[ZODB-Dev] [patch] 2 tiny patches for zeo clients and 1 for z eo storage server

sean.upton@uniontrib.com sean.upton@uniontrib.com
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 10:46:19 -0700

I think #1 is useful to me, as I am likely to set up ZEO clients to act as
production workhorses for automated tasks that caching might (though I'm not
sure) interfere with.  And in the future, we plan on segmenting these
storages out from our main storage.  Seems like a good idea to include it...


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Wayne Norton [mailto:norton@alum.mit.edu]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:09 AM
To: zodb-dev@zope.org
Subject: [ZODB-Dev] [patch] 2 tiny patches for zeo clients and 1 for zeo
storage server

Hello.  I made a couple of patches and felt they might be of interest
to others and or inclusion in to the main branch.

1) I realized that I one cannot disable the persistent cache option for
zeo clients that are being used for mounted storage (using external
mount or something similar) . The ZEO_CLIENT environment variable will
typically be set for the main zope and thus the mounted storage cannot
turn on or turn off the persistent cache if it wishes.

So, I made a small change to allow None to be passed to indicate no
persistent cache.

2) I also like the min and max poll feature but it causes excessive
logging to be performed so I added a variable min_disconnect_log to
minimize the logging overhead.

3) The accept failure stderr message doesn't include the reason for
the failure.

Index: ZEO/ClientStorage.py
RCS file: /cvs-repository/ZEO/ZEO/ClientStorage.py,v
retrieving revision
diff -r1.33.2.1 ClientStorage.py
<                  min_disconnect_poll=5, max_disconnect_poll=300,
>                  min_disconnect_poll=5, max_disconnect_poll=300,
<         client=client or os.environ.get('ZEO_CLIENT','')
>         if client is not None:
>             client=client or os.environ.get('ZEO_CLIENT','')
<                                  tmax=max_disconnect_poll)
>                                  tmax=max_disconnect_poll,
>                                  tmin_log=min_disconnect_log)
Index: ZEO/StorageServer.py
RCS file: /cvs-repository/ZEO/ZEO/StorageServer.py,v
retrieving revision
diff -r1.28.2.5 StorageServer.py
<         except socket.error:
<             sys.stderr.write('warning: accept failed\n')
>         except socket.error, why:
>             sys.stderr.write('warning: accept failed - %s\n' % why)
Index: ZEO/zrpc.py
RCS file: /cvs-repository/ZEO/ZEO/zrpc.py,v
retrieving revision
diff -r1.18.2.4 zrpc.py
<     def __init__(self, connection, outOfBand=None, tmin=5, tmax=300,
>     def __init__(self, connection, outOfBand=None, tmin=5, tmax=300,
tmin_log=300, debug=0):
<         self._tmin, self._tmax = tmin, tmax
>         self._tmin, self._tmax, = tmin, tmax
>         self._tmin_log, self._last_tmin_log = tmin_log, 0
<             if log_type: LOG(log_type, INFO,
<                              'Trying to connect to server: %s' %
>             if log_type:
>                 now = time.time()
>                 if (now - self._last_tmin_log) > self._tmin_log:
>                     self._last_tmin_log = now
>                     LOG(log_type, INFO,
>                         'Trying to connect to server: %s' % `connection`)

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