[Checkins] SVN: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/ Convert getAdapter / queryAdapter doctest to Sphinx + unittests.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Mon Jun 18 18:17:03 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 126953:
  Convert getAdapter / queryAdapter doctest to Sphinx + unittests.

  _U  zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst	2012-06-18 18:16:55 UTC (rev 126952)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst	2012-06-18 18:17:00 UTC (rev 126953)
@@ -383,10 +383,76 @@
 Adapter Registration APIs
+Named Adapter Lookup
 .. autofunction:: zope.component.getAdapter
 .. autofunction:: zope.component.getAdapterInContext
+.. testsetup::
+   from zope.component.testing import setUp
+   setUp()
+The ``getAdapter`` and ``queryAdapter`` API functions are similar to
+``{get|query}AdapterInContext()`` functions, except that they do not care
+about the ``__conform__()`` but also handle named adapters. (Actually, the
+name is a required argument.)
+If no adapter is registered for the given object, interface, and name,
+``getAdapter`` raises ``ComponentLookupError``, while ``queryAdapter``
+returns the default:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.component import getAdapter
+   >>> from zope.component import queryAdapter
+   >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import I2
+   >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import ob
+   >>> getAdapter(ob, I2, '')
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+   ...
+   ComponentLookupError: (<instance Ob>,
+                          <InterfaceClass zope.component.tests.test_doctests.I2>,
+                          '')
+   >>> queryAdapter(ob, I2, '', '<default>')
+   '<default>'
+The 'requires' argument to `registerAdapter` must be a sequence, rather than
+a single interface:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> gsm.registerAdapter(Comp, I1, I2, '')
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     ...
+   TypeError: the required argument should be a list of interfaces, not a single interface
+After register an adapter from `I1` to `I2` with the global site manager:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+   >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import Comp
+   >>> gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+   >>> gsm.registerAdapter(Comp, (I1,), I2, '')
+We can access the adapter using the `getAdapter()` API:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> adapter = getAdapter(ob, I2, '')
+   >>> adapter.__class__ is Comp
+   True
+   >>> adapter.context is ob
+   True
+   >>> adapter = queryAdapter(ob, I2, '')
+   >>> adapter.__class__ is Comp
+   True
+   >>> adapter.context is ob
+   True
 .. autofunction:: zope.component.getMultiAdapter
 .. autofunction:: zope.component.queryAdapter
@@ -408,6 +474,11 @@
 .. autofunction:: zope.component.adapts
+.. testcleanup::
+   from zope.component.testing import tearDown
+   tearDown()
 Factory APIs

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py	2012-06-18 18:16:55 UTC (rev 126952)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py	2012-06-18 18:17:00 UTC (rev 126953)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
         from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
         self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, getSiteManager, object())
-    def test_getUtilty_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
+    def test_getUtility_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import getUtility
         from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
         self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, getUtility, IFoo)
-    def test_getUtilty_named_nonesuch(self):
+    def test_getUtility_named_nonesuch(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import getUtility
         from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
         self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, getUtility, IFoo, name='bar')
-    def test_getUtilty_anonymous_hit(self):
+    def test_getUtility_anonymous_hit(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
         from zope.component import getUtility
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(obj, IFoo)
         self.assertTrue(getUtility(IFoo) is obj)
-    def test_getUtilty_named_hit(self):
+    def test_getUtility_named_hit(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import getUtility
         from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@
         getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(obj1, IFoo)
         self.assertTrue(getUtility(IFoo, context=context) is obj2)
-    def test_queryUtilty_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import queryUtility
         class IFoo(Interface):
         self.assertEqual(queryUtility(IFoo), None)
-    def test_queryUtilty_anonymous_nonesuch_w_default(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_anonymous_nonesuch_w_default(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import queryUtility
         class IFoo(Interface):
@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@
         obj = object()
         self.assertTrue(queryUtility(IFoo, default=obj) is obj)
-    def test_queryUtilty_named_nonesuch(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_named_nonesuch(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import queryUtility
         class IFoo(Interface):
         self.assertEqual(queryUtility(IFoo, name='bar'), None)
-    def test_queryUtilty_named_nonesuch_w_default(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_named_nonesuch_w_default(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import queryUtility
         class IFoo(Interface):
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
         obj = object()
         self.assertTrue(queryUtility(IFoo, name='bar', default=obj) is obj)
-    def test_queryUtilty_anonymous_hit(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_anonymous_hit(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
         from zope.component import queryUtility
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
         getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(obj, IFoo)
         self.assertTrue(queryUtility(IFoo) is obj)
-    def test_queryUtilty_named_hit(self):
+    def test_queryUtility_named_hit(self):
         from zope.interface import Interface
         from zope.component import queryUtility
         from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
@@ -300,7 +300,161 @@
         self.assertTrue(queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
                                             is gutil)
+    def test_getAdapter_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.component import getAdapter
+        from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, getAdapter, object, IFoo, '')
+    def test_getAdapter_named_nonesuch(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.component import getAdapter
+        from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError, getAdapter, object, IFoo, 'bar')
+    def test_getAdapter_anonymous_hit(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.interface import implementer
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import getAdapter
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        class IBar(Interface):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IBar)
+        class Bar(object):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Baz(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(Baz, (IBar,), IFoo, '')
+        bar = Bar()
+        adapted = getAdapter(bar, IFoo, '')
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.__class__ is Baz)
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.context is bar)
+    def test_getAdapter_named_hit(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.interface import implementer
+        from zope.component import getAdapter
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        class IBar(Interface):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IBar)
+        class Bar(object):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Baz(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(Baz, (IBar,), IFoo, 'named')
+        bar = Bar()
+        adapted = getAdapter(bar, IFoo, 'named')
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.__class__ is Baz)
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.context is bar)
+    def test_queryAdapter_anonymous_nonesuch(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.component import queryAdapter
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(queryAdapter(object(), IFoo, '', '<default>'),
+                         '<default>')
+    def test_queryAdapter_named_nonesuch(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.component import queryAdapter
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        self.assertEqual(queryAdapter(object(), IFoo, 'bar'), None)
+    def test_queryAdapter_anonymous_hit(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.interface import implementer
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import queryAdapter
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        class IBar(Interface):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IBar)
+        class Bar(object):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Baz(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(Baz, (IBar,), IFoo, '')
+        bar = Bar()
+        adapted = queryAdapter(bar, IFoo, '')
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.__class__ is Baz)
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.context is bar)
+    def test_queryAdapter_named_hit(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.interface import implementer
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import queryAdapter
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        class IBar(Interface):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IBar)
+        class Bar(object):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Baz(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(Baz, (IBar,), IFoo, 'named')
+        bar = Bar()
+        adapted = queryAdapter(bar, IFoo, 'named')
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.__class__ is Baz)
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.context is bar)
+    def test_queryAdapter_nested(self):
+        from zope.interface import Interface
+        from zope.interface import implementer
+        from zope.interface.registry import Components
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import queryAdapter
+        from zope.component.tests.test_doctests \
+            import ConformsToIComponentLookup
+        class IFoo(Interface):
+            pass
+        class IBar(Interface):
+            pass
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Global(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        @implementer(IFoo)
+        class Local(object):
+            def __init__(self, context):
+                self.context = context
+        @implementer(IBar)
+        class Bar(object):
+            pass
+        class Context(ConformsToIComponentLookup):
+            def __init__(self, sm):
+                self.sitemanager = sm
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gsm.registerAdapter(Global, (IBar,), IFoo, '')
+        sm1 = Components('sm1', bases=(gsm, ))
+        sm1.registerAdapter(Local, (IBar,), IFoo, '')
+        bar = Bar()
+        adapted = queryAdapter(bar, IFoo, '', context=Context(sm1))
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.__class__ is Local)
+        self.assertTrue(adapted.context is bar)
 IMyUtility = None
 def _makeMyUtility(name, sm):
     global IMyUtility

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py	2012-06-18 18:16:55 UTC (rev 126952)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py	2012-06-18 18:17:00 UTC (rev 126953)
@@ -249,55 +249,6 @@
       >>> tearDown()
-def testAdapter():
-    """The `getAdapter()` and `queryAdapter()` API functions are similar to
-    `{get|query}AdapterInContext()` functions, except that they do not care
-    about the `__conform__()` but also handle named adapters. (Actually, the
-    name is a required argument.)
-    If an adapter isn't registered for the given object and interface, and you
-    provide no default, raise `ComponentLookupError`...
-      >>> from zope.component.testing import setUp, tearDown
-      >>> setUp()
-      >>> component.getAdapter(ob, I2, '') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-      ComponentLookupError: (<instance Ob>,
-                             <InterfaceClass zope.component.tests.test_doctests.I2>,
-                             '')
-    ...otherwise, you get the default
-      >>> component.queryAdapter(ob, I2, '', '<default>')
-      '<default>'
-    Now get the global site manager and register an adapter from `I1` to `I2`
-    without a name:
-      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(
-      ...     Comp, (I1,), I2, '')
-    You should get a sensible error message if you forget that the 'requires'
-    argument is supposed to be a sequence
-      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(
-      ...     Comp, I1, I2, '')
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-        ...
-      TypeError: the required argument should be a list of interfaces, not a single interface
-    You can now simply access the adapter using the `getAdapter()` API
-    function:
-      >>> adapter = component.getAdapter(ob, I2, '')
-      >>> adapter.__class__ is Comp
-      True
-      >>> adapter.context is ob
-      True
-      >>> tearDown()
-    """
 def testInterfaceCall():
     """Here we test the `adapter_hook()` function that we registered with the
     `zope.interface` adapter hook registry, so that we can call interfaces to

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