[Grok-dev] WSGI, Repoze and deployment questions

Brandon Craig Rhodes brandon at rhodesmill.org
Wed Nov 21 14:39:11 EST 2007

Well, drat.  There I go replying too quickly.  To actually work, the
previous email's example of an "app.wsgi" section in "buildout.cfg"
(it was a typo when I said "wsgi.app") example also needs a
"buildout.cfg" section that looks like:

recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
files = etc/wsgi.conf
instance = ${buildout:directory}

and an "etc/wsgi.conf.in" file whose contents are:

site-definition ${instance}/parts/app/site.zcml

    path ${instance}/parts/data/Data.fs

    formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
    path STDERR

Brandon Craig Rhodes   brandon at rhodesmill.org   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon

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