[ZF] BoD meeting minutes 2010-08-11

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Mon Aug 16 04:58:36 EDT 2010

The following minutes are published online at:


Jens Vagelpohl
Secretary, Zope Foundation Board of Directors


Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:00 UTC
Location: IRC meeting, irc://irc.freenode.net/#zope-foundation
Directors Present:
- Richter, Stephan
- Seaver, Tres (Chairman)
- Smith, Jan (Vice chairman)
- Theune, Christian
- Vagelpohl, Jens (Secretary)

Guests present:
- none

- Call to Order
- Treasurer's report
  - treasurer turnover process
- Membership committee
  - new members since last meeting
- Repository committee
  - new committers since the last meeting
  - repository policy monitoring and community communication
- Message/communications
  - Zope Summit update
  - calendar packahes for calendar.zope.org
  - support for Windows builds
- Projects
  - website progress
- Tabled items
  - domain name transfer Zope Corporation to Zope Foundation
  - migrating the SVN repository to a ZF-controlled host
- New Business
  - revive the non-profit application process
  - events calendar changes to fix date ordering
  - request for funding for KiwiPyCon
- Arranging the next meeting date
- Adjournment

Call to Order
The chairman calls the meeting to order at 12:05 UTC and
notes that there are no guests present.

Treasurer's report
The treasurer is absent so his report is skipped.

Membership committee
No members have joined since the last meeting.

Repository committee
Christian Theune had no new contributors joining since the
last meeting, but noted he may have forgotten to name
Israel Saeta Perez at the last meeting.

Christian Theune and Charlie Clark are working on improving
the email message text for the repository policy checker.
In the future, it will show contributor names next to
projects so people can search by their contributor login.

Zope Summit preparations are proceeding well. Christian
Theune is currently coordinating participant travel
arrangements, so far 12 people have signed up. They are
listed on a new Wiki page[1] for the event.

Two calendar issues have come up. The vice chairman
reports a technical issue that breaks the correct date
sort order for events on calendar.zope.org. This issue
will be solved in coordination with Andreas Jung, who
is also still responsible for looking at other available
calendar packages and making recommendations if better
implementations are available.

The Windows build support project appears to be finished.
The Windows egg builder is up and running and there is
some documentation. More consumer-oriented documentation
is planned, as well as fine-tuning the builder schedule.
The funding for this project is currently only set up for
a trial period. Since no meeting participant knows when
the period ends the chairman will send email to the
treasurer and to Adam Groszer to confirm the schedule.
A report on the desirability of further funding will be
prepared so the board can decide afterwards.

There is no website update as Andreas Jung is absent.

Tabled business
The domain name transfer and Subversion repository move
items remain tabled. The chairman has done some work
coding up replacement functionality for svn.zope.org,
Christian Theune suggests bringing up the topic at the
Zope Summit as a place where many stakeholders are

New Business
Small steps have been taken on the stalled non-profit
application. The chairman has established contact with the
lawyer who helped chartering the foundation. He has asked
Rob Page for an introduction to the CPA as well.

Tim Knapp has sent a request for funding for KiwiPyCon in
November 2010 to the vice chairman. After some discussion
about wording for a specific funding policy the vice chairman
volunteers to create one. At this point most board members
agree that the ZF does not have the financial resources to
fund any event. The chairman calls for a vote to decline the
KiwiPyCon funding request due to lack of such funds. The
vote passes without Christian Theune's participation, he had
apparently left the keyboard and for this reason the chairman
rules to count his vote as abstention.

Arranging the next meeting date
The vice chairman will set up a Doodle to plan the next meeting date.

The chairman adjourns the meeting at 12:46 UTC.

These minutes were written by the secretary, Jens Vagelpohl,
according to the notes taken during the meeting.

These minutes were posted to the foundation-board at zope.org mailing
list and approved by all participating directors on August 16, 2010.

The chairman bid the secretary keep these minutes on file.

[1] http://wiki.zope.org/ztk/ZopeSummit2010

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