[Checkins] SVN: z3c.pt/trunk/ Moved to GitHub.

Stephen Richter cvs-admin at zope.org
Mon Feb 25 04:17:29 UTC 2013

Log message for revision 129773:
  Moved to GitHub.

  D   z3c.pt/trunk/AUTHOR.txt
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/COPYRIGHT.txt
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/LICENSE.txt
  A   z3c.pt/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/README.txt
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/bootstrap.py
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/buildout.cfg
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/docs/
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/setup.py
  D   z3c.pt/trunk/src/

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/AUTHOR.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/AUTHOR.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/AUTHOR.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Malthe Borch <mborch at gmail.com>

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
-2.2.4 (unreleased)
-- Allow segments of path expressions to start with a digit.
-2.2.3 (2012-06-01)
-- The translation function now accepts (but ignores) a ``context``
-  argument. This fixes a compatibility issue with Chameleon 2.9.x.
-2.2.2 (2012-04-24)
-- Do not rely on the "LANGUAGE" request key to skip language
-  negotiation. Instead, we assume that negotiation is cheap (and
-  probably cached).
-2.2.1 (2012-02-15)
-- Only require Chameleon >= 2.4, was needlessly bumped in last release.
-- Add test extra, remove versions from buildout.cfg.
-2.2 (2012-01-08)
-- Whitespace between attributes is now reduced to a single whitespace
-  character.
-- The ``request`` symbol is no longer required to evaluate a path
-  expression; it now defaults to ``None`` if not present in the
-  namespace.
-- The content provider expression now correctly applies TAL namespace
-  data.
-- The ``ZopeTraverser`` class has been removed and replaced with a
-  simple function.
-2.1.5 (2011-11-24)
-- Use non-strict mode if available for compatibility with the
-  reference engine where expressions are only compiled at evaluation
-  time.
-2.1.4 (2011-09-14)
-- The provider expression is now first evaluated as a string
-  expression, the result of which is used as the content provider
-  name.
-  This fixes an issue where (provider-) string expressions would not
-  get evaluated correctly, e.g. ``provider: ${mgr}``.
-2.1.3 (2011-08-22)
-- Configure HTML boolean attributes (in HTML-mode only)::
-      "compact", "nowrap", "ismap", "declare", "noshade",
-      "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "multiple", "selected",
-      "noresize", "defer"
-2.1.2 (2011-08-19)
-- Enable option ``literal_false`` to get the behavior that a value of
-  ``False`` does not drop an attribute.
-2.1.1 (2011-08-11)
-- Make sure the builtin names 'path' and 'exists' can be redefined.
-- Guard ``sys.modules`` (mapped to the builtin variable "modules")
-  against import-time side effects using ``ProxyFactory``.
-2.1 (2011-07-28)
-- Use dynamic expression evaluation framework that comes included with
-  Chameleon.
-2.0 (2011-07-14)
-- Point release.
-- Move implementation-specific context setup to ``render``
-  method. This allows use of template class with an already prepared
-  context.
-- Fixed issue with the call flag on the Zope traverser compiler.
-2.0-rc3 (2011-07-11)
-- Python-expressions are no longer TALES-expressions; previously, the
-  pipe operator would split Python expression clauses, allowing
-  fallbacks even for Python expressions, but this is not the standard
-  behavior of ZPT.
-- Fixed an issue where an error which occurred inside a dynamic
-  ``path`` or ``exists`` evaluation would fail to propagate due to a
-  missing remote context.
-- Set variables ``here`` and ``context`` to the bound instance value
-  on ``PageTemplate`` instances.
-2.0-rc2 (2011-03-24)
-- Fixed an issue with ``"exists:"`` expression where a callable would
-  be attempted called. It is meanwhile implied with this expression
-  types that it should use the ``"nocall:"`` pragma.
-2.0-rc1 (2011-02-28)
-- Update to Chameleon 2.0.
-  This release includes many changes and is a complete rewrite of the
-  1.x series.
-  Platform:
-  * Python 2.5+ now required.
-  Notable changes:
-  * Expression interpolation is always enabled.
-  * Whitespace output is different, now closely aligned to the
-    template input.
-  * New language constructs:
-    1) tal:on-error
-    2) tal:switch
-    3) tal:case
-  Incompatibilities:
-  * The expression translation interface has been replaced with an
-    expression engine. This means that all expressions must be
-    rewritten.
-- The exists expression evaluator should ignore KeyError exceptions
-  as well.
-- Special-case handling of Zope2's Missing.MV as used by
-  Products.ZCatalog for LP#649343.
-  [rossp]
-1.2.1 (2010/05/13)
-- Bind template to the template object in the general case.
-1.2 (2010/05/12)
-- Fixed compatibility issue with recent change in Chameleon.
-- Fixed regression introduced with ``args`` being passed
-  in. Incidentally, the name ``args`` was used as the star argument
-  name.
-- Look at language set on request before invoking the zope.i18n
-  negotiator. This makes i18n work again on Zope2.
-1.1.1 (2010/04/06)
-- Fixed issue where arguments were not passed on to template as
-  ``args``.
-1.1.0 (2010/01/09)
-- Update to combined Chameleon distribution.
-1.0.1 (2009/07/06)
-- Bind translation context (request) to translation method. Although
-  not required in newer versions of the translation machinery, some
-  versions will ask for a translation context in order to negotiate
-  language even when a language is explicitly passed in.
-- Declare zope security settings for classes when zope.security is present
-  as the "class" ZCML directive was moved there.
-1.0.0 (2009/07/06)
-- First point release.
-1.0b17 (2009/06/14)
-- Made the Zope security declaration for the repeat dictionary be conditional
-  on the presence of zope.app.security instead of zope.app.component.
-1.0b16 (2009/05/20)
-- Updated run-time expression evaluator method to work after a recent
-  architectural change in Chameleon. [malthe]
-- Check that we have a non-trivial response-object before trying to
-  set the content type. [malthe]
-- Wrap ``sys.modules`` dictionary in an "opaque" dictionary class,
-  such that the representation string does not list all loaded
-  modules. [malthe]
-1.0b15 (2009/04/24)
-- Removed lxml extra, as we do no longer depend on it. [malthe]
-- Make sure the path expression is a simple string, not
-  unicode. [malthe]
-- Detect path prefix properly for ViewPageTemplateFile usage in
-  doctests. [sidnei]
-- The ``template`` symbol is already set by the template base
-  class. [malthe]
-- Set Content-Type header, for backwards compatibility with
-  zope.app.pagetemplate. [sidnei]
-1.0b14 (2009/03/31)
-- Updated language adapter to work with 'structure' meta
-  attribute. [malthe]
-1.0b13 (2009/03/23)
-- When traversing on dictionaries, only exposes dictionary items
-  (never attributes); this is to avoid ambiguity. [sidnei, malthe]
-- Path expressions need to pass further path items in reverse order to
-  traversePathElement, because that's what it expects. [sidnei]
-1.0b12 (2009/03/09)
-- Insert initial variable context into dynamic scope. The presence of
-  these is expected by many application. [malthe]
-1.0b11 (2009/03/05)
-- If a namespace-acquired object provides ``ITraversable``, use path
-  traversal. [malthe]
-- Implemented TALES function namespaces. [sidnei, malthe]
-- Catch ``NameError`` in exists-traverser (return false). [malthe]
-- Catch ``NameError`` in exists-evaluator (return false). [malthe]
-- If the supplied ``context`` and ``request`` parameters are trivial,
-  get them from the view instance. [malthe]
-- Expressions in text templates are never escaped. [malthe]
-- Do not bind template to a trivial instance. [malthe]
-1.0b10 (2009/02/24)
-- Fixed exists-traverser such that it always returns a boolean
-  value. [malthe]
-1.0b9 (2009/02/19)
-- When evaluating path-expressions at runtime (e.g. the ``path``
-  method), run the source through the transform first to support
-  dynamic scope. [malthe]
-1.0b8 (2009/02/17)
-- Allow attribute access to ``__call__`` method on bound page
-  templates. [malthe]
-1.0b7 (2009/02/13)
-- Fixed issue where symbol mapping would not be carried through under
-  a negation (not). [malthe]
-- Optimize simple case: if path expression is a single path and path
-  is 'nothing' or has 'nocall:', just return value as-is, without
-  going through path_traverse. [sidnei]
-- Moved evaluate_path and evaluate_exists over from ``five.pt``, adds
-  support for global ``path()`` and ``exists()`` functions for use in
-  ``python:`` expressions (LP #317967).
-- Added Zope security declaration for the repeat dictionary (tales
-  iterator). [malthe]
-1.0b6 (2008/12/18)
-- The 'not' pragma acts recursively. [malthe]
-1.0b5 (2008/12/15)
-- View templates now support argument-passing for alternative context
-  and request (for compatibility with
-  ``zope.app.pagetemplate``). [malthe]
-- Switched off the $-interpolation feature per default; It may be activated
-  on a per-template basis using ``meta:interpolation='true'``. [seletz]
-- Allow more flexibility in overriding the PathTranslator method. [hannosch]
-- Removed the forced defaultencoding from the benchmark suite. [hannosch]
-1.0b4 (2008/11/19)
-- Split out content provider function call to allow modification
-  through subclassing. [malthe]
-- Added language negotiation. [malthe]
-- Simplified template class inheritance. [malthe]
-- Added support for the question-mark operator in path-expressions. [malthe]
-- Updated expressions to recent API changes. [malthe]
-- Added 'exists' and 'not' translators. [malthe]
-  Bug fixes
-- Adjusted the bigtable benchmark test to API changes. [hannosch]
-1.0b3 (2008/11/12)
-- Added ``PageTemplate`` and ``PageTemplateFile`` classes. [malthe]
-1.0b2 (2008/11/03)
-  Bug fixes
-- Allow '.' character in content provider expressions.
-- Allow '+' character in path-expressions.
-1.0b1 (2008/10/02)
-  Package changes
-- Split out compiler to "Chameleon" package. [malthe]
-  Backwards incompatibilities
-- Moved contents of ``z3c.pt.macro`` module into
-  ``z3c.pt.template``. [malthe]
-- Namespace attribute "xmlns" no longer rendered for templates with no
-  explicit document type. [malthe]
-- Changes to template method signatures. [malthe]
-- Engine now expects all strings to be unicode or contain ASCII
-  characters only, unless an encoding is provided. [malthe]
-- The default path traverser no longer proxies objects. [malthe]
-- Template output is now always converted to unicode. [malthe]
-- The ``ViewPageTemplateFile`` class now uses 'path' as the default
-  expression type. [malthe]
-- The compiler now expects an instantiated parser instance. [malthe]
-  Features
-- Added expression translator "provider:" (which renders a content
-  provider as defined in the ``zope.contentprovider``
-  package). [malthe]
-- Added template API to render macros. [malthe]
-- Optimized template loader so only a single template is instantiated
-  per file. [malthe]
-- Made ``z3c.pt`` a namespace package. [malthe]
-- Added reduce and restore operation to the compilation and rendering
-  flow in the test examples to verify integrity. [malthe]
-- The ZPT parser now supports prefixed native attributes,
-  e.g. <tal:foo tal:bar="" />. [malthe]
-- Source-code is now written to disk in debug mode. [malthe]
-- Custom validation error is now raised if inserted string does not
-  validate (when debug mode is enabled). [malthe]
-- Added support for omitting rendering of HTML "toggle" attributes
-  (option's ``selected`` and input's ``checked``) within dynamic
-  attribute assignment.  If the value of the expression in the
-  assignment evaluates equal to boolean False, the attribute will not
-  be rendered.  If the value of the expression in the assignment
-  evaluates equal to boolean True, the attribute will be rendered and
-  the value of the attribute will be the value returned by the
-  expression. [chrism]
-- XML namespace attribute is now always printed for root tag. [malthe]
-- Allow standard HTML entities. [malthe]
-- Added compiler option to specify an implicit doctype; this is
-  currently used by the template classes to let the loose XHTML
-  doctype be the default. [malthe]
-- Added support for translation of tag body. [malthe]
-- Added security configuration for the TALES iterator (repeat
-  dictionary). This is made conditional on the availability of the
-  application security framework. [malthe]
-- Dynamic attributes are now ordered as they appear in the
-  template. [malthe]
-- Added ``symbol_mapping`` attribute to code streams such that
-  function dependencies can be registered at compile-time. [malthe]
-- Allow BaseTemplate-derived classes (PageTemplate, PageTemplateFile,
-  et. al) to accept a ``doctype`` argument, which will override the
-  doctype supplied by the source of the template if specified. [chrism]
-- Language negotiation is left to the page template superclass, so we
-  don't need to pass in a translation context anymore. [malthe]
-- The ``ViewPageTemplateFile`` class now uses the module path of the
-  calling class to get an absolute path to a relative filename passed
-  to the constructor. [malthe]
-- Added limited support for the XInclude ``include`` directive. The
-  implemented subset corresponds to the Genshi implementation, except
-  Match-templates, which are not made available to the calling
-  template. [malthe]
-- Use a global template registry for templates on the
-  file-system. This makes it inexpensive to have multiple template
-  class instances pointing to the same file. [malthe]
-- Reimplemented the disk cache to correctly restore all template
-  data. This implementation keeps a cache in a pickled format in a
-  file next to the original template. [malthe]
-- Refactored compilation classes to better separate concerns. [malthe]
-- Genshi macros (py:def) are now available globally. [malthe]
-- A syntax error is now raised when an interpolation expression is not
-  exhausted, e.g. only a part of the string is a valid
-  Python-expression. [malthe]
-- System variables are now defined in a configuration class. [malthe]
-- Improve performance of codegen by not repeatedly calling
-  an expensive "flatten" function. [chrism]
-- Remove ``safe_render`` implementation detail.  It hid information
-  in tracebacks. [chrism]
-- Implemented TAL global defines. [malthe]
-- Added support for variables with global scope. [malthe]
-- Curly braces may now be omitted in an expression interpolation if
-  the expression is just a variable name; this complies with the
-  Genshi syntax. [malthe]
-- UTF-8 encode Unicode attribute literals. [chrism]
-- Substantially reduced compiler overhead for lxml CDATA
-  workaround. [malthe]
-- Split out element compiler classes for Genshi and Zope language
-  dialects. [malthe]
-- Make lxml a setuptools "extra".  To install with lxml support
-  (currently required by Genshi), specify "z3c.pt [lxml]" in
-  any references you need to make to the package in buildout or
-  in setup.py install_requires.  [chrism]
-- Add test-nolxml and py-nolxml parts to buildout so the package's
-  tests can be run without lxml.  [chrism]
-- No longer require default namespace. [malthe]
-- Changed source code debug mode files to be named <filename>.py instead of
-  <filename>.source.
-- Generalized ElementTree-import to allow both Python 2.5's
-  ``xml.etree`` module and the standalone ``ElementTree``
-  package. [malthe]
-- Expression results are now validated for XML correctness when the
-  compiler is running in debug-mode. [malthe]
-- Preliminary support for using ``xml.etree`` as fallback for
-  ``lxml.etree``. [malthe]
-- String-expressions may now contain semi-colons using a double
-  semi-colon literal (;;). [malthe]
-- Preserve CDATA sections. [malthe]
-- Get rid of package-relative magic in constructor of BaseTemplateFile
-  in favor of just requiring an absolute path or a path relative
-  to getcwd(). Rationale: it didn't work when called from __main__
-  when the template was relative to getcwd(), which is the 99% case
-  for people first trying it out. [chrism]
-- Added support for METAL.
-  [malthe]
-- Add a TemplateLoader class to have a convenient method to instantiate
-  templates. This is similar to the template loaders from other template
-  toolkits and makes integration with Pylons a lot simpler.
-  [wichert]
-- Switch from hardcoding all options in config.py to using parameters
-  for the template. This also allows us to use the more logical
-  auto_reload flag instead of reusing PROD_MODE, which is also used
-  for other purposes.
-  [wichert]
-- Treat comments, processing instructions, and named entities in the
-  source template as "literals", which will be rendered into the
-  output unchanged. [chrism]
-  Bugfixes
-- Skip elements in a "define-slot" clause if its being filled by the
-  calling template. [malthe]
-- Support "fill-slot" on elements with METAL namespace. [malthe]
-- Omit element text when rendering macro. [malthe]
-- ``Macros`` class should not return callable functions, but rather a
-  ``Macro`` object, which has a ``render``-method. This makes it
-  possible to use a path-expression to get to a macro without calling
-  it. [malthe]
-- Fixed bug where a repeat-clause would reset the repeat variable
-  before evaluating the expression. [malthe]
-- Fixed an issue related to correct restoring of ghosted template
-  objects. [malthe]
-- Implicit doctype is correctly reestablished from cache. [malthe]
-- Remove namespace declaration on root tag to work around syntax error
-  raised when parsing an XML tree loaded from the file cache. [malthe]
-- Attribute assignments with an expression value that started with the
-  characters ``in`` (e.g. ``info.somename``) would be rendered to the
-  generated Python without the ``in`` prefix (as
-  e.g. ``fo.somename``). [chrism]
-- When filling METAL slots (possibly with a specific version of
-  libxml2, I am using 2.6.32) it was possible to cause the translator
-  to attempt to add a stringtype to a NoneType (on a line that reads
-  ``variable = self.symbols.slot+element.node.fill_slot`` because an
-  XPath expression looking for fill-slot nodes did not work
-  properly). [chrism]
-- Preserve whitespace in string translation expressions. [malthe]
-- Fixed interpolation bug where multiple attributes with interpolation
-  expressions would result in corrupted output. [malthe]
-- Support try-except operator ('|') when 'python' is the default
-  expression type. [malthe]
-- METAL macros should render in the template where they're
-  defined. [malthe]
-- Avoid printing a line-break when we repeat over a single item
-  only. [malthe]
-- Corrected Genshi namespace (needs a trailing slash). [malthe]
-- Fixed a few more UnicodeDecodeErrors (test contributed by Wiggy).
-  In particular, never upcast to unicode during transformation, and
-  utf-8 encode Unicode attribute keys and values in Assign expressions
-  (e.g. py:attrs). [chrism]
-- Fixed off-by-one bug in interpolation routine. [malthe]
-- The repeat-clause should not output tail with every iteration. [malthe]
-- CDATA sections are now correctly handled when using the
-  ElementTree-parser. [malthe]
-- Fixed bug in path-expressions where string instances would be
-  (attempted) called. [malthe]
-- CDATA sections are now correctly preserved when using expression
-  interpolation. [malthe]
-- The Genshi interpolation operator ${} should not have its result
-  escaped when used in the text or tail regions. [malthe]
-- Fixed edge case bug where inserting both a numeric entity and a
-  literal set of unicode bytes into the same document would cause a
-  UnicodeDecodeError. See also
-  http://groups.google.com/group/z3c_pt/browse_thread/thread/aea963d25a1778d0?hl=en
-  [chrism]
-- Static attributes are now properly overriden by py:attr-attributes.
-  [malthe]
-0.9 (2008/08/07)
-- Added support for Genshi-templates.
-  [malthe]
-- Cleanup and refactoring of translation module.
-  [malthe]
-- If the template source contains a DOCTYPE declaration, output it
-  during rendering. [chrism]
-- Fixed an error where numeric entities specified in text or tail
-  portions of elements would cause a UnicodeDecodeError to be raised
-  on systems configured with an 'ascii' default encoding. [chrism]
-- Refactored file system based cache a bit and added a simple benchmark for
-  the cache. The initial load speed for a template goes down significantly
-  with the cache. Compared to zope.pagetemplate we are only 3x slower,
-  compared to 50x slower when cooking each template on process startup.
-- Got rid entirely of the _escape function and inlined the actual code
-  instead. We go up again to 12x for path and 19x for Python expressions :)
-  [hannosch]
-- Avoid string concatenation and use multiple write statements instead. These
-  are faster now, since we use a list append internally.
-  [hannosch]
-- Inline the _escape function, because function calls are expensive in Python.
-  Added missing escaping for Unicode values.
-  [fschulze, hannosch]
-- When templates are instantiated outside of a class-definition, a
-  relative file path will be made absolute using the module path.
-  [malthe]
-- Simplified the _escape function handling by pulling in the str call into the
-  function. Corrected the bigtable hotshot test to only benchmark rendering.
-- Replaced the cgi.escape function by an optimized local version, we go up
-  to 11x for path and 16x for Python expressions :) In the bigtable benchmark
-  the enhancement is more noticable - we are the same speed as spitfire -O1
-  templates now and just half the speed of -O3 :))
-- Added a new benchmark test called bigtable that produces results which are
-  directly comparable to those produced by the bigtable.py benchmark in the
-  spitfire project.
-- Introduce a new config option called `Z3C_PT_DISABLE_I18N`. If this
-  environment variable is set to `true`, the template engine will not call
-  into the zope.i18n machinery anymore, but fall back to simple interpolation
-  in all cases. In a normal Zope environment that has the whole i18n
-  infrastructure set up, this will render the templates about 15x faster than
-  normal TAL, instead of only 10x faster at this point.
-- Removed the `second rendering` tests from the benchmark suite. Since we
-  enable the file cache for the benchmarks, there's no difference between the
-  first and second rendering anymore after the cache file has been written.
-- Require zope.i18n 3.5 and add support for using its new negotiate function.
-  If you use the `zope_i18n_allowed_languages` environment variable the target
-  language for a template is only negotiated once per template, instead of
-  once for each translate function call. This more than doubles the speed
-  and the benchmark is back at 9.2 times faster.
-- Extended the i18n handling to respect the passed in translation context to
-  the template. Usually this is the request, which is passed on under the
-  internal name of `_context` into the render functions. After extending the
-  i18n tests to include a negotiator and message catalog the improvement is
-  only at 4.5 anymore, as most of the time is spent inside the i18n machinery.
-- Added persistent file cache functionality. If the environment variable is
-  set, each file system based template will add a directory to the cache
-  (currently a SHA-1 of the file's absolute path is used as the folder name)
-  and in the folder one file per params for the template (cache filename is
-  the hash of the params). Once a template file is initialized, an instance
-  local registry is added, which then looks up all cached files and
-  pre-populates the registry with the render functions.
-- Fixed interpolation edge case bugs.
-  [malthe]
-- Added new `Z3C_PT_FILECACHE` environment variable pointing to a directory.
-  If set, this will be used to cache the compiled files.
-- Added a second variation of the repeat clause, using a simple for loop. It
-  doesn't support the repeatdict, though and is therefor not used yet. Also
-  began work to add introspection facilities to clauses about the variables
-  being used in them. The simpler loop causes the benchmarks to go up to a
-  10.5 (old 9.5) for path expressions and 14.5 (12.5) for python expressions.
-  So the next step is to introduce an optimization phase, that can decide
-  which variant of the loops to use.
-- Made the debug mode independent from the Python debug mode. You can now
-  specify an environment variable called `Z3C_PT_DEBUG` to enable it.
-- Added some code in a filecache module that can later be used to write out
-  and reload the compiled Python code to and from the file system. We should
-  be able to avoid reparsing on Python process restart.
-- Simplified the generated _escape code. cgi.escape's second argument is a
-  simple boolean and not a list of characters to quote.
-- Use a simple list based BufferIO class instead of a cStringIO for the out
-  stream. Avoiding the need to encode Unicode data is a bigger win. We do
-  not support arbitrarily mixing of Unicode and non-ascii inside the engine.
-- Merged two adjacent writes into one inside the Tag clause.
-- Applied a bunch of micro-optimizations. ''.join({}) is slightly faster
-  than ''.join({}.keys()) and does the same. Avoid a try/except for error
-  handling in non-debug mode. Test against 'is None' instead of a boolean
-  check for the result of the template registry lookup. Made PROD_MODE
-  available defined as 'not DEBUG_MODE' in config.py, so we avoid the 'not'
-  in every cook-check.
-- Added more benchmark tests for the file variants.
-- Optimized 'is None' handling in Tag clause similar to the Write clause.
-- Made the _out.write method directly available as _write in all scopes, so
-  we avoid the method lookup call each time.
-- Optimized 'is None' handling in Write clause.
-- Slightly refactored benchmark tests and added tests for the file variants.
-- In debug mode the actual source code for file templates is written out to
-  a <filename>.source file, to make it easier to inspect it.
-- Make debug mode setting explicit in a config.py. Currently it is bound to
-  Python's __debug__, which is False when run with -O and otherwise True.
-- Use a simplified UnicodeWrite clause for the result of _translate calls,
-  as the result value is guaranteed to be Unicode.
-- Added benchmark tests for i18n handling.
-- Added more tests for i18n attributes handling.
-- Don't generate empty mappings for expressions with a trailing semicolon.
-- Fixed undefined name 'static' error in i18n attributes handling and added
-  quoting to i18n attributes.
-- Added condition to the valid attributes on tags in the tal namespace.
-- Made sure the traceback from the *first* template exception
-  is carried over to __traceback_info__
-- Added template source annotations on exceptions raised while
-  rendering a template.
-0.8 (2008/03/19)
-- Added support for 'nocall' and 'not' (for path-expressions).
-- Added support for path- and string-expressions.
-- Abstracted expression translation engine. Expression implementations
-  are now pluggable. Expression name pragmas are supported throughout.
-- Formalized expression types
-- Added support for 'structure'-keyword for replace and content.
-- Result of 'replace' and 'content' is now escaped by default.
-- Benchmark is now built as a custom testrunner
-0.7 (2008/03/10)
-- Added support for comments; expressions are allowed
-  inside comments, i.e.
-     <!-- ${'Hello World!'} -->
-  Comments are always included.
-0.7 (2008/02/24)
-- Added support for text templates; these allow expression
-  interpolation in non-XML documents like CSS stylesheets and
-  javascript files.
-0.5 (2008/02/23)
-- Expression interpolation implemented.
-0.4 (2008/02/22)
-- Engine now uses cStringIO yielding a 2.5x performance
-  improvement. Unicode is now handled correctly.
-0.3 (2007/12/23)
-- Code optimization; bug fixing spree
-- Added ``ViewPageTemplateFile`` class
-- Added support for i18n
-- Engine rewrite; improved code generation abstractions
-0.2 (2007/12/05)
-- Major optimizations to the generated code
-0.1 (2007/12/03)
-- First public release

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/CONTRIBUTORS.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/CONTRIBUTORS.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Chris McDonough
-Florian Schulze 
-Hanno Schlichting
-Philipp von Weitershausen
-Wichert Akkerman
-Stefan Eletzhofer

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/COPYRIGHT.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/COPYRIGHT.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/COPYRIGHT.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Zope Foundation and Contributors
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/LICENSE.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/LICENSE.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/LICENSE.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1
-A copyright notice accompanies this license document that identifies the
-copyright holders.
-This license has been certified as open source. It has also been designated as
-GPL compatible by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions in source code must retain the accompanying copyright
-notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the accompanying copyright
-notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
-documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Names of the copyright holders must not be used to endorse or promote
-products derived from this software without prior written permission from the
-copyright holders.
-4. The right to distribute this software or to use it for any purpose does not
-give you the right to use Servicemarks (sm) or Trademarks (tm) of the
-holders. Use of them is covered by separate agreement with the copyright
-5. If any files are modified, you must cause the modified files to carry
-prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any

Added: z3c.pt/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB
--- z3c.pt/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+See https://github.com/zopefoundation/z3c.pt
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/README.txt
--- z3c.pt/trunk/README.txt	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/README.txt	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-This is a fast implementation of the ZPT template engine for Zope 3
-which uses Chameleon to compile templates to byte-code.
-The package provides application support equivalent to
-For usage, see the README.txt file inside the package.

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/bootstrap.py
--- z3c.pt/trunk/bootstrap.py	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/bootstrap.py	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Bootstrap a buildout-based project
-Simply run this script in a directory containing a buildout.cfg.
-The script accepts buildout command-line options, so you can
-use the -c option to specify an alternate configuration file.
-import os, shutil, sys, tempfile, urllib2
-from optparse import OptionParser
-tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
-# parsing arguments
-parser = OptionParser()
-parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version",
-                          help="use a specific zc.buildout version")
-parser.add_option("-d", "--distribute",
-                   action="store_true", dest="distribute", default=False,
-                   help="Use Disribute rather than Setuptools.")
-parser.add_option("-c", None, action="store", dest="config_file",
-                   help=("Specify the path to the buildout configuration "
-                         "file to be used."))
-options, args = parser.parse_args()
-# if -c was provided, we push it back into args for buildout' main function
-if options.config_file is not None:
-    args += ['-c', options.config_file]
-if options.version is not None:
-    VERSION = '==%s' % options.version
-    VERSION = ''
-USE_DISTRIBUTE = options.distribute
-args = args + ['bootstrap']
-to_reload = False
-    import pkg_resources
-    if not hasattr(pkg_resources, '_distribute'):
-        to_reload = True
-        raise ImportError
-except ImportError:
-    ez = {}
-        exec urllib2.urlopen('http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py'
-                         ).read() in ez
-        ez['use_setuptools'](to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0, no_fake=True)
-    else:
-        exec urllib2.urlopen('http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py'
-                             ).read() in ez
-        ez['use_setuptools'](to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0)
-    if to_reload:
-        reload(pkg_resources)
-    else:
-        import pkg_resources
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
-    def quote(c):
-        if ' ' in c:
-            return '"%s"' % c # work around spawn lamosity on windows
-        else:
-            return c
-    def quote (c):
-        return c
-cmd = 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()'
-ws  = pkg_resources.working_set
-    requirement = 'distribute'
-    requirement = 'setuptools'
-if is_jython:
-    import subprocess
-    assert subprocess.Popen([sys.executable] + ['-c', quote(cmd), '-mqNxd',
-           quote(tmpeggs), 'zc.buildout' + VERSION],
-           env=dict(os.environ,
-               PYTHONPATH=
-               ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(requirement)).location
-               ),
-           ).wait() == 0
-    assert os.spawnle(
-        os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, quote (sys.executable),
-        '-c', quote (cmd), '-mqNxd', quote (tmpeggs), 'zc.buildout' + VERSION,
-        dict(os.environ,
-            PYTHONPATH=
-            ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(requirement)).location
-            ),
-        ) == 0
-ws.require('zc.buildout' + VERSION)
-import zc.buildout.buildout

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- z3c.pt/trunk/buildout.cfg	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/buildout.cfg	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-develop = .
-parts = test py
-recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-eggs =
-   z3c.pt [test]
-recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-eggs =
-    z3c.pt
-    Sphinx
-    zope.testing
-interpreter = py
-scripts = sphinx-build

Deleted: z3c.pt/trunk/setup.py
--- z3c.pt/trunk/setup.py	2013-02-25 03:17:19 UTC (rev 129772)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/setup.py	2013-02-25 04:17:28 UTC (rev 129773)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-version = '2.2.3'
-install_requires = [
-    'setuptools',
-    'zope.interface',
-    'zope.component',
-    'zope.i18n >= 3.5',
-    'zope.traversing',
-    'zope.contentprovider',
-    'Chameleon >= 2.4',
-    ]
-tests_require = [
-    'zope.testing',
-    ]
-      version=version,
-      description="Fast ZPT engine.",
-      long_description=open("README.txt").read() + open("CHANGES.txt").read(),
-      classifiers=[
-        "Programming Language :: Python",
-        "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML",
-        "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML",
-        ],
-      keywords='',
-      author='Malthe Borch and the Zope Community',
-      author_email='zope-dev at zope.org',
-      url='',
-      license='ZPL',
-      namespace_packages=['z3c'],
-      packages = find_packages('src'),
-      package_dir = {'':'src'},
-      include_package_data=True,
-      zip_safe=False,
-      install_requires=install_requires,
-      extras_require=dict(
-          test=tests_require,
-      ),
-      tests_require=tests_require,
-      )

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