[Checkins] SVN: zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/ Move z.c.fields docstring examples to the API reference.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Tue May 8 01:17:23 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 125702:
  Move z.c.fields docstring examples to the API reference.
  We don't need to build docs or run their snippets under Python3,

  A   zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api/fields.rst
  U   zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst
  U   zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/configuration/fields.py

Added: zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api/fields.rst
--- zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api/fields.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api/fields.rst	2012-05-08 01:17:19 UTC (rev 125702)
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+.. module:: zope.configuration.fields
+.. autoclass:: PythonIdentifier
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   Let's look at an example:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import PythonIdentifier
+      >>> class FauxContext(object):
+      ...     pass
+      >>> context = FauxContext()
+      >>> field = PythonIdentifier().bind(context)
+   Let's test the fromUnicode method:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> field.fromUnicode(u'foo')
+      u'foo'
+      >>> field.fromUnicode(u'foo3')
+      u'foo3'
+      >>> field.fromUnicode(u'_foo3')
+      u'_foo3'
+   Now let's see whether validation works alright
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> for value in (u'foo', u'foo3', u'foo_', u'_foo3', u'foo_3', u'foo3_'):
+      ...     field._validate(value)
+      >>> from zope.schema import ValidationError
+      >>> for value in (u'3foo', u'foo:', u'\\', u''):
+      ...     try:
+      ...         field._validate(value)
+      ...     except ValidationError:
+      ...         print 'Validation Error'
+      Validation Error
+      Validation Error
+      Validation Error
+      Validation Error
+.. autoclass:: GlobalObject
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   Let's look at an example:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 42, 'z': 'zope'}
+      >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
+      ...     def resolve(self, n):
+      ...         return self[n]
+      >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
+      >>> from zope.schema import Int
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import GlobalObject
+      >>> g = GlobalObject(value_type=Int())
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("x")
+      1
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("   x  \n  ")
+      1
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("y")
+      42
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("z")
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      WrongType: ('zope', (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>), '')
+      >>> g = GlobalObject(constraint=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("x")
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      ConstraintNotSatisfied: 1
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("y")
+      42
+      >>> g = GlobalObject()
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> print gg.fromUnicode('*')
+      None
+.. autoclass:: GlobalInterface
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   Example:
+   First, we need to set up a stub name resolver:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.interface import Interface
+      >>> class IFoo(Interface):
+      ...     pass
+      >>> class Foo(object):
+      ...     pass
+      >>> d = {'Foo': Foo, 'IFoo': IFoo}
+      >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
+      ...     def resolve(self, n):
+      ...         return self[n]
+      >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
+   Now verify constraints are checked correctly:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import GlobalInterface
+      >>> g = GlobalInterface()
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode('IFoo') is IFoo
+      True
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode('  IFoo  ') is IFoo
+      True
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode('Foo')
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      WrongType: ('An interface is required', ...
+.. autoclass:: Tokens
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   Consider GlobalObject tokens:
+   First, we need to set up a stub name resolver:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 42, 'z': 'zope', 'x.y.x': 'foo'}
+      >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
+      ...     def resolve(self, n):
+      ...         return self[n]
+      >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import Tokens
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import GlobalObject
+      >>> g = Tokens(value_type=GlobalObject())
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("  \n  x y z  \n")
+      [1, 42, 'zope']
+      >>> from zope.schema import Int
+      >>> g = Tokens(value_type=
+      ...            GlobalObject(value_type=
+      ...                         Int(constraint=lambda x: x%2 == 0)))
+      >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("x y")
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      InvalidToken: 1 in x y
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("z y")
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      InvalidToken: ('zope', (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>), '') in z y
+      >>> gg.fromUnicode("y y")
+      [42, 42]
+.. autoclass:: Path
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   Let's look at an example:
+   First, we need a "context" for the field that has a path
+   function for converting relative path to an absolute path.
+   We'll be careful to do this in an os-independent fashion.
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import Path
+      >>> class FauxContext(object):
+      ...    def path(self, p):
+      ...       return os.path.join(os.sep, 'faux', 'context', p)
+      >>> context = FauxContext()
+      >>> field = Path().bind(context)
+   Lets try an absolute path first:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> import os
+      >>> p = unicode(os.path.join(os.sep, 'a', 'b'))
+      >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
+      >>> n.split(os.sep)
+      [u'', u'a', u'b']
+   This should also work with extra spaces around the path:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> p = "   \n   %s   \n\n   " % p
+      >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
+      >>> n.split(os.sep)
+      [u'', u'a', u'b']
+   Now try a relative path:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> p = unicode(os.path.join('a', 'b'))
+      >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
+      >>> n.split(os.sep)
+      [u'', u'faux', u'context', u'a', u'b']
+.. autoclass:: Bool
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import Bool
+      >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"yes")
+      True
+      >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"y")
+      True
+      >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"true")
+      True
+      >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"no")
+      False
+.. autoclass:: MessageID
+   :members:
+   :member-order: bysource
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> from zope.configuration.fields import MessageID
+      >>> class Info(object):
+      ...     file = 'file location'
+      ...     line = 8
+      >>> class FauxContext(object):
+      ...     i18n_strings = {}
+      ...     info = Info()
+      >>> context = FauxContext()
+      >>> field = MessageID().bind(context)
+   There is a fallback domain when no domain has been specified.
+   Exchange the warn function so we can make test whether the warning
+   has been issued
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> warned = None
+      >>> def fakewarn(*args, **kw): #* syntax highlighting
+      ...     global warned
+      ...     warned = args
+      >>> import warnings
+      >>> realwarn = warnings.warn
+      >>> warnings.warn = fakewarn
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
+      >>> i
+      u'Hello world!'
+      >>> i.domain
+      'untranslated'
+      >>> warned
+      ("You did not specify an i18n translation domain for the '' field in file location",)
+      >>> warnings.warn = realwarn
+   With the domain specified:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> context.i18n_strings = {}
+      >>> context.i18n_domain = 'testing'
+   We can get a message id:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
+      >>> i
+      u'Hello world!'
+      >>> i.domain
+      'testing'
+   In addition, the string has been registered with the context:
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> context.i18n_strings
+      {'testing': {u'Hello world!': [('file location', 8)]}}
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Foo Bar")
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
+      >>> from pprint import PrettyPrinter
+      >>> pprint=PrettyPrinter(width=70).pprint
+      >>> pprint(context.i18n_strings)
+      {'testing': {u'Foo Bar': [('file location', 8)],
+                   u'Hello world!': [('file location', 8),
+                                     ('file location', 8)]}}
+      >>> from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
+      >>> isinstance(context.i18n_strings['testing'].keys()[0], Message)
+      True
+   Explicit Message IDs
+   .. doctest::
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u'[View-Permission] View')
+      >>> i
+      u'View-Permission'
+      >>> i.default
+      u'View'
+      >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u'[] [Some] text')
+      >>> i
+      u'[Some] text'
+      >>> i.default is None
+      True

Modified: zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst
--- zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst	2012-05-08 01:17:14 UTC (rev 125701)
+++ zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/index.rst	2012-05-08 01:17:19 UTC (rev 125702)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+   api/fields
 Indices and tables

Modified: zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/configuration/fields.py
--- zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/configuration/fields.py	2012-05-08 01:17:14 UTC (rev 125701)
+++ zope.configuration/branches/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/configuration/fields.py	2012-05-08 01:17:19 UTC (rev 125702)
@@ -26,41 +26,7 @@
 pyidentifierPattern = re.compile(PYIDENTIFIER_REGEX)
 class PythonIdentifier(schema.TextLine):
-    r"""This field describes a python identifier, i.e. a variable name.
-    Let's look at an example:
-    >>> class FauxContext(object):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> context = FauxContext()
-    >>> field = PythonIdentifier().bind(context)
-    Let's test the fromUnicode method:
-    >>> field.fromUnicode(u'foo')
-    u'foo'
-    >>> field.fromUnicode(u'foo3')
-    u'foo3'
-    >>> field.fromUnicode(u'_foo3')
-    u'_foo3'
-    Now let's see whether validation works alright
-    >>> for value in (u'foo', u'foo3', u'foo_', u'_foo3', u'foo_3', u'foo3_'):
-    ...     field._validate(value)
-    >>>
-    >>> from zope import schema
-    >>>
-    >>> for value in (u'3foo', u'foo:', u'\\', u''):
-    ...     try:
-    ...         field._validate(value)
-    ...     except schema.ValidationError:
-    ...         print 'Validation Error'
-    Validation Error
-    Validation Error
-    Validation Error
-    Validation Error
+    """This field describes a python identifier, i.e. a variable name.
@@ -74,47 +40,7 @@
 class GlobalObject(schema.Field):
     """An object that can be accessed as a module global.
-    Examples:
-    First, we need to set up a stub name resolver:
-    >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 42, 'z': 'zope'}
-    >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
-    ...     def resolve(self, n):
-    ...         return self[n]
-    >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
-    >>> g = GlobalObject(value_type=schema.Int())
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("x")
-    1
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("   x  \\n  ")
-    1
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("y")
-    42
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("z")
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    WrongType: ('zope', (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>), '')
-    >>> g = GlobalObject(constraint=lambda x: x%2 == 0)
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("x")
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ConstraintNotSatisfied: 1
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("y")
-    42
-    >>> g = GlobalObject()
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode('*')
-    >>>
     def __init__(self, value_type=None, **kw):
@@ -143,77 +69,12 @@
 class GlobalInterface(GlobalObject):
     """An interface that can be accessed from a module.
-    First, we need to set up a stub name resolver:
-    >>> class Foo(object): pass
-    >>> from zope.interface import Interface
-    >>> class IFoo(Interface): pass
-    >>> d = {'Foo': Foo, 'IFoo': IFoo}
-    >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
-    ...     def resolve(self, n):
-    ...         return self[n]
-    >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
-    Now verify constraints are checked correctly.
-    >>> g = GlobalInterface()
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode('IFoo')
-    <InterfaceClass zope.configuration.fields.IFoo>
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode('  IFoo  ')
-    <InterfaceClass zope.configuration.fields.IFoo>
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode('Foo')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    WrongType: ('An interface is required', <class 'zope.configuration.fields.Foo'>, '')
     def __init__(self, **kw):
         super(GlobalInterface, self).__init__(schema.InterfaceField(), **kw)
 class Tokens(schema.List):
-    """A list that can be read from a space-separated string
-    Consider GlobalObject tokens:
-    Examples:
-    First, we need to set up a stub name resolver:
-    >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 42, 'z': 'zope', 'x.y.x': 'foo'}
-    >>> class fakeresolver(dict):
-    ...     def resolve(self, n):
-    ...         return self[n]
-    >>> fake = fakeresolver(d)
-    >>> g = Tokens(value_type=GlobalObject())
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("  \\n  x y z  \\n")
-    [1, 42, 'zope']
-    >>> g = Tokens(value_type=
-    ...            GlobalObject(value_type=
-    ...                         schema.Int(constraint=lambda x: x%2 == 0)))
-    >>> gg = g.bind(fake)
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("x y")
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    InvalidToken: 1 in x y
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("z y")
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    InvalidToken: ('zope', (<type 'int'>, <type 'long'>), '') in z y
-    >>> gg.fromUnicode("y y")
-    [42, 42]
-    >>>
+    """A list that can be read from a space-separated string.
@@ -237,46 +98,9 @@
         return values
 class Path(schema.Text):
-    r"""A file path name, which may be input as a relative path
+    """A file path name, which may be input as a relative path
     Input paths are converted to absolute paths and normalized.
-    Let's look at an example:
-    First, we need a "context" for the field that has a path
-    function for converting relative path to an absolute path.
-    We'll be careful to do this in an os-independent fashion.
-    >>> class FauxContext(object):
-    ...    def path(self, p):
-    ...       return os.path.join(os.sep, 'faux', 'context', p)
-    >>> context = FauxContext()
-    >>> field = Path().bind(context)
-    Lets try an absolute path first:
-    >>> p = unicode(os.path.join(os.sep, 'a', 'b'))
-    >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
-    >>> n.split(os.sep)
-    [u'', u'a', u'b']
-    This should also work with extra spaces around the path:
-    >>> p = "   \n   %s   \n\n   " % p
-    >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
-    >>> n.split(os.sep)
-    [u'', u'a', u'b']
-    Now try a relative path:
-    >>> p = unicode(os.path.join('a', 'b'))
-    >>> n = field.fromUnicode(p)
-    >>> n.split(os.sep)
-    [u'', u'faux', u'context', u'a', u'b']
@@ -294,17 +118,7 @@
     Values may be input (in upper or lower case) as any of:
        yes, no, y, n, true, false, t, or f.
-    >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"yes")
-    1
-    >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"y")
-    1
-    >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"true")
-    1
-    >>> Bool().fromUnicode(u"no")
-    0
     def fromUnicode(self, u):
@@ -320,89 +134,7 @@
     When a string is converted to a message ID, it is also
     recorded in the context.
-    >>> class Info(object):
-    ...     file = 'file location'
-    ...     line = 8
-    >>> class FauxContext(object):
-    ...     i18n_strings = {}
-    ...     info = Info()
-    >>> context = FauxContext()
-    >>> field = MessageID().bind(context)
-    There is a fallback domain when no domain has been specified.
-    Exchange the warn function so we can make test whether the warning
-    has been issued
-    >>> warned = None
-    >>> def fakewarn(*args, **kw):
-    ...     global warned
-    ...     warned = args
-    >>> import warnings
-    >>> realwarn = warnings.warn
-    >>> warnings.warn = fakewarn
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
-    >>> i
-    u'Hello world!'
-    >>> i.domain
-    'untranslated'
-    >>> warned
-    ("You did not specify an i18n translation domain for the '' """ \
-        """field in file location",)
-    >>> warnings.warn = realwarn
-    With the domain specified:
-    >>> context.i18n_strings = {}
-    >>> context.i18n_domain = 'testing'
-    We can get a message id:
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
-    >>> i
-    u'Hello world!'
-    >>> i.domain
-    'testing'
-    In addition, the string has been registered with the context:
-    >>> context.i18n_strings
-    {'testing': {u'Hello world!': [('file location', 8)]}}
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Foo Bar")
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u"Hello world!")
-    >>> from pprint import PrettyPrinter
-    >>> pprint=PrettyPrinter(width=70).pprint
-    >>> pprint(context.i18n_strings)
-    {'testing': {u'Foo Bar': [('file location', 8)],
-                 u'Hello world!': [('file location', 8),
-                                   ('file location', 8)]}}
-    >>> from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
-    >>> isinstance(context.i18n_strings['testing'].keys()[0], Message)
-    1
-    Explicit Message IDs
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u'[View-Permission] View')
-    >>> i
-    u'View-Permission'
-    >>> i.default
-    u'View'
-    >>> i = field.fromUnicode(u'[] [Some] text')
-    >>> i
-    u'[Some] text'
-    >>> i.default is None
-    True
     __factories = {}

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