[ZODB-Dev] BerkleyStorage

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 11:06:46 -0400

>>>>> "CW" == Chris Withers <chrisw@nipltd.com> writes:

    CW> Hmmm, sounds like BerkleyStorage is the way forward :-)

Perhaps! :)

    CW> Are packing and non-packing versions available?

Yes.  There are actually two non-packing versions available, one that
does reference counting and one that doesn't (but might have other
benefits).  At some point, I plan on merging those two non-packing

    CW> Is anyone using it in production yet?

We (ZopeCorp) are testing it with real data for a couple of new sites,
and we start by migrating an entire FileStorage over to a (Berkeley)
Full storage by using the (mostly undocumented) interator interface.

We've discovered a fixed a few bugs since the last official 1.0b3
release, so I should probably generate a 1.0b4 (I'll do that today).
Once we're comfortable with its stability, we'll do a 1.0 final
release.  Please see


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