[Grok-dev] Grok site: changing "Learn" to "Documentation" in the main navigation

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Wed Jan 2 19:41:09 EST 2008

3 jan 2008 kl. 00.06 skrev Kevin Teague:

> Luciano Ramalho-2 wrote:
>> I like the word Learn as an invitation for action in the iconic menu
>> on the front page, but in the site "Grok Navigator" portlet I believe
>> "Documentation" would be more appropriate, as that is one of the  
>> first
>> words we look for when studying a new system.
> Documentation is likely to be more easily understood I think be people
> looking for ... documentation. Although I do like the symmetry of  
> having
> verbs for the four main site sections. If we changed all of the main
> sections in the navigator to nouns we would have:

The general idea was to have verbs in the shortcuts (big yellow box on  
front page) and nouns in the "tag soup" which in the Plone  
implentation has been substituted by section names.

The design idea: The shortcuts address what the visitor wants to  
accomplish but aren't familiar with the content of the site. The "Grok  
Navigator" is intended for those who now exactly what content they are  
looking for. I can't find the design notes I wrote right now, but it  
is all explained there, I think they were uploaded on the open plans  
website/wiki, but I am not 100% sure.

I think it would be a good idea to read those notes so we don't  
reinvent the wheel on this one. (Maybe some of the original ideas are  
difficut to implement in Plone. I have understood that configuring a  
Plone site isn't a walk in the park.)

> * Evaluate -> About
> * Learn -> Documentation
> * Develop -> Project (?)
> * Participate -> Community

What happened to "Download"?

> I think we have clear organization for what goes into the About/ 
> Evaluate,
> Documentation/Learn and Community/Participate sections. The Develop  
> section
> is a bit fuzzy, we currrently have on the home page:
>  "Develop great applications with Grok. API docs, patterns, forums,  
> mailing
> lists."
> 'API docs and patterns' are in the documentation section, 'forums and
> mailing lists' are in the community section. What we don't have is a  
> Project
> space for Grok where we put things such as Release notes and Upgrade
> instructions. Develop is ambigous in that it can mean either  
> "develop your
> own applications" or "develop Grok itself".

In the original design there was a "Download" shortcut which seems to  
have been omitted. This stuff was intended to be covered there.

> We have the option to use Plone Software Center to structure Grok  
> project
> release content, but I'm not sure how well this will fit with the  
> existing
> Grok release and development process - plus it would mean doing more  
> CSS and
> other integration work, so for at least the short term I'd like to  
> focus
> effort on the Documentation section.

Mvh Sebastian

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