):
-    """Base class for display forms in Grok applications."""
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
-class EditForm(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.formlib.EditForm):
-    """Base class for edit forms in Grok applications."""
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokForm)
-class Layout(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.Layout):
-    pass
-class Page(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.Page):
-    pass
-class FormPage(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.FormPage):
-    pass
-class AddFormPage(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.AddFormPage):
-    pass
-class EditFormPage(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.EditFormPage):
-    pass
-class DisplayFormPage(ViewSupportMixin, grokcore.layout.DisplayFormPage):
-    pass
 class IndexesClass(object):
     """Base class for index collections in a Grok application.
-    A `grok.Indexes` utility provides one or more Zope Database
-    content indexes for use in a :class:`grok.Site` or
+    A `grokcore.catalog.Indexes` utility provides one or more Zope Database
+    content indexes for use in a :class:`grokcore.site.Site` or
     :class:`grok.Application`.  The site or application that the
     indexes are intended for should be named with the :func:`grok.site()`
     directive, and the kind of object to index should be named with a
-    :func:`grok.context()` directive.
+    :func:`grokcore.component.context()` directive.
     Inside their class, the developer should specify one or more
-    :class:`grok.index.Field`, :class:`grok.index.Text`, or
-    :class:`grok.index.Set` instances naming object attributes that
-    should be indexed (and therefore searchable).::
+    :class:`grokcore.catalog.index.Field`,
+    :class:`grokcore.catalog.index.Text`, or
+    :class:`grokcore.catalog.index.Set` instances naming object
+    attributes that should be indexed (and therefore searchable).::
-        class ArticleIndex(grok.Indexes):
-            grok.site(Newspaper)
-            grok.context(Article)
+        class ArticleIndex(grokcore.catalog.Indexes):
+            grokcore.site.site(Newspaper)
+            grokcore.component.context(Article)
             author = index.Field()
             title = index.Field()
             body = index.Text()
@@ -353,18 +72,3 @@
         self.__grok_module__ = martian.util.caller_module()
 Indexes = IndexesClass('Indexes')
-class Role(securitypolicy_Role):
-    """Base class for roles in Grok applications.
-    A role is a description of a class of users that gives them a
-    machine-readable name, a human-readable title, and a set of
-    permissions which users belong to that role should possess::
-        class Editor(grok.Role):
-            grok.name('news.Editor')
-            grok.title('Editor')
-            grok.permissions('news.EditArticle', 'news.PublishArticle')
-    """

Modified: grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/index.py
--- grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/index.py	2012-04-27 15:11:35 UTC (rev 125348)
+++ grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/index.py	2012-04-27 16:14:31 UTC (rev 125349)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-"""Grok index definitions
+"""grokcore.catalog index definitions
 import sys
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from martian.error import GrokError, GrokImportError
 from martian.util import frame_is_class
-from grok.interfaces import IIndexDefinition
+from grokcore..interfaces import IIndexDefinition
 class IndexDefinition(object):
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
     This base class defines the actual behavior of
-    :class:`grok.index.Field` and the other kinds of attribute index
-    that Grok supports.  Upon our instantiation, we save every
+    :class:`grokcore.catalog.index.Field` and the other kinds of attribute
+    index that Grok supports. Upon our instantiation, we save every
     parameter that we were passed; later, if an index actually needs
     to be created (which is typically at the moment when a new
     :class:`grok.Application` object is added to the Zope Database),

Copied: grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/interfaces.py (from rev 125323, grok/trunk/src/grok/interfaces.py)
--- grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/interfaces.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokcore.catalog/trunk/src/grokcore/catalog/interfaces.py	2012-04-27 16:14:31 UTC (rev 125349)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""grokcore.catalog interfaces
+from zope import interface
+class IIndexDefinition(interface.Interface):
+    """Define an index for grok.Indexes.
+    """
+    def setup(catalog, name, context):
+        """Set up index called name in given catalog.
+        Use name for index name and attribute to index. Set up
+        index for interface or class context.
+        """

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