[ZODB-Dev] How do I do a DB without transactions?

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Fri, 18 May 2001 14:02:54 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "OP" == oivvio polite <ol1@v10a.com> writes:

  OP> I'm setting up a service where speed is more important than the
  OP> possibility to roll back transactions.

  OP> Is there any way to make a DB transactionless?

Not really.  Transactions are pretty fundamental to ZODB.  The
separate components for persistence and transaction management might
be separated a bit more modularly in a future version of ZODB.

Transactions provide more than just the ability roll back
transactions.  Rollback can actually mean one of two things: One is to
abort a transaction and prevent its work from being saved; the other
is to undo a transaction.  I presume you meant the former.  It's
necessary to rollback transactions to provide consistency.  Even if an
application never calls abort, a transaction can fail because a change
it makes conflict with another transaction.

Is there a reason you think it would be faster to remove transactions?
If you just want persistence, I presume you could use cPickle, but it
wouldn't be very transparent.
