[Checkins] SVN: plone.z3cform/trunk/ Moved to GitHub.

Stephen Richter cvs-admin at zope.org
Sat Mar 2 02:10:48 UTC 2013

Log message for revision 129990:
  Moved to GitHub.

  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/MANIFEST.in
  A   plone.z3cform/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/README.txt
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/bootstrap.py
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/buildout.cfg
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/docs/
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/plone/
  D   plone.z3cform/trunk/setup.py

Deleted: plone.z3cform/trunk/MANIFEST.in
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2013-03-02 02:10:34 UTC (rev 129989)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-include *
-recursive-include docs *
-recursive-include plone *
-global-exclude *pyc

Added: plone.z3cform/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB	                        (rev 0)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/MOVED_TO_GITHUB	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+See https://github.com/zopefoundation/plone.z3cform
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: plone.z3cform/trunk/README.txt
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/README.txt	2013-03-02 02:10:34 UTC (rev 129989)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/README.txt	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-plone.z3cform is a library that enables the use of `z3c.form`_ in Zope 2.
-It depends only on Zope 2 and z3c.form.
-For Plone integration, there is also `plone.app.z3cform`_, which can be
-installed to make the default form templates more Ploneish. That package
-pulls in this one as a dependency.
-In addition to pure interoperability support, a few patterns which are useful
-in Zope 2 applications are implemented here.
-.. contents:: Contents
-To use this package, simply install it as a dependency of the package where
-you are using forms, via the ``install_requires`` line in ``setup.py``. Then
-loads its configuration via ZCML::
-    <include package="plone.z3cform" />
-Standalone forms
-If you are using Zope 2.12 or later, z3c.form forms will *almost* work
-out of the box. However, two obstacles remain:
-* The standard file upload data converter does not work with Zope 2, so
-  fields (like ``zope.schema.Bytes``) using the file widget will not work
-  correctly.
-* z3c.form expects request values to be decoded to unicode strings by the
-  publisher, which does not happen in Zope 2.
-To address the first problem, this package provides an override for the
-standard data converter adapter (registered on the ``zope.schema.Bytes`` class
-directly, so as to override the default, which is registered for the less
-general ``IBytes`` interface). To address the second, it applies a monkey
-patch to the ``update()`` methods of ``BaseForm`` and ``GroupForm`` from
-``z3c.form`` which performs the necessary decoding in a way that is consistent
-with the Zope 3-style publisher.
-Note: If you override ``update()`` in your own form you must either call the
-base class version or call the function ``plone.z3cform.z2.processInputs()``
-on the request *before* any values in the request are used. For example::
-    from plone.z3cform.z2 import processInputs
-    from z3c.form import form
-    ...
-    class MyForm(form.Form):
-        ...
-        def update(self):
-            processInputs(self.request)
-            ...
-Other than that, you can create a form using standard `z3c.form`_ conventions.
-For example::
-    from zope.interface import Interface
-    from zope import schema
-    from z3c.form import form, button
-    class IMyFormSchema(Interface):
-        field1 = schema.TextLine(title=u"A field")
-        field2 = schema.Int(title=u"Another field")
-    class MyForm(form.Form):
-        fields = field.Fields(IMyformSchema)
-        @button.buttonAndHandler(u'Submit')
-        def handleApply(self, action):
-            data, errors = self.extractData()
-            # do something
-You can register this as a view in ZCML using the standard ``<browser:page />``
-    <browser:page
-        for="*"
-        name="my-form"
-        class=".forms.MyForm"
-        permission="zope2.View"
-        />
-A default template will be used to render the form. If you want to associate
-a custom template, you should do so by setting the ``template`` class variable
-instead of using the ``template`` attribute of the ZCML directive::
-    from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
-    class MyForm(form.Form):
-        fields = field.Fields(IMyformSchema)
-        template = ViewPageTemplateFile('mytemplate.pt')
-        @button.buttonAndHandler(u'Submit')
-        def handleApply(self, action):
-            data, errors = self.extractData()
-            # do something
-See below for more details about standard form macros.
-Note that to render any of the standard widgets, you will also need to make
-sure the request is marked with ``z3c.form.interfaces.IFormLayer``, as is
-the norm with z3c.form. If you install `plone.app.z3cform`_ in Plone, that
-is already done for you, but in other scenarios, you will need to do this
-in whichever way Zope browser layers are normally applied.
-Layout form wrapper
-In versions of Zope prior to 2.12, z3c.form instances cannot be registered
-as views directly, because they do not support Zope 2 security (via the
-acquisition mechanism). Whilst it may be possible to support this via custom
-mix-ins, the preferred approach is to use a wrapper view, which separates the
-rendering of the form from the page layout.
-There are a few other reasons why you may want to use the wrapper view, even
-in later versions of Zope:
-* To support both an earlier version of Zope and Zope 2.12+
-* To re-use the same form in multiple views or viewlets
-* To use the ``IPageTemplate`` adapter lookup semantics from z3c.form to
-  provide a different default or override template for the overall page
-  layout, while retaining (or indeed customising independently) the default
-  layout of the form.
-When using the wrapper view, you do *not* need to ensure your requests are
-marked with ``IFormLayer``, as it is applied automatically during the
-rendering of the wrapper view.
-The easiest way to create a wrapper view is to call the ``wrap_form()``
-    from zope.interface import Interface
-    from zope import schema
-    from z3c.form import form, button
-    from plone.z3cform import layout
-    class IMyFormSchema(Interface):
-        field1 = schema.TextLine(title=u"A field")
-        field2 = schema.Int(title=u"Another field")
-    class MyForm(form.Form):
-        fields = field.Fields(IMyformSchema)
-        @button.buttonAndHandler(u'Submit')
-        def handleApply(self, action):
-            data, errors = self.extractData()
-            # do something
-    MyFormView = layout.wrap_form(MyForm)
-You can now register the (generated) ``MyFormView`` class as a browser view::
-    <browser:page
-        for="*"
-        name="my-form"
-        class=".forms.MyFormView"
-        permission="zope2.View"
-        />
-If you want to have more control, you can define the wrapper class manually.
-You should derive from the default version to get the correct semantics. The
-following is equivalent to the ``wrap_form()`` call above::
-    class MyFormView(layout.FormWrapper):
-        form = MyForm
-You can of then add additional methods to the class, use a custom page
-template, and so on.
-The default ``FormWrapper`` class exposes a few methods and properties:
-* ``update()`` is called to prepare the request and then update the wrapped
-  form.
-* ``render()`` is called to render the wrapper view. If a template has
-  been set (normally via the ``template`` attribute of the
-  ``<browser:page />`` directive), it will be rendered here. Otherwise,
-  a default page template is found by adapting the view (``self``) and 
-  the request to ``zope.pagetemplate.interfaces.IPageTemplate``, in the
-  same way that ``z3c.form`` does for its views. A default template is
-  supplied with this package (and customised in `plone.app.z3cform`_ to
-  achieve a standard Plone look and feel).
-* ``form`` is a class variable referring to the form class, as set above.
-* ``form_instance`` is an instance variable set to the current form instance
-  once the view has been initialised.
-When a form is rendered in a wrapper view, the form instance is temporarily
-marked with ``plone.z3cform.interfaces.IWrappedForm`` (unless the form is
-a subform), to allow custom adapter registrations. Specifically, this is used
-to ensure that a form rendered "standalone" gets a full-page template applied,
-while a form rendered in a wrapper is rendered using a template that renders
-the form elements only.
-Default templates and macros
-Several standard templates are provided with this package. These are all
-registered as adapters from ``(view, request)`` to ``IPageTemplate``, as is
-the convention in z3c.form. It therefore follows that these defaults can be
-customised with an adapter override, e.g. for a specific browser layer. This
-is useful if you want to override the standard rendering of all forms. If you
-just want to provide a custom template for a particular form or wrapper view,
-you can specify a template directly on the form or view, as shown above.
-* ``templates/layout.pt`` is the default template for the layout wrapper view.
-  It uses the CMFDefault ``main_template`` and fills the ``header`` slot.
-* ``templates/wrappedform.pt`` is the default template for wrapped forms.
-  It renders the ``titlelessform`` macro from the ``@@ploneform-macros`` view.
-* ``templates/subform.pt`` is the default template for sub-forms.
-  It uses the macros in ``@@ploneform-macros`` view to render a heading,
-  top/bottom content (verbatim) and the fields and actions of the subform (but
-  does not) render the ``<form />`` tag itself.
-* ``templates/form.pt`` is the default template for a standalone form. It uses
-  the macro ``context/@@standard_macros/page`` (supplied by Five and normally
-  delegating to CMF's ``main_template``) to render a form where the form label
-  is the page heading.
-As hinted, this package also registers a view ``@@ploneform-macros``, which
-contains a set of macros that be used to construct forms with a standard
-layout, error message display, and so on. It contains the following macros:
-* ``form`` is a full page form, including the label (output as an ``<h3 />``),
-  description, and all the elements of ``titlelessform``.  It defines two
-  slots: ``title`` contains the label, and ``description`` contains the
-  description.
-* ``titlelessform`` includes the form ``status`` at the top, the ``<form />``
-  element, and the contents of the ``fields`` and ``actions`` macros. It also
-  defines four slots: ``formtop`` is just inside the opening ``<form>`` tag;
-  ``formbottom``` is just inside the closing ``</form>`` tag;
-  ``fields`` contains the ``fields`` macro; and ``actions`` contains the
-  ``actions`` macro.
-* ``fields`` iterates over all widgets in the form and renders each, using the
-  contents of the ``field`` macro.  It also defines one slot, ``field`` which
-  contains the ``field`` macro.
-* ``field`` renders a single field. It expects the variable ``widget`` to be
-  defined in the TAL scope, referring to a z3c.form widget instance. It will
-  output an error message if there is a field validation error, a label,
-  a marker to say whether the field is required, the field description, and 
-  the widget itself (normally just an ``<input />`` element).
-* ``actions`` renders all actions (buttons) on the form. This normally results
-  in a row of ``<input type="submit" ... />`` elements.
-Thus, to use the ``titlelessform`` macro, you could add something like the
-following in a custom form template::
-    <metal:use use-macro="context/@@ploneform-macros/titlelessform" />
-Note that all of the templates mentioned above are customised by
-`plone.app.z3cform`_ to use standard Plone markup (but still retain the same
-macros), so if you are using that package to configure this one, you should
-look for the Plone-specific versions there.
-Template factories
-If you want to provide an ``IPageTemplate`` adapter to customise the default
-page template used for wrapper views, forms or sub-forms, this package
-provides helper classes to create an adapter factory for that purpose. You
-should use these instead of ``z3c.form.form.FormTemplateFactory`` and
-(possibly) ``z3c.form.widget.WidgetTemplateFactory`` to get page templates
-with Zope 2 semantics. These factories are also `Chameleon`_ aware, if you
-have `five.pt`_ installed.
-The most commonly used factory is
-``plone.z3cform.templates.ZopeTwoFormTemplateFactory``, which can be used to
-render a wrapper view or a standalone form.
-To render a wrapped form, you can use
-``plone.z3cform.templates.FormTemplateFactory``, which is closer to the
-default ``z3c.form`` version, but adds Chameleon-awareness.
-To render a widget, the default ``WidgetTemplateFactory`` from z3c.form should
-suffice, but if you need Zope 2 semantics for any reason, you can use
-As an example, here are the default registrations from this package::
-    import z3c.form.interfaces
-    import plone.z3cform.interfaces
-    from plone.z3cform.templates import ZopeTwoFormTemplateFactory
-    from plone.z3cform.templates import FormTemplateFactory
-    path = lambda p: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(plone.z3cform.__file__), 'templates', p)
-    layout_factory = ZopeTwoFormTemplateFactory(path('layout.pt'),
-        form=plone.z3cform.interfaces.IFormWrapper
-    )
-    wrapped_form_factory = FormTemplateFactory(path('wrappedform.pt'),
-            form=plone.z3cform.interfaces.IWrappedForm,
-        )
-    # Default templates for the standalone form use case
-    standalone_form_factory = ZopeTwoFormTemplateFactory(path('form.pt'),
-            form=z3c.form.interfaces.IForm
-        )
-    subform_factory = FormTemplateFactory(path('subform.pt'),
-            form=z3c.form.interfaces.ISubForm
-        )
-These are registered in ZCML like so::
-  <!-- Form templates for wrapped layout use case -->
-  <adapter factory=".templates.layout_factory" />
-  <adapter factory=".templates.wrapped_form_factory" />
-  <!-- Form templates for standalone form use case -->
-  <adapter factory=".templates.standalone_form_factory" />
-  <adapter factory=".templates.subform_factory" />
-The widget traverser
-It is sometimes useful to be able to register a view on a *widget* and be
-able to traverse to that view, for example during a background AJAX request.
-As an example of widget doing this, see `plone.formwidget.autocomplete`_.
-This package provides a ``++widget++`` namespace traversal adapter which can
-be used for this purpose. It is looked up on either the form wrapper view,
-or the form itself (in the case of standalone) forms. Thus, if you have a
-form view called ``@@my-form``, with a field called ``myfield``, you could
-traverse to the widget for that view using::
-    http://example.com/@@my-form/++widget++myfield
-The widget may be on the form itself, or in a group (fieldset). If it exists
-in multiple groups, the first one found will be used.
-The example above will yield widget, but it is probably not publishable.
-You would therefore commonly register a view on the widget itself and use
-that. In this case, ``self.context`` in the view is the widget instance. Such
-a view could be looked up with::
-    http://example.com/@@my-form/++widget++myfield/@@some-view
-A caveat about security
-In Zope 2.12 and later, the security machinery is aware of ``__parent__``
-pointers. Thus, traversal and authorisation on ``@@some-view`` in the example
-above will work just fine for a standard widget. In earlier versions of Zope,
-you will need to mix acquisition into your widget (which rules out using any
-of the standard ``z3c.form`` widgets). For example::
-    from Acquisition import Explicit
-    from z3c.form.widget import Widget
-    class MyWidget(Widget, Explicit):
-        ...
-Unfortunately, in Zope 2.12, this will cause some problems during traversal
-unless you also mix acquisition into the view you registered on the widget
-(``@@some-view`` above). Specifically, you will get an error as the publisher
-tries to wrap the view in the widget.
-To stay compatible with both Zope 2.12+ and earlier versions, you have two
-* Ensure that you mix acquisition into the view on the widget
-* Ensure that the widget inherits from ``Explicit``, but does *not* provide
-  the ``IAcquirer`` interface. This tricks the publisiher into relying on
-  ``__parent__`` pointers in Zope 2.12.
-To do the latter, you can use ``implementsOnly()``, e.g.::
-    from zope.interface import implementsOnly
-    from Acquisition import Explicit
-    from z3c.form.widget import Widget
-    ...
-    class MyWidget(Widget, Explicit):
-        implementsOnly(IMyWidget) # or just IWdget from z3c.form
-        ...
-.. _z3c.form: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.form
-.. _plone.app.z3cform: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.z3cform
-.. _CMF: http://www.zope.org/Products/CMF
-.. _Chameleon: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Chameleon
-.. _five.pt: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/five.pt
-.. _plone.formwidget.autocomplete: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.formwidget.autocomplete

Deleted: plone.z3cform/trunk/bootstrap.py
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/bootstrap.py	2013-03-02 02:10:34 UTC (rev 129989)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/bootstrap.py	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Bootstrap a buildout-based project
-Simply run this script in a directory containing a buildout.cfg.
-The script accepts buildout command-line options, so you can
-use the -c option to specify an alternate configuration file.
-$Id: bootstrap.py 21220 2008-06-20 15:57:16Z jfroche $
-import os, shutil, sys, tempfile, urllib2
-tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-ez = {}
-exec urllib2.urlopen('http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py'
-                     ).read() in ez
-ez['use_setuptools'](to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0)
-import pkg_resources
-cmd = 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()'
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
-    cmd = '"%s"' % cmd # work around spawn lamosity on windows
-ws = pkg_resources.working_set
-assert os.spawnle(
-    os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, sys.executable,
-    '-c', cmd, '-mqNxd', tmpeggs, 'zc.buildout',
-    dict(os.environ,
-         PYTHONPATH=
-         ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')).location
-         ),
-    ) == 0
-import zc.buildout.buildout
-zc.buildout.buildout.main(sys.argv[1:] + ['bootstrap'])

Deleted: plone.z3cform/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/buildout.cfg	2013-03-02 02:10:34 UTC (rev 129989)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/buildout.cfg	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-extends = http://dist.plone.org/release/4-latest/versions.cfg
-parts = test
-develop = .
-versions = versions
-plone.z3cform =
-recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-eggs = plone.z3cform [test]
-defaults = ['-s', 'plone.z3cform']

Deleted: plone.z3cform/trunk/setup.py
--- plone.z3cform/trunk/setup.py	2013-03-02 02:10:34 UTC (rev 129989)
+++ plone.z3cform/trunk/setup.py	2013-03-02 02:10:48 UTC (rev 129990)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-import os
-version = '0.8.1.dev0'
-def description():
-    join = lambda *paths: os.path.join('plone', 'z3cform', *paths)
-    return (open('README.txt').read() + '\n' +
-            open(join('fieldsets', 'README.txt')).read() + '\n' +
-            open(join('crud', 'README.txt')).read() + '\n' +
-            open(os.path.join('docs', 'HISTORY.txt')).read() + '\n')
-      version=version,
-      description="plone.z3cform is a library that allows use of z3c.form "
-      "with Zope 2 and the CMF.",
-      long_description=description(),
-      classifiers=[
-        "Framework :: Plone",
-        "Framework :: Zope2",
-        "Programming Language :: Python",
-        "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
-        ],
-      keywords='zope cmf form widget',
-      author='Daniel Nouri and contributors',
-      author_email='daniel.nouri at gmail.com',
-      url='http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.z3cform',
-      license='ZPL 2.1',
-      packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup']),
-      namespace_packages=['plone'],
-      include_package_data=True,
-      zip_safe=False,
-      install_requires=[
-          'setuptools',
-          'plone.batching',
-          'z3c.form',
-          'zope.i18n>=3.4',
-          'zope.browserpage',
-          'zope.component',
-          'Zope2',
-      ],
-      extras_require={
-        'test': ['lxml',
-                 'plone.testing']
-      }
-      )

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