[Zodb-checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/pycon-multidb/src/ZODB/tests/multidb.txt Reindent like other pure-doctest text files.

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sun Mar 20 16:40:14 EST 2005

Log message for revision 29597:
  Reindent like other pure-doctest text files.

  U   ZODB/branches/pycon-multidb/src/ZODB/tests/multidb.txt

Modified: ZODB/branches/pycon-multidb/src/ZODB/tests/multidb.txt
--- ZODB/branches/pycon-multidb/src/ZODB/tests/multidb.txt	2005-03-20 21:38:43 UTC (rev 29596)
+++ ZODB/branches/pycon-multidb/src/ZODB/tests/multidb.txt	2005-03-20 21:40:14 UTC (rev 29597)
@@ -20,91 +20,91 @@
 Creating a multi-database starts with creating a named DB:
->>> from ZODB.tests.test_storage import MinimalMemoryStorage
->>> from ZODB import DB
->>> db = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(), database_name='root')
+    >>> from ZODB.tests.test_storage import MinimalMemoryStorage
+    >>> from ZODB import DB
+    >>> db = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(), database_name='root')
 The database name is accessible afterwards and in a newly created collection:
->>> db.database_name
->>> db.databases        # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-{'root': <ZODB.DB.DB object at ...>}
+    >>> db.database_name
+    'root'
+    >>> db.databases        # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    {'root': <ZODB.DB.DB object at ...>}
 Adding a new database works like this:
->>> db2 = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(),
-...     database_name='notroot',
-...     databases=db.databases)
+    >>> db2 = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(),
+    ...     database_name='notroot',
+    ...     databases=db.databases)
 The new db2 now shares the 'databases' dictionary with db and has two entries:
->>> db2.databases is db.databases
->>> len(db2.databases)
+    >>> db2.databases is db.databases
+    True
+    >>> len(db2.databases)
+    2
 Trying to insert a database with a name that is already in use will not work:
->>> db3 = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(),
-...     database_name='root',
-...     databases=db.databases)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-ValueError: database_name 'root' already in databases
+    >>> db3 = DB(MinimalMemoryStorage(),
+    ...     database_name='root',
+    ...     databases=db.databases)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    ValueError: database_name 'root' already in databases
 Because that failed, db.databases wasn't changed:
->>> len(db.databases)  # still 2
+    >>> len(db.databases)  # still 2
+    2
 You can (still) get a connection to a database this way:
->>> cn = db.open()
->>> cn                  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-<Connection at ...>
+    >>> cn = db.open()
+    >>> cn                  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    <Connection at ...>
 This is the only connection in this collection right now:
->>> cn.connections      # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-{'root': <Connection at ...>}
+    >>> cn.connections      # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    {'root': <Connection at ...>}
 Getting a connection to a different database from an existing connection in the
 same database collection (this enables 'connection binding' within a given
 thread/transaction/context ...):
->>> cn2 = cn.get_connection('notroot')
->>> cn2                  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-<Connection at ...>
+    >>> cn2 = cn.get_connection('notroot')
+    >>> cn2                  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    <Connection at ...>
 Now there are two connections in that collection:
->>> cn2.connections is cn.connections
->>> len(cn2.connections)
+    >>> cn2.connections is cn.connections
+    True
+    >>> len(cn2.connections)
+    2
 So long as this database group remains open, the same Connection objects
 are returned:
->>> cn.get_connection('root') is cn
->>> cn.get_connection('notroot') is cn2
->>> cn2.get_connection('root') is cn
->>> cn2.get_connection('notroot') is cn2
+    >>> cn.get_connection('root') is cn
+    True
+    >>> cn.get_connection('notroot') is cn2
+    True
+    >>> cn2.get_connection('root') is cn
+    True
+    >>> cn2.get_connection('notroot') is cn2
+    True
 Of course trying to get a connection for a database not in the group raises
 an exception:
->>> cn.get_connection('no way')
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-KeyError: 'no way'
+    >>> cn.get_connection('no way')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+    KeyError: 'no way'
 Clean up:
->>> for a_db in db.databases.values():
-...     a_db.close()
+    >>> for a_db in db.databases.values():
+    ...     a_db.close()

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