[Grok-dev] Generations problem

Christian Klinger cklinger at novareto.de
Tue Sep 13 14:40:53 EST 2011

Hi Svenn,

i think i found the missing bit. It seems you have to explicit register 
subscriber.zcml of zope.generations. So please try to add

<include package="zope.generations" file="subscriber.zcml" />

I think then the stuff will work.


> On Thursday, September 08, 2011 03:32:28 PM Christian Klinger wrote:
>> Hi Svenn,
>> i guess this is because the configure.zcml from zope.generations is not
>> picked up. You can do two things:
>> 1) Put zope.generations in your setup.py  -->  install-requires.
>> 2) add<include pacakge="zope.generations">  in your configure.zcml
> 1) was already there and adding 2) and fixing the typo (see below) did not
> result in having the hodweb app being added at first startup.
> I also added a pdb in zope.generations.generations.SchemaManager.install, but
> it never get called.
> This is working fine in an other project but then with Grok 1.0 and
> zope.app.generations instead of zope.generations.
> Does Grok 1.4 and zope.generations work for everyone else?
> Cheers,
> Svenn.
>> I created a modified version in the "not yet released" documentation of
>> grok [1]
>> Hope this helps
>> Christian
>> [1]
>> https://bitbucket.org/jhsware/grok-doc/src/62ff456c0eec/source/topics/gener
>> ations.rst
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm having problems getting zope.generations to work with Grok 1.4. I'm
>>> following the howto here:
>>> http://grok.zope.org/doc/community/topics/generations.html
>>> I want to have an instance of my app installed in the root folder on
>>> first startup. But the evolve function in hodweb.generation.install is
>>> never called. I don't get any error messages either.
>>> Suggestions appreciated.
>>> [hodweb.app]
>>> import grok
>>> from hodweb import resource
>>> import zope.interface
>>> class Hodweb(grok.Application, grok.Container):
>>>       pass
>>> [hodweb.generations.util]
>>> import grok
>>> from zope.generations.generations import SchemaManager
>>> from zope.generations.interfaces import ISchemaManager
>>> schemaManager = SchemaManager(
>>>       minimum_generation=0,
>>>       generation=0,
>>>       package_name='hodweb.generation'
> Typo. It should say 'hodweb.generations'. Fixing it did not help.
>>> )
>>> grok.global_utility(
>>>       schemaManager,
>>>       provides=ISchemaManager,
>>>       name="hodweb",
>>>       direct=True
>>> )
>>> [hodweb.generations.install]
>>> from hodweb.app import Hodweb
>>> from zope.generations.utility import getRootFolder
>>> def evolve(context):
>>>       root = getRootFolder(context)
>>>       root['app'] = Hodweb()
>>>       print "CREATED App"
>>> Best regards,
>>> Svenn.
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