[Checkins] SVN: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/ Don't document differences when zope.security is absent as excutable snippts.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Sun Jun 17 18:31:49 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 126889:
  Don't document differences when zope.security is absent as excutable snippts.

  _U  zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst
  D   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/zcml_conditional.rst

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst	2012-06-17 17:39:20 UTC (rev 126888)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst	2012-06-17 18:31:45 UTC (rev 126889)
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
-   zcml_conditional
 Indices and tables

Deleted: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/zcml_conditional.rst
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/zcml_conditional.rst	2012-06-17 17:39:20 UTC (rev 126888)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/zcml_conditional.rst	2012-06-17 18:31:45 UTC (rev 126889)
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
-ZCML directives without zope.security support
-This tests run without zope.security available:
-  >>> from zope.component.zcml import check_security_support
-  >>> check_security_support()
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  ConfigurationError: security proxied components are not supported because zope.security is not available
-Components may be registered using the registration API exposed by
-``zope.component`` (provideAdapter, provideUtility, etc.).  They may
-also be registered using configuration files.  The common way to do
-that is by using ZCML (Zope Configuration Markup Language), an XML
-spelling of component registration.
-In ZCML, each XML element is a *directive*.  There are different
-top-level directives that let us register components.  We will
-introduce them one by one here.
-This helper will let us easily execute ZCML snippets:
-  >>> from cStringIO import StringIO
-  >>> from zope.configuration.xmlconfig import xmlconfig
-  >>> def runSnippet(snippet):
-  ...     template = """\
-  ...     <configure xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope'
-  ...                i18n_domain="zope">
-  ...     %s
-  ...     </configure>"""
-  ...     xmlconfig(StringIO(template % snippet))
-Adapters play a key role in the Component Architecture.  In ZCML, they
-are registered with the <adapter /> directive.
-  >>> from zope.component.testfiles.adapter import A1, A2, A3, Handler
-  >>> from zope.component.testfiles.adapter import I1, I2, I3, IS
-  >>> from zope.component.testfiles.components import IContent, Content, Comp, comp
-Before we register the first test adapter, we can verify that adapter
-lookup doesn't work yet:
-  >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import clearZCML
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> from zope.component.testfiles.components import IApp
-  >>> IApp(Content(), None) is None
-  True
-Then we register the adapter and see that the lookup works:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> IApp(Content()).__class__
-  <class 'zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp'>
-It is also possible to give adapters names.  Then the combination of
-required interface, provided interface and name makes the adapter
-lookup unique.  The name is supplied using the ``name`` argument to
-the <adapter /> directive:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> import zope.component
-  >>> zope.component.queryAdapter(Content(), IApp, 'test') is None
-  True
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       name="test"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getAdapter(Content(), IApp, 'test').__class__
-  <class 'zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp'>
-Adapter factories
-It is possible to supply more than one adapter factory.  In this case,
-during adapter lookup each factory will be called and the return value
-will be given to the next factory.  The return value of the last
-factory is returned as the result of the adapter lookup.  For examle:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A1
-  ...                zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A2
-  ...                zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       />''')
-The resulting adapter is an A3, around an A2, around an A1, around the
-adapted object:
-  >>> content = Content()
-  >>> a3 = IApp(content)
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a2 = a3.context[0]
-  >>> a2.__class__ is A2
-  True
-  >>> a1 = a2.context[0]
-  >>> a1.__class__ is A1
-  True
-  >>> a1.context[0] is content
-  True
-Of course, if no factory is provided at all, we will get an error:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory=""
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-8.8
-      ValueError: No factory specified
-Declaring ``for`` and ``provides`` in Python
-The <adapter /> directive can figure out from the in-line Python
-declaration (using ``zope.component.adapts()`` or
-``zope.component.adapter()`` as well as ``zope.interface.implements``)
-what the adapter should be registered for and what it provides::
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> IApp(Content(), None) is None
-  True
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter factory="zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp" />''')
-  >>> IApp(Content()).__class__
-  <class 'zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp'>
-Of course, if the adapter has no ``implements()`` declaration, ZCML
-can't figure out what it provides:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A4"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-7.8
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-On the other hand, if the factory implements more than one interface,
-ZCML can't figure out what it should provide either:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A5"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent"
-  ...       />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-7.8
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-A not so common edge case is registering adapters directly for
-classes, not for interfaces.  For example:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.Content"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A1"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> content = Content()
-  >>> a1 = zope.component.getAdapter(content, I1, '')
-  >>> isinstance(a1, A1)
-  True
-This time, any object providing ``IContent`` won't work if it's not an
-instance of the ``Content`` class:
-  >>> import zope.interface
-  >>> class MyContent:
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(IContent)
-  >>> zope.component.getAdapter(MyContent(), I1, '')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ComponentLookupError: ...
-Conventional adapters adapt one object to provide another interface.
-Multi-adapters adapt several objects at once:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I2"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I3"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> content = Content()
-  >>> a1 = A1()
-  >>> a2 = A2()
-  >>> a3 = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((content, a1, a2), I3)
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a3.context == (content, a1, a2)
-  True
-You can even adapt an empty list of objects (we call this a
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       for=""
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I3"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> a3 = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((), I3)
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a3.context == ()
-  True
-Even with multi-adapters, ZCML can figure out the ``for`` and
-``provides`` parameters from the Python declarations:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3" />''')
-  >>> a3 = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((content, a1, a2), I3)
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a3.context == (content, a1, a2)
-  True
-Chained factories are not supported for multi-adapters, though:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I2"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A1
-  ...                zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A2"
-  ...       />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-11.8
-      ValueError: Can't use multiple factories and multiple for
-And neither for null-adapters:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <adapter
-  ...       for=""
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A1
-  ...                zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A2"
-  ...       />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-9.8
-      ValueError: Can't use multiple factories and multiple for
-With the <subscriber /> directive you can register subscription
-adapters or event subscribers with the adapter registry.  Consider
-this very typical example of a <subscriber /> directive:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.IS"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> content = Content()
-  >>> a1 = A1()
-  >>> subscribers = zope.component.subscribers((content, a1), IS)
-  >>> a3 = subscribers[0]
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a3.context == (content, a1)
-  True
-Note how ZCML provides some additional information when registering
-components, such as the ZCML filename and line numbers:
-  >>> sm = zope.component.getSiteManager()
-  >>> doc = [reg.info for reg in sm.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()
-  ...        if reg.provided is IS][0]
-  >>> print doc
-  File "<string>", line 4.2-9.8
-    Could not read source.
-The "fun" behind subscription adapters/subscribers is that when
-several ones are declared for the same for/provides, they are all
-found.  With regular adapters, the most specific one (and in doubt the
-one registered last) wins.  Consider these two subscribers:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.IS"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       />
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.IS"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A2"
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> subscribers = zope.component.subscribers((content, a1), IS)
-  >>> len(subscribers)
-  2
-  >>> sorted([a.__class__.__name__ for a in subscribers])
-  ['A2', 'A3']
-Declaring ``for`` and ``provides`` in Python
-Like the <adapter /> directive, the <subscriber /> directive can
-figure out from the in-line Python declaration (using
-``zope.component.adapts()`` or ``zope.component.adapter()``) what the
-subscriber should be registered for:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.IS"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> content = Content()
-  >>> a2 = A2()
-  >>> subscribers = zope.component.subscribers((content, a1, a2), IS)
-  >>> a3 = subscribers[0]
-  >>> a3.__class__ is A3
-  True
-  >>> a3.context == (content, a1, a2)
-  True
-In the same way the directive can figure out what a subscriber
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber handler="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A3" />''')
-  >>> sm = zope.component.getSiteManager()
-  >>> a3 = sm.adapters.subscriptions((IContent, I1, I2), None)[0]
-  >>> a3 is A3
-  True
-A not so common edge case is declaring subscribers directly for
-classes, not for interfaces.  For example:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.Content"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A1"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> subs = list(zope.component.subscribers((Content(),), I1))
-  >>> isinstance(subs[0], A1)
-  True
-This time, any object providing ``IContent`` won't work if it's not an
-instance of the ``Content`` class:
-  >>> list(zope.component.subscribers((MyContent(),), I1))
-  []
-Event subscriber (handlers)
-Sometimes, subscribers don't need to be adapters that actually provide
-anything.  It's enough that a callable is called for a certain event.
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <subscriber
-  ...       for="zope.component.testfiles.components.IContent
-  ...            zope.component.testfiles.adapter.I1"
-  ...       handler="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.Handler"
-  ...       />''')
-In this case, simply getting the subscribers is enough to invoke them:
-  >>> list(zope.component.subscribers((content, a1), None))
-  []
-  >>> content.args == ((a1,),)
-  True
-Apart from adapters (and subscription adapters), the Component
-Architecture knows a second kind of component: utilities.  They are
-registered using the <utility /> directive.
-Before we register the first test utility, we can verify that utility
-lookup doesn't work yet:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> zope.component.queryUtility(IApp) is None
-  True
-Then we register the utility:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility
-  ...       component="zope.component.testfiles.components.comp"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getUtility(IApp) is comp
-  True
-Like adapters, utilities can also have names.  There can be more than
-one utility registered for a certain interface, as long as they each
-have a different name.
-First, we make sure that there's no utility yet:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> zope.component.queryUtility(IApp, 'test') is None
-  True
-Then we register it:
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility
-  ...       component="zope.component.testfiles.components.comp"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       name="test"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getUtility(IApp, 'test') is comp
-  True
-Utilities can also be registered from a factory.  In this case, the
-ZCML handler calls the factory (without any arguments) and registers
-the returned value as a utility.  Typically, you'd pass a class for
-the factory:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> zope.component.queryUtility(IApp) is None
-  True
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility
-  ...       factory="zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp"
-  ...       provides="zope.component.testfiles.components.IApp"
-  ...       />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getUtility(IApp).__class__ is Comp
-  True
-Declaring ``provides`` in Python
-Like other directives, <utility /> can also figure out which interface
-a utility provides from the Python declaration:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> zope.component.queryUtility(IApp) is None
-  True
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility component="zope.component.testfiles.components.comp" />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getUtility(IApp) is comp
-  True
-It won't work if the component that is to be registered doesn't
-provide anything:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility component="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.a4" />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-4.61
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-Or if more than one interface is provided (then the ZCML directive
-handler doesn't know under which the utility should be registered):
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility component="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.a5" />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-4.61
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-We can repeat the same drill for utility factories:
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility factory="zope.component.testfiles.components.Comp" />''')
-  >>> zope.component.getUtility(IApp).__class__ is Comp
-  True
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A4" />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-4.59
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-  >>> clearZCML()
-  >>> runSnippet('''
-  ...   <utility factory="zope.component.testfiles.adapter.A5" />''')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "<string>", line 4.2-4.59
-      TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute
-The <interface /> directive lets us register an interface.  Interfaces
-are registered as named utilities.  We therefore needn't go though all
-the lookup details again, it is sufficient to see whether the
-directive handler emits the right actions.
-First we provide a stub configuration context:
-  >>> import re, pprint
-  >>> atre = re.compile(' at [0-9a-fA-Fx]+')
-  >>> class Context(object):
-  ...    actions = ()
-  ...    def action(self, discriminator, callable, args):
-  ...        self.actions += ((discriminator, callable, args), )
-  ...    def __repr__(self):
-  ...        stream = StringIO()
-  ...        pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter(stream=stream, width=60)
-  ...        pprinter.pprint(self.actions)
-  ...        r = stream.getvalue()
-  ...        return (''.join(atre.split(r))).strip()
-  >>> context = Context()
-Then we provide a test interface that we'd like to register:
-  >>> from zope.interface import Interface
-  >>> class I(Interface):
-  ...     pass
-It doesn't yet provide ``ITestType``:
-  >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import ITestType
-  >>> ITestType.providedBy(I)
-  False
-However, after calling the directive handler...
-  >>> from zope.component.zcml import interface
-  >>> interface(context, I, ITestType)
-  >>> context
-  ((None,
-    <function provideInterface>,
-    ('',
-     <InterfaceClass __builtin__.I>,
-     <InterfaceClass zope.component.tests.test_doctests.ITestType>)),)
-...it does provide ``ITestType``:
-  >>> from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-  >>> ITestType.extends(IInterface)
-  True
-  >>> IInterface.providedBy(I)
-  True

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