[ZODB-Dev] ZEO features

Elliot Lee sopwith@redhat.com
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 14:52:26 -0400 (EDT)

I would like some comments on the best ways of extending/reimplenting ZEO
to support, among other things, remote method calls as well as attribute
access on the remote objects... (Pardon this rambling that includes too
many "other things" to count. :)

Since ZEO already takes care of object management on the client side, the
only apparent problem would be relaying the method calls, and I already
have a fairly good idea of how to handle that transparently.

On the server side, it appears as if
StorageServer.ZEOConnection.message_input would just need to learn about
StorageServer.StorageServer.invoke(), which in my app-server subclass
would call the actual local method in another thread and then send the
results back.

1. I'm worried that there may be problems caused by the dual remote &
local access - will an ongoing transaction by a remote client carry over
into the local method call, without interfering with other transactions by
other clients, and will my local methods also have the ability to start an
independant transaction?

2. I use threading a fair bit. I haven't been able to figure out whether
ZODB & ZEO can handle multiple threads for a single connection/storage -
possible or not?

3. How would I choke off clients from doing attribute modification (to
enforce a policy of calling accessor methods)?

Please let me know where I can clarify this mumbling. :)
-- Elliot