[Checkins] SVN: BTrees/trunk/ Re-borrow narrative docs from the ZODB Guide.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Sat Oct 20 18:39:29 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 128075:
  Re-borrow narrative docs from the ZODB Guide.

  _U  BTrees/trunk/
  _U  BTrees/trunk/BTrees/
  _U  BTrees/trunk/docs/
  U   BTrees/trunk/docs/index.rst


Property changes on: BTrees/trunk
Modified: svn:ignore
   - bin

   + bin

Property changes on: BTrees/trunk/BTrees
Modified: svn:ignore
   - *.so

   + *.so

Property changes on: BTrees/trunk/docs
Added: svn:ignore
   + _build

Modified: BTrees/trunk/docs/index.rst
--- BTrees/trunk/docs/index.rst	2012-10-19 15:35:17 UTC (rev 128074)
+++ BTrees/trunk/docs/index.rst	2012-10-20 18:39:26 UTC (rev 128075)
@@ -11,8 +11,410 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+When programming with the ZODB, Python dictionaries aren't always what you
+need.  The most important case is where you want to store a very large
+mapping.  When a Python dictionary is accessed in a ZODB, the whole
+dictionary has to be unpickled and brought into memory.  If you're storing
+something very large, such as a 100,000-entry user database, unpickling
+such a large object will be slow.  BTrees are a balanced tree data
+structure that behave like a mapping but distribute keys throughout a
+number of tree nodes.  The nodes are stored in sorted order (this has
+important consequences -- see below).  Nodes are then only unpickled and
+brought into memory as they're accessed, so the entire tree doesn't have to
+occupy memory (unless you really are touching every single key).
+The BTrees package provides a large collection of related data structures.
+There are variants of the data structures specialized to integers, which
+are faster and use less memory.  There are five modules that handle the
+different variants.  The first two letters of the module name specify the
+types of the keys and values in mappings -- O for any object, I for 32-bit
+signed integer, and (new in ZODB 3.4) F for 32-bit C float.  For example,
+the :mod:`BTrees.IOBTree` module provides a mapping with integer keys and
+arbitrary objects as values.
+The four data structures provide by each module are a BTree, a Bucket, a
+TreeSet, and a Set.  The BTree and Bucket types are mappings and support
+all the usual mapping methods, e.g. :func:`update` and :func:`keys`.  The
+TreeSet and Set types are similar to mappings but they have no values; they
+support the methods that make sense for a mapping with no keys, e.g.
+:func:`keys` but not :func:`items`.  The Bucket and Set types are the
+individual building blocks for BTrees and TreeSets, respectively.  A Bucket
+or Set can be used when you are sure that it will have few elements.  If
+the data structure will grow large, you should use a BTree or TreeSet. Like
+Python lists, Buckets and Sets are allocated in one contiguous piece, and
+insertions and deletions can take time proportional to the number of
+existing elements.  Also like Python lists, a Bucket or Set is a single
+object, and is pickled and unpickled in its entirety.  BTrees and TreeSets
+are multi-level tree structures with much better (logarithmic) worst- case
+time bounds, and the tree structure is built out of multiple objects, which
+ZODB can load individually as needed.
+The five modules are named :mod:`OOBTree`, :mod:`IOBTree`, :mod:`OIBTree`,
+:mod:`IIBTree`, and (new in ZODB 3.4) :mod:`IFBTree`.  The two letter
+prefixes are repeated in the data types names.  The :mod:`BTrees.OOBTree`
+module defines the following types: :class:`OOBTree`, :class:`OOBucket`,
+:class:`OOSet`, and :class:`OOTreeSet`. Similarly, the other four modules
+each define their own variants of those four types.
+The :func:`keys`, :func:`values`, and :func:`items` methods on BTree and
+TreeSet types do not materialize a list with all of the data.  Instead,
+they return lazy sequences that fetch data from the BTree as needed.  They
+also support optional arguments to specify the minimum and maximum values
+to return, often called "range searching".  Because all these types are
+stored in sorted order, range searching is very efficient.
+The :func:`keys`, :func:`values`, and :func:`items` methods on Bucket and
+Set types do return lists with all the data. Starting in ZODB 3.3, there
+are also :func:`iterkeys`, :func:`itervalues`, and :func:`iteritems`
+methods that return iterators (in the Python 2.2 sense).  Those methods
+also apply to BTree and TreeSet objects.
+A BTree object supports all the methods you would expect of a mapping, with
+a few extensions that exploit the fact that the keys are sorted. The
+example below demonstrates how some of the methods work.  The extra methods
+are :func:`minKey` and :func:`maxKey`, which find the minimum and maximum
+key value subject to an optional bound argument, and :func:`byValue`, which
+should probably be ignored (it's hard to explain exactly what it does, and
+as a result it's almost never used -- best to consider it deprecated).  The
+various methods for enumerating keys, values and items also accept minimum
+and maximum key arguments ("range search"), and (new in ZODB 3.3) optional
+Boolean arguments to control whether a range search is inclusive or
+exclusive of the range's endpoints.
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
+   >>> t = OOBTree()
+   >>> t.update({1: "red", 2: "green", 3: "blue", 4: "spades"})
+   >>> len(t)
+   4
+   >>> t[2]
+   'green'
+   >>> s = t.keys() # this is a "lazy" sequence object
+   >>> s
+   <OOBTreeItems object at ...>
+   >>> len(s)  # it acts like a Python list
+   4
+   >>> s[-2]
+   3
+   >>> list(s) # materialize the full list
+   [1, 2, 3, 4]
+   >>> list(t.values())
+   ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'spades']
+   >>> list(t.values(1, 2)) # values at keys in 1 to 2 inclusive
+   ['red', 'green']
+   >>> list(t.values(2))    # values at keys >= 2
+   ['green', 'blue', 'spades']
+   >>> list(t.values(min=1, max=4))  # keyword args new in ZODB 3.3
+   ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'spades']
+   >>> list(t.values(min=1, max=4, excludemin=True, excludemax=True))
+   ['green', 'blue']
+   >>> t.minKey()     # smallest key
+   1
+   >>> t.minKey(1.5)  # smallest key >= 1.5
+   2
+   >>> for k in t.keys():
+   ...     print k,
+   1 2 3 4
+   >>> for k in t:    # new in ZODB 3.3
+   ...     print k,
+   1 2 3 4
+   >>> for pair in t.iteritems():  # new in ZODB 3.3
+   ...     print pair,
+   ...
+   (1, 'red') (2, 'green') (3, 'blue') (4, 'spades')
+   >>> t.has_key(4)  # returns a true value, but exactly what undefined
+   2
+   >>> t.has_key(5)
+   0
+   >>> 4 in t  # new in ZODB 3.3
+   True
+   >>> 5 in t  # new in ZODB 3.3
+   False
+   >>>
+Each of the modules also defines some functions that operate on BTrees --
+:func:`difference`, :func:`union`, and :func:`intersection`.  The
+:func:`difference` function returns a Bucket, while the other two methods return
+a Set. If the keys are integers, then the module also defines
+:func:`multiunion`.  If the values are integers or floats, then the module also
+defines :func:`weightedIntersection` and :func:`weightedUnion`.  The function
+doc strings describe each function briefly.
+.. % XXX I'm not sure all of the following is actually correct.  The
+.. % XXX set functions have complicated behavior.
+``BTrees/Interfaces.py`` defines the operations, and is the official
+documentation.  Note that the interfaces don't define the concrete types
+returned by most operations, and you shouldn't rely on the concrete types that
+happen to be returned:  stick to operations guaranteed by the interface.  In
+particular, note that the interfaces don't specify anything about comparison
+behavior, and so nothing about it is guaranteed.  In ZODB 3.3, for example, two
+BTrees happen to use Python's default object comparison, which amounts to
+comparing the (arbitrary but fixed) memory addresses of the BTrees. This may or
+may not be true in future releases. If the interfaces don't specify a behavior,
+then whether that behavior appears to work, and exactly happens if it does
+appear to work, are undefined and should not be relied on.
+Total Ordering and Persistence
+The BTree-based data structures differ from Python dicts in several fundamental
+ways.  One of the most important is that while dicts require that keys support
+hash codes and equality comparison, the BTree-based structures don't use hash
+codes and require a total ordering on keys.
+Total ordering means three things:
+#. Reflexive.  For each *x*, ``x == x`` is true.
+#. Trichotomy.  For each *x* and *y*, exactly one of ``x < y``, ``x == y``, and
+   ``x > y`` is true.
+#. Transitivity.  Whenever ``x <= y`` and ``y <= z``, it's also true that ``x <=
+   z``.
+The default comparison functions for most objects that come with Python satisfy
+these rules, with some crucial cautions explained later.  Complex numbers are an
+example of an object whose default comparison function does not satisfy these
+rules:  complex numbers only support ``==`` and ``!=`` comparisons, and raise an
+exception if you try to compare them in any other way.  They don't satisfy the
+trichotomy rule, and must not be used as keys in BTree-based data structures
+(although note that complex numbers can be used as keys in Python dicts, which
+do not require a total ordering).
+Examples of objects that are wholly safe to use as keys in BTree-based
+structures include ints, longs, floats, 8-bit strings, Unicode strings, and
+tuples composed (possibly recursively) of objects of wholly safe types.
+It's important to realize that even if two types satisfy the rules on their own,
+mixing objects of those types may not.  For example, 8-bit strings and Unicode
+strings both supply total orderings, but mixing the two loses trichotomy; e.g.,
+``'x' < chr(255)`` and ``u'x' == 'x'``, but trying to compare ``chr(255)`` to
+``u'x'`` raises an exception.  Partly for this reason (another is given later),
+it can be dangerous to use keys with multiple types in a single BTree-based
+structure.  Don't try to do that, and you don't have to worry about it.
+Another potential problem is mutability:  when a key is inserted in a BTree-
+based structure, it must retain the same order relative to the other keys over
+time.  This is easy to run afoul of if you use mutable objects as keys.  For
+example, lists supply a total ordering, and then 
+.. doctest::
+   >>> L1, L2, L3 = [1], [2], [3]
+   >>> from BTrees.OOBTree import OOSet
+   >>> s = OOSet((L2, L3, L1))  # this is fine, so far
+   >>> list(s.keys())           # note that the lists are in sorted order
+   [[1], [2], [3]]
+   >>> s.has_key([3])           # and [3] is in the set
+   1
+   >>> L2[0] = 5                # horrible -- the set is insane now
+   >>> s.has_key([3])           # for example, it's insane this way
+   0
+   >>> s
+   OOSet([[1], [5], [3]])
+   >>>
+Key lookup relies on that the keys remain in sorted order (an efficient form of
+binary search is used).  By mutating key L2 after inserting it, we destroyed the
+invariant that the OOSet is sorted.  As a result, all future operations on this
+set are unpredictable.
+A subtler variant of this problem arises due to persistence:  by default, Python
+does several kinds of comparison by comparing the memory addresses of two
+objects.  Because Python never moves an object in memory, this does supply a
+usable (albeit arbitrary) total ordering across the life of a program run (an
+object's memory address doesn't change).  But if objects compared in this way
+are used as keys of a BTree-based structure that's stored in a database, when
+the objects are loaded from the database again they will almost certainly wind
+up at different memory addresses.  There's no guarantee then that if key K1 had
+a memory address smaller than the memory address of key K2 at the time K1 and K2
+were inserted in a BTree, K1's address will also be smaller than K2's when that
+BTree is loaded from a database later.  The result will be an insane BTree,
+where various operations do and don't work as expected, seemingly at random.
+Now each of the types identified above as "wholly safe to use" never compares
+two instances of that type by memory address, so there's nothing to worry about
+here if you use keys of those types.  The most common mistake is to use keys
+that are instances of a user-defined class that doesn't supply its own
+:meth:`__cmp__` method.  Python compares such instances by memory address.  This
+is fine if such instances are used as keys in temporary BTree-based structures
+used only in a single program run.  It can be disastrous if that BTree-based
+structure is stored to a database, though. 
+.. doctest::
+   >>> class C:
+   ...     pass
+   ...
+   >>> a, b = C(), C()
+   >>> print a < b   # this may print 0 if you try it
+   True
+   >>> del a, b
+   >>> a, b = C(), C()
+   >>> print a < b   # and this may print 0 or 1
+   False
+   >>>
+That example illustrates that comparison of instances of classes that don't
+define :meth:`__cmp__` yields arbitrary results (but consistent results within a
+single program run).
+Another problem occurs with instances of classes that do define :meth:`__cmp__`,
+but define it incorrectly.  It's possible but rare for a custom :meth:`__cmp__`
+implementation to violate one of the three required formal properties directly.
+It's more common for it to "fall back" to address-based comparison by mistake.
+For example, 
+.. doctest::
+   class Mine:
+       def __cmp__(self, other):
+           if other.__class__ is Mine:
+               return cmp(self.data, other.data)
+           else:
+               return cmp(self.data, other)
+It's quite possible there that the :keyword:`else` clause allows a result to be
+computed based on memory address.  The bug won't show up until a BTree-based
+structure uses objects of class :class:`Mine` as keys, and also objects of other
+types as keys, and the structure is loaded from a database, and a sequence of
+comparisons happens to execute the :keyword:`else` clause in a case where the
+relative order of object memory addresses happened to change.
+This is as difficult to track down as it sounds, so best to stay far away from
+the possibility.
+You'll stay out of trouble by follwing these rules, violating them only with
+great care:
+#. Use objects of simple immutable types as keys in BTree-based data structures.
+#. Within a single BTree-based data structure, use objects of a single type as
+   keys.  Don't use multiple key types in a single structure.
+#. If you want to use class instances as keys, and there's any possibility that
+   the structure may be stored in a database, it's crucial that the class define a
+   :meth:`__cmp__` method, and that the method is carefully implemented.
+   Any part of a comparison implementation that relies (explicitly or implicitly)
+   on an address-based comparison result will eventually cause serious failure.
+#. Do not use :class:`Persistent` objects as keys, or objects of a subclass of
+   :class:`Persistent`.
+That last item may be surprising.  It stems from details of how conflict
+resolution is implemented:  the states passed to conflict resolution do not
+materialize persistent subobjects (if a persistent object P is a key in a BTree,
+then P is a subobject of the bucket containing P).  Instead, if an object O
+references a persistent subobject P directly, and O is involved in a conflict,
+the states passed to conflict resolution contain an instance of an internal
+:class:`PersistentReference` stub class everywhere O references P. Two
+:class:`PersistentReference` instances compare equal if and only if they
+"represent" the same persistent object; when they're not equal, they compare by
+memory address, and, as explained before, memory-based comparison must never
+happen in a sane persistent BTree.  Note that it doesn't help in this case if
+your :class:`Persistent` subclass defines a sane :meth:`__cmp__` method:
+conflict resolution doesn't know about your class, and so also doesn't know
+about its :meth:`__cmp__` method.  It only sees instances of the internal
+:class:`PersistentReference` stub class.
+Iteration and Mutation
+As with a Python dictionary or list, you should not mutate a BTree-based data
+structure while iterating over it, except that it's fine to replace the value
+associated with an existing key while iterating.  You won't create internal
+damage in the structure if you try to remove, or add new keys, while iterating,
+but the results are undefined and unpredictable.  A weak attempt is made to
+raise :exc:`RuntimeError` if the size of a BTree-based structure changes while
+iterating, but it doesn't catch most such cases, and is also unreliable.
+.. doctest::
+   :options: +SKIP
+   >>> from BTrees.IIBTree import *
+   >>> s = IISet(range(10))
+   >>> list(s)
+   [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+   >>> for i in s:  # the output is undefined
+   ...     print i,
+   ...     s.remove(i)
+   0 2 4 6 8
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
+   RuntimeError: the bucket being iterated changed size
+   >>> list(s)      # this output is also undefined
+   [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
+   >>>
+Also as with Python dictionaries and lists, the safe and predictable way to
+mutate a BTree-based structure while iterating over it is to iterate over a copy
+of the keys.  Example
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from BTrees.IIBTree import *
+   >>> s = IISet(range(10))
+   >>> for i in list(s.keys()):  # this is well defined
+   ...     print i,
+   ...     s.remove(i)
+   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+   >>> list(s)
+   []
+   >>>
+BTree Diagnostic Tools
+A BTree (or TreeSet) is a complex data structure, really a graph of variable-
+size nodes, connected in multiple ways via three distinct kinds of C pointers.
+There are some tools available to help check internal consistency of a BTree as
+a whole.
+Most generally useful is the :mod:`BTrees.check` module.  The
+:func:`check.check` function examines a BTree (or Bucket, Set, or TreeSet) for
+value-based consistency, such as that the keys are in strictly increasing order.
+See the function docstring for details. The :func:`check.display` function
+displays the internal structure of a BTree.
+BTrees and TreeSets also have a :meth:`_check` method.  This verifies that the
+(possibly many) internal pointers in a BTree or TreeSet are mutually consistent,
+and raises :exc:`AssertionError` if they're not.
+If a :func:`check.check` or :meth:`_check` call fails, it may point to a bug in
+the implementation of BTrees or conflict resolution, or may point to database
+Repairing a damaged BTree is usually best done by making a copy of it. For
+example, if *self.data* is bound to a corrupted IOBTree, 
+.. doctest::
+   self.data = IOBTree(self.data)
+usually suffices.  If object identity needs to be preserved, 
+.. doctest::
+   acopy = IOBTree(self.data)
+   self.data.clear()
+   self.data.update(acopy)
+does the same, but leaves *self.data* bound to the same object.
 Indices and tables

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