[ZDP] ZDP Editor for NW [longish]

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:11:03 +0200


Just trying to keep everybody focussed.

Stephan Richter is already some time with us (I think from august?), he
moved his effort to his studies and to ZQR (also a piece of ZDP, not?).
Stephan, I'm surprised you asked again for requirements? You started this
also in august. Isn't that what we have already, sufficient? I think it's
good enough, we only have to finalies it... (And again, the same old
topic... for ending it, we need feeback... I received NONE on this!)

Ute, is here 2 weeks with us. It's difficult to get a grip on ZDP when you
haven't followed all the activities on the list. There's quiet some
information on the zdp.zope.org\ZBookStatus page. But not that well
organised (And now, I shoot myself in the knee, because I made that page).
Which shows us again that we're in desperately need of a person who can
actually make nice pages with the information we give him/her. (savvas, is
spinning his mind on this already... hope he can make something of it) 
Ute is certainly right about the style-issue... There isn't one yet... So,
perhaps Ute can make a decision about the style?

But again, let us start really working on the subject! Soon, I'll publish a
WEEKLY news letter. Let us hope we have some nice stuff to place in it.

Tom. (my-knee-is-hurting-now)

>This is what I'm afraid of. Once a deal is on the horizon, everybody
>starts talking again, unfortunately, not to each to other :( Ones that
>didn't give a damn before, now think that they have been all the long
>supportive of ZBook. Really sad.
>Tom Deprez wrote:
>> Come on guys!
>> First :
>> Not again! We already asked for requirements (see at richters portal site)!
>> and we already sorted them out (see at ZDP)!
>> This just didn't helped us much further, did it? Nobody is interested in
>> creating such a tool!
>> Second :
>> We've already some material on the list : ZCL and further...
>> look at zdp.zope.org\ZBookStatus
>> Go from this information further on... don't start everything again from
>> ZERO. We did already some things, they only have to be placed in a clear
>> way on the web
>> Third :
>> About style of ZBook. Correct, this isn't done yet. We, at this moment, all
>> agreed (I assumed no reaction as agreement!) that the drafts are being
>> written in plain or structured text. Because this allows everybody to write
>> something fast without knowing lots of rules! These drafts are published on
>> our status page and to the zdp-list.
>> Once a draft is almost finished (editor read it, corrections, additions,
>> etc are done), the draft is place on ZBook site (which was our first try to
>> publish ZBook)
>> It is then given to the editor, who then styles the draft to a nice piece
>> of text. THESE STYLE rules are not yet defined... but also not that
>> necessary, because we're still in the draft part of ZBook!!!!
>> 1) Look at the ZCL. Do we need some changes?
>>    I think we first need a book for beginners!!!!!! and beginners+
>>    Then we can extend to other groups
>> 2) Look at the drafts published. Read them and help the writers
>> 3) Write drafts of chapters given in ZCL
>> 4) Make a announcement website of what ZDP is going to offer!
>> Meanwhile
>> 4) If somebody is interested in making some style-rules for editors. Go
>> ahead and propose somethings
>> 5) Look at zdp.zope.org\FolderTom for all the requirements. If somebody
>> wants to change, add, etc, let us know and we'll discuss
>> 6) If somebody wants to make this ZDP-tool, let us know and go a head
>> Who is following this idea? Am I to wrong in this? I think we've talked
>> already too long... and looking again for requirements.... no, ...we've
>> already done this... First look at what we already have and discuss...
>> Tom.
>> ><snip Ute's well thought out ideas>
>> >I agree with Ute. Basically we come back to the main task: We need a
>> >(like the Rational Unified Process RUP--> DC uses a hybrid of it),
where we
>> >define all the requirements first, define roles and audiences, prepare a
>> style
>> >guide and create a list of task (this is very rough). Basically we need
to do
>> >the same thing I attempted to do at the end of the summer with the FAQ
>> >I still have the XML files and the rendering, so we can even reuse it
(I use
>> >this format now for another project and it works well).
>> >
>> >I think what we can do now is to start collecting necessary tasks for each
>> >phase, identifying audiences and collect requirements for the book.
>> >Note: I said collecting, not just sending to the mailing list. If you
want me
>> >to, I can take over this task, but my response time will be slow due to
>> school.
>> >I would just simply reuse my old XML files.
>> >
>> >regards,
>> >stephan
>> >  --
>> >Stephan Richter
>> >iXL - Software Designer and Engineer
>> >CBU - Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry Student
>> >
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