[ZODB-Dev] Weird Error Message

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:58:23 +0100

Jim Fulton wrote:

> Steve Alexander wrote:


>>In the past, I've been quite glad of the existence of the index. I've
>>restored almost all of the data from a seriously corrupted FileStorage
>>Data.fs  where the index couldn't be recreated by using the index file
>>instead. The corruption was caused in the first place by a power failure.
> Hm. This is a *really* good point.  I bet a much better recovery 
> tool could be written to exploit this.  
> Anyone wanna take a crack at it? :)

For starters, how about a FileStorage option to save old index files, 
rather than erasing them. They're not all that big, so there isn't much 

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited