[ZODB-Dev] StandaloneZCatalog

Christian Robottom Reis kiko@async.com.br
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 00:39:59 -0300 (BRT)

On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, T E Whalen wrote:

> If anyone is interested in using (or just examining) what I've come up
> with (I know that Christian Robottom Reis was working on something
> similar at one time), please take a look at
> <http://fortpedro.com/projects/StandaloneZCatalog/>.

I was, you're quite right. I ended up providing a shamble of code that
does flat sequential searching for attributes with no indexing at all and
a very dubious interface. It's worked for me, but I'll have a look at your
code this week and see if the interfaces are nice. Congrats for the work.

Take care,
/\/\ Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil
~\/~ http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 274 4311