[ZDP] Other ideas for ZBook marketing

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 15:19:59 +1000

kamon.ayeva@bureauveritas.com wrote:
> Dody, you wrote:
> >Can you imagine that we might sometime in the near future, have a Zope
> >book ? :)
> In the same direction of your previous mails on Marketing ZDP and the
> comparison with MS SiteServer, I think we should make concrete the fact
> that ZDP addresses some business requirements:
>    Consistent and good documentation means more entry of Zope in the
>    corporate world, and this means more business for Zopists.
>    ZBook can become a real business project if there is value added content
>    and if printed (I am even interested to work on a French version... But
>    that depends on the impact of Zope on the french developpers
>    community.). Another application may be integrating ZBook to a
>    commercial book as the ones from O'Reilly.

I think about this a lot. About the end product of ZBook. It should
*qualify* for a bound and printed book. With that 
goal in mind, we should strive for a good quality content in ZBook.
*This* would take time and persistence. Off course, with the 
'commercialization' of the book, the number of issues would comes out,
who gets the money etc..Although the 'money' question shouldn't be a
problem because there are many ways to use that *money* for the
community...But that's too early to talk, really.

I have no doubt that Zope would be *big*, and I think people would know
*Python* from Zope, not vice versa. But *that* would depend on
the documentation. It's crucial. Zope is not the only player in this
application server market, and *not* many would bother to take the time
to learn the intricacies of Zope without the help of good documentation.
And it's not good enough for Zope to become a niche player. It *needs*
to be a mainstream application to do any good.

In any sense of a word, we need someone to work on the marketing side. I
definately have to exclude myself because writing and marketing 
takes a lot of time which I don't have (I might try after finishing the
python sub-tree, but *that* seems unlikely). But we have to market this
project better, there is no doubt about it.


> Just some ideas to help market the project...
> Comments are welcome.
> Regards,
> Kamon
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