[Grok-dev] error when using megrok.menu

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Tue Dec 30 18:10:36 EST 2008

Hi Simon,

simelbaz wrote:

> I am trying to use megrok.menu. After modifying setup.py, 
> and configure.zcml
> <include package="megrok.menu" />
> grok starts with this error:
>  IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/home/simon/.buildout/eggs/megrok.menu-0.1-py2.4.egg/megrok/menu/configure.zcml'
> Indeed, there is no file configure.zcml but meta.zcml.
> Should I rename meta.zcml into configure.zcml ?

Just change the include directive and name the file to include::

  <include package="megrok.menu" file="meta.zcml" />

If you don't name a filename explicitly, ``configure.zcml`` is taken as

Oh, and if you use a ``includeDependencies`` directive in your
``configure.zcml``, chances are that you can skip the whole thing at
all, because ``includeDependencies`` should do it for you automatically.

Hope that helps,


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