[ZDP] New Site Design

Maik Roeder roeder@berg.net
Fri, 05 May 2000 09:24:51 +0200

Hi !

[Tom Deprez]
> Hi,
> Oops, I also contacted a graphic designer for the ZDP logo...

What do you think about El Zope'o'Mole ;-) (zdp.zope.org)

> > :: A ZDP logo would be nice, and 16x16 icons for subjects, topics, portals
> > :: and portalfolders are needed. Are there any graphic artists among you
> > :: that would like to help ?

[Patrick Phalen]
> > I'm forwarding the following graphic ideas for ZDP on behalf of designer
> > Tom Scheidt, who isn't subscribed to the zdp list. You can reach him at
> > tom@falsemirror.com.

Thanks, I've cc'ed him. Hi Tom ! Maybe the Zope'o'Mole can give you
some inspiration. We could perhaps use it as a mascot of the Zope
Documentation Portal ?

> > Nice ones. Is it possible to change the color of them? eg to the color like
> > ZDP now is. This is better since ZDP had always such colors and then the ZDP
> > site isn't confused with the blue zope site.

Tom (Scheidt), can you also take into consideration all the other small icons, 
because they all should have the same look and feel. The following page has
all of them:


Thanks a lot for your efforts !


Maik Röder