[Grok-dev] Summary of the Grok meeting (2010-12-02)

Souheil CHELFOUH trollfot at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 06:20:36 EST 2010



  1. Status of the works started during the Forest Sprint 1
  2. Write down an agenda for the next meeting


  1. Status of the different tasks

     A. Christian Klinger started to split the XMLRPC and REST
     components out of the Grok Package. The xmlrpc part is nearly
     finished. For REST, the problem lies in the traversers handling
     the GET/POST/UPDATE. Martijn Faassen suggested to split these
     into another package 'grokcore.traverser'.

     Concerns : some of us objected that having too many grokcore
     packages would be harmful in the long run, especially packages
     that are not really reusable (traversers rely on a publisher hack)

     Decisions : we will carry on with the splits and additionnal
     grokcore packages (keeping in mind the expressed concerns)

     B. J-W, JanJaap and Martijn worked on 'fanstatic', the new
     resource publisher, that allows to serve resource without using
     the zope publisher (WSGI middleware). An alpha version is almost
     ready for a release and the grokproject branch will be updated
     with the latest code, so we can test it.

     Concerns : some of us still use 'static'. We need to test how it
     can work/behave with fanstatic.

     Decisions : we need to give feedbacks in order to progress here.

     C. The Documentation is almost ready to replace the current Grok
     site. We need, however, to focus on updating the API reference
     that is outdated, especially since the last changes. Sylvain
     proposed to have a script extracting the classes docstring in
     order to keep the doc up to date, without too much efforts. That
     means keeping the code's docstrings at a high level of quality
     and readability.

     Concerns : We need more doc writers !!!

     Decisions : we need to dump the rest of the 'presentation' pages
     from the current site to the new documentation and deploy the new
     documentation with a daily build (J-W will do that)

     D. In order to release the new Grok, with the latest work on
     martin and grokcore.component, we need to assert the state of
     the grokcore.view branch about the template registry.

     Concerns : nobody wants to do it.

     Decisions : Someone has to, though, but not alone. Sylvain agreed
     to have a look into it with the help of J-W (and Souheil if he
     can help in anything.)

  2. Agenda for the next meeting (that is going to be every 2 weeks)

     A. Status on the template registry branch of grokcore.view merging

     B. Feedback on fanstatic (if not before on ML)

     C. Feedback on the splitting of .rest .xmlrpc .traversers

     D. write documentation

Stay tuned, I'll doodle a date for the next meeting.

- Souheil

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