[ZODB-Dev] ZEO, FileStorage, and Undo

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 11:31:35 -0400

  >> brinegar@purdue.edu wrote: Hello,
  >> We have a large FileStorage database ~5 gigs. When any of our
  >> users click would the "Undo" tab in a management screen the
  >> request would eventually time out and our ZopeWatch script would
  >> restart the server.
  >> Well this didn't happen every time, it only happens if 20
  >> transactions haven't occurred, or haven't occurred recently. In
  >> either of these cases the entire ZODB is searched for
  >> transactions.

Yes.  That's unfortunately true.

  >> So I wrote a patch for undoLog in FileStorage to batch by days
  >> instead of
  >> # of transactions. This lets us show batches of 2 days at a time
  >> # instead
  >> of 20 transactions. Thus we never have to search more than 2 days
  >> worth of the database. I also MonkeyPatched the manage_UndoForm
  >> in App.UndoSupport.
  >> While doing this I noticed that at the beginning of undoLog
  >> FileStorage acquires a lock (_lock_acquire). Is this necessary if
  >> it's only doing reads?

Yes.  Every FileStorage method that reads the database needs to hold
the lock to protect the file position.  The read-only methods call
seek() and read() on the file object.  If two read-only methods
executed at the same time, there's no guarantee they would read the
data they wanted to read.

  >> We have a ZEO with 3 Zeo Clients and 1 Zeo Server when someone
  >> hits Undo the Zeo Server locks and all 3 clients sit waiting. It
  >> appears from experience as a user that_lock_acquire locks reads
  >> and writes.

Yes.  It's really a shame that this behavior locks up the ZEO server
and prevents anyone else from making progress.  I've discussed this a
few times as a worry, but I've never heard complaints about it in real
life.  Well-- make that I had never heard until now.

  >> We have a system with potential for thousands of content
  >> maintainers. It is undesirable to have our entire site die for 20
  >> seconds everytime one of them clicks "Undo". We could disable
  >> Undos, however the transactional database was one of the reasons
  >> we choose Zope.
  >> Any suggestions? Is there a way to lock only for writes? So that
  >> pages can still be served?

I think we could change the search process so that acquire and
released the lock for each transaction.  That might make the undo a
lot slower, but it would also allow other threads to make progress
while undoLog() is running.  To implement this, we'd need to modify
FileStorage to change its lock behavior and ZEO to run undoLog() in a
separate thread.  These both sound easy.  If I sent you a patch, would
you want to give it a try?
