[Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/ MOve over remaining space-suit doctests to Sphinx.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Sun Dec 23 20:54:17 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 128887:
  MOve over remaining space-suit doctests to Sphinx.

  _U  zope.security/trunk/
  U   zope.security/trunk/docs/api/checker.rst
  D   zope.security/trunk/src/zope/security/tests/test_standard_checkers.py

Modified: zope.security/trunk/docs/api/checker.rst
--- zope.security/trunk/docs/api/checker.rst	2012-12-23 20:54:16 UTC (rev 128886)
+++ zope.security/trunk/docs/api/checker.rst	2012-12-23 20:54:17 UTC (rev 128887)
@@ -203,6 +203,57 @@
    ...     except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
    ...         return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
+Rocks are immuatle, non-callable objects without interesting methods.  They
+*don't* get proxied.
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  object()  )) is object)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1  )) is int)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1.0  )) is float)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1l  )) is long)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1j  )) is complex)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  None  )) is type(None))
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  'xxx'  )) is str)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  u'xxx'  )) is unicode)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  True  )) is type(True))
+   1
+Datetime-reltatd instances are rocks, too:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date, time, tzinfo
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  timedelta(1)  )) is timedelta)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  datetime(2000, 1, 1)  )) is datetime)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  date(2000, 1, 1)  )) is date)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  time()  )) is time)
+   1
+   >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  tzinfo() )) is tzinfo)
+   1
+   >>> try:
+   ...     from pytz import UTC
+   ... except ImportError:  # pytz checker only if pytz is present.
+   ...     1
+   ... else:
+   ...      int(type(ProxyFactory(  UTC )) is type(UTC))
+   1
@@ -373,110 +424,6 @@
    >>> int(l.__class__ == tuple)
-.. doctest::
-   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter([1, 2])))
-   [1, 2]
-   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter((1, 2))))
-   [1, 2]
-   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter({1:1, 2:2})))
-   [1, 2]
-   >>> def f():
-   ...     for i in 1, 2:
-   ...             yield i
-   ...
-   >>> list(ProxyFactory(f()))
-   [1, 2]
-   >>> list(ProxyFactory(f)())
-   [1, 2]
-New-style classes
-.. doctest::
-   >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker
-   >>> class C(object):
-   ...    x = 1
-   ...    y = 2
-   >>> C = ProxyFactory(C)
-   >>> check_forbidden_call(C)
-   'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
-   >>> check_forbidden_get(C, '__dict__')
-   'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
-   >>> s = str(C)
-   >>> s = `C`
-   >>> int(C.__module__ == __name__)
-   1
-   >>> len(C.__bases__)
-   1
-   >>> len(C.__mro__)
-   2
-Always available:
-.. doctest::
-   >>> int(C < C)
-   0
-   >>> int(C > C)
-   0
-   >>> int(C <= C)
-   1
-   >>> int(C >= C)
-   1
-   >>> int(C == C)
-   1
-   >>> int(C != C)
-   0
-   >>> int(bool(C))
-   1
-   >>> int(C.__class__ == type)
-   1
-New-style Instances
-.. doctest::
-   >>> class C(object):
-   ...    x = 1
-   ...    y = 2
-   >>> c = ProxyFactory(C(), NamesChecker(['x']))
-   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'y')
-   'ForbiddenAttribute: y'
-   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'z')
-   'ForbiddenAttribute: z'
-   >>> c.x
-   1
-   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
-   1
-Always available:
-.. doctest::
-   >>> int(c < c)
-   0
-   >>> int(c > c)
-   0
-   >>> int(c <= c)
-   1
-   >>> int(c >= c)
-   1
-   >>> int(c == c)
-   1
-   >>> int(c != c)
-   0
-   >>> int(bool(c))
-   1
-   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
-   1
@@ -826,3 +773,311 @@
    >>> s.__class__ == frozenset
+.. doctest::
+   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter([1, 2])))
+   [1, 2]
+   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter((1, 2))))
+   [1, 2]
+   >>> list(ProxyFactory(iter({1:1, 2:2})))
+   [1, 2]
+   >>> def f():
+   ...     for i in 1, 2:
+   ...             yield i
+   ...
+   >>> list(ProxyFactory(f()))
+   [1, 2]
+   >>> list(ProxyFactory(f)())
+   [1, 2]
+We can iterate over custom sequences, too:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> class X(object):
+   ...   d = 1, 2, 3
+   ...   def __getitem__(self, i):
+   ...      return self.d[i]
+   ...
+   >>> x = X()
+We can iterate over sequences
+.. doctest::
+   >>> list(x)
+   [1, 2, 3]
+   >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker
+   >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
+   >>> c = NamesChecker(['__getitem__'])
+   >>> p = ProxyFactory(x, c)
+Even if they are proxied
+.. doctest::
+   >>> list(p)
+   [1, 2, 3]
+But if the class has an iter:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> X.__iter__ = lambda self: iter(self.d)
+   >>> list(x)
+   [1, 2, 3]
+We shouldn't be able to iterate if we don't have an assertion:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> check_forbidden_call(list, p)
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __iter__'
+New-style classes
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker
+   >>> class C(object):
+   ...    x = 1
+   ...    y = 2
+   >>> C = ProxyFactory(C)
+   >>> check_forbidden_call(C)
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(C, '__dict__')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
+   >>> s = str(C)
+   >>> s = `C`
+   >>> int(C.__module__ == __name__)
+   1
+   >>> len(C.__bases__)
+   1
+   >>> len(C.__mro__)
+   2
+Always available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(C < C)
+   0
+   >>> int(C > C)
+   0
+   >>> int(C <= C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C >= C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C == C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C != C)
+   0
+   >>> int(bool(C))
+   1
+   >>> int(C.__class__ == type)
+   1
+New-style Instances
+.. doctest::
+   >>> class C(object):
+   ...    x = 1
+   ...    y = 2
+   >>> c = ProxyFactory(C(), NamesChecker(['x']))
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'y')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: y'
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'z')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: z'
+   >>> c.x
+   1
+   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
+   1
+Always available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(c < c)
+   0
+   >>> int(c > c)
+   0
+   >>> int(c <= c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c >= c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c == c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c != c)
+   0
+   >>> int(bool(c))
+   1
+   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
+   1
+Classic Classes
+.. doctest::
+   >>> class C:
+   ...    x = 1
+   >>> C = ProxyFactory(C)
+   >>> check_forbidden_call(C)
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(C, '__dict__')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
+   >>> s = str(C)
+   >>> s = `C`
+   >>> int(C.__module__ == __name__)
+   1
+   >>> len(C.__bases__)
+   0
+Always available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(C < C)
+   0
+   >>> int(C > C)
+   0
+   >>> int(C <= C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C >= C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C == C)
+   1
+   >>> int(C != C)
+   0
+   >>> int(bool(C))
+   1
+Classic Instances
+.. doctest::
+   >>> class C(object):
+   ...    x, y = 1, 2
+   >>> c = ProxyFactory(C(), NamesChecker(['x']))
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'y')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: y'
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'z')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: z'
+   >>> c.x
+   1
+   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
+   1
+Always available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(c < c)
+   0
+   >>> int(c > c)
+   0
+   >>> int(c <= c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c >= c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c == c)
+   1
+   >>> int(c != c)
+   0
+   >>> int(bool(c))
+   1
+   >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
+   1
+Interfaces and declarations
+We can still use interfaces though proxies:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides
+   >>> from zope.interface import implementer
+   >>> from zope.interface import provider
+   >>> class I(Interface):
+   ...     pass
+   >>> class IN(Interface):
+   ...     pass
+   >>> class II(Interface):
+   ...     pass
+   >>> @implementer(I)
+   ... @provider(IN)
+   ... class N(object):
+   ...     pass
+   >>> n = N()
+   >>> directlyProvides(n, II)
+   >>> N = ProxyFactory(N)
+   >>> n = ProxyFactory(n)
+   >>> I.implementedBy(N)
+   True
+   >>> IN.providedBy(N)
+   True
+   >>> I.providedBy(n)
+   True
+   >>> II.providedBy(n)
+   True
+abstract Base Classes
+We work with the ABCMeta meta class:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> import abc
+   >>> class MyABC:
+   ...     __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+   >>> class Foo(MyABC): pass
+   >>> class Bar(Foo): pass
+   >>> PBar = ProxyFactory(Bar)
+   >>> [c.__name__ for c in PBar.__mro__]
+   ['Bar', 'Foo', 'MyABC', 'object']
+   >>> check_forbidden_call(PBar)
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
+   >>> check_forbidden_get(PBar, '__dict__')
+   'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
+   >>> s = str(PBar)
+   >>> s = `PBar`
+   >>> int(PBar.__module__ == __name__)
+   1
+   >>> len(PBar.__bases__)
+   1
+Always available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> int(PBar < PBar)
+   0
+   >>> int(PBar > PBar)
+   0
+   >>> int(PBar <= PBar)
+   1
+   >>> int(PBar >= PBar)
+   1
+   >>> int(PBar == PBar)
+   1
+   >>> int(PBar != PBar)
+   0
+   >>> int(bool(PBar))
+   1
+   >>> int(PBar.__class__ == abc.ABCMeta)
+   1

Deleted: zope.security/trunk/src/zope/security/tests/test_standard_checkers.py
--- zope.security/trunk/src/zope/security/tests/test_standard_checkers.py	2012-12-23 20:54:16 UTC (rev 128886)
+++ zope.security/trunk/src/zope/security/tests/test_standard_checkers.py	2012-12-23 20:54:17 UTC (rev 128887)
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Test checkers for standard types
-This is a test of the assertions made in
-import unittest
-def check_forbidden_get(object, attr):
-    from zope.security.interfaces import ForbiddenAttribute
-    try:
-        return getattr(object, attr)
-    except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
-        return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
-def check_forbidden_setitem(object, item, value):
-    from zope.security.interfaces import ForbiddenAttribute
-    try:
-        object[item] = value
-    except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
-        return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
-def check_forbidden_delitem(object, item):
-    from zope.security.interfaces import ForbiddenAttribute
-    try:
-        del object[item]
-    except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
-        return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
-def check_forbidden_call(callable, *args):
-    from zope.security.interfaces import ForbiddenAttribute
-    try:
-        return callable(*args)
-    except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
-        return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
-def test_classic_class():
-    """
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> class C:
-    ...    x = 1
-    >>> C = ProxyFactory(C)
-    >>> check_forbidden_call(C)
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
-    >>> check_forbidden_get(C, '__dict__')
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
-    >>> s = str(C)
-    >>> s = `C`
-    >>> int(C.__module__ == __name__)
-    1
-    >>> len(C.__bases__)
-    0
-    Always available:
-    >>> int(C < C)
-    0
-    >>> int(C > C)
-    0
-    >>> int(C <= C)
-    1
-    >>> int(C >= C)
-    1
-    >>> int(C == C)
-    1
-    >>> int(C != C)
-    0
-    >>> int(bool(C))
-    1
-    """
-def test_classic_instance():
-    """
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> class C(object):
-    ...    x, y = 1, 2
-    >>> c = ProxyFactory(C(), NamesChecker(['x']))
-    >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'y')
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: y'
-    >>> check_forbidden_get(c, 'z')
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: z'
-    >>> c.x
-    1
-    >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
-    1
-    Always available:
-    >>> int(c < c)
-    0
-    >>> int(c > c)
-    0
-    >>> int(c <= c)
-    1
-    >>> int(c >= c)
-    1
-    >>> int(c == c)
-    1
-    >>> int(c != c)
-    0
-    >>> int(bool(c))
-    1
-    >>> int(c.__class__ == C)
-    1
-    """
-def test_rocks():
-    """
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  object()  )) is object)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1  )) is int)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1.0  )) is float)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1l  )) is long)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  1j  )) is complex)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  None  )) is type(None))
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  'xxx'  )) is str)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  u'xxx'  )) is unicode)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  True  )) is type(True))
-    1
-    >>> from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date, time, tzinfo
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  timedelta(1)  )) is timedelta)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  datetime(2000, 1, 1)  )) is datetime)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  date(2000, 1, 1)  )) is date)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  time()  )) is time)
-    1
-    >>> int(type(ProxyFactory(  tzinfo() )) is tzinfo)
-    1
-    >>> try:
-    ...     from pytz import UTC
-    ... except ImportError:  # pytz checker only if pytz is present.
-    ...     UTC = None
-    >>> int(UTC is None or type(ProxyFactory(  UTC )) is type(UTC))
-    1
-    """
-def test_iter_of_sequences():
-    """
-    >>> class X(object):
-    ...   d = 1, 2, 3
-    ...   def __getitem__(self, i):
-    ...      return self.d[i]
-    ...
-    >>> x = X()
-    We can iterate over sequences
-    >>> list(x)
-    [1, 2, 3]
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> c = NamesChecker(['__getitem__'])
-    >>> p = ProxyFactory(x, c)
-    Even if they are proxied
-    >>> list(p)
-    [1, 2, 3]
-    But if the class has an iter:
-    >>> X.__iter__ = lambda self: iter(self.d)
-    >>> list(x)
-    [1, 2, 3]
-    We shouldn't be able to iterate if we don't have an assertion:
-    >>> check_forbidden_call(list, p)
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: __iter__'
-    """
-def test_interfaces_and_declarations():
-    """Test that we can still use interfaces though proxies
-    >>> import zope.interface
-    >>> class I(zope.interface.Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class IN(zope.interface.Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class II(zope.interface.Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> @zope.interface.implementer(I)
-    ... @zope.interface.provider(IN)
-    ... class N(object):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> n = N()
-    >>> zope.interface.directlyProvides(n, II)
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> N = ProxyFactory(N)
-    >>> n = ProxyFactory(n)
-    >>> I.implementedBy(N)
-    True
-    >>> IN.providedBy(N)
-    True
-    >>> I.providedBy(n)
-    True
-    >>> II.providedBy(n)
-    True
-    """
-def test_ABCMeta():
-    """
-    Test that we work with the ABCMeta meta class
-    >>> import abc
-    >>> class MyABC:
-    ...     __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
-    >>> class Foo(MyABC): pass
-    >>> class Bar(Foo): pass
-    >>> from zope.security.checker import ProxyFactory
-    >>> PBar = ProxyFactory(Bar)
-    >>> [c.__name__ for c in PBar.__mro__]
-    ['Bar', 'Foo', 'MyABC', 'object']
-    >>> check_forbidden_call(PBar)
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: __call__'
-    >>> check_forbidden_get(PBar, '__dict__')
-    'ForbiddenAttribute: __dict__'
-    >>> s = str(PBar)
-    >>> s = `PBar`
-    >>> int(PBar.__module__ == __name__)
-    1
-    >>> len(PBar.__bases__)
-    1
-    Always available:
-    >>> int(PBar < PBar)
-    0
-    >>> int(PBar > PBar)
-    0
-    >>> int(PBar <= PBar)
-    1
-    >>> int(PBar >= PBar)
-    1
-    >>> int(PBar == PBar)
-    1
-    >>> int(PBar != PBar)
-    0
-    >>> int(bool(PBar))
-    1
-    >>> int(PBar.__class__ == abc.ABCMeta)
-    1
-    """
-def test_suite():
-    from doctest import DocTestSuite
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        DocTestSuite(),
-    ))

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