[Grok-dev] Re: Grokstar

Graham Stratton gns24 at mythic-beasts.com
Thu Jun 12 19:25:08 EDT 2008

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Graham Stratton wrote:
>> I've spent some time making Grokstar into a more usable blogging  
>> application.
> Very cool! I know Robert Marianski has also made improvements to  
> Grokstar in the zope.org SVN, how synched up are you with that?

Badly. :-(  I'll start looking at merging the work today.

>> It's still missing a lot of features, I've cut some of the original  
>> ideas, and the code contains a lot of cruft, but it is now usable.  
>> An instance is running at http://grahamstratton.org/straightornamental/
>> The code is available at http://trac.assembla.com/grokstar/browser/trunk
>> Are people happy for me to associate the Grokstar name with my work  
>> or should I rename the project?
> I'm very happy to see people hack on Grokstar, and I don't think we  
> have enough of a community to support a fork. What I'd like is to  
> see all hacking on Grokstar happen in one place.
> So we just have to figure out where to do the hacking. My own  
> preference would still be the original place in svn.zope.org as this  
> has the largest amount of Grok hackers who can potentially check in.  
> For some reason you didn't do your work there. Could you explain why?

Probably the main reason was that I started my work by deleting a lot  
of stuff I didn't understand/need such as supporting multiple users. I  
just wanted to do the minimum to get something which did what I  
wanted. Now that six months later I have finally got round to the last  
few changes, I thought I should at least announce it before too much  
conflicting work was done.

> Could we do something to make you want to do your work there?

If everyone's strongly in favour of working there then I can work with  
that. I think I have svn.zope.org commit rights, though I've never  
used them. Is it possible to get an issue tracker and wiki set up for  
the project?



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