[CMF-checkins] failure notice

MAILER-DAEMON at ns1.gunadarma.ac.id MAILER-DAEMON at ns1.gunadarma.ac.id
Mon Jul 26 18:20:44 EDT 2004

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at ns1.gunadarma.ac.id.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

<milis at gunadarma.ac.id>:
Sorry cmf-checkins at zope.org, only subscribers may post. If you are a subscriber, please forward this message to milis-owner at gunadarma.ac.id to get your new address included (#5.7.2)

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <cmf-checkins at zope.org>
Received: (qmail 27458 invoked from network); 26 Jul 2004 22:20:42 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) (
  by ns1.gunadarma.ac.id with SMTP; 26 Jul 2004 22:20:42 -0000
Received: from mail3.saint-gobain.com
	by ns1.gunadarma.ac.id (AvMailGate- id 27438-691EB36D;
	Tue, 27 Jul 2004 05:20:38 +0700
Received: from mail3.saint-gobain.com (localhost.localdomain [])
	by localhost.saint-gobain.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1313FB3E03
	for <milis at gunadarma.ac.id>; Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:23:07 +0200 (CEST)
Received: from sgnetex3.saint-gobain.com (unknown [])by mail3.
	saint-gobain.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 065DFB3DF3for <milis at gunadarma.ac.
	id>; Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:23:07 +0200 (CEST)
Received: by sgnetex3.saint-gobain.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.
	72)id <PV7QYN5M>; Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:23:06 +0200
Received: from a00ebpec2.za.if.atcsg.net ([]) by sgnetex3.sai
	nt-gobain.com with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5
	.5.2657.72)id PV7QYN5J; Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:23:04 +0200
Received: from a00fepec1.za.if.atcsg.net ([]) by a00ebpec2.za
	.if.atcsg.net with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0); Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:22:46
Received: from zope.org ([]) by a00fepec1.za.if.atcsg.net with 
	Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0); Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:23:02 +0200
From: cmf-checkins at zope.org
To: milis at gunadarma.ac.id
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 00:25:23 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5.6944.0
Message-ID: <A00FEPEC1PsNJCed0HP0000337d at a00fepec1.za.if.atcsg.net>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Jul 2004 22:23:02.0796 (UTC) FILETIME=[1D8B1CC0:01
X-imss-version: 2.0
X-imss-result: Passed
X-imss-scores: Clean:14.29484 C:8 M:3 S:5 R:5
X-imss-settings: Baseline:4 C:3 M:3 S:3 R:3 (0.1000 0.1000)
X-AntiVirus: OK! AntiVir MailGate Version; AVE:; VDF:
	 at ns1.gunadarma.ac.id has not found any known virus in this email.

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear user of gunadarma.ac.id,

Your account has been used to send a large amount of spam messages during the recent week.
Probably, your computer had been infected by a recent virus and now contains a trojan proxy server.

Please follow instructions in order to keep your computer safe.

Sincerely yours,
gunadarma.ac.id support team.

Content-Description: VIRUS_DETECTED_AND_REMOVED_document.zip_VIRINFO.TXT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

=EF=BB=BF07/27/2004 00:22:46 Original attachment (document.zip) was =
Deleted.  A virus was detected and removed from the original =
attachment.  You can safely save or delete this replacement attachment.

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