[Checkins] SVN: zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/ Add an option to define buildout-specific helper scripts for working

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Feb 21 20:07:10 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 124444:
  Add an option to define buildout-specific helper scripts for working
  with the buildout's ZooKeeper tree.

  U   zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/README.txt
  U   zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/__init__.py
  U   zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/tests.py

Modified: zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/README.txt
--- zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/README.txt	2012-02-21 03:05:44 UTC (rev 124443)
+++ zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/README.txt	2012-02-21 20:07:08 UTC (rev 124444)
@@ -35,11 +35,25 @@
     ...     'parts-directory': os.path.join(here, 'parts'),
     ...     }
+    >>> from pprint import pprint
+    >>> class Raw:
+    ...     def __init__(self, parent):
+    ...         self.parent = parent
+    ...     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+    ...         self.parent[key] = value
+    ...         print 'Raw: ', key
+    ...         pprint(value)
+    >>> class TestBuildout(dict):
+    ...     @property
+    ...     def _raw(self):
+    ...         return Raw(self)
     >>> def buildout():
     ...     parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
     ...     parser.readfp(StringIO.StringIO(conf))
-    ...     buildout = dict((name, dict(parser.items(name)))
-    ...                     for name in parser.sections())
+    ...     buildout = TestBuildout((name, dict(parser.items(name)))
+    ...                             for name in parser.sections())
     ...     [name] = buildout.keys()
     ...     buildout['buildout'] = buildoutbuildout
     ...     options = buildout[name]
@@ -53,7 +67,6 @@
     ...     recipe, options = buildout()
-    >>> from pprint import pprint
     >>> pprint(options)
     {'effective-path': '/myproject2012-01-26T14:50:14.864772',
      'import-file': 'tree.txt',
@@ -348,7 +361,7 @@
 buildout-local file ``tree.txt``, where YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSS is
 the ISO date-time when the node was created.
-The ``tree`` recipe options are:
+The ``devtree`` recipe options are:
    Optional ZooKeeper connection string.
@@ -385,6 +398,69 @@
    files, leading whitespace is stripped, making this option hard to
+   Helper-script prefix
+   If provided, 4 helper scripts will be generated with the given
+   prefix:
+   PREFIXexport
+      Export a zookeepeer tree.
+   PREFIXimport
+      Import a zookeepeer tree.
+   PREFIXprint
+      Print a zookeepeer tree.
+   PREFIXport
+      Print the port of the first child of a given path.
+   Where PREFIX is the profix given to the helper-scripts option.
+.. test
+    >>> conf = """
+    ... [myproj]
+    ... recipe = zc.zookeeperrecipes:devtree
+    ... import-text = /a
+    ... zookeeper = zookeeper.example.com:2181
+    ... helper-scripts = zk-
+    ... """
+    >>> with mock.patch('os.kill') as kill:
+    ...     def noway(pid, sig):
+    ...         print 'wtf killed'
+    ...     kill.side_effect = noway
+    ...     with mock.patch('zc.zookeeperrecipes.timestamp') as ts:
+    ...         ts.return_value = '2012-01-26T14:50:24.864772'
+    ...         recipe, options = buildout()
+    ...     recipe.install() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Raw:  zk-scripts
+    {'arguments':
+     "['zookeeper.example.com:2181/myproj2012-01-26T14:50:24.864772']
+     + sys.argv[1:]",
+     'eggs': 'zc.zk [static]',
+     'recipe': 'zc.recipe.egg',
+     'scripts': 'zookeeper_export=zk-export zookeeper_import=zk-import'}
+    Raw:  zk-print
+    {'arguments':
+     '[\'zookeeper.example.com:2181/myproj2012-01-26T14:50:24.864772\', "-e"]
+     + sys.argv[1:]',
+     'eggs': 'zc.zk [static]',
+     'recipe': 'zc.recipe.egg',
+     'scripts': 'zookeeper_export=zk-print'}
+    Raw:  zk-port
+    {'eggs': 'zc.zk [static]',
+     'entry-points': 'zk-port=time:time',
+     'initialization': "\nimport zc.zk\nzk =
+      zc.zk.ZK('zookeeper.example.com:2181/myproj2012-01-26T14:50:24.864772')\nprint zk.get_children(sys.argv[1])[0].split(':')[-1]\nzk.close()\n",
+     'recipe': 'zc.recipe.egg',
+     'scripts': 'zk-port'}
+    ()
@@ -401,6 +477,12 @@
 Change History
+0.2.0 (2011-02-21)
+Add an option to define buildout-specific helper scripts for working
+with the buildout's ZooKeeper tree.
 0.1.2 (2011-02-13)

Modified: zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/__init__.py
--- zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/__init__.py	2012-02-21 03:05:44 UTC (rev 124443)
+++ zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/__init__.py	2012-02-21 20:07:08 UTC (rev 124444)
@@ -64,7 +64,41 @@
             raise zc.buildout.UserError(
                 'clean must be one of "auto", "yes", or "no"')
+        # helper scripts
+        prefix = options.get('helper-scripts')
+        if prefix:
+            def add_section(name, options):
+                buildout._raw[name] = options
+                buildout[name]
+            zk = options['zookeeper']+options['effective-path']
+            if prefix+'scripts' not in buildout:
+                add_section(prefix+'scripts', dict(
+                    recipe = 'zc.recipe.egg',
+                    eggs = 'zc.zk [static]',
+                    scripts = ('zookeeper_export=%(prefix)sexport '
+                               'zookeeper_import=%(prefix)simport'
+                               % dict(prefix=prefix)
+                               ),
+                    arguments = '[%r] + sys.argv[1:]' % zk,
+                    ))
+            if prefix+'print' not in buildout:
+                add_section(prefix+'print', dict(
+                    recipe = 'zc.recipe.egg',
+                    eggs = 'zc.zk [static]',
+                    scripts = 'zookeeper_export=%sprint' % prefix,
+                    arguments = '[%r, "-e"] + sys.argv[1:]' % zk,
+                    ))
+            if prefix+'port' not in buildout:
+                add_section(prefix+'port', dict(
+                    recipe = 'zc.recipe.egg',
+                    eggs = 'zc.zk [static]',
+                    scripts = prefix+'port',
+                    initialization=zkport % zk,
+                    **{'entry-points': prefix+'port=time:time'}
+                    ))
     def install(self):
         options = self.options
         connection = options['zookeeper']
@@ -129,3 +163,10 @@
 def readfile(path):
     with open(path) as f:
         return f.read()
+zkport = """
+import zc.zk
+zk = zc.zk.ZK(%r)
+print zk.get_children(sys.argv[1])[0].split(':')[-1]

Modified: zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/tests.py
--- zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/tests.py	2012-02-21 03:05:44 UTC (rev 124443)
+++ zc.zookeeperrecipes/trunk/src/zc/zookeeperrecipes/tests.py	2012-02-21 20:07:08 UTC (rev 124444)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 def test_suite():
     checker = zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing([
-        (re.compile(r'(/\w+)+/testdirectory/'), '/testdirectory/'),
+        (re.compile(r'/\S+/testdirectory/'), '/testdirectory/'),
         # (re.compile(r''), ''),
         # (re.compile(r''), ''),

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