[Grok-dev] a nice research project

Sebastian Ware sebastian at urbantalk.se
Sun Feb 8 05:52:13 EST 2009

8 feb 2009 kl. 05.13 skrev Chris McDonough:

> Sebastian Ware wrote:
>> This is seriously the kind of FUD you would expect from Microsoft  
>> (.NET
>> Petshop anyone...). As I clearly pointed out, I am not saying that  
>> the
>> comparison per se is bad. It is your insinuation in the blog post  
>> that
>> is. And this reply is even worse. With great power comes great
>> responsibility, with benchmarks comes even more...
> FTR, I'm *proud* of the stuff we've done in BFG.  We worked *hard*  
> to make it
> perform as well as it does.  I want people to know that we did.
> I'm sorry Grok didn't fare as well; I was surprised too.  I really  
> want people
> to understand that stuff that mentions Zope doesn't need to mean  
> complex and
> slow.  That blog post wasn't meant to tear *anybody* down; I  
> compared the
> frameworks I've actually used.
> - C

Chris! I might have read too much into your post. I kind of jumped the  
second half of the first paragraph and then you lost me on the second  
paragraph. I apologize for spicing my reaction, and I am sure you have  
a great framework, no doubt.

What does worry me however is that one would feel compelled to spend a  
lot of time making a "hello world" app look good in your benchmark  
when that sample code doesn't represent a real world application.

Maybe one could create a better standardised sample app that is more  
representative of the real world and use as a means to compare  
different metrics that could be applicable to real world use (such as  
performance/scalability and debugging).

Mvh Sebastian

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