[ZDP] ANNOUNCE: Documentation Release

Pam Crosby pam@digicool.com
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 17:41:37 -0400

Digital Creations is proud to announce the availability of several
updated Zope Documentation guides.  

*  The much awaited Z Class Tutorial is now the first chapter of the
Zope Developer's Guide.
   More chapters will be forth coming!

*  The Zope Administrator's Guide
http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Guides/ZAG_doc , in draft mode, is
also online.  This guide covers Zope's installation and maintenance

*  The original guides are undergoing a metamorphous as we provide a
more comprehensive Zope documentation effort.  The Zope Content
Manager's Guide, DTML Reference and ZSQL Guide have been modified to
reflect the newest Zope 2 version.  The new DTML syntax is incorporated
into these guides.  Similar reference guides and tutorials will follow.
These guides are located on the main documentation page.


Pamela Crosby

Technical Writer                           mailto:pam@digicool.com
Digital Creations                           http://www.digicool.com