[Grok-dev] Re: Grok Widgets / Fields (Was Re: Re: [grok-br] Grok 1.0 and beyond)

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Sun Jan 6 16:06:13 EST 2008

Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> On Jan 6, 2008 5:19 PM, Martin Aspeli <optilude at gmx.net> wrote:
>> It should be pretty generalisable to non-Plone use cases as well.
> Cool!
>> I'd be happy to re-license that code as ZPL if anyone wants it.
> Please do, Martin!

If someone wants to work on this, please contact me and I'll send them 
the relevant code. It's in a branch of plone.app.form which obviously 
wouldn't be appropraite for Grok anyway, but I'll send a relicensed 
version of the server-side code and instructions for what you'd need to 
do to set up the KSS actions and the pageform template (both of which 
are Plone-specific).


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See http://martinaspeli.net/plone-book

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