[ZODB-Dev] Synchronizing connections

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 18:29:02 -0500

Currently we run a single Quixote process that connects to a ZEO.
We'd like to run multiple processes, but then we run into a problem.
At the start of a request being serviced, each process needs to
synchronize its connection in order to see the current state of the
database; the only way to do this currently is to commit a trivial
transaction.  The problem is that all the processes are then modifying
the same trivial object, so ConflictErrors occur fairly often.  

We can catch the ConflictError and retry, of course, but it would be
nice to add a public API method to perform the synchronization without
a commit.  I'm willing to work on that and submit a patch, if someone
will suggest where to begin; any pointers?
